Please give them a to-do list, watch them improve it, and complete every task quickly and effortlessly. This can sometimes result in heated debates if someone disagrees with one of your strong opinions. You don't enjoy being incarnated here on Earth that much. Its because its just so exciting that something is happening here on our planet! Beings from Arcturus are focused on ushering in the new future on Earth in relation to technology, community living that is focused on balance and sustainability. I too feel connected to every type I read although I dont particularly posess every trait. They will feel like there is an intellectual or communication disconnect that is preventing them from making connections with other people. You may find yourself slipping into daydreams of the past frequently. Arcturian Starseeds are said to originate from a planet that orbits around Arcturus, the brightest star in the constellation of Botes. To navigate this period successfully, humans must reconnect with their true nature, and blend their external worlds with the inner world of spirituality. I did, and Ive never looked back since. As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.. They have an innate drive to realize their lifes purpose. Arcturians are not simply idealists they follow through with their plans. You are not only gifted with the ability to see between lives, but also with spiritual knowledge that others wish they had. I had a energy reading and she told me I needed to look into arcturian because that was possibly one of my spirit guides. If the words, written in this article resonate deeply within you, you might be on the right path. Theyre more sensitive to cold than most people, especially in their hands. Although I loved my parents who treated me very well, Ive never known a sense of belonging, not even with my own child. I think it might be possible. Well, Arcturian souls become starseeds through a soul contract that reincarnates them here on Earth. Click here to get your own personalized reading. very sensitive to sounds, lights, smells, chemicals, etc. This is done by remembering who they are. They need to have a sense of personal space, even in romantic relationships and almost always require some alone time. Arcturians are from Arcturus, an ancient star system located in the Bootes constellation. Even saying this makes me feel somewhat arrogant when I know I shouldnt because this is a calling to help and I dont have an ego to get in the way. They are also very sensitive to the cold and feel it more than others. They have helped me out in the past and Ive always found them honest and compassionate in their readings. Arcturian Starseed Traits: You have an acute sensitivity to external . What is my purpose on planet Earth? If they choose not to lead, they still guide humanity through inventions and changes to the status quo. When karma or energy is well integrated, that means that the Ego accepts the energy and allows its authentic expression without shame or guilt. You may feel disconnected from your soul and may not understand why. We must use these gifts with an open heart and not out of anger, or for personal gain or self interest. Click here to get your own professional reading. Thats why I recommend Psychic Source. Ivthozght that I am Andromedan. Much love, Julia. The Egyptian god, Thoth, lives here. You're equally fascinated by space and the night sky. It is one of the closest star clusters to Earth and is visible to the naked eye. Have you experienced a deep spiritual awakening, or feel that you were born to Earth with a mission for humanity? If so, you might be an advanced alien soul incarnated into a human body. slowly learning, evolving, meditating and moving to higher realms we need to find each other .. What are some of the Traits attributed to Arcturian Starseeds? ?? As they get great satisfaction in making groups of people laugh, theyre usually the life of the party if they bother to show up in the first place. You feel connected to all living things and are drawn to them for this reason. They enter the human population with particular abilities to help others, especially those who are still struggling in their journey through life and have yet to fully awaken from their lessons. Other people, animals and energies, even those on other planes of existence have a more difficult time communicating with you. If this resonates, its highly likely that youre an Acturian Starseed. They may also have a strong sense of empathy and compassion, and may devote themselves to serving others to a near self-sacrificing degree. Here are some signs you are an Arcturian Starseed: You know you're an 'old soul'. You're fascinated by anthropology. Thats what drove me to seek information about this beautiful star. Its the same reason why you may be drawn to an area of the world or a time period because it feels like home for you in some way. I feel like i identify with Arcturian more but when i analyzed my own chart it showed I had more Plaeidian indications, but I dont really identify with them. They enjoy passing on their information and lessons. Arcturian starseeds have a few traits in common with actual Arcturian beings, even though they are incarnated on Earth. Arcturus may have been the size of our own star billions of years ago, but it has since expanded to about 25 times that size, and is about 170 times more luminous. Theyre also very interested in sustainability, and helping humanity advance scientifically while better integrating itself into its environment. Can feel that connection to higher knowledge, definitely via the top back of the head. If more than one type resonates with you, its likely that youve had incarnations in all those star systems. Arcturian Starseed Traits Arcturians are known for their ability to be telepathic and have the ability to see both etheric and physical energies. In fact I am sure that my soul mate is an Arcturian being. may see colourful geometric patterns when they close their eyes, may be gifted musicians, mathmaticians or scientists. So, if youre awakening to your souls truths about your starseed origins, read through our article about the Arcturians because you might very well be one. I just read about msyelf lol. My curiosity has peaked more and more over recent years based on my life experiences and this truly hit home. When it comes to physical characteristics of Arcturian starseeds, or any type of starseeds in general, there are two schools of thought: The first school of thought teaches us that all starseeds, including Arcturian ones, arent physically distinguishable from humans. