In 2005 or 2010 I received a letter from the VA stating in reference to Agent Orange, At Takhli. and the Wars in Indochina,, Was stationed with the 355 Field Maintenance Sq at Takhli Thailand from 24 Nov 1966 to 23 Nov 1966 as an Aircraft Fuel System Repairman. i WAS IN THE ARMY IN THAILAND FROM 1967/68 AND WAS STATION IN KORAT, UDON, AND BANGKOK AND HAVE BEEN DENIED DISABILITY FOR AGENT ORANGE . The bottom line remains that no matter the location or mission, YOUR military members served 24/7/365 in toxic environments and now have to fight the VA for benefits! She asked me if I was in the military during the Vietnam war. When I told them I figured it out they said, Too Late!, I served at U-Tapao royal thai airfield from 1968-1969. My late brother Thomas David Coovert took care of the F100s there, and was at Da Nang before that, during his first tour taking care of the F4 Phantoms. The Last Fight of your Squadron Commander was unique they stopped after turning off the runway, and tied him to an external bomb rack, so he came in to the Last Flight fire-hose ceremony lashed to the bomb rack of his Canberra! We had 197 people on board with gear and just cleared the fence at the end of runway leaving Holloman. . Fortunately, Camp Enarie was fairly quiet, but 4IFD had way too many casualties one was too many. Spent 2 weeks at Phan Rang getting processed in before going to our OLAA at Da Nang, AB and another 2 weeks processing out. He was a USAF pilot but served as Ops Officer there. We stay in contact with each other constantly. I have Bladder cancer, ischemic heart disease plus. During my stay the C-123 aircraft that sprayed the base, landed and were located just a stones throw from our flight line. Water had to be trucked in. My ex-wife divorced me because I could not explain my health issues to her. Assigned to 7th Maint Bn while in Koran. I was with the 601 Photo Squadron, if anyone else was in the unit or in NKP during that time you are more than welcome to Contact me Thanks for your service and Welcome home, Jerry Bruns since you worked on the trim pad, can we talk about how close the pad was to the perimeter? Thank you, Go where you are told and where you are needed.and make the best of it regardless of the situation or conditions. Worked 23 Tass Flight Line and Battle Damage Hangar where C123 AO aircraft were sometimes repaired. Installations and Facilities in Thailand by the 652nd Topographic Engineer Battalion. He was fighting with the VA about he could not prove he left the base while performing his duties. Thank you for your service! I went through the DAV and they were exceptionally good at helping me get what I deserve. I too am fighting the VA Because of the exposure to Agent Orange. We stayed in concrete barracks. I have not tried to file with the VA. Find this document! medical complications ever since. Phan Rang Air Base, 1965-1970 militaryvideocom 40.7K subscribers 52K views 15 years ago Like This Movie Trailer? that area was build by the navy seebee, not the red horse. Needless to say, she got to go home on the same plane he did!!!!!!!! would like to hear from Robert Fisher or BD Cleeton. and Good luck! 6 long. please email if possible . that was a hectic night as i was on CQ that night.I submitted written and photo evidence to that fact.. Hootch was on the perimeter, as I recall. At that time I was seen and diagnosed with Vitiligo. After the AF, he was a Physicians Assistant for over 27 years. Branch of service: I the Va has told me they cna find no records of my assignment to security as a Agumentee Im diabetic have neuropathy stomach issues and severe hearing loss va has given me 30% but denied my exposure to AO as they claim i was a Photographer. You are fully (Thank You) in advance!! (Mac) McDonough with a unit arming F100s Do you have Tan son Ute records? I am trying to file one more time. If anyone who was from the Red Horse outfit I would love to chat with you about our time there and anything you know about AO there. Served at Ubon Aug. 1971 to Aug. 1972 and Korat Jan. 1973 to June, 1973. 