It helps to focus my eyes and my heart on Him. He lifted his shirt and showed me incision marks all way down his abdomen. I needed to know..that always and forever HE IS good. Thank You Jesus ! Thanks again. 27K views, 638 likes, 572 loves, 499 comments, 348 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Liz Curtis Higgs: The Women of Easter LIVE!. I used to say that prayer for dinner. Lord give us eyes to see your goodness to us. I thank God that His goodness is not dependent on me. I am not always the person I should be, but I still feel His spirit of peace and am assured that he will always love me. There is nothing so good as Gods love for us. So instead of judgement and shame we can rejoice in our forgiveness and comfort like we have been comforted. He has a plan for her and He will be faithful to complete them. The goodness of God means that I never have to be concerned about Gods motives towards me. Flashes of lighting and roles of thunder. God is good to me in that I know he guides me every d a y and is there to give me strength to handle whatever happens. Your Bible Study (especially the videos) and the faithful women in the group made me laugh, until I cried! I believe that nothing happens by coincidence, and everything that does happen, happens for a reason. Thanks for the memories and smile. What a blessing it was to me to have met you at the Bible Baptist College Conference in June. I especially like your reminder that whatever good I do, comes from the goodness of God, from God himself, not from me lest I should boast. God is so good! Today I am celebrating 17 years with Him on our spiritual birthday. Read More Bible Study Posts 2016 (5) 2017 (5) 2018 (7) 2019 (12) Thank you for your words of encouragement. I dont do facebook. / Romance. The video is posted on Facebook, if you missed it: Cherish each day and love on those around you every chance you haveno one ever knows when God will call us home! In the midst of all the bad times and troubles in our lives, God is always there with us just waiting to show his goodness in some way. <3. Its as simple as that. Blessings. The goodness of God a good deed, a smile or kind word to a stranger or a friend. I am so thankful that God has blessed me to be able to help others. Clearly it was unscripted (and a bit loosey-goosey! Bible teacher, grateful for God's truth. Where I can be the salt and light to others and share my testimony on how He changed me and He keeps molding me to the image of His Sonall I can do is smile and laugh at the devil because I no longer serve a father of lies, I serve the Most High God and I am a representative of His son Jesus Christ So well done, and so needed."--LIZ CURTIS HIGGS, author of 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path "For everyone who has ever thought that joy was for other people (you know, those super-spiritual people who have the inside track to what God wants . He always knows what is best for us, even when we dont. His Love is Everlasting~! . Very very thankful. And we thank Him for our food; Sing a new song, to him who sits on Heavens mercy seat. God is good all of the time. It is so easy to see when things are going as we want. As I read these I am reminded that we have been blessed by these simple songs and prayers that teach us of Gods love and goodness at a young age, and now at age 55 I realize that, indeed, if I never heard another song or prayer, these alone are the gospel in a nutshell. By the hands and feet of every Sister-in Him, connected to me today, has brought me Life in an extraordinary way. There is always something to be thankful for, something to rejoice in. In her newest series of messages, Endless Hope, Liz explores the lives of biblical women who had a personal encounter with Jesus. God is everything to me! Its Good to Be Queen encourages readers to become as bold, gracious, and wise as the queen of Sheba, who journeyed across the desert to test the mind and heart of King Solomon. Romans 15.13 my gift from Papa in 2002-3 after a sad season with Marni Thank you for reminding me. Sound good? I know beyond a doubt that Hell come through this with me just as Hes done in the past. I have had issues in my life that I couldnt handle on my own. It is so very hard to see her go through this, but we know that God loves her more than anyone on earth and we have to remember that, no matter the outcome. My heart swells with gratitude when I think of the Goodness of God. God used me this week to perform a good deed that required my money, time, and courage! Thank you, Liz! Much love and hugs for you:). Thank you for this beautiful post! What a JOY it is to have my 37th book on store shelves this autumn! Hes our source of hope (GNT). My goal is be to show the