An example of a leaky vaccine is the vaccine against Mareks disease, highly contagious and deadly viral disease of chicken that is a major problem in the poultry industry, and Dr. Vanden Bossche relies on this precedent, as Nirenberg explains: For a moment though, lets entertain the notion that the vaccines are leaky. In general, you would have a hard time identifying any human vaccine that could be called leaky (though emerging findings regarding influenza vaccines give hints that there may be a leaky vaccine effect involved, given their excellent efficacy among children, who are critical vectors, I am not so convinced- though if we do grant that they are leaky, this only serves to undermine Bossches argument). His LinkedIn profile lists several impressive positions, including Head of the Vaccine Development Office for the German Centre for Infection Research (for seven months, August 2017-February 2018); Chief Innovation & Scientific Officer for Univac, where he claimed to be an inventor of a new vaccine technology based on natural killer (NK) cells (2014-2016); and the managing director of VARECO, claiming to be a consultant about vaccine development (2012-present). De standpunten vermeld in deze community reflecteren niet noodzakelijk de redactionele lijn van Amusingly, as I was looking this post over earlier this morning for a final edit, I saw that no less a grifter than RFK Jr. himself had published a rebuttal to Dr. Vanden Bossches open letter by someone named Rosemary Frei, The Not-So-Hidden Agenda Behind Bossches Concern Over COVID Mass Vaccination. De statisten waren een politieke fractie tijdens de Brabantse Omwenteling, die aanhangers waren van de Staten. In de tweede plaats stelt hij dat deze vaccinaties op termijn wellicht auto-immuunziekten zouden kunnen veroorzaken. Racing against the clock, I am completing my scientfic [sic] manuscript, the publication of which is, unfortunately, likely to come too late given the ever increasing threat from rapidly spreading, highly infectious variants. p.381-386. "The underlying fallacy," Omer explained, is that a natural infection is better than a vaccine. Paradoxically, the only intervention that could offer a perspective to end this pandemic (other than to let it run its disastrous course) is VACCINATION. 721. Hij beweert dat de coronavaccins ertoe zullen leiden dat het coronavirus verder muteert en zo bestand wordt tegen die vaccins. 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. While there is no doubt that current vaccines will become less effective over time due to genetic drift, this is not something that vaccine science is unaware of or unprepared for. "There can be no doubt," Vanden Bossche asserts, "that lack of exposure due to stringent containment measures implemented as of the beginning of the pandemic has not been beneficial to keeping peoples innate immune system well trained. 23.4K. Je krijgt daardoor minder besmettingen en daardoor ook minder mutaties. ", The notion that lockdowns have weakened our innate immune system is equally without basis. Bij sommige besmettingen kunnen NK-cellen wl specifieker te werk gaan, stipt immunoloog Herman Favoreel (Universiteit Gent) aan. Dat is volgens de officile data enkel het geval in Chili. This particular coronavirus happens to have a proofreading mechanism that results in a low mutation rate compared to that of a lot of other RNA viruses, such as, for example, the influenza virus. 10.8K. Heres the crux of his concern, in which he likens escape from vaccine immunity to antibiotic resistance: THE key question is: why does nobody seem to bother about viral immune escape? Dr. Gorski's full information can be found here, along with information for patients. Its another step in the decades-long erasure of the fact that our sophisticated and highly effective immune systems work well and dont need any assistance from the biomedical/pharmaceutical industry. Likes. The way to avoid this purported calamity, Vanden Bossche asserts, is for scientists to pay more attention to his own invention a "universal vaccine" that uses the body's innate immune system to kill SARS-CoV-2. Frans historicus Emmanuel Todd (volledig interview): Derde Wereldoorlog is al begonnen, Met 3000 kwamen ze naar Brussel op 26 februari 2023, Europe for Peace. In an effort to sidestep this self-evident solution, Vanden Bossche seems to have made up a second mechanism to stoke fear over COVID-19 vaccines. En video is zelfs een miljoen keer bekeken. However, even if this phenomenon occurs with a human vaccineit doesnt, as far as we knowthats an even more compelling reason to be vaccinated. Even so, concern about immune escape is one reason why Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna used the entire SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, rather than specific segments of it that might serve as antigens, so that the polyclonal antibody immune response generated would be broad and unlikely to be escaped with single mutationsor even multiple mutations. By educating these cells in ways that enable them to