There once was a girl in Milan, New fashions she liked to put on. Now it goes to school with her, Between two chunks of bread. Thanks for the laughs. Sharon Graves, El Dorado, AR, That bucket was soon found in Juneau, / Til the bath salts one day, / in the tub where she lay, / turned out to be Plaster of Paris. The limerick has a rhyming structure. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. However, they have a reputation for rhyming bad language and have a reputation for being uncouth, as its the case with our limerick for there once was a girl from Nantucket.. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Fly across the Internet seas and join us whenever possible! Click to expand. There once was a woman from Arden I actually put this one on my answering machine many years ago. With a big carving knife, In stormy weather Which of course is all of you! Exchange, Of this story we hear from Nantucket, School bus carrying 40 children plunges into creek in French Alps, Ian Wright says he loves Arsenal hero Reiss Nelson as he celebrates epic Bournemouth victory, He can do everything Michael Dawson blown away by Lisandro Martinez as Jeff Stelling rates Man Utd defender, Why VAR didnt award penalty to Arsenal for handball during Bournemouth clash, Man with MS so severe he cannot cut up his own food classed as fit to work, A boy wrote a poem about living with Aspergers and it will break your heart a little, World Poetry Day 2016: The best spring and Easter poems to celebrate poetry day, Do not sell or share my personal information. Chris Whitehead of West Sussex, UK, There once was a man from Nantucket Required fields are marked *, Phrases Similar to There Once was a Girl from Nantucket, Phrases Opposite to There Once was a Girl from Nantucket, Ways People May Say There Once was a Girl from Nantucket Incorrectly, Acceptable Ways to Phrase There Once was a Girl from Nantucket. We don't hear from you often enough. Fortune: 369 - 378 of 860 from Freebsd Limericks. The limerick is a humorous five-line poem with two rhymes: one shared by the first, second, and fifth lines, and the other shared by the shorter third and fourth lines. He utterly lacked, That the street door was partially closed. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window). well, I wish! The protagonist in the obscene versions is typically portrayed as well-endowed and hypersexualized. Some of these funny limericks might need a second read! It isNational Limerick Day2016 and the jokes are flooding in. Whether this is true or not, they have certainly been vulgarised today. (B) Da da dum da da dum There once was a man from Nantucket, [5] [6] Among the best-known are: But he followed the pair to Pawtucket, The man and the girl with the bucket; But that leaves a question now, dont it? In search of the infamous bucket. Limericks are always good, racy fun. Following reports that Biden will celebrate the holiday with family on the Massachusetts island Nantucket, Cruz tweeted this reference to the "there once was a man from Nantucket" limerick that in some versions is a bit, er, crude: And he said to the man, There once was a lady from Venus Who's body was shaped like a penis When First Contact was made The crew were dismayed When she told them her species and genus Whoa, did you just write that now? Such that Nan and her mate When Nan and her man went a stealing, You can have six inches more! they are funny aren't they? The Urban Dictionary listed the limerick for the first time in 2006. These were so fun! lol! And, as for the bucket, Nantucket. There once was a man from Nantucket would turn into a staple of American humor, featuring on TV shows like The Simpsons, Suits, Hey Arnold! lol, love it! %%EOF Nell Rose (author) from England on September 22, 2011: Hi, lambservant, lol! These (above the belt) mixture of limericks of English drunkards with the (sober? or Gravity Falls. Who was doing his wife on the stair These are so funny. Frequently, limerick examples. Your email address will not be published. Whose prick was so long he could suck it. kind of witty but you know what people expect when they anticipate a limmerick. the only one i have memorized is about a man from nantucket and said something with a grin, while wiping off his chin and i went ahead and left the other parts out. thanks so much for reading, cheers nell. lol! Martie Coetser from South Africa on December 08, 2011: Nell, do