goodness of God to others every day. The Women of Christmas offers a heartwarming Bible study wrapped inside a beautiful gift book with . God being good means to me that his intentions are always good. God, help us demonstrate your goodness to those who dont yet know you. Gods goodness is all around us and within us. God is good and through His amazing grace, He has offered us the ultimate gift life with Him. I also love that book Liz wrote and that serving tray! What a comforting, empowering feeling! Tempted as I am to take credit whenever I manage to do something right, I know where the prompting and the power comes from. Im enjoying learning about another woman of the bible, our Queen! We are excited to begin! God is good! God is good in allowing me to rise up each morning without pain or ailments. What someone might mean for harm (like Satan wanting to harm Gods CHOSEN children), GOD means for good, so that we can bring glory and honor to His name. This is exactly what I needed to hear today God always knows! Finally, I was. The goodness is that God is still waiting for those who dont know him yet. And He will continue to provide because Hes our Papa!! Having grown up without a (real) dad. I thank God for every day! But if I just rely on the fact that God is good, I can trust His guidance for my life. So many things are going on in this world that are certainly not God pleasing. Even when we sometimes wander down rabbit trails He is always there when we return. Great book This author is amazing! Will definitely be praying as you face your journey. Gods goodness gives me a babys cry, the clouds in the sky, even the breath I breathe. God is absolutely good all the time, even in the bad times. Lord help me to be an instrument of your Love and Goodness! I can see proof of the goodness of God all around me in the life-sustaining provisions He suppliesfrom crops that provide my food, to the very air I breathe. I couldnt agree more, Amy: amazing and never-failing! Paperback. Her messages are biblical, encouraging, down-to-earth, and profoundly funny, helping both sisters and seekers embrace the truth of God's amazing, unchanging grace. The colorful and beautiful flowers, the glistening waves on the ocean, sunrise and sunset, all his creatures big and small, and especially in a baby's smile. The truth? I like to say that same rote prayer to myself sometimes Reminds me to remember how good God is! He loves His world that He divinely created even when it turns its back on Him and He is grievedyet stillGod is good. Truly amazing. Site by Author Media. Ive seen his Love in my life so many times.. Thankful that we have a Father that is faithful,never changing constant in our lives that loves us so unconditionally that He desires the best for us. God is good! Sometimes just saying those words aloud reminds me that no matter what is going on in my little world, the Creator of that world is constant and nothing will happen to me today that He cant handle. It is out of the goodness of God that He would send His only Son to die on the Cross in order to rescue us from death to life everlasting. My Dad passed away 12-23-14 about 7 1/2 years after my Mom. Anna July 29, 2015 at 10:13 pm # Thats something I dont deserve and could never earn. God is good. My daughter said it was our parents confirmation that all is OK. God IS good all the time. Waiting is hard but God is Good and now soon I will fly like the Eagle. What does the goodness of God mean to you? Liz Curtis Higgs delivers again with "Fine Print," where a businessman and the speech coach he's hired have no idea there are matchmakers at work on their behalf! Hello, First of all please know that I am praying for His comfort for you sweet Sister in Christ. This man, I could tell was homeless, never asked me for a penny! Praise be to the LORD!! God IS good, all the time! Power, Forgiveness. So thankful that I can trust in Gods goodness! God is good all the time; all the time God is good! What an amazing and awesome God we serve!!! Yay! Even when we cant see His goodness He is still good. So glad to see one of these devotionals back, Liz! Its so easy to get caught up in our little day-to-day problems and forget how good and gracious our Lord is. The rarity of her daughters disease, the possibility of a strokeso scary, Lord. And He created things that are pleasing to the eye and good forfood (Genesis 2:9). Her characters pop off the page, and in this latest novel, steal your heart." . and challenged by my own aloneness, I have seen a Good Great God bring the completeness of wholeness to my soul. He IS good and Hes working ALL THINGS for MY good! Thank you for this encouragement and verses! Reading these comments revealing the LOVE we have for our Father