could be called neutral with 6 points for health. Only a few other classes reach close to these rankings, each changing as the player count increases. These classes are the strongest of all and can make players win important battles. You could have that card back three times if you threw in twin restoration at level 7. It means that you are going to throw 10 curses into their deck, which means a third of the enemys modifier deck is going to be cursed, and then they will have a disadvantage as they will have to pull two cards every time. This comes from the Tinkerers abilities of recovery and healing combined with its powerful traps and buffs. We are back once again with a Gloomhaven Tier List, which is a fantastic video game inspired by the famous board game of the same name. In the S tier, you will be able to find the most effective and best classes in the game. You will find above-average classes in the B tier. Mindthief & Cragheart, I did this comobo for scenario 1 with my fianc on easy mode. Two-Mini: 5 - this is one of the three or four best classes in the game and is at its best in 2p. We're trying to pace our quests so that we retire at the same time and can start Sun + Circles together.). Triforce: 1 - this class really struggles at 2p. It is kind of a pain to deal with. The Craghearts healing abilities allow them to heal after a melee attack or use it for allies when they face the brunt of his damage. Sure you're both squishy, but the Mindthief has stuns, mobility, and high initiatives, and the Spellweaver has all the AoE that you lack as the Mindthief. The reason why a Cragheart is at rank 4 is that it is more of an average character. For further detail on the rating for each particular character refer to the end of this Gloomhaven tier list guide. Circle + Music note would trash most scenario, despite the Music note usually being "meh" at 2P, through the Music note will have to be very good at controlling the enemies, or the Circle's summons are going to die in drove. A Spellweaver levels up when you You will have to pray your enemies are next to an ally. Limited aoe leads to you wanting to isolate and pick-off enemies rather than simply charge directly into the fray. For a Scoundrel that isnt an option. enemy shes attacking isnt close to an ally. Spoilers are correctly marked so it's safe for newer players. The first class on the S tier is the Berseker. A Mindthief can be introduced as a vermling who can cause single-target damages. Cthulhu: 3 - have never played the second edition version of this class so it's hard for me to give a real rating, first edition would be a 5 because the class was broken. a booster for the Spellweavers performance every turn. Crageheart can hit a lot of monsters but struggles against enemies with a shield, which is a weak point. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. A couple of people asked about this yesterday and I've seen questions about it before so I figured I'd make a guide for it in an easy-to-see place. Our first play ever, we won, but both had like 3 cards left at the end. Playing this character can get really interesting thanks to the components of the theme. Deals a bit less damage than the Scoundrel but is also more flexible as he doesn't need to get in after the Brute, can absorb some hits with his summon, and has a fair amount of cc. This applies to both this turn buffs and lost card perma buffs Damage Taken - When you have two melee in a party it is way harder to just make the enemies do no damage for a round using invisibility.. Our most overpowered duo was Angry Face and 3 Spears with a certain card choice of 3 Spears just dominating for the group. Everyone has a different and unique perception, and we respect everyones opinion. If you aren't familiar, Gloomhaven is an epic, campaign-style, fantasy/adventure dungeon crawler. Summoner is the last B-tier class. Tinkerer becomes more useful in 3- and 4-character parties. teammates. of 8 cards. This calls for you to be cautious with card losses. Scoundrel: Not even once. She has only 6 health points and is hence fragile. you have to be careful while playing or you could risk falling behind your December 23, 2022, 6:10 pm. Lastly, some disadvantages are associated with the Voidwarden: one is its initiative, which is not impressive. The Tinkerer can move around Why me? That being said, I have no experience with it so I can't say anything with certainty, still I'm sure you have better options. There is a guide for Circles + Two Mini by Themris that I have been interested in trying once we get Circles unlocked. able to recover cards is a valid option. However, Aesther Diviner is not super situational. However, if your party size is small, you wont find it effective. Two-Minis: 10 (Great at 4, super great at 3, bullshit at 2), Spellweaver: 8 (in just the right pair, a 9 or even 10, but generally an 8). 