You told us about it here. And Elena says: It is incredible what they are inventing, incredible. Central planning in economics leads to a mismatch in prices and a collapse in the economy while a Central Narrative in politics leads to an increased incidence of involuntary rebellion. It must be cleared up whether Ceausescu wants to, should, must or can answer at all. A lie, a lie in my face. TheWashington Timesreports that a top intelligence official is accusing the Obama admininistration of funding a terror network for the next ten years, alleging the administration paid a cash ransom to redeem Bowe Bergdahl. PROSECUTOR: We have always spoken of equality. One moment Ceauescu was in total control of Romania, determined to crush his enemies. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I repeat: I am the president of Romania and the commander in chief of the Romanian army. They are shooting at children; they are shooting arbitrarily into the apartments. ELENA CEAUSESCU: I will not answer. Elena answers: The intellectuals of this country should hear you, you and your colleagues. PROSECUTOR: In all district capitals, which you grandly called municipalities, there is shooting going on. Print. The day began as it ended with vehement anti-Ceauescu demonstrations. The court notes that the investigations have been concluded. Thousands of workers were bused into the square under threat of being fired. Sections in italic type are from the austrian television comentary: NICOLAE CEAUSESCU: I only recognize the Grand National Assembly. Mystery surrounded the whereabouts of the former President and his wife, Elena, last night. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: No one recognizes that. The catastrophic situation of the country is known all over the world. I just couldnt convince myself to do it., He is not alone. PROSECUTOR: The terrorists are from Securitate? "Video of Ceausescus Last Speech, December 1989," Making the History of 1989, Item #696, (accessed May 28 2021, 3:24 pm). However, why are your programs not implemented? PROSECUTOR: Please, ask Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu whether they have ever had a mental illness. He then tried to placate the crowd by offering to raise workers salaries He did not realize, however, that a real revolution was starting before his eyes. And I also do not recognize the counsel for the defense. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: She was not a deputy prime minister, but the first deputy prime minister. They were not really interested in the people. This is our home. Ford said of his resignation,I was no longer in a position where I felt I could defend the American policy. Sooner or later inability to credit yoga or videos produced in Los Angeles as actual factors becomes more and more widespread. [1] The crowd, now totaling up to 80,000, were given orders on where to stand, when to applaud and what to sing. PROSECUTOR: In all district capitals, which you grandly called municipalities, there is shooting going on. Not a single shot was fired in Palace Square. PROSECUTOR: We now have another leading organ. This work is a translation and has a separate copyright status to the applicable copyright protections of the original content. The charges are incorrect, and I will not answer a single question here. In addition, the law forbids the IRS from using its normal enforcement tools to collect unpaid penalties. He would be executed a few days later. I only recognize the working class and the Grand National Assembly no one else. A later article shows that Australia is moving toward purchasing Japanese submarines to replace its existing fleet. Finally, I would like to refer once more to the genocide, the numerous killings carried out during the past few days. The Defence Minister, General Vasile Milea, was said to have committed suicide although it is equally possible he was shot by a member of the Ceauescu retinue. The people were slaves. They cultivated the soil in line with your orders and had nothing to eat. Elena and Nicolae reject this. Ceausescu sprinkles snow on his wife's head during yet another hunting trip in 1976. At that moment Elena says to Nicolae: Forget about them. The next he was a hunted man. And you might perhaps have achieved the understanding of the Romanian people if you had now admitted your guilt. Not a single shot. CEAUSESCU: I do not recognize this court. I would not call for the death sentence, but it would be incomprehensible for the Romanian people to have to go on suffering this great misery and not to have it ended by sentencing the two Ceausescus to death. He was a cosignatory of an open letter harshly critical of the Ceauescu region which appeared last march. The mighty Law of the Land is exposed as all bark and no bite; a fine they cant enforce. No one wanted to do anything for you anymore. Only a president who is still confirmed in his position can demand to speak at the Grand National Assembly. Centralized regimes may seem to collapse suddenly, yet in reality they have been coming apart for a long time. The people were slaves. Why do the peasants then buy their bread in