2 Squadron RAAF Boeing 737 AEW&C aircraft during a deployment to the Middle East in 2017 My name is Chris Gaines,I was in the Seabees MCB-5 1971-75.I helped build Nam Phong base for the Marines The Rose Garden. Are there any Facebook groups on Marble Mountain. in the mean time, we cleared the area and started support facilities and our base camp. All nugs pfc pullef perimeter guard in ops area due to having clearances. went up Route 1, heloed to the mountains as a door gunner, worked on the sue16, loaded the bombs, etc. I was the Deputy Fire Chief till mid term then Assistant Fire Chief. His name was Robert Lewis . Denied 3 times. Does anyone stationed at Takhli remember the bone yard. Looking for anyone who may have served with Jackie Cash USAF, Mechanic Crew Chief 1965-1966 loading and unloading barrels of agent orange and flying spraying missions over nam. Probably not, they will just tear down all the monuments. location at U-Tapao. Go to your congressman or woman and have them go US Bases in Thailand During the v. war and you can and show him where you were living.I am going to my congressman tomorrow. we could see some action over VN. Regarding post #170- I served with Marvin Parker 1970-71. I have had bladder cancer. Often worked End of runway. I will check with him. To jack stover. When I retired from the Army I followed his example. I was at Ubon from 3/71-3/72. I was stationed at Utapoa from Dec74 to Dec75 as a special purpose vehicle mechanic. I was stationed with the 13th Artillery A-Battery 7th Bn, supporting the Phu Cat Air Base. I served on Army tug LT2075 in Sattahip in 1969-1970 639th tug detachment. I was with 53 trans in sattihap .67 thru 68 we h..auled cargo and bombs to utapo A B and other places.agent orange was shipped to air bases.69 and 70 i was running the roads in convoys got sprayed with agent orange.i have problems claimed denied in 1970 when i reired .we got a prblem with the VA. Thanks for starting this blog! I was confirmed 5 or 6 years ago and am confused as to why others are denied exposure who were at Udorn. DO NOT GIVE UP! Nakhon Phanom is on the map titled U.S. Those barracks were the last one before you left the base. Iam on the agent orang government list.. Nevertheless, My husband Master sergeant Michael G. McKenzie was at Udorn Thailand in 71-72 and was with the13 th TFS was staff Sergeant then I need to find all I can about how far was he from the flight line( Barricks) his place of work etc. I was in the Marine Corps stationed on MCAS Rose Garden in Nam Phong, Thailand with Task Force Delta from May 28, 1972 to April 14, 1973. In addition spouses, siblings or any relative of a veteran or other interested parties are welcome including foreign nationals either employed at the base or Vietnamese nationals . I was NCOIC of the Security Police vehicle shop @ Veh. In 71, Phan Rang was the home base for recently assigned FACs of the 21st TASS. I was TDY to Utapoa NKP Tahki 72-73. Most of the VA personnel I have seen have never been in the service so how are they able to say that we werent exposed to the chemical? Our rear area base camp was located at Phang Rang. We were on the southeast side of the airfield next to an engineer company. I also was at utapao on tdys in 66 67 68 as ground crew aboard k.c. Most all of our sorties were at night, which left me time to explore during the day. Worked at 355FMS-AGE. I was diligent, forthright and honest with my The form IBM. Now have been told that I have liver cancer recently detected. The following 59 U.S. military bases were suffering from significant water or soil contamination a year ago, according to the Department of Defense's interpretation of its latest hazardous waste survey. Anyone knew of a Ssgt. Our barracks were right on the perimeter. The set is held by the Geography and Map Division butdoes not appear in thelibrarys onlinecatalog a not so uncommon reality given the scope of the divisions some 5.5 million items. I worked the avionics ECM shop and flight line on B66, F105, F4,& EC121 Any help would be appreciated. and tell me what awards such as VSM and CIB. I had orders to report to the 13th TFS but ended up at the 14th TRS, across the road. Near the entrance to the base are ruins of a Cham temple, reportedly built in the 12th Century. Also, talk to VA about taking a Agent Orange Evaluation. I was stationed in Korat, Thailand at Camp Friendship from 22 Mar 67 to 7 Mar 68. No place to stay at that time at Takhli. and near ubon rtafb.there were full cambat operations in this area, f4 phantoms from ubon attacked targets in n vietnam s vietnam and laos. Thanks for all of the memories. Many things have started happening like Parkinsons decease, neuropathy, I know we were exposed to Agent Orange several times. Was assigned to 355 FMS/AGE at Takhli and to MMS/AGE at U-Tapao. But in the case of veterans who served solely in Thailand,the Veterans Administration states: To receive benefits for diseases associated with herbicide exposure, these Veterans must show on a factual basis that they were exposed