Some medications affect your eligibility as a blood donor, for the following reasons: Experimental Medication or Unlicensed (Experimental) Vaccine is usually associated with a research study, and the effect on the safety of transfused blood is unknown. Acceptable as long as your blood pressure is below 180 systolic (first number) and below 100 diastolic (second number) at the time of donation. FAMCICLO; VAL; ACYCLOVIR/VARICELLA; ZOSTER LIVE VACCINE. Considervolunteeringorhosting a blood drivethrough the Red Cross. Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB) provides a location service for blood centers across the U.S. Find a donation center near you and make an appointment to save lives today. Smoking before your . Plus Other Guidelines for Donation, The Best Foods to Eat Before Donating Blood, Why Its Safe to Receive Blood from Donors Whove Been Vaccinated for COVID-19, any lesions or infected cold sores are dry and healed or close to healed, you wait at least 48 hours after finishing a round of antiviral treatments. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 5 Feb 2023), Cerner Multum (updated 22 Feb 2023), ASHP (updated 12 Feb 2023) and others. If you have any questions or concerns about your eligibility to donate blood, contact your donation center. If your result does not meet the minimum/maximum requirement at the time of your attempted donation you will not be permitted to donate. If there is no exposure to monkeypox and you received this vaccine, there is no deferral. IF you plan to donate in any other state, call 1-800-RED CROSS for more information. Students who donate at high school drives and donors 18 years of age or younger must also meet additional height and weight requirements for whole blood donation (applies to girls shorter than 5'5" and boys shorter than 5'). 2022. If you have traveled or lived in a malaria-risk country, a waiting period is required before you can donate blood. Wait for 3 months after receiving a blood transfusion from another person. And, yes, you can donate blood if you are taking medication for high blood pressure. If you are receiving antibiotics for a positive TB skin test or blood test only or if you are being treated for a tuberculosis infection, wait until treatment is successfully completed before donating. During the appointment, donors will complete a brief health questionnaire with a Mayo Clinic health care professional to make sure blood donation is safe for both the donor and the recipient of the blood. These drugs are used to treat or prevent blood clots and prevent strokes. Other types of cancer are acceptable if the cancer has been treated successfully and it has been more than 12 months since treatment was completed and there has been no cancer recurrence in this time. Dont donate until its been at least 48 hours since youve finished taking any antiviral treatment. If you've had a COVID-19 vaccination, discuss your eligibility for donating blood with center staff. 2. This makes it more convenient for people to take. Blood collection agencies have taken several steps to ensure both employees and donors are safe during the donation process. The risk is higher in people with kidney disease and those receiving higher than the recommended dosage of valacyclovir. This content does not have an English version. Acceptable if you were vaccinated witha non-replicating, inactivated, or RNA-based COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca, Janssen/J&J, Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer providing you are symptom-free and fever-free. A federal government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services200 Independence Avenue, S.W. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. Learn how transfusion reactions occur and how to minimize. HPV, or human papillomavirus, is another infectious condition caused by a virus. No. Talk to your doctor or get in touch with a local blood bank, hospital, or nonprofit that has expertise in this area. There are some restrictions on who can donate blood, and you may be wondering can I donate blood if I'm taking medication? Your immune system will quickly replace the antibodies. Individualson oral contraceptives or using other forms of birth control are eligible to donate. Wait 3 months if there is any question whether or not the instruments used were single-use equipment. While giving blood, you might access wireless internet or watch television or a movie to keep your mind occupied. Wait 4 weeks after immunizations for German Measles (Rubella), MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella), Chicken Pox and Zostavax, the live shingles vaccine. Thalomid (thalidomide capsule). Make your tax-deductible gift today, and be a part of cutting-edge research and care that's changing medicine as it's known today. Valacyclovir is better absorbed than acyclovir. People with diabetes can donate blood if they meet certain eligibility requirements. Before donating: A person can find blood donation services by searching online for nearby centers or using an online locator . From diagnosis to treatment, our experts provide the care and support you need, when you need it. Wait 2 weeks if you were vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine but do not know if it was a non-replicating, inactivated, RNA based vaccine or a live attenuated vaccine. Please tell us if you: Valacyclovir works in several different ways to prevent these viruses from replicating. To keep the nations blood supply safe and to protect patients and donors, there are some requirements that donors must