Nonetheless, expect the Virgo to find order within chaos, as he will know exactly where he kept his left sock among his pile of clothes. User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Naturally self-critical and self-aware, they may be too sensitive to overly stern criticisms and need to know their self-worth is not connected to how well they perform. He is a mysterious and contemplative being who stands by his principles with unflinching ease. He can be the most stubborn person you'll ever meet, but his behavior will have a logical explanation. These faces can be used for timing magical rituals when seeking to evoke and harness Mercurys planetary power. If he travels, consider luggage and means or organizing ones belongings. Virgo dads also tend to take on a teaching role. But Virgo can also be seen as somewhat of a disciplinarian, wanting a clean home and family members that adhere to what he wants. They fight back with harsh, biting words, causing the aggressor to slither back into their place. Organizational items like planners, notebooks, journals, photo albums, and anything related to convenient means of storage are great gifts for the Virgo as well. However, if left to work alone, Virgo will complete every assigned task as quickly and efficiently as he would if part of a team. They refrain from putting themselves in the spotlight, and dont readily accept praise. A Virgo mans home is usually perfectly clean and organized. Unlike the Gemini man who shifts from one extreme to another, the ever-so-analytical Virgo man is able to blend seemingly disparate circumstances and people. Some Virgos, because of their dualistic nature, might be well organized at work, looking all professional, and a downright hoarder at home. What Kind of Woman Attracts a Virgo Man?He Loves a Confident Woman. When you see the signs a Virgo man is falling for you, you likely waited patiently. An Honest Woman Who Knows What She Wants. A Woman Who is Ambitious but Humble. A Woman Who Appears Innocent. He Loves Intelligent, Successful Women. Hes Attracted to Socially Conscious Women. A Woman Who is Nurturing but Not Over Emotional. Since Virgo is ruled by the planet of communications, it invites an analytical Mercury sub-signature to the sixth house. Even Scorpio offers a decent rate of compatibility with the Virgo, as the signs seemingly complement one another with ease. There is much for the other to enjoy and depend on here, that they will find comfort in their union. Fortunately, they always make friends with people who are not insecure and are sure of their everlasting bond with one another. Diligent and observant, these folks think clearly, learn quickly, and gain enormous satisfaction in serving, healing, and helping to bring order, perfection, and practicality to their world. It represents a need to conserve and concentrate our energies and direct our awareness toward contemplation before we can make a new beginning or embark on a new journey. The thirty degrees of each sign can be further subdivided into three ten-degree decans, or faces, each with its own planetary sub-ruler placed around the zodiac in Chaldean order. The powerful mental energy and ability that comes with being born in Mercurys sign will draw the Virgo interest toward psychology and mental health. Despite his commitment, hes a hard shell to crack; much like the Virgo woman, he doesnt open up emotionally, and allowing himself to be vulnerable with others requires time and effort. Hes low-key with his love, so it may not be immediately obvious to the untrained eye. As a Virgo rising, you're ruled by earth, and your ruling planet is Mercury, the planet of technology, intellect and communication. If he gives you an opportunity to make a romantic connection, he will organize an event that encourages you to act first. Though Mercury also rules Gemini, these two signs are radically different: Gemini is about output and expression, whereas Virgo is about input and processing. Depending on the topic, a conversation with a Virgo man can be like going down a rabbit hole. Until he does, it will not be easy for him to relax, smile, dance and be as happy as you might want him to be. Virgos personality traits are derived from its receptive, feminine, or yin qualities, making this sign oriented toward contemplation and engagement with inner awareness. However, once a friend, he will never let you go and will always be by your side when you need him. A level of concentration and dedication is required before a new level of ability, or completion can be attained. When your Virgo man is balanced, youve picked a real winner. While Virgo doesnt concern themselves too much with the opinions of others, they do have trouble accepting criticism, as they never believe that they are wrong. He likes to pursue his interests, and his deep knowledge of his specialist area, along with his work ethic, means that he has no problem finding success in his chosen career over time. How do you handle a Virgo man? Virgos, more than any other zodiac sign, were born to serve, and it gives them great joy. Similar to the dynamic between Aries and Virgo, their natures and motivations are very different, with Leo often being too tempestuous and dramatic for Virgos taste. Celebrities: Michael Jackson, Adam Sandler, Jimmy Fallon, Bernie Sanders, Andrew Lincoln, Keanu Reeves, and Charlie Sheen. It carries the adaptive sub-signature of Mercury and was referred to in the Book of Thoth as the card of Wealth. Its interesting to note that in classical astrology, Mercury was associated with wealth and the flow of money, which the imagery of this card supports. 