durably recognize and target Coronavirus-infected cells, our immune system could be perfectly armed for a targeted atack to the universe of Coronaviruses prior to exposure. Opleiding Vanden Bossche studeerde achtereenvolgens aan de Universiteit van Namen en Gent , waar hij in 1983 zijn doctoraalexamen diergeneeskunde ( DVM ) haalde (cum laude). Geert Vanden Bossche is known for Compleetdenkers (2022) and Mdia info cit TV (2020). Integendeel zelfs. As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19- pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly and strongly enough. Before he gets to his concerns, like anyone spreading antivaccine disinformation, whether as an antivaxxer or someone whos misguided, Dr. Vanden Bossche, like RFK Jr., must proclaim himself so very firmly not antivaccine: I am all but an antivaxxer. Dat punt maakte ook Otto Yang, professor Infectieziekten aan de Universiteit van California, in de krant USA Today. Freya Van den Bossche (born 26 March 1975) is a Belgian ( Flemish) politician and daughter of prominent former Belgian politician Luc Van den Bossche. Even more hilariously (and a bit uncomfortably) Frei is pretty spot on when she notes: However, this is on very shaky ground. Nog meer mensen laten sterven?. Daarna werd hij hoofd van het Vaccine Development Office van het Duitse Centrum voor Infectieonderzoek. Some of you might have seen it already published elsewhere (although this is an edited/abridged version of the original post). On the contrary, I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists. He claims that its because theres so much coronavirus circulating and so many people might produce suboptimal levels of antibody to the virus that, as is the case when antibiotics are used at levels too low to eliminate bacteria and thereby result in strong evolutionary selection for resistant strains of bacteria, a mass vaccination program is doomed to result in resistant variants of coronavirus, particularly when the vaccination program has started out targeted: As if this was not already heavily compromising innate immune defense in this population segment, there comes yet another force into play that will dramatically enhance morbidity and mortality rates in the younger age groups: MASS VACCINATION of the ELDERLY. By the time I get through this, I suspect youll understand why the misinformation that Dr. Vanden Bossche is selling (and I use the word selling intentionally, as I suspect theres grift involved) is nonsense and nothing more than repackaged antivax tropes. First of all, note how Dr. Vanden Bossche is conflating vaccine-induced immunity with natural immunity. Specifically, scientists have long been pointing out that, the more we let COVID-19 circulate, the more likely virus variants that can escape the immune response to the vaccine (and/or to natural infection) are to emerge, and they use this argument as a rationale for vaccinating as many people as possible as fast as possible, in order to slow that circulation of the virus to as low a rate as possible, thus reducing the opportunities for strains resistant to the vaccine and strains able to re-infect previously infected people to emerge. Duitsland blokkeert goedkeuring, Auto rijdt binnen in huis in Mol, bestuurder pleegt vluchtmisdrijf. Volgens de immunologen die we spraken, is het echt niet zo gemakkelijk om die natural killer-cellen gericht te laten optreden tegen n besmetting, bijvoorbeeld met een vaccin tegen het coronavirus. In 1986 promoveerde hij (PhD) in de virologie aan de Universiteit van Hohenheim (Duitsland). Mensen die gevaccineerd zijn, voelen zich soms een dag niet goed, met koorts bijvoorbeeld. 1. At this point, I will also mention that, because Ed Nirenberg produced an excellent rebuttal of Dr. Vanden Bossches mangling of immunology in his letter, Ill stick more to my lane (mostly, anyway), although there will be some overlap. Samen zetten zij zich evenwel af tegen het beleid van keizer Jozef II en streefden zij naar de onafhankelijkheid van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, hetgeen leidde tot de Brabantse Omwenteling (1789 - 1790). He adds hes now focusing on vaccines that educate the immune system in ways that are to some extent more efficient than we do right now with our conventional vaccines. Clearly hes got significant conflicts of interest. Ik ben onafhankelijk en neutraal, heb geen aandelen bij vaccin fabrikanten en ben niet gebonden aan contracten die bepalen wat ik al dan niet mag zeggen. De vier wetenschappers die we contacteerden, begrijpen niet hoe daar ook maar iets van zou kunnen kloppen. In online biographies, Vanden Bossche describes himself as "inventor on a patent application for universal vaccines." [1] Zijn proefschrift gaat over veranderingen in oppervlakte-eigenschappen van virale deeltjes en hun infectieus gedrag. Failure to comply with these requirements is at risk of granting microbes a chance to survive and hence, may cause the disease to fare [sic] up. En dan moet je weten dat het coronavirus eigenlijk niet zo heel veel muteert in