But consider the part about the wine and the oil. The signs in the skies come after the great tribulation, again according to Scripture. Revelation 6:6 tells us that the price for three choenixes of barley will be equal to the value of a denarius after the opening of the third seal. The four horsemen come to us from chapter 6 of the prophetic book of Revelation. Dominoes falling. All part of a Grand Solar Minimum. Since 2013, the hysteria seems to have quite down. We will see in our next installment that he rides in tandem with this third horseman. How the seven seals in Revelation are related to the last seven plagues It is when we keep our eyes firmly focused on this truth that we can have hope beyond the tensions of our present world. Web. But eventually it will break free. If the Bible were read chapter by chapter, and verse by verse that would be known.! A few Bible versions and some commentators go as far as to say that a loaf of bread will cost a person an entire days worth of wages. Its not time to be worried about the 3rd seal yet. Before Christ performed a miracle to feed at least 5,000 people His disciples asked Him whether they should go buy 200 pennyworth (denarri-the plural for denarius) of bread to feed the people: (35) And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed: (36) Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat. pretty good point. American King James Version: "When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, 'Come and see.' To answer your question, any creature(s) this beneficial is going to have an impact. We are not yet near 3rd seal famine conditions. Peace, material abundance, good health and the absence of disease would follow. You can access the data by selecting Monthly Data at the following link: I use hard red winter wheat data since it is used to make bread. Whitney, William Dwight and Benjamin Eli Smith. As the coronavirus spread rapidly around the world last year, the United Nations warned that the economic disruption of the pandemic could result in famines of biblical proportions.. Abundant rains brought an earlier planting season at the beginning of 2020a good thingbut also bringing about flooding, mudslides, flash floods, and river overflows that have displaced many people, damaged infrastructure and destroyed some crops. The black horse in Revelation is believed to represent Famine. More than two million people have died in the past decade in North Korea due to food shortages caused by a combination of flood, drought and bad government policy created by Kim Jong Il, the nation's dictatorial ruler, who currently threatens the use or sale of nuclear weapons. Revelation 6:5-6 focuses on the price of items in terms of money instead of labor. [6] And I heard a voice in the middle of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see you hurt not the oil and the wine. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. Too often, people speak of this period as "the end of the world" or by some other similarly gloomy name. The famine of the end tones is for hearing the Word of God. The weight of a denari is really close to 1/10 of an ounce of silver in this article. Good thoughts & research Wayne. Wheat and barley are not tweaked, if you will, by gentic engineering like corn and soybeans. Revelation 6:5-8 says that in the final days, the world will be rocked by subsequent famines and plagues. Required fields are marked *. Rev 6:6 is interesting because it says something about not hurting the wine or oil. Maybe the 5 loaves and 2 fishes is about Christs love for his children .. the fact hell never leave nor forsaken us. We see this numerous times in the book of Genesis. 6. 03 Mar 2023 00:14:01 . With the ice melt going on in Greenland and especially West Antarctica, we clearly see that temperatures are rising to obvious consequences. Preachers during the Dust Bowl of 1920s and 1930s America held alcohol and immorality responsible for provoking Gods anger. It is somewhat reminiscent of Revelation 16:4, in my opinion. The 7 year period wont start until sometime in the 2020s this can be calculated by any Bible scholar who are familiar with the knowledge that a day equals 1000 years and also a year equals 360 days. Its hard to know exactly what you should do.I am kind of in the middle about it. The Elite /Globalist have stated in numerous publications that China is the model they want the New World order based off of..Google videos for Lindsey Williams, he discusses alot of this, the plan is to take down the US economy before the end of 2012, which is why you see Govts & people who know whats going on, cashing out there 401k & cashing in their dollar bills for gold & silver.At all costs, please do yourself a favor & Get out of the dollar. Dollars. Your email address will not be published. Global Crop losses are rolling in since last year. United Church of Godis a501(c)3organization. I came out that a typical slice of bread is now 10 cents a slice. A look at past famines gives us an idea of how devastating they can be. If/when that changes, we can use whatever currency replaces it to track pricing. Im referring to wheat they both grow and the export of fertilizer by Russia. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6). I estimate sliver to jump %2500 or more! A famine of hearing. Farms were collectivized. [4] Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. Farmers who knew only the land were at a loss in factories. Leviticus 26 is a chapter of promises from Godthe promise of blessings for obedience and of curses for disobedience. Amen. How much can you hide? I tried my best to use data that was aligned with the time Revelation was written. (38) He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? When events appear eminent, as in the Bible, we should be aware of them, and do whatever it is to correct them in Gods eyes. I realized that my silver price was not updating like it should, so Ive tried to correct it. They don't want to hear about sin and hell. The black market will be huge! For keeping His statutes and commandments, God promises in the next verses the necessities for plentiful food production: "rain in its season" so that "the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit you shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely.". Mainstream news will not report on this, although Tucker Carlson did on FOX last month. The American word dime would be a much closer word, but because we dont equate the word dime with silver anymore, youd