7. Even more so, Sagittarius can be notoriously non-committal; which Virgo will find hard to trust. Romantically outside of the bedroom, the Virgo man is not all gushy and soft, and you may find he shares his affection with you by buying you practical gifts. They are kind, gentle, and supportive friends and lovers who use their incredible intellect and resourcefulness to problem-solve. WebUnderstanding Virgo men. Ruled by Mercury, the 6th zodiac sign in astrology is often referred to as the Virgin or the Maiden. Virgo man - information and insights on the Virgo man. Tarot Card Associations: The Hermit, The Magician. The Virgo Man Explained: Love, Characteristics & More, Photo: Aygun Ali & Kiselev Andrey Valerevich / Shutterstock, 20 Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Virgo Zodiac Sign, 4 Best Romantic Matches For Virgo (And The Zodiac Signs Who Don't Stand A Chance), 6 Strange Myths & Facts About The Virgo Zodiac Sign You Should Know (Even If You Don't Believe In Astrology), The 3 Zodiac Signs With 'Harsh' Horoscopes On Saturday, March 4, 2023, Love Horoscopes For Saturday, March 4, 2023, By Zodiac Sign, One Card Tarot Reading For All Zodiac Signs, Saturday, March 4, 2023, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Zodiac Signs Who Are Complete Opposites But Attract Each Other Like Crazy, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. And an absolute mess. These two can build a world together, with similar, yet interlocking skills in material mastery. When in the opposite sign of Virgo, Venus was said to be in her fall, which may not pose as strong of an adaptive challenge as a detriment might, yet still puts the planetary force somewhat out of its comfort zone. Plus, what does Pluto's generational shift mean for you? March brings intimacy, Scorpio, but beware of your stinger. Some say Pisces is compatible with Virgo, but this too is questionable, unless there is a good rhythm between the Virgos need for solitude and truth-seeking and the Pisces sometimes ever-present mood swings. The Virgo man might come across as very reserved or introverted and will sometimes seem excessively serious. They do things for themselves, not an audience. Each of the twelve zodiac signs represents a thirty-degree slice of a 360-degree band of constellations, circling the earth. They share a similar rhythm with their body awareness and know what the other needs. The Tarot card that correlates to Virgo is number 9: The Hermit. They are purists and love to find ways to tend to and serve others. Virgo may balance Taurus tendency for indulgence with herbal and health recommendations, and Taurus can patiently help ground and soothe Virgos somewhat anxious nature. Likewise, Leos clash with the Virgo male personality because Leos must have the limelight and Virgos cant stand that. Still, this intellectual, practical perfectionist will give his all in his relationships. With a strong probability that those born under the sign of the Virgin will make great teachers and mentors, they could be found sharing technical skills of all kinds. As a result, those born with the Virgin prominent in their birth charts may have delicate digestive systems that can be easily thrown off by anxiety and the disruptions of stress. What is the personality of a Virgo male? This includes emotions or the gut instinct, that begins in the enteric nervous system, linking to Virgos need to digest what they feel. This is the time of year when the suns heat and light are beginning to mellow, with the days beginning to shorten toward the Fall Equinox. The card 9 shares the earthy, contemplative, and analytic energies of Virgo, yet it can appear as a warning that we may have overextended ourselves in talk and excessive doing. If zodiac signs were included on resumes, the Virgo man would get any job he applied for. Virgo males are exceptionally well-behaved children who rarely get themselves into any significant trouble. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Being under Mercurys rule, the Virgoan body shares with Gemini a connection with the nervous system that digestion is intrinsically linked to. Aries Sun Virgo Moon Man . Oils: Frankincense, Bergamot, Spearmint, Lavender, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Melissa, Fennel, Cypress, and Clary Sage. Skullcapis an herb that is particularly helpful to those with strong Virgo placements who may be prone to worry and stress. But this oxymoron can be understood if we figure that the vast amount of time a Virgo spends in his head engaged in analytical behaviors, the more separate he becomes from spirit. Being an earth sign, Virgo is associated with the melancholic temperament, which was understood to be cold and dry. A Virgo deals with information like a computer, transforming even the most jumbled set of information into organized, clear concepts. As a friend, the Virgo man is one who is dedicated and loyal. He is constantly in touch with his spiritual self and thus knows when things are off-balance. We all have Virgo