and JavaScript. Not only do you need to try your luck at another journal, you also receive preciously little advice how to improve your chances. Sometimes, the decision for the editor is really easy and quick and sometimes rather difficult and time-consuming. 117. In light of such uncertainty, the threshold for reversing a decision must be set well above the level of 'noise' in the process: otherwise, decisions would simply go back and forth endlessly in a kind of Brownian motion. Depending on the journal, you may even be offered to resubmit the manuscript . :-). Alternatively, they may be considering that you submit to another journal within Nature, where there may be a better match. Editors will not send resubmitted papers to the reviewers if it seems that the authors have not made a serious attempt to address all the referees criticisms. Read Editage Insights in your favorite RSS Reader. Improve the chances of your manuscripts acceptance by learning how to prepare a manuscript for journal submission and handle the peer review process. Because the 'quality' of a manuscript is not a linear variable, editorial decisions invariably have a subjective component. Allegations of referee bias are seldom persuasive unless substantiated by strong evidence; we presume our referees are acting in good faith unless proved otherwise, and having sought their advice, we feel an obligation to take it seriously. 2. Our original resources for authors and journals will help you become an expert in academic publishing. Got lab stories? The process was on par with other journal experiences, but I do not appreciate the inconsistency between what the editor at Nature Medicine told me when transferring to Nature Comms, and the final evaluation at Nature Comms. Editor decision started might sound like the editor is going to bench reject your paper, but thats not necessarily the case. Editage Insights offers a wealth of free academic research and publishing resources and is a one-stop guide for authors and others involved in scholarly publishing. Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? Second reason: methodological approach and results. Editors reject manuscripts at this stage for one or more technical reasons: The manuscript is missing essential elements or sections required by the journal. HANDBOOK: Keep calm and wait: A guide to understanding journal statuses. If the reviewers wish to be named their names will appear in alphabetical order at the end of the paper in a statement as below: Any reviewers that wish to remain anonymous will be acknowledged using a slightly modified statement: If no reviewers agree to be named, we will still acknowledge their valuable service using the statement below: Nature makes decisions about submitted papers as rapidly as possible. Elsevier is currently publishing not only the time to 1st decision and publication but also the CiteScore, Impact Factor, and Acceptance rate of their journals. //--> Short answer: the editor will continue to try and find other suitable reviewers, sending them invitations and waiting for replies. Editage Insights is funded by Editage and endorses services provided by Editage but is editorially independent. Editing and proofreading services for a publication-ready manuscript, Customized service packs to match all publication needs, Expert help for all academic translation needs. I have experience with the manuscript submission process, from submission to peer review, to acceptance/rejection. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. We understand your anxiety :-) However, the. 5 Answers. Individuals often make decisions based on what they believe to be the historical purposes and goals of an institution. Authors submitting to Nature do so on the understanding that they agree to these policies. The journal opened for submissions on April 20, 2016. . According to the process described in IEEE Transactions, Awaiting AE recommendation status means that the AE has collected all reviews from the reviewers who were assigned to review your manuscript and that the AEs decision for acceptance is pending. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) makes the final decision on manuscript, with the associate editor (AE) making the initial decision. The judgement about which papers will interest a broad readership is made by Nature's editors, not its referees. Calm down, and wait a few days before starting your response, then re-read the version of the paper that you actually submitted. [CDATA[// >