have to say silver dime to perfectly nail the translation. On the flip side, it could also represent luxuryolive oil and wine (rich people will not be affected by the price increases and famine PHYSICALLY). (8) So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. The price rises shown in each table are staggering. Other commentators Ive read estimate that the wheat price increase that John described amounted to between 8 and 16 times (or 800% and 1600%) the prices normally found in the first century A.D. A choenix of wheat is approximately 1.843 lbs. My big question is have you considered the price of wheat and barley during the Great Depression of the 1930s? In the last book of the Bible there is described a revelation, from Jesus to the Apostle John, about a great cataclysm coming upon earth. Interesting read for this article. Be that it may, but the churches are not watching the skies or Israel. While naturedrought, floods and insect infestationsis often the cause of famine, quite often war and misrule, as well as malignant political or religious ideology, are prime factors. Thus, due to famine in various places and forced destruction of food, and forced non-growing of food by the evil governments, again the amount of money a person earns for a days wage will not go very far. [5] And your threshing shall reach to the vintage, and the vintage shall reach to the sowing time: and you shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely. The Book of Revelations in the New Testament lists the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as conquest, war, famine and death, while in the Old Testament's Book of Ezekiel they are sword, famine, wild beasts and pestilence or plague. Below I provide denarius values for 70 A.D. and for 95 A.D.: the two dates most people associate with the writing of the Book of Revelation. If things were good, it was because God was happy. In response to the third living creature's command to come, a rider on a black horse emerged. Instead, hoard minted, treasury reserve certified silver coins. Luke 21:11 - And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Ultimately, we are dependent on God for everything. He heard denari. Famine was a constant threat and a very real part of life for the ancient Israelite world that produced the Hebrew Bible. Also, you are working off the assumption that grain will be priced in U.S. dollars. Keep the commentaries coming brother. If you decide you no longer want to carry this burden claim His promises as your own ( they were made to you after all) , read His word and lay it all before the cross. I dont have data that goes back that far. Well call this ratio the choenix/denarius ratio for wheat or CDW. If its good for the Govt like, China, India, Russiadont you think theyre a bit more in the know than you or I. (6) And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? The baby formula is also being destroyed. One Twitter user said: "The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse representing war, famine, pestilence and death as depicted in the Bible on Revelation 6:2-8 are most likely causing this coronavirus . For instance, Matthew 20:2-9 suggests workers were paid one denarius (penny) for 8 hours of labor or a full work day: (2) And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. I dont expect wheat and barley to be priced in U.S. dollars in the future. I analyzed data I found about 1st century A.D. Roman Empire food prices to see if the data matched up with the Bible. That was God through his mercy warning us, here it comes. In that scenario, it would seem that, even without an economic crop failure. I believe the Rapture will occur immediately before the prelude of the Great Tribulation. At that point, it depicts believers being. That means our economy is GONE!! If you are unable to do that then just wait until the Antichrist arise as that will be the start of the 7 final years when the first seal is opened as can be seen by comparing Matt 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 and Revelation 6. However, because the word is often paired with both of those, it may imply a greater devastation than mere physical disease. Their price movement should keep up with rising food prices in an inflationary environment. Constant prayer will keep you strong from temptation. I am returning to your web site for more soon. I send a lot of love your way because I know you feel scared. pre-1964 U.S. minted coins should work well. What do we do, if it should happen again, somewhere else? I have no idea what relevance that has in your attack. They are watching everything else. As we shall see, the following two seven-year periods are separated by 3 . Scales have long been used as a symbol for judgment. ( Woodcut by Albrecht Drer) Many modern scholars interpret Revelation from a preterist point of view, arguing that its prophecy and imagery apply only to the events of the first century of Christian history. This is a really interesting discussion. We must be careful not to cross over into occult omens. The CDB exceeded 0.8 in 2002 amid a global barley shortage caused by bad weather. In 1932-34, the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin sought to suppress Ukrainian nationalism by forcing a system of collectivized agriculture on the peasants. But, be aware that things can change quickly if global conflict breaks out. He foretold that there will be a time of great tribulation, greater than any previous world conflict, and unless that time is cut short, no human flesh will survive. Youll also get my latest articles and updates delivered to your inbox. In the 13th century B.C., nearly all of the Eastern Mediterranean civilizations collapsed because of a prolonged drought. Yet the entire world is wholly dependent on elements totally beyond human controlnamely sufficient rainfall, sunshine, temperate weather and fertility of the earth beneath our feetto keep us alive. They were exclaiming that the 200 denarii would hardly be enough to feed such a large number. Exodus 32:35 gives an example of this, saying "So the Lord plagued the people because of what they did with the calf which Aaron made." Learn more about the 10 Plagues of . And its about silver being used as money again, paying for food in that difficult time. The federal minimum wage in the United States is $7.25 an hour (each state has their own minimum wage laws, so Ill use the federal minimum wage to make a generalization about the entire country). In fact he is wholly all