The seventh house and descendant describe what are you looking for in a committed relationship. Browse famous people and celebrities by the astrological aspects that appear in their birth chart. You are an excellent and very loving partner who lavishes affection on your companion because he or she is the source of much that is important in your life. May wear a mask of a likeable person but struggling inside with many insecurities especially relating to physical appearance. Ms.cleo; Jun 7, 2019; 9 Replies; 5K Views; Nov 30, 2020. A sextile is a positive aspect, representing an easy flow between the planet energies, allowing for opportunities of the aspects potential and ability/talents to occur and be nurtured. Explore persons by aspect. Words and thoughts sort of shoot out, illuminating whatever subject is at hand. They may be slick in their use of words, or even untruthful, but you will be fascinated by what they say anyway. Additionally I notice sag mars and pisces mars make for very groovy and good dancers, theyre able to catch the flow and movement - Eg. May grow out facial hair, eg. Venus-Ascendant Synastry aspects: Conjunction . Ascendant trine/opposite Ascendant, Descendant, Moon, Sun, or Saturn within 2 degrees orb is also valid. You may possess the ability to intuitively know or understand peoples thoughts, feelings or motivations. It is a love that is not as binding or otherworldly as Valentine but can cause as much passion and desire as Venus. There may also be a talent in math or science. For others, it is hard. Because the planets energies aspecting are opposing each other, it creates tension and is the opposite of an easy flow. He is too restless and may suffer from nervousness and irritability. With Venus in opposition to your Ascendant, you may be blessed with many social graces. See a recent post on Tumblr from @guxciestone about Venus Opposition Ascendant. It appears as if style and understanding the self seems to come easy to them, there is an effortlessness and gracefulness about their self expression. This is a union that motivates Eros to express themselves and show their desires. Having a partner and a close love relationship is of the utmost importance to you because it allows you to satisfy most of your personal needs, sexual and emotional. He supports alternative methods and new-age procedures. Self-value and money matters are usually tied together. He may often speak without due forethought and thereby offend others. Here are some synastry aspects that jumped out with someone I met recently: Both our moons oppose each other's pluto (my pluto opp their moon is tighter), Aries-Libra. May have a big friends-circle. . Although they seem lucky and protected, sometimes they may need to look out for opportunists and scammers. 1. This could lead to scandals and such. Venus Vertex Compatibility. Eros in Synastry but focusing on the easy aspects such as . This attraction makes it doubly easy for both signs to be tender and pleasing to each other. For ex: I have moon conjunct ascendant and sometimes people guess Im a cancer sun which is the sign that is ruled by the moon. The aggressive tension between the way one looks and one wants to look and beauty the self/enhance their looks, self image and desire to carry the slef is subconsciously reflected in the enticing, forsh and capturing way their looks can manifest. Women especially are drawn to them cause they embody femininity. Comedy comes naturally to them. Ascendant is the most individual part of a person's horoscope. Your vitality is strong and you have better than average recuperative powers, even if you do tend to run higher than normal fevers when ill. With Pluto conjunct Ascendant, you are a powerful and insightful person. The Venus person also appreciates the way the Ascendant behaves and presents themselves. Venus square or opposition Ascendant - ASC, Mercury square or opposition Uranus - . Can live a luxurious life (if not born into it, may work their way towards it). In certain cases, the person may be foolish or lacking in common sense. Your acceptance of these powerful experiences enables you to guide others to face transformation and loss without fear. 3, Dividers belong to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more. This brings a high level of cooperation, gentleness and emotional awareness. Since 6th house is the house ruled by virgo which virgo rules digestive system, uranus can cause unexpected health problems related to ur stomach eg. ^ Need to be extremely careful not to fall into people-pleasing tendencies. Eros/Eros* Explosive since there could be a lot in common between the two. These romantic and sexual feelings can be long-lasting depending on the natal charts of each individual and . Traveling with them is never dull. They value education but get bored easily. What does it mean if you have venus trine ascendant at 0 degree orb. thank u, The way I also have virgo venus in 12th opposite uranus pisces , hi! Mercury trine mars is similar to the sextile aspect of it, however mercury trine mars natives are naturally imaginative, creative, communicative, concise, realistic and confidently expressive. so i wanted to ask if they actually affect the way you look because that's super cool. He is highly principled and will never compromise his ideals or buckle under pressure. A focal point of cancer risings are their smiles and eyes, theyre very bright or charming and inviting - and their eyes are expressive along with their expression/emotion. Lana del rey and Sydney Sweeney has scorpio rising. With an Opposition between Venus and your Ascendant, you will seek to make a good impression on everyone you meet and, in interaction with them, to focus on their positive qualities. He is of radical and extreme opinion but is rarely, if ever, bigoted or prejudiced. Your ability to get along with others and your grace and ease in dealing with the . I have venus trine ascendant at 0 orb. This can lead to difficulty expressing the aspect of the planet energies and has to be resolved through compromise of one or the other. * Moon and Venus in harmonious aspect to one another