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. I look forward to reuniting with my Galactic family in the 5D soon. Arcturians incarnate in bodies with high sensitivity to sounds, light, and smells. You believe that by implementing science and advancements in technology, the future of planet earth could be extremely positive. Arcturian starseeds form their opinions based on experience and acquired knowledge. Rather than talking about everyday trivialities, you prefer to discuss scientific topics. As you may imagine, your gift of being an Arcturian starseed brings with it a responsibility to help bring about change in the world that needs it. I have actually written a whole blog post about this topic. Have a beautiful day! The Arcturian race has its origins in a star system known as Bootes. They like looking at constellations and studying different galaxies because it reminds them of their homeworld in Arcturus. Are you curious if you are an Arcturian starseed? The auras are named according to their colors - Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. Let me know in the comments if the Arcturian starseed signs resonated and check out my other starseed posts below to find out what resonates the most. 2. The following traits are often attributed to Arcturian starseeds: feel like the 'black sheep' in their family drawn to the night sky, astronomy and aliens they don't understand social hierarchy tend to have lower blood pressure, lower body temperature drawn to the paranormal and metaphysics drawn to sacred geometry, ley lines, ancient civilizations So, next time youre watching the stars in solitude, wondering where the home is, well, for you, it might very well be on Arcturus. Physical traits mean little when it comes to our spiritual evolution and awakening. So, read on to learn what it means to be an Arcturian Starseed and how to live your life as one. * An interest in metaphysical concepts such as karma, chakra, reiki, etc. I despise the cold. Arcturians are a bit more practical theyre here to bring us into a new world. You know there is more to our human experience here on Earth, and you want to be able to understand it all. Arcturian starseeds with poorly integrated Arcturian energy typically feel very alone and disconnected from the rest of the collective consciousness. Any insight? These are called Light Bearers, Light Warriors, Starseed Warriors and Starseed Guardians. However, when Arcturians do form a close bond with another, they are likely to value the friendship or relationship very dearly and will remain loyal to the other person for a long period of time. I have experienced paranormal and psychic activities since about the age of 4-vividly. Being 7 yrs my elder, he avoided my declarations of love and certainty that we would be married some day. I also explored nature. Planet Earth has reached a pivotal stage of transition. But then, I coukd be Arcturusn. I have always hated giving myself any self worth because I have felt selfish by doing that but I really feel that I have a new found sense of worth. All Rights Reserved. Characteristics and Traits of the Arcturians: The Arcturians come from Arcturus, an orange star in the constellation of Botes which is located in the northern hemisphere and containing one of the brightest stars in the night sky Are very often highly conscious individuals holding spiritual wisdom within their being However, their abilities on earth with a human body vary greatly. You have a strong connection with your angels and other beings, but they too may not understand how you can be so aware of everything and yet still stand in the center of it all. Spirit guides operate on a spiritual level, connecting with many individuals on Earth. Due to Arcturians being naturally good at communicating and sharing ideas, they have chosen to do so on our planet. More information When I turned 19, he stopped running from me. Enter your email below to unlock a free video that shows you how you can raise your frequency in 5 simple ways. He died on our 28th anniversary. Since theyre originating from an archaic star system, the Arcturians themselves are considered quite ancient. Arcturus is a red giant star located in Botes, and is the third brightest individual star in our night sky. Younger starseeds act different from people their age, they are usually different from other people and prefer to be alone. Copyright 2022; All rights reserved. I relate to animals (and animals seem to come running to me, much to the dismay of their masters, as the wild ones I feed dont run from me when I appear) with much more ease than I do to stupid humans. Friends often ask me for advice. How crazy.. i relate to all of this and esp CYNTHIA completely Except, no kids.. gay person here alone, an orphan.. no family had many contacts and comrades in the film industry in the 90s.. but after 2000, all collapsed.. You may feel separate from others and sometimes struggle to express your feelings the way you want to. DRACONIAN STARSEED TRAITS AND SIGNS 1. According to them, Arcturian starseeds have more prominent cheekbones and generally stronger jawlines. If youre an Arcturian Starseed, you are here to bring new energy into our reality. If you dont help someone who you feel needs it, a strong feeling of guilt is likely to follow