vergelijking met bijvoorbeeld de griep. Het komt maar zelden voor dat een nieuwe variant van een virus dodelijker is. My statements are based on nothing else but science. Telkens is men middenin de uitbraak beginnen te vaccineren om die onder controle te krijgen. Nirenberg goes further and notes that the antibody titers induced by vaccines are MUCH higher than those seen after infection, and we see hallmarks of memory responses induced by these vaccines from even a single dose, suggesting that, even though there is a decrease in neutralization by vaccine-induced SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, that might not portend a loss in protection. Hij wordt op YouTube voorgesteld als een wereldwijde vaccinautoriteit met een grote reputatie, maar dat klopt niet. Maar met iets experimenteels als NK-vaccins zijn we snel vijf jaar verder. The technology enables the development of universal vaccines educating the host immune system to redirect immune targeting away from canonical antigens to a widely divergent spectrum of vitally vulnerable pathogen-derived self-mimicking antigens, irrespective of MHC polymorphism. Dit om een bepaalde sfeer te scheppen. ), vertelde Vanden Bossche tijdens een congres in Ohio begin deze maand. Je kan gerust zon idee als het NK-vaccin voorstellen, vindt Leroux-Roels, Maar het lijkt me beter om in een epidemie te werken met een benadering waarvan we weten dat ze veilig is en op korte termijn werkt., Wikipedia:Pagina's die ISBN magische links gebruiken, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen. Laat ons een sereen, publiek debat voeren over de vragen die van belang zijn in plaats van te twitteren. Sure, we dont yet have a firm grasp of how much the vaccine decreases transmission, but there is good emerging evidence that it does significantly decrease transmission. (I kid you not.) If we, human beings, are committed to perpetuating our species, we have no choice lef [sic] but to eradicate these highly infectious viral variants. A viral open letter by Geert Vanden Bossche has gone viral, and antivaxxers have been citing it as slam-dunk evidence that COVID-19 vaccination will lead to global catastrophe. [1] In 2018 he was elected president of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL). Het is opmerkelijk dat alle tegenstemmen worden gesmoord. However, Dr. Vincent Iannelli asked the question, Who is Geert Vanden Bossche? too and isunimpressed. Men noemt mij een stalker omdat ik oproep tot debat. Specifically, Im referring to the abuse of evolutionary theory by antivaxxers to claim that vaccines select for more deadly variants of pathogenic viruses and bacteria, making mass vaccination programs dangerous or even potentially catastrophic. Hij benoemt dat als een mogelijk risico. De Belgische wetenschapper Geert Vanden Bossche heeft het internet veroverd met zijn waarschuwing voor een wereldwijde ramp: de massale coronavaccinaties zouden een virusvariant kunnen creren die tegen de vaccins bestand is waardoor veel doden zouden vallen. Vanden Bossche had drie jaar lang een start-up die een NK-vaccin wilde ontwikkelen. Vanden Bossche describes himself on LinkedIn as the inventor of a new type of vaccine that "harnesses the power of the immune system by unlocking the untapped potential of self-centered [NK] cells capable of recognising these unconventional antigens. De inhoud is, tenzij anders aangegeven, beschikbaar onder. More recently, he set up his own website to publicize his letter: We've put together a website to gather all information, scientific documents and interviews I've posted on this public health emergency. While one can barely make any incorrect scientific statements without being criticized by peers, it seems like the elite of scientists who are currently advising our world leaders prefer to stay silent. Archeologen tonen verborgen gang die ze ontdekten in 4.500 jaar oude piramide van Cheops in Egypte, Het kraakpaleis werd ontruimd, terwijl het een mogelijk alternatief biedt, Open brief: Boos op onze politieke leiders. If you claim to be not antivaccine but your message is so attractive to a rabid antivaxxer and leader of the antivaccine movement like Del Bigtree that he spends an hour promoting it, you are either deluding yourself about being not antivaccine, or youre a useful idiot for the antivaccine movement, possibly both. Al was het maar om het lezerspubliek niet langer voor de gek te houden besluit Vanden Bossche. Hoe schandalig is het brugpensioen van Marc Leemans? This inevitably leads to enhanced natural selection and adaptation of more invasive immune escape variants, 2/4 6 37 Ik heb een lijst van professoren die mijn bezorgdheden delen en zal deze publiceren. Mass vaccination will only work if the vaccine prevents or decreases transmission; i.e., if it is not leaky (although he doesnt use the term). Geert Vanden Bossche Contribute to IMDb. We can hardly say we didnt know or were not warned. Dit artikel werd gepdatet op 1/4/2021 om 9:26. Evidence exists that they achieve this effect even against the variant strains of SARS-CoV-2. Je laten vaccineren lijkt wel het nieuwe dopen. [2], Na een carrire in de academische wereld in Belgi en Duitsland werkte Vanden Bossche bij verscheidene bedrijven aan de ontwikkeling van vaccins (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals). If you havent, its new to you. Geert Vanden Bossche - PhD, DVM - Independent | LinkedIn Dr. Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, Belgium, and his PhD degree in Virology from the University of. Bij herpes bijvoorbeeld. As stated, I am not against vaccination. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. Hij was daarbij kritisch over de veiligheid van een ebolavaccin. Hij ziet zaken die erop wijzen dat zijn theorie klopt. Kunnen complimenten de wereld verbeteren? At birth, our innate immune system is unexperienced but well-established. Vanden Bossche ist nach eigenen Angaben Veterinrmediziner mit einem Abschluss in Virologie. He does apparently have some history working on vaccines. Dat komt doordat ons immuunsysteem voor een virus heel moeilijk te omzeilen is. | Voice for Science and. This sharply contrasts with conventional targeting of natural immune responses as induced by conventional vaccines. Vervolgens gaat hij in op hetgeen op VRTNWS en in Knack is verschenen als reactie op zijn wetenschappelijke bevindingen. When this happens, the immune system has to rely on more specialized effectors of our immune system (i.e., antigen-specific Abs and T cells) to fight the pathogen. Hierbij vertegenwoordigt hij standpunten die slechts door een heel kleine minderheid van wetenschappelijke experts wordt gedeeld. RNA viruses like SARS-CoV-2 do mutate. Its been accompanied by a video interview posted towhere else?antivaxxer Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.s Childrens Health Defense website. Of course, the noble purpose of these Abs is to protect us against Covid-19. However, Bigtree, Coleman and others dont point out any of the red flags. There you have it, the lone scientific maverick who is the only one willing to speak out about against a horror being perpetrated by conventional medicine and science that they dont want you to know about or discuss, a horror thats so urgent that he must speak now. "The food you eat isnt sterile, he explained, the dust you inhale isnt sterile, the water you drink isnt sterile.. Relatiedeskundige Rika Ponnet beantwoordt de vraag van de week: "Moeder-dochterrelaties zijn meest complexe relaties Dan toch geen Europees verbod op benzine- en dieselwagens? Of course, the type of vaccines to be used would be completely different from conventional vaccines in that theyre not inducing the usual suspects, i.e., B and T cells, but NK cells. Zijn pleidooi werd vooral opgevangen en verspreid in de vaccin-kritische beweging. Speaking with McGill University's Office for Science and Society, Dr. Paul Offit, a doctor and vaccine scientist who serves as director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, explained that no matter where one is or was quarantined, you are still constantly exposed to microorganisms challenging your immune system. Retweets. Voorlopig dus nog even koffiedik kijken en vooral genieten van de lente. Een drietal weken geleden kwam viroloog en vaccin ontwikkelaar Geert Vanden Bossche naar buiten met een ernstige bezorgdheid omtrent de massavaccinatie tegen covid-19 die momenteel wereldwijd in ongeziene vaart aan de gang is. Als de dosis die je van antibiotica neemt, niet hoog genoeg is, of als je ze niet lang genoeg neemt, zullen bacterin die er resistent tegen zijn zich verder verspreiden. Why? Vanden Bossche has created a scientific-sounding argument that vaccination will encourage the production of COVID-19 variants that our immune systems will be unprepared to fight. It appears that Vejon Health is a dormant company, if it exists at all. Zowel bij de experten, bij de politiek als binnen de media zouden er dan logischerwijs evaluaties moeten volgen van hoe en waarom men zo fout was. En nooit is het probleem daardoor groter gemaakt. Knack wou mijn reactie niet publiceren, het was nochtans een eer-rovend vuilbakartikel van Rien Emmery. This will, indeed, require large vaccination campaigns. Dat laatste standpunt wordt ook door een klein deel van de wetenschappelijke experts gehuldigd. One such claim that I hadnt yet seen is another favorite antivax claim, although admittedly its a rather niche claim in that you dont hear it too often. Vanden Bossche beweerde enkele weken geleden dat binnen enkele weken de besmettingen zouden toenemen in de landen waar reeds massaal is gevaccineerd. Menu. It is, as McGill's Jonathan Jarry wrote and as Yale's Omer told us, a classic example of the appeal-to-nature fallacy that invokes the primacy of natural solutions, mechanisms, or substances over those deemed unnatural and human created. Leroux-Roels duikt tijdens ons gesprek in de databank, waar alle wetenschappelijke studies geregistreerd worden. Geert Vanden Bossche is een Belgische dierenarts, viroloog en onafhankelijk onderzoeker en adviseur op het gebied van vaccins.