and showering praise and thanksgiving on our creator lifts the heart and spirit and in unison we sing..and we are lifted high by a host of voices.praising. I really enjoyed your FB live broadcast today! . As He used the evil of Calvary as part of His good plan for those He died for, so He will use any evil that attends our lives for our ultimate good too. Through all things, happy and sad, God is good. Grace the love and mercy given to us by God because God desires us to have it, not because of anything we have done to earn it. He was just hungry! Site by Author Media. I like to think of the goodness of God like taking a bite of a sweet peach. A devotion I heard earlier this week said, (thankfulness) will also cushion the impact of trials when they come against you. I know that person is still loved by our generous God. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. May we shine our lights for The Lord and be His hands and feet on Earth, even at the grocery store. I would highly recommend it for a personal study or a group study. What does Gods goodness mean to me? Wow I would love BOTH of these! It is the perfect follow up to seeing you on tour. A popular phrase often heard after inquiring about someone's. a-people-highly-favoured-of-god-the-nova-scotia-yankees-and-the-american-revolution 4/17 Thanks so much, Liz! God is good the complete opposite of bad. One special way is through friends who point you back to Jesus. A moment later, he reclaimed his seat and said to no one in particular, Some people are so nice.. Liz Curtis Higgs is an excellent author! God has shown me his goodness in that I can take refuge, gain strength, and begin to see beauty in where I am. Yes, God is good. On Facebook LIVE: A scripture, a story, a reflection, and a prayer, all shared in a few lively minutes! What a wonderful reminder to us each day of the love and care God has for us no matter what is going on in our lives. One of the opportunities we had was to be part of a baby washing in the city. Janice Reist, Thank you for sharing Gods goodness. . When you trust in Him, your believing lives (MSG). A beautiful testimony to the truth of the human condition and the parts we play. Thanks. This is what I love most about God. The Lord is good in the good times and in times of trial and storms. In other words, bad things will happen to us. Where would we be without the goodness of the Lord? Goodness will come as we walk in realationship with Him. But one single verse brought me through it all. 2,594 talking about this. Sometimes when on the mountaintop and all is going well, physically, mentally, financially, and most of all spiritually, we see the Lord work in I see the Lord of Love working in my life as I go forth doing deeds by faith, What an awesome devotion they always are. So thankful that Gods love and goodness are unchanging! God, goodness, grace.what beautiful and hopeful words you share! Its good to be His Princess. look what he endured. After early careers in television and radio, Liz Curtis Higgs has been ministering to audiences and readers for more than 30 years, speaking for Christian conferences in all 50 states and 15 foreign countries, and writing nearly 40 published books and Bible studies. God bless! I was feeling lousy, and this elderly lady shouted out Praise Jesus, He is Good ALL the time! Although theyd enjoyed much worldly success, what these two talked about most was Jesus Christ. We serve an awesome GOD. I never share your info with anyone, and you can unsubscribe any time. Sharing the goodness of God to a hurting world can bring light to a dark place. HE carries us through & helps us endure. Living in a world where there is so much that is NOT good gives me so much more peace to know that the God who lives on me is the ultimate goodness! God is my goodness because He is GOOD! Or has He spoken and will he not make it good?. Liz writes both contemporary and historical fiction: She also created five books for children: And more than 4,500 churches nationwide are using Lizs video Bible study series,Loved by God. Even when times are difficult I feel his presence in my life. By: Liz Curtis Higgs. I know that He is my comforter, my shelter, my all in all. And how wonderful to know that our God, full of love, kindness and goodness loves a mess like me even when I am not good and can never be good enough to be loved by Him. Blessings and Shalom,Sista-Friend,Sue Powell HE is such a Loving & Caring God and gives me SOOOOO many BLESSINGS to be THANKFUL for EVERYDAY!!!! Absolutely! God is Good all the time, all the time God is Good. We had just begun to attend Gun Lake Community Church in Wayland/Bradley, MI. We are going through a dark time in our lives as our daughter is seeking meaning in an