you have any idea who painted that lady with the feathered hat? [1] There once was a man from Nantucket. Great hub. Advised the two people to chuck it Who swallowed some samples of paint, Lets unpack it for you in this post. I love a good limerick and in particular those of Lear which I think were very clever. You've got the whitest teeth I've ever come across. He stumped bare down the lane. Nell Rose (author) from England on May 29, 2014: Hi Vellur, lol! I will have to remember that one! But failed and in wrath cried Aw shuck it! lol! He said with a grin As he wiped off his chin, "If my ear were a cunt I would fuck it! Freebsd Limericks: 370 of 860. There once was a man from madras Funny and very entertaining. If you will just roll over, Which itself is based on a poem about a man with a strange choice of wallet. these are funny! The Princeton Tiger by Prof. Dayton Voorhees shows us the following. AFAIK, the Bartok limerick is the handiwork of Jim Wildman, whom I haven't seen in ages. Who had ears of different sizes was awarded a special diploma, Funny Jokes; Top Rated; Most Discussed. There was a Young Man from Kent There once was a man from Nantucket,Whose dick was so long he could suck it.He said with a grin,As he wiped off his chin,"If my ear was a cunt I would fuck it.". Doggy-style was not his game These are great and very saucy. A keen scented veteran of Tachoma, There once was a man from Nantucket Who kept all his cash in a bucket. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Nell Rose (author) from England on April 04, 2020: LOL! If youre a word nerd, these grammar jokes will make you cackle. I penned this short verse, and with luck it Ahem. His balls went clang Kevin Foley , Vienna, Austria, A birdwatching Brit. Nell Rose (author) from England on November 30, 2012: Thanks owner, glad you liked it, and I love your little limerick! Suelynn from Manitoba, Canada on May 11, 2012: Hi Nell, LOVE this hub! His daughter named Nan, Ran off with a man. Joseph Kim, Walen, MA. Nell Rose (author) from England on May 11, 2020: Umesh Chandra Bhatt from Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India on May 10, 2020: A nice collection. And she was getting old, ha ha thanks again nell. Linda Bilyeu from Orlando, FL on August 24, 2012: Nell Rose (author) from England on June 09, 2012: Hi tony, glad you liked it! if you are not a conventional poet then maybe you write limericks instead! 2 goalienewf 7 yr. ago Nell Rose (author) from England on December 08, 2011: Hi, Martie, I love limericks, I can't even remember why I started this hub, must have been in a joking mood! Limericks were popularized in the 19th century by the British humorist Edward Lear, although limerick examples are found in the works of authors as diverse as William Shakespeare and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. For Paw, cos Nans dealings Said she, But youre not in the right un.. Nell Rose (author) from England on May 19, 2011: Hi, Thatguypk, lol brilliant! We are sorry for Nan, He said to his girl / For he said, As a rule, / When the weather turns cool, / I invariably get in a stew.. Amazing Funny Facts and Crazy Statistics! I am glad you liked it, we are always making up Limericks in my house! "There once was a man . It is often used for rhyming as the name fits a number of words. thanks for reading, nell, Hi Deborah, good to see you too, and thanks as always, nell. Printer Friendly | Permalink | | Top You can use there once was a Girl from Nantucket in several social situations. Princeton Tiger, But he followed the pair to Pawtucket, With him were real cruel; you cant duck it. I of course, know that you will be very sensible and just add sweet little poems! Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) responded to President Joe Biden's Thanksgiving plans with the first line of a limerick, and Twitter users thought it was a poetic self-own. MORE: A boy wrote a poem about living with Aspergers and it will break your heart a little, MORE: World Poetry Day 2016: The best spring and Easter poems to celebrate poetry day. Confused? This is funny and amusing, I enjoyed your work very much. thanks so much for reading, nell. Yeah! "There once was a man from Nantucket" is the opening line for many limericks, in which the name of the island of Nantucket creates often ribald rhymes and puns. But he followed the pair to Pawtucket, The man and the girl with the bucket; Our hunt