meet. Valacyclovir is not a cure for genital herpes or herpes labialis (cold sores). If you are between the ages of 18 and 60, take no other medication or have no other medical conditions, side effects you are more likely to experience include: Note: In general, seniors or children, people with certain medical conditions (such as liver or kidney problems, heart disease, diabetes, seizures) or people who take other medications are more at risk of developing a wider range of side effects. If you have been diagnosed with vCJD, CJD or any other TSE or have a blood relative diagnosed with genetic CJD (e.g., fCJD, GSS, or FFI) you cannot donate. Before donation, a parent or guardian must review and sign the following form to allow an eligible 16-year-old to donate: These required donation forms are available by any one of the following means: To donate blood, you must weigh at least 110 pounds (about 50 kilograms) and be at least 16 or 17 years old, depending on the law in your state. Forgot to report any important health information, Have signs and symptoms of an illness several days after your blood donation, Are diagnosed with COVID-19 within 48 hours after donating blood. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. You can also help peoplefacing emergencies by making a financial donationto support the Red Crosss greatest needs. Your gift enables the Red Cross to ensure an ongoing blood supply, provide humanitarian support to families in need and prepare communities by teaching lifesaving skills. "All employees involved in blood collection are self-monitoring their . Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Giving blood can help save lives. When you donate blood, you only give about 1 pint. There is no risk of contracting COVID-19 from a blood, A transfusion reaction is when your body has an adverse response to a blood transfusion. Many people mistakenly believe that having a tattoo means it is not possible to donate blood. Valacyclovir belongs to the group of medicines known as antivirals. Lower risk in-situ cancers including squamous or basal cell cancers of the skin that have been completely removed and healed do not require a 12-month waiting period. Valacyclovir is an oral tablet that only needs to be taken twice daily, compared to five times daily for acyclovir. If you ever tested positive for hepatitis B or hepatitis C, at any age, you are not eligible to donate, even if you were never sick or jaundiced from the infection. All rights reserved. Some key points: The use of cannabis does not disqualify an individual from blood donation, but potential donors cannot give if their use of cannabis impairs their memory or comprehension. Your gift enables the Red Cross to ensure an ongoing blood supply, provide humanitarian support to families in need and prepare communities by teaching lifesaving skills. Because plasma is part of your blood, the same rules apply if you have herpes, whether you have HSV-1 or HSV-2: Maybe. Acyclovir also passes into breastmilk. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. There is no substitute for human blood all transfusions use blood from a donor. Youve been exposed to hepatitis B or received hepatitis B immune globulin, or, Youve taken experimental medications or vaccines as part of a clinical trial, Growth hormone from human pituitary gland, Insulin from cows (known as bovine insulin) that came from the United Kingdom. Blood donation is a simple act that can save lives. Discard any unused portion after 28 days. Stress, nutrition, illness, hydration, weight, activity, environment and even consumption of certain ingredients (for example, salt or caffeine) can affect the results of the physical exam. Acceptable if you were vaccinated for influenza, pneumonia, tetanus or meningitis, providing you are symptom-free and fever-free. Monkeypox infection or exposure, wait a minimum of 21 days, then contact the Red Cross Donor and Client Support Center at 1-866-236-3276 to discuss your particular situation to determine if you can donate. Acceptable after finishing oral antibiotics for an infection (bacterial or viral). Odomzo (sonidegib) capsules, for oral use. Keep in mind that if youve had herpes in the past, you still carry the virus even if you dont have symptoms. Unable to Give Blood? If you have any other questions or concerns regarding donation, call the NIH Blood Bank at (301) 496-1048. July 2015. But only 3% of age-eligible people donate blood each year. You'll receive a brief physical, which includes checking your temperature, blood pressure and pulse. Lets get into when you can donate with specific conditions or other health concerns, when you cant donate blood, and where to go if youre in the clear to donate. American Red Cross: Answers to common questions about COVID-19 vaccines and blood, platelet or plasma donation eligibility, When can I donate blood after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine? Requirements by Donation Type, Platelet Donation., Mayo Clinic: Convalescent plasma therapy., New York Blood Center: Plasma Donations., Vitalant Blood donation: Frequently Asked Questions COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)., Bloodworks Northwest: Information about Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19)., FDA: Updated Information for Blood Establishments Regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic and Blood Donation.. To donate, you must be symptom-free from cold, flu or fever on the day of donation. We avoid using tertiary references. Allergy, Stuffy Nose, Itchy Eyes, Dry Cough. People may need blood when they have surgery, cancer treatment, or transfusions for blood loss from injuries or accidents. In most cases, you can still donate blood after getting a COVID-19 vaccine if you are symptom-free and feeling well at the time of your donation. Most cases are temporary and go away on their own without any treatment. You may also search eligibility topics by keyword. Eligibility depends on the type of cancer and treatment history. Talk with donor center staff about specific requirements. The site is secure. Your eligibility will be based on the reason that the medication was prescribed. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. But a 2019 study of HPV in rabbits and mice called this into question. However, you must wait 2 full days after taking aspirin or any medication containing aspirin before donating platelets by apheresis. Whether you can donate blood if you have HPV isnt conclusive. Just as with blood donation, you dont have to wait to give platelets or plasma after youve had your COVID-19 vaccine as long as you know the vaccine manufacturer. As long as youre not actively infected or the virus has left your body, you can donate blood. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Bird Flu Deaths Prompt U.S. to Test Vaccine in Poultry, COVID Treatment in Development Appears Promising, Marriage May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check, Getting Outdoors Might Help You Take Fewer Meds, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox. SHINGRIX vaccine is administered in 2 doses (shots). Acceptable if you received an HPV Vaccine (example, Gardasil). You'll be notified if any of these tests are positive. Memorial Sloan Kettering was founded in 1884, and today is a world leader in patient care, research, and educational programs. Best started within 24-48 hours of symptom onset. Wait until theyre dry and healed. There are plenty of other caveats to donating blood, even if a condition or lifestyle choice doesnt seem like it should have any impact on how safe or healthy your blood is. Blood donations are not tested for malaria because there is no sensitive blood test available for malaria. Brilinta vs Plavix: what's the difference? Medically reviewed by Carmen Fookes, BPharm. See: Antibiotics, Hepatitis, HIV, Syphilis/Gonorrhea, and Tuberculosis. If you are taking any medication, even if it is not listed here, please call the MSK Blood Donor Room at 212-639-7648 or email [emailprotected]to determine your eligibility. If you have a history of bleeding problems, you will be asked additional questions. All additional blood donation eligibility criteria will apply. It may help to not watch the needle as it is inserted, and you don't have to see the blood. You are at risk for getting infected if you: Do not give blood if you have any of the following conditions that can be signs or symptoms of HIV/AIDS. Wait 10 days after the last antibiotic injection for an infection. But there are some rules you'll need to follow before you donate your blood after getting the jab. If you have a shingles rash or a cold sore, try and keep it as clean and dry as possible. The Blood Donor Program welcomes regular and repeat healthy donors so that it has a steady blood supply for people in need. Cladel NM, et al. For the purposes of blood donation gender is self-identified and self-reported, which is relevant to the transgender community. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Medications for asthma do not disqualify you from donating. Now that youve decided that youre eligible to donate blood, where do you donate? Antibiotic by injection for an infection acceptable 10 days after last injection. For all donors, the hemoglobin level can be no greater than 20 g/dL. 16 year-old donors, however, must present a signed permission form from their parent or a guardian before the blood donation. Before you donate blood, you must sign an Authorization to Release Protected Health Information. Here are some resources to figure out where the nearest blood donation center is in your area: Donating blood is a crucial service to the medical field, as millions of people need fresh, healthy blood every day but dont always have access to it. If you smoke and you want to donate blood, plan to refrain from smoking on the day of your appointment both before your appointment and for three hours afterward. This results in concentrations in the body that are comparable to those achieved with IV acyclovir. Here are some guidelines for when you cant donate blood: You can still donate blood with certain health concerns. Platelet donors may donate as often as every eight days, and up to 24 times in a 12-month period. (2019). Remember, keep this and all other medicines out of the reach of children, never share your medicines with others, and use valacyclovir only for the indication prescribed. In many cases, the answer is. Reach out online to a hospital or medical facility that has a blood donor services team. Speak to your doctor about how drug interactions should be managed. The short answer is maybe. Valacyclovir is an antiviral prodrug that is rapidly converted into acyclovir inside the body. In Florida you can donate whole blood every 56 days, at minimum. In order to donate whole blood, youll need to: Eligibility requirements may differ if you want to donate only platelets or plasma. These medications are not usually taken together. Highly selective for thymidine kinase encoded by HSV and VZV viruses which converts acyclovir to acyclovir monophosphate, which is then converted to the diphosphate, then to the active triphosphate.