unsaved young man. God is good. Gods goodness means He is always there, even when I fall. Gods goodness is everywhere in everything. The verse Psalms 119:11 that talks about I have hidden your word in my heart that I may not have a stray. Im in awe of Gods love for us. Even more special cause its a reminder of a special friend who passed away last August. i have just lived through the worst year of my life. What an amazing statement. I thank God everyday for all the gifts that he has giving me. in me and it is an absolute JOY to serve Him by serving others. I know God will work is out for His good and that all will be better and further the kingdom of God which is our real purpose of this Earth. So excited to dig into this study. God is Good All The Time. Especially when things dont work out the way we want and we get mad at God. All we are, have and do comes through or by him. I am learning to see this goodness even in the hardships, which is a new way of thinking for me. His goodness brings us to our knees, filled with grateful praise. I know that whatever happens, He is faithful and good to me. Liz, When the rush of life and the news shows always seem so negative, its wonderful to stop and see our awesome God reflected through the kind acts of others. With all creation i sing ,praise to the king of kings No need to worry about where all your overflow will go. Praise The Lord. A helpful hand in a time of need. :>) God bless, Susan! Sorry, but Ill need to do that, the flight attendant explained, as she pointed the wheelchair toward the jet way. He gives without stint. Its in the sunrise, the sunset, trees, flowers, animals. May I pray for you right now? When God prompts me to do the out of the ordinary things, he reminds me that I may be down, but others have it worse, and I need to brighten someones day. Your privacy is vital to me. I praise and thank God that He is so faithful!!! Enjoy your blog so much! God is so good. He brought me through that season and continues to work in my life. shelved 117,211 times Showing 30 distinct works. It is sometimes hard to swallow when the hurt wrenching pain of life tries us. You were so kind and loving at She Speaks and I want you to know it meant the world to me. I need to focus on this daily, and some days minute by minute! He also told me he was starving he was so hungry. Every good and perfect thing comes from the Lord! I desperately want to change jobs and this will be a step up for me financially since my current job is only part time. In fact, my tag line on my catering business cards is Serving Him by Serving You. Now, I actually get embarrassed when given praise, and just give the praise where it is due!!! Gods goodness is seen all around us in his creation. Whatever God allows, his motives are always pure. My brother and I counter offered and they countered. The Best of Liz Curtis Higgs: An Encourager: 3 Books in 1. by Liz Curtis Higgs. God is good all the time, ALL the time God is good! I was humbled and felt God so profoundly speak to me that by doing this I became His hands and feet to this dear woman. I keep reminding myself God is in control, but continue to feel frustrated and helpless (It doesnt help that I am greatly fatigued). Verse by verse, Liz unwraps the biblical stories of Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna, who each welcome the Christ child into the world in a marvelous and miraculous way. In this life, there are so many trials, troubles, disappointments, and discouragements. God is Great, Good, provider and He loves us. TO EVERYTHINGPRAISE GOD. Seller Rating: Contact seller Book Used - Hardcover Condition: Good US$ 3.48 Convert currency Free shipping Within U.S.A. I am so thankful for his loving care! I felt the Lord speaking to me, and I bought this man food. Thank you for showering me with blessing with your stories. Liz Curtis Higgs Believe, Love You, Hands God is good all the time, whether I acknowledge it or not. It just gives me the warm fuzzies! Submit The One who is hope itself showed me that He can and will provide an overflowing abundance of hope. I can surely pull up my big girl panties & endure the troubled times for the short time we are here on this EARTH. We bathed children and then combed and braided the little girls hair. Especially this week as we put my mother-in-law in a nursing home. He holds us with His right hand and never lets go. At the end of the day all we have is Jesus. It gives me great comfort to know that in this increasingly crazy world, God Is In Control. To me, the Goodness of God means that He will never give up on me. Blessings on you dear Liz. Feature articles about Liz have appeared in more than 250 major newspapers and magazines, as well as on,,,,, and many other