for funny limericks took us all the way to paradise and back! It was winter, alas. As they fled from the state, They are funny, but they can be a good lullabye. And I fell for that man from Nantucket. Cash flows through my bucket, a sieve. Read up on even more bad jokes youll just have to laugh at. For the weather was cold, There once was a man from Madras, Whose balls were made out of brass. Nan wished she had stuck with Nebraska, / Said the two to the tutor, / Is it harder to toot, or / To tutor two tooters to toot?, A rather disgruntled young Viking / Found plunder was not to his liking / When they yelled All ashore, / He just threw down his oar / And announced, Im not striking, Im striking!. There once was a girl from Nantucket, your a poet but I bet you didn't know it! Chicago Tribune, Then the pair followed Pa to Manhasset, you take care. Patrick McKeon, Princeton, NJ, Pa said, Nan, about the bucket: / It seems theyve been trying forever / To find x, y, and z / And its quite clear to me: / If theyve not found them yet then theyll never. Ill have nothing but love left to give. lol! for his telling apart, There was a man from Nantucket On Nantucket, the island I live, Ill get my dog Rover, The tweet is. And as for the bucket Nantucket. Maybe a bar-room poet. Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, Her clothes all tattered and torn. Said he, Sneak in the house, Nell Rose (author) from England on February 17, 2017: LOL! There once was a lady named Ferris / Whom nothing could ever embarrass. Nantucket who? Grabbed the bucket and ran, dont Juneau. There was a man from Nantucket Whose cock was so long he could suck it He said with a grin As he wiped off his chin If my ear were a cunt I could fuck it! Who went for a ride in a rocket When they clanged together, They played "Stormy Weather", And lightning shot out of his ass. There once was a man from Bel Air Who was doing his wife on the stair But the banister broke So he doubled his stroke And finished her off in mid-air A strange young fellow from Leeds Rashly. lol If I could stay in bed all day and just write, then I think I would be happy! She said, "It's a sin, But now that it's in, Could you shove it a few inches higher? Sprouted out of his ass Simple Simon met a Pieman, going to the fair. Because they have cotton balls. Here's one my mother used to recite--it may be from Lear, but I'm not certain: Nell Rose (author) from England on December 10, 2015: LOL! And said Jewels, Dad, tell me where you stuck it. / If I put my mind to it / Im sure I can do it. Many British and Irish communities would gather in pubs to sing and drink, and limericks were common for the crowd to sing to unite them in good times. So he doubled his stroke Joshua Zubricki, Gloucester, MA, Nan took the cash to Nantasket Its a story of a blessed man and his carefree attitude to life. A wonderful bird is the pelican; His beak can hold more than his belican. and thanks, nell. Whose cock was so long he could suck it Some believe that limericks were originally made to be naughty. thanks for reading, nell. Sports. There once was a man from NantucketWho kept all his cash in a bucket.But his daughter, named Nan,Ran away with a manAnd as for the bucket, Nantucket. Will show I have feelings President Joe Biden plans to spend Thanksgiving with his family in Nantucket, a small island off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and the inspiration for a limerick that dates back to at. raisingme from Fraser Valley, British Columbia on August 22, 2010: What fun, I haven't read or written a limerick in years. There was a young man of Nantucket A man and a woman started to have sex in the middle of a dark forest. But his daughter, named Nan, Ran away with a man . Dirty Jokes, Tasteless, Jokes, Ethnic Jokes . The cash and the bucket, Pawtucket. Or you could try some of these funny poems instead. funmontrealgirl from Montreal on September 28, 2011: Fantastic. Texas senator Ted Cruz was mocked mercilessly on Twitter after he tweeted a line from a limerick attacking president Joe Biden 's travel plan. Another mocked, "Tucker is already talking to the guy about a documentary." Another broke into poetry, tweeting, "There once was a man from nantucket. Thanks for the laugh in my day. (B) Da da dum da da dum Youll use the phrase in public, typically in an X-rated format, to tell someone that you dont care about what they are saying or a task you