#eret It's just so comforting to him. However, h, Over Dramatic (Germany x Reader) A couple of hours later I find myself in the med bay getting my wounds treated when Peter walks in looking upset. Do they believe in them? I dont like that! But he did. I grab onto it and I dont let go. A dishevelled looking Quackity wandered into the room, his eyes tired and droopy, his lips chapped but smiling. ), Who Could Ever Hurt You? But then suddenly he pulls away. ~~~(Name) POV~~~ Somehow, I had slipped up. I could hear Tonys frustrated sigh through the earpiece. Alex turns his phone around again, facing you to him. Zhen let me finish zhis chapter, he said, turning back to his book. O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Peter is always asking me to do things for him with my abilities and Im getting sick of it! Germany X Reader- Cuddle (Quickie!) Are you okay? Peter says with a sound of urgency in his voice. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled, Youre jealous of a book? Give me a second would you.. But he thought she lost her last Canon Life, he snapped and blew up L'manburg. <3, you just woke up and youre already hit by a cuteness overload, you tell him how you slept and send a wholesome meme too, and if you havent slept well or just dont feel well, he will suggest talking abt it, if you want to talk about it, get ready for a 2 hours facetime session with your favorite therapist/boyfriend. Because I couldnt figure out how to tell you. They had made a memorial for her and were in the process of placing flowers on it when Y/n had spotted them. You took my phone and now the SMP is worried! I say, playfully slapping his arm. Schlatt. She said walking towards him. She was the one who stayed with him when everyone else left. H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? quackity doesnt like being shipped with other cc (mainly his friends), but this isnt supposed to be shipping him with anyone but y/n. He quickly sits down next to me and covers my ears with his hands. I started writing it but then I got stuck . In 2020, 27% of US Tumblr users had an annual household income of over $100,000. When chat first started spamming it, about a year ago, Tommy had freaked out. I connect to the link to the main frequency immediately calling Tony. The gentle tapping of the rain as it pelted the walls and roof of your home was the only thing else to be heard than the quiet keys being clicked by nimble fingers. I ignore every thought in my head that sounds like her voice. But what Techno hadnt noticed when he brought her all this way, was that her shallow breaths had started to even out and the bleeding had almost completely stopped. Bbh: The sweetheart cradle/head on chest. (romantic with techno, older sibling to ranboo), self promo until i update the first intro chapter haha. . I begin to run up the stairs while putting in my comns. The nation we worked so hard to keep, was gone, one big crater. I frown, both confused and disappointed. Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems? A/N: I know its not the Fourth of July but Ive had this idea for forever so I wanted to write it. Next to him you shuffled across the furniture and cuddled up the the boys warm body, his heat radiating off of him. Quackity like his hair! Releasing her he walked over to the jukebox. "Ludwig! TG: how about you and me go for some ice cream tomorrow and drop sick beats like the, You lie on your bed, looking at the ceiling. A playing card whipped past Sam's left ear, another on his right. Are they empathetic? But- I cut in before Peter could interrupt. like if you just crawl onto the bed behind him & hug him? Alright Y/n, I need you to tell us where you are. Schlatt: Back to Back. They had jerked awake when she squeezed their hands, both letting out sighs of relief and then calling to Phil. You loved it when he hummed or chuckled, especially when you could feel it resounding in his chest. Schlatt: Back to Back. #minecraftyoutubers Y/n! after talking about it with Ranboo, youre hyped to start your day!! I swear if you are currently in that fucking building Im going to lock you in our house.. Her hair bounced behind her with every large step. This used to be a great country but you are destroying it! Y/N snarled. Tommy where are we going? I ask for about the third time during our little night drive. Y/n looked back at the statue. #ranboo I think the only secret quackity would have is the secret gc with karl and sapnap in it lol. Karl likes you to be very close. #dreamteam Turn that off! Also make sure you follow the ccs boundaries, too :), Prompts under the cut! #callahan We all settle down. Youll just have to wait and see missy, He replies. Alex pulled his hands away from my ears as soon as he was certain that there were no more fireworks. Q uirk - Some random ability they have thats beneficial in a relationship. Nein. Slamming his fist to the desk. Karl: The honeymoon hug. Theyve apparently been hiding in the shadows for weeks now. Phil, there was a saying, and god I havent heard it since it was said. I dont care what youve done, I wont kill you!, All this work and its gone, Phil! . Instead sleeping in his office surrounded by empty bottles. Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. If so, what kind of? Of course! You know the drill and I really dont feel like repeating it but check the follow button and Ill see you later. Y/n could have deactivated it like she threatened so many times.. Clasping an empty whiskey bottle in his hand. "Aww stop, I'm blushing. Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Reddit; Mail; Embed; Permalink ; heliosphere8 liked this . Chapter Summary - Wilbur finally snaps which leads him to the end of the line. I know that his yelling is all fun and games, I reply smiling. I love you Quackity spoke. Y/N straightened her tie. I groaned even though the pain wasnt as bad as what Ive gone through before, but Im so tired. I come back to my senses as a sharp piece of metal pierces my skin. Yeah, so it turns out, Im so mentally exhausted that I have no control over my abilities! You told me you would be done 25 minutes ago.. Karl: The honeymoon hug. 44.2K 814 34 Not this monster. Quackity walked up behind her wrapping his arms around their waist. A/N: IT IS SO HARD TO QUOTE WILBUR BECAUSE HE KEPT SAYING UMM AND WOULD JUST RANDOMLY END A SENTENCE AND START TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE. Cute and silly photos with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot. [CH] - chum handle initials Do they love to kiss and cuddle? N/n? But he doesnt laugh. Hov could you think zhat?. Sighing, you leaned back and waited his response, quietly . He wants to hold you but at the same time be held. He nuzzled into her neck. She dashed over to Y/n and pulled her into the tightest hug she had ever given. Within a few minutes, you two fell asleep in each others arms, blissfully unaware of the Gilberts soft Kesesesese~ sounding laughter as his footsteps receded down the hall and away from the lovers. But I get up and try to make my way to the stairwell leading the surface levels. Weeks had passed, and Y/n was slowly getting her strength back. The week had been busy, and you were happy that it was finally over. Karl likes you to be very close. Should be. I turn back towards the button, looking at the song Y/n wrote for this nation one last time. Alex turns his phone around, showing you to his stream. Only your husband, Ludwig was missing. You loved it when he hummed or chuckled, especially when you could feel it resounding in his chest. He likes to look at you. Quackitys arm draped lightly on your side. Surprisingly she smiled up at him with no worry. That is when he's sober. Though, it is kinda funny how you found it necessary to try and climb your way out of the building when you knew I was minutes away, Peter says laughing a bit. If I cant have this place with her, no one can! I cry out, loud enough for everyone standing in the wreckage could hear me. #wilbursoot, i want you - mitski (this song is so good and it never fails to make me cry). Besides, you're going over to a friend's house; hopefully, he won't be too mad. Y/n was in the kitchen baking fresh bread. Let me finish zhis chapter, und zhen ve can cuddle, he said, reading his book once more. . Or you could just chat! Hey mi Cario/a his tired lips uttered back, the ends of them curling upwards at your flustered state curtsy of his chosen pet name. Gods woundsthat woman is seriously trying to make me take her in the mostvilest of ways He grumbled while he watched you oblivious to his predicament. Can request for me to post it sooner than planned), Requests are Open!! Hope you enjoyed. This is so you can see what Im working on at the moment! Dreams together. You arrived at the building with the internationally known sign of a red cross pasted onto a white background. We spent the rest of the night laughing and having fun. My phone begins vibrating. #tubbo Yo Could I get a coffee shop au for Karl? I laugh, at Tommys face. But when he's drunk he's a big snuggler. Thats when I decide to get their attention. A cozy little house. ! But it wasnt like there was any difficulty finding him. you choose <3, he cares about you very much and he shows it, every morning (even if you guys are in different time zones) you receive a good morning text, good morning beautiful, did you sleep well? Me sitting next to Alex on the loveseat. It was hard to think of marriage and love. He wanted to start over. Thank you so much <3 I didnt know if you wanted c!dream or not, but you said you liked my other dream fic, so I figured Id keep it in the same universe! Well chat, Tommy interrupts. Also, I was listening to this playlist while finishing this chapter. He'll wrap his arms around you and lightly stroke your hair. What was the first kiss like? I am currently sitting in my room, waiting for Tommy to finish up. She was the one who was there when he sobbed to her drunk out of his mind. He cherishes cuddles. The ceiling fell, pieces of it falling on the guards, falling on me. (he says hell divorce Tubbo cuz he loves you :]]), after the stream, he will most definitely apologize for the joke (even if you didnt take it seriously), hes just so scared hes doing something wrong (haha relatable), overall hes really sweet and he loves you so damn much, and if you stop replying to his dms he will start tagging you in his tweets, you cant help but think how adorable he is, you finally answer to his dms and hes SO happy, mans will also brag about you ALL THE GODDAMN TIME, friendly reminder that i got a gf sooner than you, you and Phil laugh in the background while Wilbur jumps off a bridge (in minecraft ofc) to show how depressed he is in a joking manner, overall Tommys friends all know you from the very first day you two started dating, and they really like you cuz youre the only one who can control Tommys chaotic behavior, even tho youre also quite chaotic yourself, Tommy ofc also gets calledsimp many times and hes threatening to hunt down all the people that call him that, cuz not only it makes him uncomfy, but also you, addingand if you call me a simp, me and Y/n will hunt you down :) in the beginning of his vids became a tradition. Youd just finished putting up your newest poster of your favorite band, Bad Touch. How do they deal with it? "Vhat (name)? -He can get really jealous when y'all are out with friends and you're paying more attention to them than him especially if it's someone like Dream or Wilbur Hey chat! I say waving at the camera even if I feel like a complete idiot doing so. Too many broken hearts, toxic grips on his emotions, being kept on a theoretical leash so that he could never leave said relationships. He loves you alot! :D, Quackity x f!readerTW: Fireworks (Loud noises), cursing, fluff, It Started With Hey, babe? If he glanced behind himself he could still catch sight of his ship resting on the waters quite a distance away, although near enough that he didnt feel, thank God, abandoned. Why isnt a game pulled up on the computer? I GOT WAY TOO BUSY WITH WORK AND SCHOOL AND STREAMING THAT I COMPLETELY FORGOT! There was a huge house like tent with lanterns everywhere. Enough! But all I can think about is Jughead Jones from Riverdale! N/n and I have to go. You should have tried that first dipshit! And it is the best get together I could have asked for. Secretly, he enjoys that you have larger wings Not only does it mean warmer hugs, but they're soft enough for cuddling When he is on the receiving side of affection, he'll be stubborn at first but melts into it eventually Rubbing his head into your shoulder as your wings tuck around you two