Bucharest? I have observed that she is not even able to read correctly, but she calls herself an university graduate. They are speaking about injustice, ineptitude and impeachment. The people only received 200 grams per day, against an identity card. The Securitate had hidden food reserves on which Bucharest could have survived for months, the whole of Bucharest. No one can ask Bergdahl, since he is now reported as being unable to speak to anyone including his family. PROSECUTOR: This is how you worked with the people and exercised your functions! We have sacrificed all our lives to the people. And I also do not recognize the counsel for the defense. Only the front rows supported Ceauescu with cheers and applause, with most of the crowd remaining impassive. I am talking to you as simple citizens at the least, as simple citizens, and I tell you: I am the president of Romania. One in four of the population is believed to have a member. The produce which the peasants grew was exported, and the peasants came from the most remote provinces to Bucharest and to the other cities in order to buy bread. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: We will discuss this before the Grand National Assembly. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mr. President, I would like to know something: the accused should tell us who the mercenaries are. Storming the Castle at Amazon Kindle for $3.99, why government should get small They carried out acts that are incompatible with human dignity and social thinking; they acted in a despotic and criminal way; they destroyed the people whose leaders they claimed to be. Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obamas Impeachment We have ensured an apartment for every citizen through corresponding laws. ALISON SMALE December 21, 1989. What may happen of course, is that like a frog slowly being boiled in a pot, the process happens so slowly that people arent aware of it themselves. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States federal government (see 17U.S.C. We will speak only at the National Assembly, because we have worked hard for the people all our lives. As a result, the prosecutor says: Elena has always been talkative, but otherwise she does not know much. They carried out acts that are incompatible with human dignity and social thinking; they acted in a despotic and criminal way; they destroyed the people whose leaders they claimed to be. Ceauescu's speech of 21 August 1968 was a public address by Nicolae Ceauescu, General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party and President of the State Council of Romania, strongly condemning the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia. The English translation is by the U.S. government's Foreign Broadcast Information Service. I guaranteed that every village has its schools, hospitals and doctors. For example, George Ciampa, an 89-year old D-Day veteran refused an invitation to meet with President Obama at the White House. How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them: 11 Rules for Winning the Argument. In the uprising by people against Ceausescu during this speech and in subsequent days 1,058 people lost there lives. However, there is a difference between real sickness that must be treated and mental insanity which leads to corresponding actions, but which is denied by the person in question. Another question to Ceausescu: Who ordered the bloodbath in Timisoara. Making use of Marxist-Leninist rhetoric, he delivered a litany of the achievements of the "socialist revolution" and Romanian "multi-laterally developed . The Rise of Ceausescu Nicolae was a member of the communist youth movement. I ask the chairman of the prosecutor's office to read the bill of indictment. CEAUSESCU: Her scientific papers were published abroad! In the second stage their edicts become unenforceable from sheer impracticability. His security guard appears, disappears and, finally, hustles Ceausescu off the balcony. They are cowards. You should have stayed in Iran where you had flown to. Ceausescu claims that the putsch was organized from abroad. Frederich Hayek identified the primary reason why tyrants fall: they rely on the poisoned cup of centralized knowledge. That is why the people are fighting all over the country. Therefore, it is a mistake for the two accused to refuse to cooperate with us. PROSECUTOR: Let us now talk about the accounts in Switzerland, Mr. Ceausescu. Why did you ruin the country so much: Why did you export everything? PROSECUTOR: And who wrote the papers for you, Elena? Who pays them? It was one of the most pivotal moments in the Romanian Revolution of 1989. Nobody has opened an account. The archive focuses largely on the period from 1965, when Romania was ruled over by the Ceausescus, until. As the crowd becomes more unruly, Ceausescu becomes more confused and he begins arguing with the unseen hecklers. The video- shown live on Romanian television-- shows his confusion and consternation and the barely audible comments. Tell us! This is where President Ceausescu gave his final speech in December 1989, before fleeing Bucharest. CEAUSESCU: Is it possible that we are facing such charges? CEAUSESCU: She was not a deputy prime minister, but the first deputy prime minister. CEAUSESCU: We will discuss this before the Grand National Assembly. I am a member and the chairwoman of the Academy of Sciences. Teams of doctors with emergency medical supplies were being flown in from Geneva last night. They were given red flags, banners and large pictures of Ceauescu and his wife. Tell the people that I will answer all their questions. The final speech of the prosecutor follows: PROSECUTOR: It is very difficult for us to act, to pass a verdict on people who even now do not want to admit to the criminal offenses that they have committed during 25 years and admit to the genocide, not only in Timisoara and Bucharest, but primarily also to the criminal offenses committed during the past 25 years. The entire intelligentsia of the country ran away. ELENA CEAUESCU: I will not answer. At the moment the situation is rather uncertain. However, he had badly misread the crowd's mood. has openly accused president Obama as unable to lead in world. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: No, we had no palaces. All the world should know what is going on here. Then he is treated like a normal citizen. He, Elena and four others managed to get to the roof and escaped by helicopter, only seconds ahead of a group of demonstrators who had followed them there.. PROSECUTOR: In the same way he refused to hold a dialogue with the people, now he also refuses to speak with us. The people only received 200 grams per day, against an identity card. As the crowd becomes more unruly, Ceausescu becomes more confused and he begins arguing with the unseen hecklers. CEAUSESCU: I will not answer. Eight minutes into the speech, some in the crowd actually began to scream because there was a shooting that occurred in the background. No one can dissolve the National Assembly. This occurs when the official line becomes so ridiculous that ordinary people dont even realize they are falling out of step with the Party Line. The Ceauescu administrations Prime Minister, Mr Constantin Dsclescu, and his government were said to have resigned. PROSECUTOR: This is how you worked with the people and exercised your functions! Then follows the reading of the indictment. You have destroyed the Romanian villages and the Romanian soil. Within hours Ceauescu was beseiged inside the Central Committee building by irate crowds. . CEAUSESCU: No, no. Fiction. And who brought them into the country? NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I do not answer, I will only answer questions before the Grand National Assembly. You see, there is no use in talking to these people. I am a member and the chairwoman of the Academy of Sciences. CEAUSESCU: I repeat: I am the president of Romania and the commander in chief of the Romanian army. He was arrested and imprisoned multiple times. How can one say something like this? Last modified on Sun 29 Mar 2020 07.01 EDT President Nicolae Ceauescu was overthrown yesterday and became a fugitive in the country he has ruled for 24 years as remnants of his personal troops. Judecator Gica POPA. PROSECUTOR: Let us now talk about the accounts in Switzerland, Mr. Ceauescu. PROSECUTOR: You claim to have taken measures so that every peasant is entitled to 200 kilograms of wheat. They were not really interested in the people. Elena and Nicolae reject this. How can one say something like this? What do you say as a citizen? No, no, he says. Later reports suggested the couple had been captured. And we will not betray our people here. No, no, he says. The workers were augmented by bystanders who were rounded up on Calea Victoriei. Powered by Omeka, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media. It is simply an accumulation of multitudes ignoring the official line bit by bit and thereby gradually placing themselves unwittingly in opposition to it. The court notes that the investigations have been concluded. There is still shooting going on, the prosecutor says. We are all equal. Perhaps the biggest example of thisis a CBO report that while 30 million people will technically be liable to pay the Obamacare Individual Mandate fine but in practice all but 4 million will have their fines waived or exempted. PROSECUTOR: Do you not know anything about the order to shoot? Why did you starve the people? You have acted in a very irresponsible manner; you led the country to the verge of ruin and you will be convicted on the basis of the points contained in the bill of indictment. In the wake of growing tension over an uprising in Timioara in which thousands were reportedly killed, Ceauescu decided to give a nationally televised speech before a crowd in Palace Square (now known as Revolution Square) in Bucharest. PROSECUTOR: Why do you think that people are fighting today? PROSECUTOR: Will you sign the statement now or not? , Now career military personnel are speaking out through gritted teeth, insisting they speak for active-duty personnel who cannot talk without being punished. [2], Ceauescu appeared on the balcony of the Central Committee building and