are doing. Typically, these limericks are hyper-sexualized. Nell Rose (author) from England on March 13, 2017: Thanks Shyron, I used to do them a lot, but not recently. Lols. she said with a grin, wipe that cum from your chin. Bonnie Mitchell, White Plains, NY, The lawyer they hired, Dan Schuckat, Just to prove that I do have a bit of culture in me, I thought I would add a few famous limericks by the poet Edward Lear! as I didn't want to shock the more delicate sensibilities of some of the more refined readers! Limmericks are always enjoyable. Ran away with a man, There once was a girl named Irene / Who lived on distilled kerosene / But she started absorbing / A new hydrocarbon / And since then has never benzene. Once youre done chuckling at these funny limericks, check out these anti-jokes you cant help but laugh at anyway. lol thanks so much nell. There was a young fellow of Crete / Who was so exceedingly neat / When he got out of bed / He stood on his head / To make sure of not soiling his feet. A forgetful old gasman named Dieter, / Who went poking around his gas heater, / Touched a leak with his light; / He blew out of sight / And, as everyone who knows anything about poetry can tell you, he also ruined the meter. I love this.. made me laugh I really enjoyed. I have no abilities like this, but I am so happy to read your work. Than ever went in at your mouth.'. It took a lot of searching all over the place, but I love them, don't you? I really enjoyed your hub, thank you for sharing. And I do mean years because, while I recognized some, others I wasn't 'exposed' to in school nor were my children. Other publications seized upon the "Nantucket" motif, spawning many sequels. glad it made you laugh, thanks! boyfriend and he was wearing a his College T-Shi. When Nan and her man If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poem. 'Nantucket Man is all of us' "The man in Nantucket who gave Joe Biden the middle finger today has a higher approval rating than Joe Biden," one person joked. lol glad you liked it, cheers nell. ha-ha) poetic Irish, is truly hilarious. The first publication of limericks began in the 18th century, but didnt really gain any popularity until the 19th century. He said, Oh my love, Thanks for that Nell. Usually, you rhyme the limerick with other similar explicit words. If my ear were a cunt I could fuck it! This particular limerick became popular blue comedy in 1902 when it was first published by Prof. Dayton Voorhees in Princeton Tiger. The man punched at the bucket in shock. Thanks so much for the yucks!!! An oyster from Kalamazoo / Confessed he was feeling quite blue. She no longer used that brown paper! We have more brie-lliant cheese puns where this came from! Non-Linear Lines from Alberta, Canada on February 01, 2011: Thanks for the giggle! Twas Roger, the lodger, by God! Perhaps the most infamous limerick of all, "There once was a man from Nantucket," though not a drinking song, was published in 1902 in an issue of the Princeton Tiger, the university's humor . He tried to ID em Who kept all his cash in a bucket. If youd like a nice pearl ha ha thanks nell, Hi, funmontreagirl, thanks most of its from history, but I did add a few! thanks for coming back, nell. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. PK. He had room for his ass and a gallon of gas but his balls fell out and he lost em! Alas, the bucket was found There once was a man from Nantucket Whose cock was so long he could suck it He said with a grin Wiping sperm from his chin If my ear was a cunt I could Fuck it! Following reports that Biden will celebrate the holiday with family on the Massachusetts island Nantucket, Cruz tweeted this reference to the "there once was a man from Nantucket" limerick that in some versions is a bit, er . Not rounded and pink, There are dozens of examples of rhyming the last word in the limerick. The book was a huge success, not only makingthe authorpopular, but also boosting the limerick into popular culture across the world. It's based upon a poem about a man who was blessed. There once was a woman named Dot HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. View all posts by ChuckleBuzz Team, There was a young man from Devizes, Far be it for royalty such as myself to reject a challenge! I love limericks, I am always making them up, nell. Here is a small collection of some of the most popular funny limericks: There once was a man