It is not here spoken of as coming upon them, or as passing from them. The wrath of God: "The word does not mean a sudden gust of passion or a burst of temper. Further, if Jesus had made such a statement, He would have contradicted numerous other Bible passages that make it clear that salvation is by faith (John 3:16; John 3:36; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). Very remarkable are the following words of the Jews (b) concerning the Messiah, whom they call the latter Redeemer: "whosoever believes in him "shall" live; but he that believes not in him shall go to the nations of the world, and they shall kill him.'' "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." The divinity of the Son is in this chapter proved as clearly as in 1 John v. 7. The Syriac and Arabic versions render it, "shall abide upon him"; so some copies. But let them beware how they perverted it. Later He was determined to be Son of God with power by resurrection of the dead. Each had his own; all are harmonious, all perfect, all divine; but not all so many repetitions of the same thing. Scripture is, or may be, before man always. Fortunately, the issue does not have to be decided. John 1:26-27; John 1:26-27) For himself he was not the Christ, but for Jesus he says no more. John 4:1-54 presents the Lord Jesus outside Jerusalem outside the people of promise among Samaritans, with whom Jews had no intercourse. The Lord Jesus did, without question, take humanity in His person into that glory which He so well knew as the Son of the Father. A second and wholly new man appears the bread of God, not of man, but for men. Now, it is the Holy Ghost in the power that gives rivers of living water flowing out, and this bound up with, and consequent on, His being man in glory. Then, resuming the strain of verse John 1:14, we are told, in verseJohn 1:16; John 1:16, that "of his fulness have all we received." Two resurrections, one of life, and another of judgment, would be the manifestation of faith and unbelief, or rather, of those who believe, and of those who reject the Son. Thus it is not only the person of our Lord viewed as divine, and coming down into the world. He who inspired them to communicate His thoughts of Jesus in the particular line assigned to each, raised up John to impart the highest revelation, and thus complete the circle by the deepest views of the Son of God. He regularly attends Shreveport City Council and Caddo Parish Commission meetings. We should also not lose sight of the fact that when Jesus was speaking to Nicodemus, the ordinance of Christian baptism was not yet in effect. But this, however worthy of God, and indispensable for man, could not of itself give an adequate expression of what God is; because in this alone, neither His own love nor the glory of His Son finds due display. (Ed. He who, living, was received for eternal life, is our meat and drink in dying, and gives us communion with His death. Here He is not portrayed as the Son of man who must be lifted up, but as the Son of God who was given. (See on [1777]Joh 3:18 and [1778]Joh 5:24).shall not see lifeThe contrast here is striking: The one has already a life that will endure for everthe other not only has it not now, but shall never have itnever see it.abideth on himIt was on Him before, and not being removed in the only possible way, by "believing on the Son," it necessarily remaineth on him! 2) John 3:16 In The Bible. The wrath of God. Thus we feed on Him and drink into Him, as man, unto life everlasting life in Him. Very remarkable are the following words of the Jews F2 concerning the Messiah, whom they call the latter Redeemer: Proud member Granted He was the Son of man; but as such, He had all judgment given Him, and would judge. Not Jacob was there, but the Son of God in nothing but grace; and thus to the Samaritan woman, not to the teachers of Israel, are made those wonderful communications which unfold to us with incomparable depth and beauty the real source, power, and character of that worship which supersedes, not merely schismatic and rebellious Samaria, but Judaism at its best. It is no question here of every man, but of such as believe. Accordingly, if the law raised the question of righteousness in man, the cross of the Lord Jesus, typifying Him made sin, is the answer; and there has all been settled to the glory of God, the Lord Jesus having suffered all the inevitable consequences. (Verses John 5:17-18). But this is not the question of grace: not what she was, but what He is who was there to win and bless her, manifesting God and the Father withal, practically and in detail. Thus we have traced, first, hearts not only attracted to Him, but fresh souls called to follow Him; then, in type, the call of Israel by-and-by; finally, the disappearance of the sign of moral purifying for the joy of the new covenant, when Messiah's time comes to bless the needy earth; but along with this the execution of judgment in Jerusalem, and its long defiled temple. Here the unlimited scene is in view; not Israel, but the world. Nay, the Father has given all judgment to the Son. His exaltation there is not without notice in the gospel, but exceptionally. "But He said to them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of." They had no common thoughts, feelings, or ways with the Father and the Son. So in the baptism with the Holy Ghost, who would pretend to such a power? Does anyone else find it odd that John Fetterman is hospitalized with Clinical Depression and is Co-Sponsoring Bills in the Senate? He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not, was reckoned among the readings less to be relied on; in which the, He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. But the Spirit would not confine His operations to such bounds, but go out freely like the wind. (VersesJohn 