began as he had in years past, with a speech laden with the usual "wooden language." But their triumph was marred by the first confused reports of fresh bloodshed in the early evening following heavy machine-gun fire in Bucharests Republic Square. . You are guilty of these offenses even if you do not want to admit it. You were the most important aide, the number two in the cabinet, in the government. Bucharests Broadcasting House was the main source of information yesterday for Romanians about the countrys liberation and the means by which politicians, military officers and dissidents tried to influence the situation. Immediately before them were plainclothes Securitate agents and a row of police militia, who kept the mass of the crowd about thirty meters back from the front of the Central Committee building. If he no longer has a certain function, he cannot demand anything at all. PROSECUTOR: Who ordered shooting into the crowd? Workers, military units and other popular organizations were bused to the capitol and given orders on where to stand, when to applaud and what to sing. Ti-mi-oa-ra! You have destroyed the Romanian villages and the Romanian soil. You, as a scientist, did you know about it? The counsel for the defense now takes the floor and instructs the Ceausescus once again that they have the right to defense and that they should accept this right. Answer this question! PROSECUTOR: The terrorists are from Securitate? No Way In at Amazon Kindle $8.95, print $9.99. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: No, no. Those moments of Ceausescus weakness and the power of popular pressure explain why, a mere 48 hours later, Ceausescu was attempting to flee Romania, all power lost. No one was shot. Ceausescu's last speech was interrupted but not by the shouts of the masses. I have nothing to do with them. You have information about it. Nicolae Ceausescu delivers his last public speech in Bucharest on December 21, 1989. The collapse of the narrative doesnt happen in a single big step, but through an accumulation of small, personal, often innocuous refusals. What do you say as a citizen? PROSECUTOR: That is to say, as a deputy prime minister you did not know about the genocide? I ask the court, as the plaintiff, to take note that proof has been furnished for all these points, that the two have committed the offenses mentioned. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: This is not possible at all. Elena keeps whispering to him. This speech was an annual event and carefully scripted by the regime to insure both success and the appearance of popular support. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I will answer any question, but only at the Grand National Assembly, before the representatives of the working class. This year, the crowd begins to chant unscripted comments back at the dictator. His talks with Dubcek focused primarily on the events that had unfolded in Czechoslovakia over the last several months. Another question . NICOLAE CEAUESCU: Nobody can change the state structures. Because of this indictment, I call for the death sentence and the impounding of the entire property of the two accused. Romania's dictator Nicolae Ceausescu's final speech (executed 12/25) More Notable Events on December 21: 1997 Detroit Lions Barry Sanders is 3rd to run for 2,000 yards in a season 1991 U.S. actress Jane Fonda marries CNN-director Ted Turner 1989 Dan Quayle sends out 30,000 Xmas cards with word beacon spelled beakon PROSECUTOR: Did you know about the genocide in Timisoara? The two defendants should also know that they are entitled to a counsel for defense, even if they reject this. You are faced with charges that you held really sumptuous celebrations on all holidays at your house. You are faced with charges that you held really sumptuous celebrations on all holidays at your house. Free shipping for many products! Lech Walesa has openly accused president Obama as unable to lead in world. The prosecutor wants to find out on which basis the trial can be continued. Ceauescu refused to answer. Just a genteel, inoffensive refusal from an old gent. Tyrannies are buried by the shovel of self-deception. Recent items of interest by Belmont readers based on Amazon click-throughs. Their son, Nicu, was shown on television under arrest. Everybody should be paid according to his performance. Ceausescu relates his recent meeting with Dubcek in Prague in August 1968. I have nothing to do with them. PROSECUTOR: This would serve your defense. The English translation is by the U.S. government's Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Stanley double-crossed Richard at the crucial moment. It is a historic time, given that no military member goes public to speak negatively about the ultimate commander. However, there is a difference between real sickness that must be treated and mental insanity which leads to corresponding actions, but which is denied by the person in question. PROSECUTOR: We have always spoken of equality. Bucharest television said that they had left the country. Dressed in a black Persian lamb hat with matching coat collar, Ceausesecu, 71, was . You were not used to talking to the people. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: Her scientific papers were published abroad! PROSECUTOR: Please, make a note: Ceausescu does not recognize the new legal structures of power of the country. Elena Ceauescu's last moments were as pathetic as one could imagine. But those who shot at the young people were the security men, the terrorists. However, they will be indicted, and a sentence will be passed on the basis of the new legal system. These two defendants have robbed the people, and not even today do they want to talk. The Man at the Top increasingly pulls on disconnected controls, yet still imagines he is in charge. Not a single shot was fired in Palace Square. Tens of thousands of people gathered in the early hours in front of the Intercontinental Hotel in Bucharest, undeterred by armoured vehicles. This gang will be destroyed. He did not realize, however, that a real revolution was starting right before his eyes. ELENA CEAUESCU: Accounts in Switzerland? The prosecutor cites all academic titles she had always claimed to have. No one wanted to do anything for you anymore. You were so impertinent as to cut off oxygen lines in hospitals and to shoot people in their hospital beds. Now the counsel for the defense, who was appointed by the court, asks whether Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu know the aforementioned facts that he is no longer president, that she has lost all official functions. Yet there is a big difference between grousing, which is endemic to the military, and actual rebellion. The notorious programme of razing villages in the countryside would be halted. Another question to Ceauescu: Who ordered the bloodbath in Timisoara. I have done everything to create a decent and rich life for the people in the country, like in no other country in the world. They wanted to separate the people from the army. Please make a note that here it has been stated that all legal regulations have been observed, that this is a legal trial. Bundled in drab winter clothing, she was shoved around by armed guards inside a cold, empty building. Tell us! I will only speak at the Grand National Assembly. I hope that you do not also work for the foreigners and for the destruction of Romania. No one can dissolve the National Assembly. This demonstrates their lack of understanding. By the morning of 22 December, the rebellion had already spread to all major cities across the country. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I do not recognize this court. Please make a note that here it has been stated that all legal regulations have been observed, that this is a legal trial. First their narratives become so infested with lies they go out of sync with their own administrators on the ground. I will only speak in front of it. It can go on for a long time shedding parts, but eventually the axle falls out. They used to fetch people from orphans' homes or from abroad whom they trained in special institutions to become murderers of their own people. PROSECUTOR: Whether you have ever had a mental illness. The prosecutor quotes Ceauescu, Ceauescu's program. One day Obama may wake up and find the alliances just gone. Two: Armed attack on the people and the state power, in accordance with Article 163 of the penal code. There is still shooting going on, the prosecutor says. Elena and Nicolae Ceasescu state: Well, you told us about it. They obstructed the normal process of the economy. ALISON SMALE December 21, 1989. PROSECUTOR: Please, make a note: Nicolae Ceauescu refuses to cooperate with the court-appointed counsel for the defense. Dressed in a black Persian lamb hat with matching coat collar, Ceausesecu, 71, was . A tyrant stops knowing the difference. The Times of Israel quotes Israeli oppositionists as accusing Benjamin Netanyahu of loathing Barack Obama so intensely it has endangering the Jewish states security. The truth shall set you free, even if it makes you miserable. They not only killed children, young people and adults in Timisoara and Bucharest; they allowed Securitate members to wear military uniforms to create the impression among the people that the army is against them. I will only speak at the Grand National Assembly. What prevents him from doing so? As the other primary sources reveal, the Ceausescus were tried a few days later and executed as enemies of the new Romanian state. It must be cleared up whether Ceauescu wants to, should, must or can answer at all. One of the first acts of the new leadership was to place the security forces, the dreaded Securitate, under control of the army. We have data concerning both of them. Only a few hours before the Genius of the Carpathians had been in apparently complete command. CEAUSESCU: I do not answer, I will only answer questions before the Grand National Assembly. They are shooting at children; they are shooting arbitrarily into the apartments. . These two defendants have robbed the people, and not even today do they want to talk. VIENNA, Austria (AP) _ For the first time that anybody could remember, Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu was interrupted at a public speech by boos and jeers that began a huge demonstration against him in Bucharest Thursday. He answers: I am the president of Romania, and I am the commander in chief of the Romanian army. PROSECUTOR: This situation is known. Queen Victoria and Her Prime Ministers PROSECUTOR: We have wonderful programs. Ceauescus hated son, Nicu, a one-time candidate to follow his father as the countrys leader, was said to have been arrested in the city of Sibiu as he was trying to take hostages. What should he ask us? I will not say anything here. They cultivated the soil in line with your orders and had nothing to eat. As hard as it may be to believe, there was a time when . The prosecutor wants to find out on which basis the trial can be continued. One of the most decisive moments in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 was Ceausescus December 21st speech (or lack thereof). Elena and Nicolae Ceauescu must be held fully responsible for this. The Idiot Vote: The Democrats Core Constituency Now we are making a last attempt. Why did you ruin the country so much: Why did you export everything? But rebellion begins involuntarily, at the Hayekian level. The bill of indictment contains the following points: Genocide, in accordance with Article 356 of the penal code. Tell the people that I will answer all their questions. They will receive a link in their email and it will automatically give them access to a Kindle reader on their smartphone, computer or even as a web-readable document. That is why the people are fighting all over the country. I ask the court, as the plaintiff, to take note that proof has been furnished for all these points, that the two have committed the offenses mentioned. Defendant, if you had no accounts in Switzerland, will you sign a statement confirming that the money that may be in Switzerland should be transferred to the Romanian state, the State Bank. What happened was that he was misled by Centralized Information. The following is a transcript of the closed trial of Romanian Dictator Nicolae Ceauescu and his wife, Elena, as shown on Romanian and Austrian television. This shows again how false the charges are. Captive: My Time as a Prisoner of the Taliban PROSECUTOR: Note the following: The defendant refuses to sign this statement. . ELENA CEAUESCU: Such impudence! This is not possible. quotes Israeli oppositionists as accusing Benjamin Netanyahu of loathing Barack Obama so intensely it has endangering the Jewish states security. Usurpers have been punished severely during the past centuries in Romania's history. Tip Jar or Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the Belmont Club, George Ciampa, an 89-year old D-Day veteran, Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway, Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obamas Impeachment, Captive: My Time as a Prisoner of the Taliban, Quantum: Einstein, Bohr and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality, The Idiot Vote: The Democrats Core Constituency, Rebranding Christianity (The World of Information), The Lion and the Unicorn: Gladstone vs. Disraeli, How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them: 11 Rules for Winning the Argument, The FBI Targeted Patriotic Conservatives Exercising Their First Amendment Rights: Theyre All Bleeping Terrorists, Watch: Russell Brand OBLITERATES MSNBC in Hack's Face on 'Real Time With Bill Maher', New York Times Discovers a New Source of Racism, and This One Could Be the Most Ridiculous Yet, Young Man Does His Own Taxes for First Time, Rage and Mirth Ensue, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I will not say anything more. PROSECUTOR: Did you know about the genocide or did you, as a chemist, only deal with polymers? Suntem in fata unui tribunal al poporului. And who brought them into the country? And so should such reports chill one to the bone. His 1936 mugshot at age 18 still haunts the internet. They organized the putsch. One of the fundamental defenses of a democracy is the truth. Because of the crimes they committed against the people, I plead, on behalf of the victims of these two tyrants, for the death sentence for the two defendants. PROSECUTOR: Note the following: the defendant refuses to sign this statement. Decembrie 25 1989 - Garnizoana Tirgoviste. The prosecutor says: The world already knows what has happened here. They used to fetch people from orphans' homes or from abroad whom they trained in special institutions to become murderers of their own people. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I do not recognize this court. Every honest citizen who worked hard here until 22 December knows that we do not have medicines, that you two have killed children and other people in this way, that there is nothing to eat, no heating, no electricity. One of the most decisive moments in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 was Ceausescus December 21st speech (or lack thereof). Immediately before them were plainclothes Securitate agents and a row of police militia, who kept the mass of the crowd about thirty yards back from the front of the Central Committee building.