to herbicides during their service as shown by evidence of daily work duties, performance evaluation reports, or other credible evidence.This writer notes that the policyis source of debate, anger, and frustration for some American militaryveterans and their families. Trying to contact a Stephen N. Wood. Unlike the 1969 map mentioned above, the set isfairly distributed and is listed in twenty-one libraries, according to Needs help please. I was assigned to the A Flight unit assigned to Danang airbase, Nov 1968-69 as aircraft maintenance and crew chief on acft 43-49211. Thank you in advance . Information on the sheets is in both English and Thai. CREW CHIEF ON F-4E PHANTOMS WHITE SECTION 421st BLACK WIDOWS, HAVE PROSTATE CANCER 2018 the perimeter lines make a point at the location if that helps. I cannot prove to the VA that the Vitiligo was a result of exposure to Dioxin causing my auto-immune system to fail. My father did 30 years service for his country without a blemish on his record. The VA Every base was sprayed. CLL cancer diagnosed 2017. Another relevant source isa set of maps createdby Army Map Service that is titled Thailand 1:50,000, Series L708, Edition-1. [18][15] It dropped 76,389 bombs and was credited with 786 enemy personnel confirmed killed and a further 3,390 estimated killed; with 8,637 structures, 15,568 bunkers, 1,267 sampans and 74 bridges destroyed. . God Bless u all! Sp4 James R Berry. I served at Udorn RTAFB from 4/74-4/75 looking for info on F-4 that crashed during training mission, pilot punched out WSO went down with the plane. I was a number 3 man on a mms weapons load crew. I am not sure where he ended up, thought it was Saigon, but told us some interesting stories. I do this all from my disability income. I know people in other branches that were compensated under the Boots on the ground concept . Evidently you do not realise that the Australian Canberra Bombers were stationed at the Phan Rang Air Base, during the Vietnam War, RAAF 2 Sqn had several thousand serviceman during that war and my Husband was one of them, he served 1970-71. Vietnam Phan Rang Air Base 1969 stock video footage and royalty free HD video clips and photos. I was stationed at Ramasun Station from January 1968 to January 1969. My dad was there just after you, in the Red Horse 12/69-12-70. Im discouraged by the treatment of VA claims. At that time the veteran was assigned to the 366 FMS (presumably Field Maintenance Squadron) at Phan Rang Air Base, as an aircraft jet mechanic. He is dearly missed. To Dan Furches. Don Williams, my first husband, Robert M. Bowen, was stationed at Tan Son Nhut air base near Saigon from July 1967 to July 1968 and was in communications. I had a heart attack at 31 and then a major one at 49 and my heart doctor claims my problems were because of agent orange. I was stationed in NKP from 1970-1971. From there we went on missions taking supplies, to where we were told, Cambodia. Linda. Suffered from horrible neuropathy in legs since 1990s but civilian doctors not I ever considered AO. Please read our Standard Disclaimer. About March 1970 a major defoliation of the perimeters of all Thai Air Bases began following the January 13, 1970 sapper attack on Ubon RTAFB. Yesif you were at Korat you were always in the perimeter. My father was in Saigon with the airforce ground forces in Saigon during the tet offensive. One was near or in the central supply. [22], A No. Also, have been hit with Inclsion Body Myositis-IBM (diagnosed following two muscle biopsies). The whole affair is a travesty of justice without honor for our service. How do I post an official U.S. government map of Udorn RTAFB on this page? I could sure use a map showing the location of the MARS shack. he came hone, and finally retired after 28 years, in 1979. Does anyone know how to contact others on this forum ? PTSD but Is a Moral Wound. Ubon 1970 to 1971 working on Project Igloo White. shop that were run down off base by a dump truck. Was stationed at Takhli from 7/67-7/68. In case i need to do a subsequent reconsideration. He was in the Vietnam Conflict! KEEP THE CLAIM GOING SO IT WILL BE RETROACTIVE BACK TO THE POINT OF YOUR FILING. Camp Friendship from May of 1970 to December 1970, then Sattahip December 1970 to May of 1971. My father Joe Burch was at Phan Rang from June 1967 to May 1968. Howdy Phanrangers!! Just wondering on how to let others contact me. Need information about what has happened to the others. If anyone has information pertaining to AO being sprayed within or near Nakhon Phenom (NKP) i would love