Negative stereotyping about the South arises from many factors, the root of which is the relatively recent unification of Italy. The movie satirizes both left and right wing candidates. Italian, English. The movie was absolutely hilarious, I didnt expect to enjoy it as much as I did. After the movie was screened we were able to talk to the writer, Fabio Bonifacci. NORD vs SUD: DIFFERENZE CULTURALI (stereotipi) Dove SI VIVE Davvero meglio: Nord o Sud italia? There are many stereotypes about both Southern and Northern Italians the two regions are often seen as polar opposites of each other. By clicking the button and adding OpenSub search Chrome Extension, I accept and agree to abide by the. This idea can be harmful because the North may blame the poverty rate of the South on their work ethic, rather than the real lack of opportunity and generational wealth that exists there. The fact that no one remembered there key thinking that surely someone else would bring theirs. Subscribe to our newsletter for email updates and exclusive stories. The people of the hilltop town of Castellabate are admittedly incomprehensible. Directed by Luca Miniero. Welcome to the South subtitles English. 3. Background: If we go over our parents house for dinner, or if we go out to eat I tend to eat unhealthy and feel ok about it. Southerners agreed that Northerners possess most of these qualities, but were more likely to say that Northerners are materialistic and swapped out progressive for conformist. Southerners then described themselves as tradition-loving, loyal to family, passionate, creative, and funny. Since the babysitter was going to be late. It is important to identify these stereotypes to begin eradicating them. Competent in the NORTH, passionate in the south: Stereotypes and prejudices between Northern and Southern Italy. The north-south divide is great fun with Bisio and Siani. Alberto welcomes him very coldly because he is in big trouble. Benvenuti al Sud (English: Welcome to the South) is an Italian comedy film directed by Luca Miniero, remake of the French film Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis of two years earlier. it is a film (that is) funny, sentimental and dramatic, in the begginning of the film, alberto is a man from the north with a simple life. The Northern Italians misunderstanding of the Southern Italian turns into a harmful stereotype that can hinder his job opportunities. Cologno Monzese (Milano) : Medusa Film, 2010. Benvenuti al Sud Luca Miniero directs a hilarious comedy highlighting the stereotypes and clichs that the North and South of Italy have of each other, starring Bisio, Siani, Finocchiaro and Lodovini. (mafia, garbage in the streets, stifling heat) After loading the car with: Fire extinguishers, sunscreen with a high protection, body armor, mousetraps, and hiding his wedding ring, Alberto departs for Castellabate. Report this film, i watched this in a bar in an abruzzese town of ~100 in the appenines with a bunch of italians and i would not have enjoyed it as much in any other environment, Edit: Holy shit this is the longest Letterboxd review Ive ever done and I am unsure if I should be proud or ashamed of the time I used. Steeped in Italian cinemas rich history of neo-realism and romanticism it seems that amore' is the parallel undercurrent to the film. PLEASE READ THE Terms and Conditions ("TERMS") CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS Extension. Its been 12 years and I still dont get what the cheese cult was about, this was actually lit apart from when he pretends to be disabled. The first dinner was the most classic Italian dinner, it was a three course meal that contained a salad with balsamic vinaigrette, lasagna and tiramisu., We also ran around for two hours Saturday night making sure we did our list minute errands and making sure we had everything we needed for the dinner. This is a remake of Dany Boon' French film "Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis.". While blatant prejudice is no longer accepted, many Northerners still hold more subtly negative ideas about the South. Even pretending to be disabled to climb in the ranking. Two Italys: Stereotyping North versus South. Un servidor pblico francs de Provenza es desterrado al extremo norte. In Italian, with optional English subtitles or Italian substitles for the hearing impaired. If the Italian government makes creating understanding through art between the North and South a priority, they may find that parties like the Lega lose their appeal and voters are more willing to work on the country as a whole. While from the outside many view the culture of Italy as monolithic, the North and South of Italy are actually very different places in terms of geography, culture, economy, tradition, food, and more. Cristbal Coln #401, El Encino C.P.20240 Aguascalientes, Ags. Create a free website or blog at If the Italian government was to include movies and books like Benvenuti al Sud in every public school curriculum, they would begin to make a dent in prejudices