American. At least I live near a water system with ducks and geese. Famine is listed in Revelation 6 as following the previous horsemen of religious deception and war. No President Trump is not the Antichrist. As I said, I disagree with the idea that a whole days wages will only be enough to buy a choenix of wheat or a loaf of bread. White Horse ( 1st Seal ): The appearance of the Antichrist on the world stage as a false messiah: "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." (Revelation 6:2) Red Horse (2nd Seal): The . Daniel knew how to read the Mazzaroth. "The third horse of the Apocalypse (mainly famine) is followed, according to Revelation 6:7-8, by a pale horse, and the rider's name is 'Death,' and 'Hades' or 'the Grave' follows him. The choenix at this city was 1.5 liters while the Attic choenix was 1.087 liters. Keep the faith and keep looking for the uppertakernot the undertaker! Revelation 6:1-8 shows the opening of four seals and discusses the rides of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. This article has no value whatsoever. [7] And you shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword. Your math on 200 denarii to buy bread for 5000+, makes the assumption that the disciples make a mathematical summary of how much money would be required to buy bread for the crowd. World Archeology Issue 23. PLZ Google transhumanism and elite population reduction. The CDB will be greater than 1 when the value of a denarius is less than 3 times the price for a choenix of barley. This means that things would have to get a whole lot worse for us to be close to experiencing third seal famine conditions. (4) And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. (Revelation 6:3-4). If a penny at Christs time could buy about 25 loves of bread, and the increase would cause bread value to increase %800 to %1600, that would calculate to bread costing about $8.50 in todays market. Inflation is a factor, but not a big factor in this analysis because the ratios between silver and wheat and silver and barley reflect relative value. Sadly, this prophecy is directly ties to Americas demise. It was large enough to light up the whole sky, and came with a sonic boom. I found a dataset from the World Bank that has monthly wheat price data and silver price data as far back as 1960. God promises we can move mountains with the strength of a mustard seed, that nothing will be impossible to you. God bless you and spread the word to pray for souls to be added. Once we drop, here it comes. The Book of Revelation (the Apocalypse) is the only canonical representative of a large genre of apocalyptic literature that appeared in the early Christian movement. Denari literally means 1/10th and a denarius is a 1/10th silver coin. The story of Ruth depends on the initial famine; it ends with Ruth being the ancestor of King David. This would mean that the famines and earthquakes of Matthew 24:7 speak of a future time, which Revelation 6:5-8 expounds upon, not of any events that have occurred during the last 2,000 years nor of anything in our present day. Inflation causes many prices to rise, including the prices of many metals and food. We shouldnt be surprised then, when God shows up, writing on the roof of our skies, with something called a meteor. After all, they are thermal sensitive creatures. The CDW will equal 1 when we see third seal conditions since the value of a denarius will be the same as the price for a choenix of wheat. The hardest demons to overcome are those invited in and given room and board. Reading this in the light of today's reported tragedies is profoundly sobering. Famine-induced cannibalism is the lowest depth of depravity to which a nation can sink. Go study the history of Bolshevism/Zionism. To be honest, I really havent studied that topic yet. There have been, no doubt, earthquakes and famines in the first century and during every generation since. The ATS is a funding partner of The Conversation US. . The color black suggests starvation and death, and the scales suggest something was going to be weighed, judged, or measured. This is why Israel, at least, had a wide range of laws intended to protect the stranger. At other times the causes are all too humanwar, social unrest and breakdown, and inefficient or outright malevolent government policy. Similarly, the book of Ruth opens with a famine that forces Naomi, the mother-in-law of Ruth, and her family to move first to, and then away from, Moab. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat? Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for YOU declares the Lord. Think of the wheel barrels of German marks to buy a loaf of bread during their great depression. Where were our hearts? In the name of the Heavenly Father. (3) And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, (4) And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. We have not yet seen the full depths of the catastrophe that awaits the world as the seals of Revelation 6 are opened and the human tragedies described in them unfold. According to the biblical narrative, Zerubbabel was a governor of the Achaemenid Empire's province of Yehud and the grandson of Jeconiah, penultimate king of Judah.Zerubbabel led the first group of Jews, numbering 42,360, who returned from the Babylonian captivity in the first year of Cyrus the Great, the king of the Achaemenid Empire. A modii of wheat could produce between 16 and 20 one-pound loaves of bread. I believe Revelation 6:6 tells us that a denarius will only be worth enough to buy a choenix of wheat or three choenixes of barley during the third seal famine. The size of a choenix varied throughout the Roman Empire. In 1984, a famine in Ethiopia developed through natural means, but was aggravated by the unstable government. The New moon was with Venus in Leo last night. Itd been surprising if they werent. The invasion has caused wheat prices to rise substantially vis-a-vis silver. We have an appalling murder rate in Chicago, that nobody seems to be able to handle.. We have immigrants that want to come to America, but now cant. In some countries, people made different wages but there was rationing for certain items due to shortages or the need to preserve supply of these items for the war effort. [2] Conversely, if we divide 200 denarri by 5000 loaves of bread, well find that 0.04 denarius bought 1 loaf of bread. Im sure my diet isnt as healthy it could be, Wayne Got questions on the food What is healthiest way to eat according to the bible.