you, especially when you are alone. Looking to discover what your gift, purpose, soul origin/Starseed group is? Thank you. You're a very spiritual person. This will only be accomplished if we are all willing to spread the message and activate our gifts. Some label these people as extraterrestrials or alien abductees. They are fifth-dimensional beings and built a society that became the original prototype for how to live on Earth. These are the ones who know everything and have been keeping a watchful eye over this planet forever. Do you think that youre an Arcturian starseed? Thats why its so important for us to share our gifts with those who are ready, so that we can all help each other through this difficult time period. Hi Lorie! Thanks for sharing this was very helpful to me as I continue to dig deeper why Im often interested in issues of spiritual life and nature. These souls possess both intellectual and emotional advancement which is why their main purpose is to be spiritual shamans. They support capitalism, even when it destroys poor communities and the environment. I cant decide if its all starting to make sense or if its just my imagination. As teenagers, Arcturian starseeds might be labeled black sheep by their peers, or even family members, for their disregard for societal molds. Some believe that the color of the eyes is a giveaway when it comes to being a Starseed because many starseeds have those same pale blue eyes. When you first discover that you are a starseed, confusion is turned into certainty, and peace replaces anxiety. Others call them starseeds. See more ideas about starseed, spirituality, spiritual art. Arcturians are emotionally and mentally advanced and were intended to be the spiritual shamans and healers for humanity. 21 Sings You're an Arcturian Starseed 1. And since the body comprises of a genetic combination of its parents, all starseeds look like regular humans, with standard deviations. So they will use their knowledge of sacred geometry, mathematics to design communities and homes. Seems like it might be true. You're not afraid to take to move away from the flock and forge your own path. Arcturians are other-dimensional, advanced star beings that incarnate on earth frequently. Youve come to heal the planet, your fellow inhabitants and everyone else within reach who needs it. Never knew such knowledge existed, and that Arcturian starseed can be exactly (almost) related to my nature/thought-process. You know theres more going on here than what meets the eye, and youre ready to move on to something new. Striking a conversation with them might get you into a lot more depth than you anticipated. And since theyre inclined towards both science and spirituality, youll find them combining different disciplines with naturally high intuition, like spiritual practices and geometry. Organization is a skill that comes easily to you, and you use it to enhance your productivity. 9. ; When it comes to emotional intelligence and empathy, they're more evolved. So if youre tired of wondering about whether youre from this planet or not, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. Itis considered to be a very old star system. They often have thin limbs and long arms, with fingers that are tapered at the end rather than square. Arcturian starseeds are souls born in Arcturus, the galaxy's most advanced civilization. Ascended masters and starseeds have a lot of human characteristics, and their differences are in the way they choose to express them. But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor. Thanks! Why, at such an early age, did I conclude that I was not one of those stupid humans-feeling that I dont belong? You have Thirst For Knowledge. I felt very connected to a lot of the sign of being a starseed and I have always been a very self aware person who tries to always put myself in someone elses shoes. They also arent concerned with trivialities and pettiness, as theyre emotionally evolved enough to dismiss them entirely. But if theres a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine advisor. If you want to learn more about your specific mission, strengths and weaknesses and future, I recommend getting a free numerology reading. The one exception, my husband, who I met at the age of 15. Arcturian starseeds have a very high pain threshold and can sustain serious injuries without feeling any pain. Helping others gets you in touch with the higher powers and will allow you to open up more to them as well as go deeper within yourself and tap into your spiritual side. Heres What Youre Doing Wrong, 5 Signs Youre Ready To Start A Spiritual Business, Going Full Time With Your Passion in 5 Months. Uhhhh so Im NOT the only one hahaha. There are many theories about those who arrive in this world with immediate memories, who seem out of place, have interesting abilities, and feel different from other humans. And the explanation of being born in other systems in other lifetimes makes sense as I have other characteristics from Orions as well (pragmatic except I hate rules). I feel comfortable when it is 80 degrees outside, and I have always been that way. Not all Starseeds are here with Earth and humanitys best interests in mind. Starseeds with very well integrated Arcturian energy are likely to be very empathic and connected to the collective consciousness. You can find it here: Arcturian starseeds are human with a twist. Arcturian starseeds are sometimes susceptible to having low blood pressure. You exude a powerful presence Being seeded from the strong-minded Arcturians, your energy field vibrates a high level of charisma and intelligence. Arcturians are pretty outspoken and capable of flawless delivery of public speeches. Arcturians are fifth-dimensional beings who descended from the star Arcturus which is located within the Bootes constellation. Their stare can often be interpreted as piercing as if theyre reading ones soul. Arcturian starseed