somewhere in our birth chart, so we can look to the house that the sign of the Virgin rules to find the specific area of our life we approach in an organized, contentious, and efficient way, or where we need to call in Virgoan sensibility for material mastery. Virgo compatibility - the compatibility of Virgo with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Virgo is an earth sign historically represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, an association that speaks to Virgos deep-rooted presence in the material world. Pisces outgoing but caring nature helps Virgo relax and share themselves with a bit more freedom. Virgo men are highly intellectual, as they are deep thinkers and articulate speakers. As long as everything remains in order, Virgo is understanding, despite his occasional criticism towards both his partner or kids. To earn their thumbs up will be a great accomplishment! Anatomical Rulership: Intestinal tract and abdomen, particularly the lowest most regions, Dream Archetype: The Maiden, The Virgin Warrior aspect of the Goddess, The Mother, the Harvest Goddess, Balancing Quality: Expanded world-view, an open mind, and a broader perspective, Celtic Tree of the Month: Hazel Tree (Aug 5 September 1) and the Vine (September 2 September 29), Meaning of the Celtic Tree: The All-Knowing and The Unpredictable, Detriment: Jupiter (archaic), Neptune (current). This man prefers his own company, does not like crowded places and takes a long time to trust people. How well that digestion operates depends on the balance the native can maintain between their work and inner life. The Virgo man will want to drink plenty of water and to consume enough soluble fiber to get the digestive tract in good working order. The sign of the Virgin is innately connected to the earth and nature, and here we may find some of the worlds great animal lovers and environmental conservationists. He may be too judgmental at Pay attention to the small details the Virgo pays attention to, and youll soon discover the key to gift buying for the busy Virgo. Also, they have an inner confidence which means that they arent overly concerned about what other people think, and always pursue their own unique interests. The Virgo zodiac sign is compatible with Taurus, Gemini, Aquarius, and Capricorn. It can take them a little time to overcome that voice and put themselves out there. There is nothing they like more than starting something new, as it means that they have an opportunity to start fresh, without the burden of any previous mistakes. It is also carminative, helping to clear digestive bloating and gas in the anxious Virgo digestive system. Its soothing aromatic fragrance is calming, and its oils are used in aromatherapy to cure Virgos anxiety and relieve cramping and tension. Those who know them best are much more likely to bring out this side of Virgo. These zodiac signs will do whatever they can to avoid confrontation; its most likely why they tend to be so conservative. Virgo men are typically analytical, detail-oriented, and organized. Beauty exists within our imperfections and its important for Virgos to learn that flaws are not defects. This house, associated with our bodies and sense of purpose, symbolizes a merging of spirit and matter to form a unique being in the world. Allow astrologer Aliza Faragher to explain which signs yours is most compatible with: 2023 Cond Nast. When exploring overall compatibility in astrology, its important to take more than the sun sign into consideration, as the rising sign, moon, and other planetary cross-connections will tell the whole story in relationships. Your Virgo man might make a great car mechanic as he is about things being in the right and working order. Pisces can help ease the Virgin out of their need for perfection and order, and Virgo offers support and structure to Pisces soulful and creative ideas. Virgo men tend to be traditional in bed and dont really like to experiment with anything too unusual. 4 Takes care of his finances. The Virgins sense of purpose is all about organizing and dissemination of material resources, so that our lives can flow and operate efficiently and optimally. Virgos will likely find dirty, cluttered, and untidy workspaces to be a stifling and distracting hazard, so they may work to help create well-attended work and living spaces for others. It is not surprising for Virgos to treat every living being on earth equally. The Virgo man is good at problem solving and with his rational thinking, he is able to settle disputes in a peaceful manner. If you dont track it, did it even ever really happen? He is a wonderful conversationalist, but, being like the Hermit in the Tarot, he also spends a lot of time off by himself in his own world seeking his own truth. 10 Positive Virgo Personality Traits 1. This is because they also have an active self-critical voice inside their heads pointing everything about themselves that is not perfect. When you visit a Virgos home, you can expect everything to be organized down to the smallest detail. They are often accomplished makers, crafters, and artisans themselves, producing works of enormous beauty and detail. Ambitious Virgo men are always pushing themselves to do more in their quest for perfection. Those born under the sign of the Virgin care deeply about bodily health and protection of the environment, however, they can become inordinately focused on toxins, hygiene, and catching possible diseases. In traditional astrology, Virgos planetary ruler, Mercury, was said to find its joy in the first house of self and identity in the birth chart. Even stranger, this dualism is based on extremes epic extremes! 