against the North and South alike. ", Box office success of the film Benvenuti al Sud suggests Italians can overcome Northern League-style separatist prejudice, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, A scene from Benvenuti al Sud (Welcome to the South). Benvenuti al Sud did a very comical job in illustrating a lot of these stereotypes. The movie tells the story of Alberto Colombo (Claudio Bisio), Italian postmaster in Brianza, who pretends to be disabled for a transfer to Milan. At the beginning of the film he is trying to get transferred to Milan, even pretending that he is in a wheelchair to gain the sympathies of his superiors. La prima quando arriva e la seconda quando se ne va which means that every foreigner visiting the south will cry twice, once at the arrival and the second at departure. My father filled out a birth certificate in both English and Italian one night in 1999 - and as far as we know Joseph Elijah Lollo and Giuseppe Elio Lollo may or may not be two entirely different people, as I have only gone to Italy twice using my American passport. These differences may come from the divergence in Italys economic infrastructure following World War II. Benvenuti al sud is a comedy from 2010 about a postal worker in northern Italy who has been transferred south to a town called Castabelle. I attribute this to poor writing and even poorer direction. This movie is so real in most of the parts and the stories of men who embrace the differences of the new region that they are sent is a learning . In reality, the Southern Italian is following longtime cultural traditions and may makes up for extra days off by extra hours in the office. un film di Luca Miniero. (2016, July 12). While both regions experience stereotyping from the other, the South is attributed more negative stereotypes. The second movie I saw was through NYUs organization La Pietra Dialogues, which organizes a series of lectures, conferences and entertainment throughout the year that relate to specific Italian issues and events. In one blog post, a writer claims many Northerners think Southerners are lazy and sometimes criminal, blame them for all of Italys economic problems, are amazed at a smart Southerner, think Southerners are superstitious, sexist, religious fanatics, talk too much, and are overly attached to their families. Usually, they need 3 hours lunchtime. Yet a new Italian comedy, Benvenuti al Sud (Welcome to the South), has achieved box office success by getting Italians to laugh at one of their most deeply held convictions: that an unbridgeable divide separates the rich north of their country from the poor south. The South struggles much more with poverty than the North: while the North has a poverty rate of 4.4%, the South has a poverty rate of 20.6%. The first film was entitled Benvenuti al Sud(translation: Welcome to the South), a comedy from 2010 about a postal worker in northern Italy who has been transferred south to a town outside of Naples. The prospect of a gay mayor let alone politician is not nearly as scandalous. Released on 1 October, Benvenuti al Sud grossed 3.8 million (3.3m) in its first weekend, pushing the US sci-fi blockbuster Inception into second place at the box office. Regia di Luca MinieroAnno: 2010Cast: Alessandro Siani, Claudio Bisio, Angela FinocchiaroDistribuito da MedusaPaese: Italia Your email address will not be published. However, he conveys the opposite impression to Silvia, who seems biased towards the south, and seeing an opportunity to strengthen their relationship, lies to her about conditions in the south, telling her that it is dangerous, unsanitary, and unpleasant. The family adventure of 07 turned out to be so much more than what any of us had bargained for., It seemed like we were in the car for hours but we were in Amarillo which meant that it had only past like about forty minutes. While the cultural practices of the North and South are not inherently better or worse than each other, stereotypes can be born from these differences. I loved the theme of the prejudices between north and south of Italy and the stereotypes about terroni considered as mamas boys, thieves, Camorra, obese and ugly, but above all coffee lovers, good Mediterranean food and warm welcome. Letterboxd is an independent service created by a small team, and we rely mostly on the support of our members to maintain our site and apps. Napoli, 27 settembre 2021. [1][2] It also obtained a great commercial success, gaining more than 27 million euros during its Italian theatrical release;[3] it had the third best opening in Italian market history.