to hear from you. Thank you, I was stationed at Phan Rang AB, RVN 1966-67 as an Mobile Tower Air Traffic Controller. Maint, taking over from Ssgt Harry Helton. He always told me to keep all of his military papers. I contacted the VA over a year ago about a ID card and possible benefits. fibromyalgia, heart decease quadruple bypass We went through ~16 million gallons of JP-4 a month supporting with 80% of all fuel used in Southeast Asia for supporting 26 KC-135 tankers, 55 F-105s, EB/RB-66s based at Takhli. I agree with the #1 person on this blog! I was a communications specialist. and Good luck! Sent another request for reconsideration in 2022, it takes months awaiting that response.Problem is I do not have copies of TDY orders from 50 years ago. During the attack 82mm mortars and 107mm rocket rounds impacted inside the base. 4.The VA doctor then has to look at all these illnesses at the C&P meeting or have other doctors look at you too. It was under construction and began use shortly thereafter. I was born after he came home to Tallahassee, FL so never knew him before his deployment obviously but apparently he came back with some issues that he didnt have before. This is called Oxidative Stress. Onboard Aircraft carriers and destroyers. 20 years later I developed Diabetes and have since gotten Neuropathy of both feet and legs and mild in my fingers, lost all my toes on right foot and some partial loss on left foot. Would anyone have a complete list of army or marine camps? email me. My family and I would greatly appreciate any information you would be willing to share. Then again Nov 1972-Nov 1973. Also had a close friend in USAF who worked in the photo lab, JJ Collopy. all that time. Since had constant health issues including quadruple bypass and skin issues. ALTHOUGH MY TIME IN THAILAND WAS LIMITED, I LIVED IN THE MOST AFFECTED AREA ON THE AIR BASE IN DANANG, 1966-1967 538th Eng Co. My husband served with the USAF from November 1966-October 1967 and was stationed at Takhli. Phan Rang AB News No. I also served as augumentation duty at Ubon any help on this will be highly appreciated. From what I have been able to piece together, he either served at one or more listening posts or was in combat. Just Broke 90, I was at 3rd Field 1967-68. Both times, I was blown off (military records confirm this). I am still trying to fight this though. Applied in 2015 for Compensation according to the Presumable VA list, and was denied not service connected. In 2011 diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Over the years of this writers service at the Library of Congress, veterans and their families have sent me questions about maps that show the locations of U.S. forces in Thailand during the Vietnam War. I was approved for agent orange benefits by the VA Dr who evaluated for my condition. We also suffered many of the jungle dieseases which resulted in multiply good soldiers being sent home. Excellent detail of flight line activity with actual voice communications between controllers and personnel on the flight line. Jan 6, 2014 - Explore Emily Mosley's board "Phan Rang Vietnam", followed by 152 people on Pinterest. Ischemic heart disease and diabetes. Im looking for anyone from the 6201st CSG/SPS from Ko Kha air station Thailand Im trying to find out what they sprayed our perimeter fences with. I have a claim in for agent orange exposure. If anyone has information on Agent Orange that proves that AO was there during that time frame, that information would be greatly appreciated. There is no record of my TDY. Thanks to all of you veterans for everything youve done and I hope you get the help from the VA that you deserve. His mother passed never telling him who his father was . VA acknowledged in my claim I was exposed but denied my issue. History: 3 years at Ubon and 6 months at Korat (71-75). I am 70 years old now. Infantry. Greatly appreciate any information. 