in synastry generally indicate compatibility in romantic relationships. . You are well mannered and people generally have a good opinion of you. What completes one on a soul type level. Moon conjunct Pluto is often an indication of a true psychic. However, he may also be outspoken, blunt and tactless. He enjoys taking the side of the underdog or downtrodden. He may also be mischievous. Trust is a much needed commodity. To put others at ease you play the innocent role and make it clear that you are not a threat them. Neptune will feel empowered by Eros, who will contribute to some aspects of delusion if both parties persist on seeing things through unrealistic lenses. Default. It is a symbol of "I", a symbol of a person's personality. We were made to be erotic creatures. Synastry Chart Aspect Meaning. He may not take advice from others well. Another aspect that gives vital and radiant glow and can create youthfulness around the individual. It is a love that is not as binding or otherworldly as Valentine but can cause as much passion and desire as Venus. His greatest concern is the advancement and promotion of truth and freedom. Sun conjunct Mercury in a birthchart denotes a quick thinker and a good communicator. Venus Conjunct Ascendant Transit. My gemini friend has a gemini stellium and 6th house stellium and gurl literally sets multiple playlists of different moods, one for her relaxing and falling to sleep, one for walking to school like badass music, one for when shes sad and listening to sad music. On the surface you are docile, gentle, and charming, but underneath you conspire and connive to make a better life for yourself through the people in your environment. He is impulsive and unpredictable. This . Words take on a new meaning with this synastry aspect. Originally posted by unfantasmaenlasnubes. Sag + gemini energy in the chart makes them chaotically energetic when theyre passionate about a topic when with friends. These people can have a very bold style and self expression to them, it can also be shocking and/or brand new. . May even become friends with many influential/resourceful people. Good with money, and could be/become wealthy with a commendable social standing. The person does not enjoy rules, regulations, traditions and convention. This is a lovely connection, since it helps to grow the love that both share for each other. The person is inspirational and exciting. There is, most likely, great intelligence or genius. People see you as magnetic, very forceful and perhaps, at times, just plain downright threatening. This connection involves patience and respect. Eros conjunct Venus will be more hidden. This person is fast on his feet when cornered with questions, or sometimes even when physically cornered. Youre popular and attract happiness since youre diplomatic, tactful and take others happiness into consideration. There is a definite openness to metaphysics and the occult. The moon glistens over her tail as she flashes in and out of view, tantalising, teasing, just out of reach. At times you can have an irritable temper and need to channel some of your nervous energy into constructive pursuits. Trines occur when planets aspect at 120 degrees. If in 12H, this may not really be the case, they may actually be humble and sometimes even unaware as to where all this popularity is coming from. When they face and deal with their own insecurities and issues of self-worth, they may see how easily opportunities of all kinds flow towards them. Eros thrills, scares and creates intense bonds. An aspect between Venus and the Ascendant in Synastry can point strongly to attraction, where the Venus person enjoys or is stimulated by the Ascendant person's body energy and mannerisms. , #I wanted to include some k idols but literally forgot and only remembered after finishing the post NAGSJSN. Above all, he must take responsibility for his independent nature and stop defending himselfa tendency he may have developed during rebellious childhood years. In the chart that you mention with Taurus rising and Venus in the 12th, this would . Their style may make a statement or grab attention, they feel drawn to flashy or bold choices that make their own individuality stand out - They may also tend to wear jewelry. Venus-Moon ppl receive compliments based on how they make people feel (Moon). Most certainly, he will not be told what to do or think. Words heal, empower and intrigue. These planets "imprint" upon the psyche of the child, either through direct contact or through observation. This may make me sound like a pervert, but I cry . It is slightly better if the man is the ascendant person and the woman is the Venus . In the company of your superiors or people you admire, you tend to be shy. There may also be a sustained interest in communication, computers, electronics, and all that is electrical. Struggle to express the affection and love they feel, May have fleeting relationships or situationships. Having such optimistic outlook on life and being a generally good person with being generous and supportive of others, some people though will feel like these aspect owners are even too generous. Conjunctions are known to be an aspect that is easily influential, embodying the good and the bad energy of the aspect between the planets. Not that we always succeed in obtainingthe latter - we tend to overdo things, and may fail to read some situations properly.Certainly we need to learn how to direct our energies. Your mental energy and output is extremely variableone day you might be capable of enormous effort and interest in a project, and the next day the opposite. Take time to reflect on what you truly believe in, because many times you are too busy challenging established thought, or playing devils advocate, to get in touch with your own opinions and feelings. Your attention span can be short, and as a result, you might often leave projects unfinished. This is an aspect that can allow for both parties to share without holding back. Venus in 1st house brings magnificent beauty, but the beauty and love is for yourself, not for your partner. If Juno in the first