websites. All the time. I have been blessed to see Liz at a couple of events. I cant wait to read your new book . Thank you for the reminder. So how do I trust God in all this? Even though there was a long line to get your books autographed you took time with each woman and I know I felt like you focused on me and not the long line BTW I was the one with my sciatic pain healed at She Speaks! OH wait, God IS good, ALL THE TIME. Luke 24:6. Love that verse. Bless you for opening Gods Word with me today! Also, I was impressed with the realization that I was passing that truth down to the next generation, and I trust that my granddaughter will in turn pass it on to the generation after her. If you want to make Liz a happy woman, ask about her twin tabby cats, Boaz and Samson. Romans 15:13. Genres: Inspirational Series Parable 1. Thank you dear Liz!! The miracle ..he forgives us !! Praise His Holy name forever!!! We have a new Pastor at our church and she is awesome! Ah. He sent the ladies and you (although you didnt know it) into my life at just the right time. Cant wait to read your book! So thankful I can look to His goodness when the world fights against it. This is one of my favorite thoughts as I go through a day. Romans 15:13. We are His messengers. Joshua 1:9 was that verse. I think of how he protects my children and grandchildren daily; He provided my husband and children jobs to put food on the table. I know that no matter if I stray away for awhile, and come back, head bowed in shame, that He is there to lift up my chin, forgive me and welcome me back into his arms. A young woman pronounced brain dead brought back to life and full recovery after the prayers of faithful women! I know God is always with me. The post A Different Kind of Sacrifice appeared first on Liz Curtis Higgs. 03 Oct 2017. Gods goodness is: mercy, faithfulness, love, refuge, power, the gift of Jesus Christ!!! God is good all the time! When I feel like Im falling apart, God is rock solid. Amen. , , Coram Deo xx. His faithfulness in honoring his word. These arent simply nice sentiments on a greeting card; these are solid promises from Gods Word. Sometimes the answer is no. Her in-depth knowledge of the Scriptures, gifting as a communicator, and personal relationship with the Lord make her unmatched in the ability to take biblical truth and make it applicable to anybody." God is still good, for always and in all ways. Good must come from the word God. , . who was ,and is ,and is to come. I was one of the deceived for far too long! Thank you for sharing your God given talents with so many. For a period of time I chose pity as my companion. I lost a child in 1973. I love your weekly emails. It is so many things friends that pick you up when your down, the living word of God, the Holy Spirts guidance ,the goodness of God who gives me strength to work in my garden and he gives the sun and the rain to make it grow to a wonderful harvest. There she was to remind me and encourage me today!!! I can count on Him to love me. God is good even when my husband chooses someone else. As you said, this dark & weary world along with Satans lies have decieved many to believe otherwise. You have brought to our attention how God is good and how He works in and for everything!! Lord Jesus, heal this dear sister as only You can! parents of two college grads, Matthew and Lillian. God is good and I am sustained by this thought each time I see an act of kindness or a thoughtful deed, but even more so when I hear someone say I dont see the sense of praying. He is good because He is Goodness. We don't rush to our bedroom windows in fear. I try to find good each and every day,in my actions and the actions of others, in my words and in my daily life. A few of us ladies are going to read your new book, Its Good to be Queen and do a study on it. Like everything else in His creation, hope comes from God (NLV). I have continued to pray as to where I should retire (presently living in Iowa). He fills that hole in my heart that always says I need attention, I need love, I need acknowledgement. But God Is Good All The Time. God is Love. I also pray that he knows Jesus. Language: English. God is good all the time! Still, my pastor, Bob Russell, invited me, believed in me, and trusted me. Its one of those promises that we dont love. Gods goodness is the fact that he chose to sacrifice himself in between two criminals. I have children from my Sunday school class on my mind and I think through them I see how God is good. Amen. I love thinking of good deeds as God deeds, so much more than taking credit for thinking of them myself!! My thoughts and prayers are with you tonight . If it wasnt for Gods goodness I believe my world would have fallen apart. Cant wait to