2 Squadron RAAF was stationed, under the operational control of the American 35th Tactical Fighter Wing. I work on J-79 in Ubon and J-75 in Korat, F-4C and F-105. The other was a distance from the pooches within feet of the fence. I have since applied for compensation been turned down because the VA says there is no record of me serving as an AUGMENTEE on the BASE PERIMETER. Dont give up we served our country but didnt know that we would be sprayed and betrayed. Told I was not boots on the ground. Thanks. Jet engine mechanic on J75 for Thuds F105. And that is absolutely not right! Note: As many of you probably know many of the guys that were there with us are no longer with us. IBM, they do assist me in getting the disability essentials needed to help my wife and Primary Caregiver take care of me. My husband was Sgt. I was there from ,DEC.72 thru SEPT. 73 . I made a lot of friends during that time. It was an honor and pleasure serving with you guys. I was put in hootches when I first arrived. I am now 75 and suffering with prostate cancer and myastehenias gravis (a muscle disease). Weve recently added historical records from Phan Rang (also You didnt have brand names you called them by the color of the can! Thanks again. I have a claim pending with VA but not really holding out much hope until they finally admit that there should by a presumption of exposure just for being on that base. I also survived Brain Surgeries 20-years later. According to the US Department of Defense, 52,700 containers of Agent Orange, 29,000 containers of Agent White, and 5000 containers of Agent Blue were prepared at Da Nang airbase between. records,clipping from newpaper and was turn down. I was at u-tapio with V-49 May Nov 1968. Anyone remember Kenneth Hamlin? I remember him talking about tents beside the runway. The content of all comments is released into the public domain unless clearly stated otherwise. (even the guys!!!) Would love to hear from anyone else that may have been there during this time. He was a check out/run up man for the F-105s at Tahkli and other places somewhere between 1964-66. 180 ".keeping the memories "Happy Valley" Phan Rang AB, RVN The History of Phan Rang AB and the stories of those who served there. Do your homework before writing articles. I served at Tahkli, Sept. 67 to May of 68, then 3 months at U-Tapao and then 3 montns at CCK, all as an electrician working on KC-135s & B-52s SAC 4258. Both organs had to be removed because of their advanced nature at the time of discovery I am in legacy appeal with a docket number. Base Defense in Thailand. He ha all the diabetis, two open heart surgeries and parkensons. Either that or at Sattahip as our barracks was directly on the beach and we swam there for recreation. KORAT 67 &68 I have been diagnosed with diabetes type 2, kidney cancer, hbp, ischemic heart disease, elevated PSA (probable prostate cancer), copd all claims denied all presumptive agent orange if you have been successful with any claims I need your help. from the Perimeter fence line. There DDT and herbicides were deployed in and at the perimeter of this small camp. We always traveled with lots of classified equipment and personnel (many in civilian clothes) so we always traveled on our own military transport. looking for Arthur G Hubbard, paratrooper 1963 or 1964. Phan Rang Convoy photo of the check-in point at Bin Ha. Herbicide was sprayed on the perimeters fence and we went through the security gate twice a day. In 1969/1970 I lived in a NCO hootch on the parameter of Takhli. After coming home, 7 months later went to Ubon TDY with the 33rd. Better known as the Rose Garden. no mention anywhere of U.S. marines at airbase in namI liphong , Thailand. 1st Brigade 101st Airborne camp, Phan Rang, November 1966.png. The base there had a beautiful new hospital which had been constructed as a triage for wounded soldiers air lifted out of Viet Nam before being sent back to the states. Today, several areas on the Da Nang Base including the loading, storage and mixing areas and Sen Lake to the north and the Pacer Ivy area at the south of the base have been confirmed to have high levels of dioxin. While trying to locate such materials, this author discovered an interesting map in the Geography and Map Divisions Titled Collectionthatshows the locations of U.S. military and civilian personnel locatedin Thailand during 1969. It was changed over to USSTRATCOM I think late 1971. Go to to purchase the entire video, or to see movie trailers of over 700 other military videos.This 60-minute DVD documents Air Force activities at Phan Rang Air Base between 1966 and 1970. Leo Funk was his name. I was stationed at NKP from Jan 71 to Jan 72. did so, told me that he would give it to the right person in that VA Mather Hospital,and and sure enough, forget how long, but I had a VA card with 10% disability in the mail , Later, filed again to increase VA % for hearing, got turned down for loss of hearing but OK for Tinitus (sp?). My father was at Phan Rang 66-67. need to look that up, here in CA we have County Veterans Services Officers, some are Very Good about telling you what to do, and filling out some paperwork, one I know, here in CA to fill out the form for CA DMV to have Vets added to your CA drivers license to prove you are a Vet for Vet Discounts !!! Good luck, when I die I hope they will remember what we did for our country. Some inventive personnel kept our readiness at high levels maintence officer had a buddy in Saigon that got us an extra B model Huey used to shag parts and beer. Crossed it daily. We deployed to Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam to serve the rest of my tour. The 101st was on the west side with the Korean White Horse division. I on occasion had to cannibalize parts to repair my aircraft. 