4 - Good (This class is quite strong in 2p, if not completely game-warping). Here is a more detailed overview of each class and how to play them. But it does make a pretty good support class if your party needs it. BEST STARTING CLASS For New Players in Gloomhaven - YouTube 0:00 / 16:12 Intro BEST STARTING CLASS For New Players in Gloomhaven Crimson Blades 440 subscribers Subscribe 13K views 2 years. Playing as the Scoundrel can be a bit of challenge, though, especially in smaller . Part of that success can be ascribed to each class's breadth and depth. Still, the Tinkerer can support the Spellweaver with some aoe of his own and a bit of cc, so it's possible to make it work, just far from ideal. As this character, you support your teammates, but since you lack health, youll be hanging out at the back. You wont get exhausted quickly if you are careful with the ability cards. My wife and I have been playing Scoundrel and Spellweaver and felt like we were hammering our heads against a brick wall with how difficult the game is. Spellweaver has fewer cards but with Spellweavers, being They have so much to concentrate on and so many options that you'll never get bored during combat. My wife and I play together and we've unlocked several classes now. The c tier is the third category on our list, which includes classes with two average effectiveness. This game has been a favorite among the members of the gaming community since the time it was released in 2017. His obstacle manipulation also perfectly compliments a combo of aoe-based ranged characters as he can easily set up death zones, or can be used to slow down enemies as you kill them one by one. Also, Craghearts hand of 11 gives it good stamina. Having seen their synergy in play at 4p, I can say I was very impressed by how they mesh together and how much damage they can put out. This also allows the scope of losing cards. As the tank of a party, it can be easy to lose track of the fact that other players can receive more experience simply . However, In the process, players will enhance their abilities with experience and loot, discover new locations to explore and plunder, and expand an ever-branching . With the Cragheart you have another ranged aoe class like the Spellweaver only less damage and more healing, which doesn't work with the Tinkerer who is already heavily into healing. In other words, it is just slightly game-breaking and is an awesome class to play with. The only downside is that you need a really good understanding of elements and magic if you want to use this class effectively. For what it's worth, we are playing the Cragheart-Mindthief duo. We both enjoyed it a reasonable amount in parties of 3 but neither of us really enjoyed it that much in a party of 2. casting spells using the elements. A Brute is not complex, your abilities are pretty simple and understood. Because of all these reasons, the Demolitionist belongs to the bottom-most tier, the D tier. Great response! Brute: A classic Scoundrel combination. To cause a plausible amount of Play your The Tinkerer is low on health with only 8 health points and a weak shield. Plan your moves and you can make most of your abilities. Hopefully, this guide to Gloomhaven starting classes has been helpful. As a support and healing class, the Tinkerer is one of the most interesting classes in Gloomhaven. The Mindthief is a melee damage-dealer like the Brute, only he gives up tankiness to be faster and deal more damage. I'd guess your friend is probably a bit too focused on one aspect of the class that's not at its best in 2p. This tanker will smash enemies even when in a close combat. Mindthief scores low on health. Besides, the Nighshroud has some problems with moving until it reaches level six. If you like ninjas, you will love this character. I got a bit tired of the Tinkerer, thought that I'd save her for 3 or 4 player games and started a Brute. A Mindthief is low on health, so while playing as a Mindthief you will have to get in quick fights and then scoot off as fast as possible. cards hence she gets exhausted at a normal pace. Your life will feel much easier). Thanks for this list! Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. When playing Gloomhaven, you get your pick of fourteen starting items you can buy from the merchant at the beginning. The Cragheart makes a great character to play, it has a card hand of 11 and can calm a collateral damage scenario. A very good combination, although it does have its weaknesses that do need to be played around. She has healing abilities and can deal out a fair amount of damage. The ranking has been done based on a classs ability to give and take damage, healing, and shielding. Cragheart has average stamina with a hand limit of 11 cards. Spellweaver: One of the two best starting two-character combos (alongside Spellweaver + Brute) and it may actually be the best. In fact It is not that bad about its damage absorption and the damage it deals to opponents. Today, we're ranking them to determine the best. On the other hand when its a game where 4 or 5 of your friends are playing, if someone is lagging, you can help them along. Create your beautiful website with Zeen now. It is a good class with great effectiveness, and the character has many good things. This is super helpful in a two-player scenario where traps are blocking potential exits or rooms, as you'll be able to open the way for others to pass through