[4]. In this video, which discusses the differences in tradition between the North and South, we learn some of the cultural differences that may produce the seeds of stereotypes. Negative outcomes: Same as above, I tend to feel crappy and its hard to go back to eating healthy once you just had a big class of sugar and a big plate of cheese fries., During dinner, my mom began to explain how she and my dad were to be gone for the night on a business trip and that the babysitter would be late. In a 2018 study by the University of Bologna, researchers investigated the qualities that Northerners and Southerners think themselves and each other have. Trascrizione Some of the most successful attempts to bridge the gap between the North and South include books, movies, and other forms of media that address both the Northern and Southern perspectives. Even political parties, such as the Lega, weaponize these stereotypes to gain the support of a dissatisfied middle and upper class. Gorgonzola or buffalo mozzarella? The movie presents the postmans prejudices in a comedic light, as it quickly becomes apparent that while the South is different from the North, it actually has quite a beautiful culture. He moves there alone, scared and full of the typical prejudice about the south. After installing your will benefit from our VIP features. One example of the deep harm that stereotyping can cause Southern Italians is the political party Lega Nord per LInpendenzia della Padania, recently rebranded as the Lega. The Lega is a far-right Italian political party that is growing in popularity, and a large part of its original platform depended on stereotyping the South. Benvenuti al Sud Year 2010 Running time 102 min. Awarded a David di Donatello and a Silver Ribbon. On the contrary. In the South, neighbors become like members of the family, and may also get a bit nosy about each other. The north-south divide is great fun with Bisio and Siani. Every locksmith in town was closed so we ended up sleeping in the Escalade. If a Northerner associates the South with traditional stereotypes, they were found to often associate them with more negative stereotypes as well. Despite his initial trepidation, he eventually befriends postman Mattia Volpe, Maria Flagello, and constables "Grande" (meaning "Large") and "Piccolo" (Meaning "Small"), and ends up appreciating the beauty and the lifestyle of the town, realising that all of the negative perceptions of the south that he held were mere prejudices. My etymology, we had to watch this for italian and it kinda fucks. There continues to be less job opportunities in the South, as well as lower levels of education. Mobilesite. Silvia eventually decides to visit, and Alberto is forced to admit to his friends that he lied to his wife about the south, and spoke ill of them behind their backs. Most of Italys job opportunities were situated in the North, sending the South into poverty. "Benvenuti al sud" un film che parla delle differenze tra il nord e il sud Italia. As one of the characters in Benvenuti al Sud remarks, in the film's most memorable line (also lifted from the French original): "When an outsider comes to the south, he cries twice when he arrives and when he leaves. "Benvenuti al sud" is a film that talks about the differences between northern and southern Italy. Please consider upgrading to a Pro accountfor less than a couple bucks a month, youll get cool additional features like all-time and annual stats pages (example), the ability to select (and filter by) your favorite streaming services, and no ads! What he finds is something at odds with his prejudices. A sentimental, 'feelgood' farce with heaps of potential which is seldom realised. Film data from TMDb. The North-South Divide: Regional Economic Inequality in Contemporary Italy. The survey also noted that Northerners tend to hold more subtle prejudice towards Southerners. The staff at St. Marys tower did not have this dinner to get recognition from their boss or company, or to earn a raise; they were servants because of their compassion for the people they provided service to. Benvenuti al Nord (eng: "Welcome to the North") is a 2012 Italian comedy film directed by Luca Miniero. 2010 'Benvenuti al sud' Directed by Luca Miniero Synopsis Alberto (Claudio Bisio), post office manager of a small town in Brianza, under pressure of his wife Sylvia (Angela Finocchiaro), is willing to do anything to get the transfer to Milan. At the beginning of the film he is trying to get transferred to Milan, even pretending that he is in a wheelchair to gain the sympathies of his superiors. What do you think about Welcome to the South? Con fuertes prejuicios contra este lugar fro e inhspito, deja a su familia para reubicarse all temporalmente, con la firme intencin de regresar rpidamente. Because of this they tend to make fun of themselves often and never take themselves too seriously. Find the perfect Film benvenuti al sud stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. Bridging the Gap Between the North and South. This movie grossed about 30 million euros at the box office, making it the 11th most successful movie ever to be shown in Italy. That would seem to be true. Influences: When my husband brings home fast food, or soda it is very hard to resist. Even pretending to be disabled to climb in the ranking. The Northern vacations primary purpose is to recharge from busy lives and to explore, rather than connecting with branches of the family.