signs and traits include; Most commonly incarnate in darker skin - although arcturian starseeds vary Increased confidence and leadership skills - may come off as arrogant at times Leaders in communities and workplaces Good planners Excellent public speakers Interested in technology, mathematics, and metaphysics Wow! However, Arcturian starseeds are also very active physically in theirpurpose here on Earth working in science, research, architecture, city planning etc. Click here for my eBook that describes starseed markings for 12 stars and star systems! Some starseeds have very poorly integrated Arcturian karma or very well integrated Arcturian energy. Apart from potential physical differences, Arcturian starseed exhibit their traits from a very early age. Tolerant of people, but prefer animals. Writer, spiritualist, mom. This is because you are an Arcturian starseed here on Earth to bring new light into this dimension. For signs you are a starseed, you can also read this blog post on how to find your starseed markings. Other spiritual scholars disagree with the previous notion and believe that Arcturian starseed share some physical traits with the Arcturian people. Other starseeds have been incarnated here on Earth in order to bring change, balance and love into the human population (aka Newbies). Check out the current top 100 Best-Selling New Age Spirituality books in the USA here. Your childhood memories are still accessible, and you can remember sights, smells, and people with great clarity. Arcturian starseeds have had recent incarnations in worlds associated with the star Arcturus and often share many traits and skills of Arcturians. I read Erich von Dnikens book Chariots of the Gods in 1970 when I was 12. These starseeds are extremely powerful beings and have many gifts that they shine down upon Earth and its inhabitants. Theyre characterized as fluent, eloquent, and confident speakers, making them authoritative without seeming overly-assertive. Even if you are in a relationship, you know its not what you want for your life. Arcturus is a star located in the Bootes constellation. This will help you ascend, and move into 5D consciousness. Arcturian starseeds, I have done some smaller articles on this subject but now is the time to really persist on it. Many are the "black sheep" of their family, or the odd one out of their social groups. I only partially identify with Andromedans but mostly feel like im Arcturian so not sure if her analysis was correct or if i just posses traits from all my past lives. Indigo starseed traits, characteristics & birthmarks Indigo seeds are known as warriors and are guided and protected by Archangel Michael. There was a lake nearby, so i used to play on nearby rocks. This leads us to the next point personal freedom. Thank you so much. Be willing to help others and stand up for truth at all costs. At the core of your belief is the feeling that all beings are equal, and social status simply distorts this. Not only will a genuine advisor tell you more about your particular Starseed, but they can reveal all your lifes possibilities. You likely have an insatiable curiosity and love learning new things. Arcturian starseeds come from a red giant - a star called Arcturus, from the Bootes constellation. In those regards, their primary focus is on balance and sustainability, which will help alleviate much of our own societal discord. Rather than depending on objective criteria like your date A lot of new age and occult resources refer to the "Higher Self," though they may not always use that exact language. Sending you lots of love and blessings . Here is the Arcturian starseed checklist you could say ten signs that clearly indicate that you are an Arcturian starseed: Astrology and extra-terrestrial life forms are a source of constant fascination for Arcturian starseeds. Just like Andromedan starseeds, Arcturian starseeds naturally romanticize ancient times. This will give them a strong intuition, they will likely be able to feel another persons emotions. By using a mixture of their divine knowledge from the spiritual realm, and implementing it into the physical reality of planet Earth, they can achieve incredible things. As an Arcturian, you want to help all other beings connect to their divine, universal nature. Starseeds can also be grouped based on auras, and each one carries a different set of personality traits. Would you like to know which starseed markings you have in your birth chart? Given their natural inclinations towards physics, mathematics, astronomy, etc., youll likely find them trying to improve peoples lives through technological advancements. For Arcturian Starseeds, that means spearheading the research and development of the science that will allow humans to live better lives. However, like with everything in this reality, we can never know for sure, so exercise your own discernment and only take on as truth that which resonates for you as truth. You are probably constantly exploring new ideas and concepts. Read more about. This is something Revealing their origins and purpose, these starseeds often wish to bring a piece of their home to Earth. Arguments and discussions dont faze you. During their teen years, Arcturian individuals frequently feel dissatisfaction or unhappiness for no apparent reason. However, this stems from their feeling of disassociation with their family and peers, as theyre often misunderstood for their subconscious knowledge and wisdom. A life-long battle, Draconians struggle with the dark side of their being. You must use your gifts for the betterment of all humanity, not just yourself. You are able to visualize the desired outcome, then take the necessary steps to manifest it in the physical realm. It works the same way with Arcturian themes of harmonious, balanced social connections. Its because you know theres something else going on here on Earth, and you dont feel satisfied with your current life on this planet.