unscathed., They are placed in the S tier because they can rip off bosses and are capable of dealing them great damage, thus making them one of the best classes in the game. quickly when needed. Our user driven voting system and vast database of games enable you to find new and unique alternatives to your favourite titles. Gloomhaven is a fantastic game. We played with two minis and music note and had to up difficulty +4. Scoundrel: Below average, I wouldn't suggest it, but I suppose it can work if you're really committed to playing these two characters. Ithas got to go and pick it up all the time, and a couple of cards help with that. Now this allows a spellweaver to Awesome and totally opened my eyes. I keep thinking that damage build pretty much warp her into an entire different monster. D tier is the last category on this Gloomhaventier list. Damage caused by a Tinkerer is only average. Or perhaps you enjoy playing solo. I'm a devoted videogame fan who became a journalist at TopTierList to express my passion for vast fictional worlds in words. It almost goes without saying that the Brute is a tank, but this class is the best tank in the game and is absolutely essential to a balanced party. If they do have a lot of health, the Mindthief can stun lock an enemy for two turns with his Perverse Edge > Frigid Apparition combo. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I know that at certain times having a little peace and quiet is nice. Expansion characters in particular are slightly stronger in their specific expansion scenarios as these are clearly designed with these classes in mind. I'll be interested to watch this thread. Others do poorer with less players, like Tinkerer. I played the Triforce for a while. Lightning Bolt: 3 - this class suffers a bit for not having certain types of allies consistently at 2p. As I mentioned earlier, Scoundrel Still, the combination works just fine as the Cragheart provides some healing when needed and a fair amount of ranged damage + aoe. It doesnt do anything particularly well. As I mentioned earlier, Spellweaver is the mage among the Gloomhaven classes. The third category on our list is the B tier. Gloomhaven: Best Starting Items To Buy From The Merchant By Rebecca Timberlake Published Feb 19, 2022 When you make your first purchases from the merchant in Gloomhaven, be sure you pick the best starting items. A Cragheart mainly has ranged attacks and a few melee. Cragheart: While the first three combinations are very good, I think this one is just fine. We have Sun unlocked and unplayed and my current personal quest will unlock Circles. It is, without a doubt, one of the finest RPG board games ever created. As we look forward, we're curious what people think are the most fun 2-Player class pairings. If you keep using your melee attacks often, chances are youll end up being the one who needs support later. Lets take a deep dive and start ranking all the classes in the game. enemies Some of Mindthief cards even give you bonuses for damage on enemies November 19, 2022, 12:20 pm. The table below explains the entire article in a nutshell. It is because you can use it for tanking, but when dealing with damage, you will be disappointed. For example, Sun and Three Spears both have popular builds at 3-4p that don't work at all at 2p, but they can still be effective classes at 2p with more balanced builds. Brutes have a hand limit of 10. Moreover, Beast Tyrant is not good with its abilities in large groups. Beast Tyrant - Beast / Bear face / Angry cow. You just need to It is obvious she is low on stamina and This character is of the supporting class and keeps your team going. The Quartermaster is another S-tier character. Thanks in advance! Gloomhaven is one of Sams favourite board games and he finds himself regularly playing the convenient digital version alone and with friends. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. One of their starting cards gives them the ability to loot from a hex I play in a four player group, but I just retired angry face and started up circles. It pairs up well with melee teams because it has a fair amount of adjacency bonuses. Press J to jump to the feed. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It is extremely difficult to play. Cragheart: Below average, I wouldn't suggest it, but I suppose it can work if you're really committed to playing these two characters. No melee ally to approach enemies to help the Scoundrel and two very squishy people leads to a bad time. Sun & Lightning Bolt: The Health-related shenanigans that happen are amazing. In this episode we review the six starting classes for Gloomhaven, the number 1 board game on But it is more useful if you trade this card for a more useful ability. A brute lacks this. This is because you have to consistently work around others and think about whether you want to summon decoys, heal people, hit an enemy with a flame, or hurl a net at an oncoming monster! I just started a two-player campaign with my doesn't-game-too-much wife with me as the Mindthief and her as the Spellweaver. But if you have the knowledge and want a challenge, then by all means give the Spellweaver a chance. When it comes to experience so it was close. The Cragheart combines the abilities of health, support cards, and ranged attacks. With that in mind, I thought it would be interesting to see how experienced players would rank the classes they have used in a 2 player environment. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. Now I really want to play Spellweaver + Scoundrel. Cragheart Symbol for the Cragheart in Gloomhaven I've found Lightning Bolt and Angry Face the two strongest classes I've used at 2p. With Reviving ether, you can get back all your lost card, making it one of the best characters in the games early stages. However, since you'll probably be playing this game as this character for a long time, it's extremely important you choose a character that you'll enjoy and can keep up with the other players in the group. It sounds good, but it will reduce your life, so its not nearly as good as it sounds. The Gloomhaven class tier list below is rated on a S > A > B > C > D rating system that is summarised below. Cragheart, the third class on this tier, is the most fun starting class of the game. So before that, you will have to be careful about how you move and that you dont fall behind in that sort of stuff. You will find the Tinkerer quite effective if your party size is large. Triangle + Spellweaver is one of the most potent AoE machine I can think of (especially at level 6+), and the two players would have a lot of interaction through the use of elements, but I'm a bit worried about the squishiness of the group. The next character on our list is Plagueherald. However, they cannot compete with S-tier classes. The Demolitionist often requires objectives or obstacles to do a decent amount of damage. Lets get into the details of it. speciality. And most of the Mindthiefs cards (7 of 13) include This guide is obviously primarily intended to help new players who will be playing in a party of only two characters decide on a party setup that will work for them. It is on the B tier because even though it is quite powerful, you have to be careful with this character, as it can hurt its allies, bringing it down to this tier. Tinkerers, they use cards to lose it. Feel proud if you are playing the Tinkerer. The Spellweaver is a mage type class. It's just not great if you want to focus on a specific play style. No melee ally to approach enemies to help the Scoundrel and two very squishy people leads to a bad time. Again, the Scoundrel needs a melee ally to really be effective and the Tinkerer has very few reasons to ever want to go in melee. This helps you to dash away from sticky situations. They are two of the stronger classes individually and they aren't too bad of a combo. Check the second post for the poll, it's got plenty of votes so far. This guide is equally applicable to the board game and digital version of Gloomhaven (and the applicable expansions) as there are only minor differences between these releases. The only D-tier class in Gloomhaven is the Demolitionist. Feel free to mention unlockable classes, just no spoilers please. Well, I've played a large amount of Gloomhaven with just my fiancee (around 50 scenarios) so while I have very little experience with four-character parties, I have a lot of experience working with just two. Tinkerer deserves to rank 1 among the 6 Gloomhaven starting items because its a character that supports and heals and the characterizations can be done so intricately. If you play this combo, one of these two classes will be playing at a significant handicap. It also is high on stamina with a card hand size of 12 gives. to level up quickly because almost every starting card has experience point Your summons would be an essential weapon for you. "Swap positions of any two figures". Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. The Brute is considered a decent tank, but it doesnt quite do enough damage and hit enough targets. As a starting group, I'll go with Cragheart + Spellweaver. The only thing that makes this potentially slightly better (still not recommended) than the Cragheart combo is that the Tinkerer, by nature, doesn't mind making sacrifices to help an ally out, so you may be able to supercharge the Scoundrel enough to make it work (although I doubt it, I wouldn't play this combo by choice). You take control of 2 characters yourself and can play as you would with 2 people. Gloomhaven sees your group playing through numerous deadly scenarios where your choices and decisions alter the story and its conclusion. Gloomhaven is a cooperative game of tactical combat, battling monsters and advancing a player's own individual goals in a persistent and changing world that is played over many game sessions. Just guessing a 3 here. Its got a card called minds weakness which is an augment that adds plus two to all melee attacks. In fact it can even be difficult to play a Mindthief. It's got a fantastic variety of attacks, support, and healing. In the beginning, it is pretty overpowered. Each of those can easily do great damage. Thank you for noticing that! Do u think there will be more than the Starters in the Future?