house is close to the ascendant (under 5-7 degrees), it can make marriage and partnership a major focus in your life. They are often funny and charming, and children usually enjoy their company. He excels in inventions, astrology, or any mental endeavor that is ahead of the times. This way, your intelligence, integrity, and ingenuity can come shining through. It is easily noticable in the eyes and the corner of the smiles of these natives. Eros sees Jupiter as their confidant and trusts them. It's a strong marriage indicator, because the Venus person embodies the qualities, which the Ascendant person seeks in a partner. The person is inspirational and exciting. The mind works too fast and the person is as mentally impatient as they come. . Eros/Moon There is a psychological connection here, a telepathic union as both parties bond emotionally and spiritually. They may use their connections to gain status/fame. Your acceptance of these powerful experiences enables you to guide others to face transformation and loss without fear. They are heart over mind type of ppl, consider their emotions with their thoughts and actions. The intense physical attraction is what pulls them towards each other. Gemini + 6th house stellium, I see people with 6th house and gemini stellium in their chart like to incorporate tasks or routine into their interests, activities, and daily life. Bye Bye. their Asc./Sun) but my ASC-DSC also has something to do? It is desire, it is passion and love. These people are changeable, and not always reliable, but are almost always fun to be around. However, his spontaneity is essential to his creativity and inventiveness. Maximum 3 degrees orb. (Especially if Venus in 7H). Prince, Lana Del Rey, Willow Smith, Ezra Miller, Lanny Kravitz, Kurt Cobain, Hope you're having a great day i found your blog and really likeeee, can i ask your opinion about venus ascendant aspects? Libra Ascendant people are often very good looking. The Venus conjunct Juno synastry aspect is a frequent aspect in the charts of couples, and so is Juno trine Venus in synastry. Juno - Venus: Relationship between people with this aspect is based on a strong romantic level. Gif divider credit to: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more, May not resonate to everyone, just take wut resonates and relates. Eros/Chiron Eros grows and heals with Chiron and vice versa. Powerful self expression, the individuals can reach a higher plane with how they connect to the world around them through their self expression. Virgo suns with cancer placements in the kpop industry are admired for their visuals, they can be chic, elegant, cute, cool etc. Venus in 7th house attracts partnership, and the girls with this position actually have a lot of guys chasing after them. He is highly principled and will never compromise his ideals or buckle under pressure. ^ Also need to reevaluate some of the social norms/standards that may be forced on them or they thought were important to be socially acceptable. For some people, their erotic nature seems to come naturally. The person is nothing if not adventurous and progressive-minded. Trust grows with time and acceptance as well. However, his spontaneity is essential to his creativity and inventiveness. Because I have that aspect in my Natal Chart. Others may try to use these qualities against you, so it would be best to remember that those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. The Moon represents the mother & Venus is the daughter. This can manifest on more of a surface-level, initial attraction because the Ascendant is how we present to others and the mask we wear in public. Sextiles are when planets aspect at 60 degrees. Venus Conjunct Ascendant or Venus in the 1st: For romantic synastry, this is love at first sight. For example, there is this person with Ascendant in Scorpio and I have Venus in Aquarius -Venus square Asc.- but I'm almost in love with that person and we have Ascendant opposite Ascendant exact. Scorpio risings often have an edgy, sad girl/sad boy aesthetic, grunge, or skater look, they may have a charismatic or fierce look to their eyes (almond shaped). Your ability to get along with others and your grace and ease in dealing with the public helps you to achieve success. ^ Friends and a loud social life may not need to be all that important when surrounded by superficial people who drain them emotionally/mentally. You are drawn to truly refined and sophisticated people, not so much to the ones who substitute glitter for class. It gives the Venus and Ascendant signs immense pleasure to make their partners happy and they usually do this without hesitation. Because they are confident, they have higher self esteem etc. 2.Lilith conjunct the ASC or MC. There may also be a sustained interest in communication, computers, electronics, and all that is electrical. Leo risings are amiable people, warmhearted and emit a friendly and eyecatching aura. Opposition are when planets aspect each other at 180 degrees. Friedrich Nietzsche had the Mercury opposite Uranus aspect within one degree. You work hard, although subtly, to make sure that people are warmly disposed toward you, and you try to emphasize your better qualities to prove you are worthy of their friendship. Does that mean it's a conjunction? Both planets long to touch and feel each other. The mind works too fast and the person is as mentally impatient as they come. You understand the cycles of loss and return, and you know that the soul transcends these experiences and that love survives all rites of passage; transformation, separation, loss and initiation. Your best publicity agents are your friends, who freely extol your virtues when anyone asks them. You hope no one perceives your negative qualities and discovers how insecure you really are. The problem is that in life there are always going to be routine tasks to complete, things we have to do that dont entirely suit our interests, and so forth. Both parties feel connected and it can even grant them devoted love. You have such an outpouring of insights that having a conversation with you can be a real experience.