10 of Pentacles: Mercury in VirgoThe 10 of Pentacles corresponds to the third decan or face of Virgo. Without a doubt, the Virgo man is one who gives truth to with some genius, madness follows.. Virgos affinity for being efficient, skilled, and resourceful are all akin to the structure and tangibility of the earth element. Earth signs Taurus and Capricorn have the greatest elemental affinity with Virgo, sharing themes of stability, practicality, and efficiency between them.Virgo with Virgo can meld together easily, organizing their lives and routines to hum like a finely tuned engine. 9 Its not too easy to win his heart. He is modest and shy, and he never expresses his love the way he wants to. Since their perfectionism has no limits, men born with the Virgo sign excel in highly specialized career areas. For him, sorting out your finances, keeping his home in order, and cooking your favorite dish, are ways to show how much he loves you. Maybe you want to go to trendy nightclubs or to the movies more oftenjust regular couple things. Virgo Man: Good Traits, Bad Traits, Love and Sex - Thought Catalog Methodical, committed, and hardworking, they make excellent teachers, healers, editors, and musicians. Virgos are amazing friends, always there to lend a hand and also lend advice. If you crave more traditional romantic gestures and gifts, you will have to tell him directly. Venus wants to love, connect, and attract, but Virgo, being a somewhat cool and dry earth sign, may be too shy and composed as an archetype to allow Venus energy to flow freely. Virgos excel in any environment. Sagittarius and Virgo share a mutable mode, but their signs form a square aspect with each other, highlighting friction and challenges between them. Venus was said to be exalted in Pisces by classical astrologers, where she is able to uniquely and auspiciously express her poetic, artistic, and pleasure-seeking qualities. The voice of clarity, precision, and utilization comes forward in the Virgo mantra:I analyze. All natural healing remedies appeal to the Virgo man, who has an affinity with nature, and the practice of Joh-rei, or exposing the Virgo to natural beauty like art and flowers might serve well as a healing modality, even for the most masculine of men. Virgo children will be well-nurtured if they are encouraged to get their hands dirty and make a mess, to be allowed to make mistakes, and yet be loved unconditionally. You can count on him translating perfection in the bedroom as taking his time while making love, as he is wanting to perfect his technique or prolong each ecstatic moment as much as feasibly possible. They are also tailor-made for the job, since common Virgo traits are being industrious, methodical, and efficient. But dont expect to see them posting photos of their perfectly organized objects on social media. This can be a magnetic match, with Virgo not shying away from Scorpios dark and potent depths. Family is very important to the Virgo man, who shows time and time again that hes caring and reliable. Your astrological overview guides you on what to look out for and how to act in tune with the stars and planets each day. This is a complementary relationship, and also a case of opposites attract. They're hyper-aware of every detail. Jupiter in Mercurys sign would have to somewhat compensate for this detriment, which may simply mean that natives born with this placement may tend to amplify their attention to detail, or their optimistic and philosophical side may feel constricted under difficult standards. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. This Is What You're Like in Bed, According to Your Zodiac Sign, What Your Sign's 2021 Horoscope Predictions Mean for You, This Is Who You're Compatible With, According to Your Zodiac Sign. Characteristics of a Virgo include a tremendous capacity for creativity. Virgos don't mind working for others, however, they prefer doing jobs which allow them the freedom to be their own boss. Virgo was assigned the sixth house of health, service, and day-to-day work routines, since Virgos earthy and hygienic pursuits are aligned with the concerns of this house. Aries, being all about action, motion, and constant movement can put off chaotic vibes that are a total turn off to the well balanced, highly detailed Virgo Male. Are you and your love interest meant to be? It is also important to them to be helpful and useful in some way, linking to their alternate mantra:I serve. They may also even combine their craft and makers skills with mental health work in the form of art therapy. 6 Likes to be ahead of others. What they think up may become more real than what is actually happening, making it important for these natives to stay grounded in their bodies, breath, and the moment. The right partner can help break them out of their shell if they are in a space of comfort and trust. When it comes to Virgo compatibility, this zodiac sign makes a great match for the other Earth signs, Capricorn and Taurus.