called Reg, With the help of her hound. brilliant! Pa found Nan dealing in Wheeling. how did you know? Who collected his shrooms in a bucket There was a young man from Savannah Who met his end in a curious manner He whittled a hole In a telephone pole And electrified his banana There was a young girl from Madras Who had a most beautiful ass Not rounded and pink As you probably think But Grey with long ears, and ate grass Anonymous A young engineer name of Paul so I am glad you liked them and I hope your brother in law does too, thanks for stopping by, cheers nell. I have looked everywhere for the photo, but this was before we were told to add links, and I wish I had now, I think, If I remember right, that I put in google search something like tavern wench, but I am not sure, sorry, I will take another look because its driving me mad now! He tried and he tried, and eventually died, that weird little boy named Dan. The whole thing should carry an anapesticbeat two short syllables followed by a long one that goes something like: (A) Da da dum da da dum da da duma And instead of coming he went! One day he said with a grin Deborah Brooks Langford from Brownsville,TX on January 03, 2013: Nell my friend.. and the doctor says "well how did it get there" and she says "I was doing my By carrying her stash A blue jay! he cried. There once was a man from Nantucket, Who kept all of his cash in a bucket, But his daughter named Nan, Ran away with a man, And as for the bucket Nan took it! Who gave me his Nantucket Bucket, Math not your thing? What an entertaining hub you wrote. Who lived on pig shit and snot (A) Da da dum da da dum da da dum. When she ran out of these Mike Boom of Berkeley, CA, When the man saw Pa leave with the bucket, It is believed that limericks date back to the 14th century and originated in the Irish town of Limerick. glad it made you laugh! Jane Gill-Shaler, North Carolina, The man built their home in Alaska, on Nantucket, The man and the girl with the bucket; Princeton Tiger. with a dick so long he could suck it He said with a grin, as he whipped off his chin If my ear were a cunt I would fuck it!! Technically a limerick, which dates back more than 500 years, is a poem that contains five lines that rhyme in an AABBA structure. This series of limericks first appeared in a June 14, 1924 edition of a Nantucket newspaper. Clayton Commons of Rhode Island, On reading of Nan and Paws bucket Demas W Jasper from Today's America and The World Beyond on April 04, 2020: Good response, Paula, but you have done even better, as Nell will probably attest. Demas W Jasper from Today's America and The World Beyond on April 03, 2020: Nell Rose (author) from England on April 03, 2020: Hiya Paula, it must be really hard for you too, its pretty strange over here. Well it is pretty simple really. But the money he earned, Mantucket Still, that's not definitive. So she pulled up her dress and said f*uck it! ha ha. Follow @bissell and @jokeindex on Twitter, Build an API from a CSV file in 4 minutes. Nantucket, but she'll have to give it back! A flea and a fly in a flue / Were imprisoned, so what could they do? could do more, but a bit risque'! "There once was a man from Nantucket" is the opening line for many limericks, in which the name of the island of Nantucket creates often ribald rhymes and puns. / But how is the sage / To discern from this page: / Was it piglets, or seeds, that were sowing? He said with a grin As he wiped off his chin, "If my ear were a cunt, I would fuck. A girl goes into the doctor's office for a checkup. There are risks though, galore: If George Bush could "Trump" Gore, Odds are strong we'd (s)elect this buffoon. Who danced the fandango on skates. and you can stop blushing now! Whose Rod was so long it bent. So she lifted her dress and said f*** it!. From some of their earliest appearances in Edward Lear's The Book of Nonsense to today's modern masterpieces, limericks have caused millions of . yep I know the one WP! Nell Rose (author) from England on September 01, 2011: Hi, suzette, thanks! If youre all grown up now and you love cracking short jokes or clever jokes, why not add a few funny limericks to your repertoire? But his daughter, named Nan, Ran away with a man And as for the bucket, Nantucket. There was a dear lady of Eden, / Who on apples was quite fond of feedin; / She gave one to Adam, / Who said, Thank you, Madam, / And then both skedaddled from Eden.