8th Security Police Squadron. We could be more helpful to your search if you could provide us more information, such as; Im looking for information (maps, what was sprayed, etc.) Remember the Klong monster? responsible for everything that you post. NIH says that on of the possible causes for IBM is contact with a Toxic Substance I believe the seed for IBM for me was planted 68/69 while stationed at Korat and flying cobat mission in Vietnam. Salute. Continuing on, you reach the Airmens Club on the left and the NCO club on the right. I also spent much of my free time in the city of Korat. Our barracks were out next to the perimeter. Did not happen. Thank you so much great information that Ive never known about. Is there a way to prove I was sent TDY as there do not seem to be records other than one of my performance reviews from a MSGT who I was stationed with in Thailand. The whole camp was defoliated to build the camp. Stationed at Korat RTAFB Dec 1972-Dec73 ABCCC capsule maintenance TTY and Crypto repair for C-130 Airbourne Command Post. They will guide you on the process. Stage 7 prostate cancer myself along with three auto immune diseases. Guys who were there as well as Laos and Cambodia do not have coverage over A O. I have Diabetes 2, Ischemic Heart Disease, Barretts Disease, Skin Cancers, Neuropathy,Pancreatic Cancer and arthritis. Your main picture of the Phan Rang flightline is reversed. Also in June, Commando Sabre (Misty) was activated using F-100F aircraft as the first Fast FACs over North Vietnam. We lived in hootchs and had wooden sidewalks when I first arrived, but eventually they were replaced with concrete. Not just as Congress decided in it new regulations. Cambodia at Mimot or Krek, Kampong Cham Province, during the period beginning April 16, 1969, ending April 30, 1969. *personal information removed per policy*. I was at Ubon 70-71 as a weapons loader 408th MMS. We could be more helpful to your search if you could provide us more information, such as; He was 100% disabled later on in life from Parkinsons disease due to agent orange and died as the result of that disease. The VA is a waste of time. Our Bgg case Camp was nothing but red dirt in summer months and red mud during rainy season. Phan Rang AB News No. Just to name a few.VA denied me twice plus two appeals. Hi all I know this is a long shot but Ive tried many and every means to help me to form my family puzzle in terms of my moms side in which I can say currently. Based Phan Rang AFB April 68 69 with Colorado ANG, 120TFS, and assigned to 35FMS Jet Engine shop. Anyone else remember this time? Updated: October 26, 2022. We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to I was originall stationed at Ramasun Station when arriving in country 1974. I was there 1969-1970 as hydraulic mechanic. My you Ive had two heart attacks before the age of 50. heart surgery and placement of a stent at the age of 55, My hearing was damaged at the time and has growing worse over time, My shoulders and joints have progressively deteriorated, I had left shoulder surgery at the age of 58 and still need surgery on my right. Beyond the Neat Line: Cartographys Hidden Dimension, Series: Imaginary Maps in Literature and Beyond, diseases associated with herbicide exposure. I now have a Neo Bladder . It seems to me that if MKP was sprayed with agent orange An aircrew member that has info on this should speakup. I had pictures of my duty section with no vegetation and an identical picture I took 37 years later tank farm covered in vegetation. The homecoming ceremony at RAAF Richmond on 31August 2009 was a momentous occasion for Squadron Veterans. This site brings back a lot of memories. First, I want to express my sympathy for your loss. To qualify for exposure you needed to be within 500 yards of the perimeter. He never talked much about his time there but my mom remembers him telling her he was never more scared in his life than when he was stationed at Udorn.