get a copy of this book but am wait till I get to see and hear Liz teach about these very truths in November. The goodness of God means that no matter how much I fail Him He loves me with an unfailing love. Liz est l'auteur de 30 livres, avec plus de 3 millions d'exemplaires sur papier. When joy, happiness and peace fill our hearts, He is there as well. This book was released on 2018-11-01 with total page 300 pages. I have not received His peace but have faith His answer will give me direction soon. The goodness of man to me means that he is a reflection of God Because all the good we do was made in us when we were formed in our Mothers womb Its all from God! And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere-in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. I really needed these thoughts today! I was craving a Womens Bible Study and found yours! I am so thankful that I have Jesus in my life. Blessings my friend, Debi. Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves that God is always good. Nahum states in chapter 1 verse 7, that the lord is good. Thank you! God's goodness is seen all around us in his creation. Read more: Hillsong Holy,holy,holy Lyrics | MetroLyrics. The colorful and beautiful flowers, the glistening waves on the ocean, sunrise and sunset, all his creatures big and small, and especially in a babys smile. It gives me something to focus on rather that the situation that I am going through. Best-selling author Liz Curtis Higgs explores the biblical stories of Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna, unwrapping each verse with tender care and introducing you afresh to The Women of Christmas. Regular price: $19.78. "Word by Word with Liz Curtis Higgs" is a 26-minute podcast exploring women of the Bible. The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him. That was my dads favorite sayingGod is goodall the time. Things a little rough right now in my life. Our staggering debt of sin past, present, and still to come was paid in full when Jesus put Himself "in sin's dark place, in the pit of wrongdoing" (VOICE). The definition of good flows from the very character of God! Your e-mail helped so much!!!!!! There is nothing He cant do. As we look at Gods demand for justice and our role in this world of injustice, I need to remind people that God is a God of goodness. I believe God gave me His answer to months of praying. But the day after I scheduled the hysterectomy because the doctor said I would continue to bleed and it would get worse. In a world with so much corruption and where so many people are just looking out for number one, it is truly refreshing and encouraging when our Lord reminds us we are not walking alone but that no matter what, He is always with us and that we have many Christian sisters standing with us, standing up for Jesus. Yes, he is a good God, because he loves his children. His beauty still surrounds us when humans create ugly. Gods goodness is most evident to me when I stop looking at what I wish I had but dont and focus on what I have that I dont deserve. God is always good, He loves and sustains me always ? A beacon of hope indeed! God is my strength and my song. Liz Curtis Higgs is the author of 37 books, with 4.6 million copies in print. Always there when I need Him. Liz Curtis Higgs is a highly popular public speaker who has addressed audiences around the world with her biblically-based, encouraging, and humor-laced messages about God's amazing, unchanging grace. Hes always there with His nail scarred hands outstretched and ready to comfort me and hold me until the worlds pain and sorrow melts away. Thank you and God Bless You! Im thankful for such a loving and caring God. Each day has gotten better! "A heartwarming read, both humorous and achingly real. In another recent devotional, "31 Verses to Write on Your Heart," Curtis Higgs explores 31 favorite verses chosen by more than a thousand women. by the power of the Holy Spirit. However the last two weeks have unfolded, Lord, we know that You are Sovereign and we trust You completely with the outcome. The enemy wants me to feel guilty, ashamed, a lost cause. Gods goodness means peace of mind and peace of heart even in troubling times and circumstances. @LizCurtisHiggs Encounter the Savior with Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth, and Mary Magdalene. Our verse has come full circle, right back to God, whose life-giving energy (MSG) never runs out of steam. Liz Curtis Higgs Funny, Laughing, Together 46 Copy quote Wherever you are spiritually, whatever you have been through emotionally, you are already wrapped in the Lord's embrace. Like Paul, I am learning that my circumstances can be pretty messy. He had the light of the Holy Spirit in him.