5:8-12; John 5:8-12), But were the Jews mistaken after all in thinking that the seal of the first covenant was virtually broken in that deliberate word and warranty of Jesus? His own love and person were warrant enough for the simple to lift the veil for a season, and fill the hearts which had received Himself into the conscious enjoyment of divine grace, and of Him who revealed it to them. For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him. Answer: John 3:16 does not say that unbelievers have the ability of their own sinful free will, to receive Christ. His opposition to sin, and its terrible effects in this world and the next. Hence it is that here the Son, according to the grace of God the Father, gives the Holy Ghost eternal life in the power of the Spirit. how to get incineroar hidden ability; * The best text omits other expressions, evidently derived from verses John 1:15; John 1:30John 1:30. It becomes a question of man's own condition, and how he stands in relation to the kingdom of God. he might be; and this, too, as the expression of the true and full grace of God in His only-begotten Son given. It is evident, that were He not God, it would be an interference with His glory, a place taken inconsistent with His sole authority, no less than it must be also, and for that reason, altogether ruinous to man. And herein is that true saying, One soweth, and another reapeth. John 3:1-36 follows this up. Compare the future tense with the present "hath eternal life," and the simple life with the fully developed idea eternal life. Pharisaic jealousy had wrought; and Jesus, wearied, sat thus at the fountain of Jacob's well in Sychar. (ver. All rights reserved. What is there in God more truly divine than grace and truth? Be they who they may now, as many as receive Him become children of God. How truly it is man under law! Quite the contrary! He that believeth not Or, obeyeth not - : from , negative, and , to persuade, or , to obey-the want of the obedience of faith. (Verses John 3:11-13) He (and He was not alone here) knew God, and the things of God, consciously in Himself, as surely as He knew all men, and what was in man objectively. "There are three who give testimony in heaven; the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one." His joy was that of a friend of the Bridegroom (to whom, not to him, the bride belonged), and now fulfilled as he heard the Bridegroom's voice. John's desire, and the reason he existed, was to see Christ exalted and glorified. I apprehend the words the Authorised Version gives in italics should disappear. It passes over all question of dispensations, until it accomplishes, in all its extent, that purpose for which He thus died. Yet, this obe- dience salvation formula is identically repeated in John 3:16. So bright was His glory, so concerned was the Father in maintaining it, so immense the blessing if received, so tremendous the stake involved in its loss, that God vouchsafed the amplest and clearest witnesses. A. John 3:16 King James Version. Now, it is no longer a question of nature, but of relationship; and hence it is not said simply the Word, but the Son, and the Son in the highest possible character, the only-begotten Son, distinguishing Him thus from any other who might, in a subordinate sense, be son of God "the only-begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father." They should have understood more about Him those that were specially favoured. Whosoever denieth the Son hath not the Father; he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. The Son gives life, as the Father does; and not merely to whom the Father will, but to whom He will. "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. (ver. He has life; the man who disobeys has not, and while he disobeys shall not see life, for he cannot be a subject of a kingdom to whose laws he refuses allegiance. ( ) flesh, and dwelt among us." The Lord and the disciples are next seen in the country district, not far, it would seem, from John, who was baptizing as they were. Of this we learn nothing, here. For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him." He is a divine person; His manhood brought no attainder to His rights as God. Alas! Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. The word, which occurs only here in the Gospels, is not the same as that at the beginning of the verse, and shows that the faith there intended is the subjection of the . In the Word was life, and the life was the light of men. obedience to the faith, Romans 1:5.). He that believeth not the Son.Better, he that obeyeth not the Son. Christ here, it will be noticed, is not so much the quickening agent as Son of God (John 5:1-47), but the object of faith as Son of man first incarnate, to be eaten; then dying and giving His flesh to be eaten, and His blood to be drank. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. The Lord Jesus Didn't Bestow the Way of Eternal Life Upon Man. (John 3:36 KJV), He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life; but he that obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. Nor would the rejected Christ, the Son of man; for if lifted up on the cross, instead of having the throne of David, the result would be not merely earthly blessing for His people according to prophecy, but eternal life for the believer, whoever. Hence the Son, being in this ineffable nearness of love, has declared not God only, but the Father. what does john 3:36 mean; unincorporated jefferson county, alabama map; Blog Post Title February 26, 2018. In John He is One who could be described as Son of man who is in heaven; but He belonged to heaven, because He was divine. John 1:35-40) Our Lord acts as One fully conscious of His glory, as indeed He ever was. Obey certainly was the meaning of pisteuo in John 3:36 (see page 448). There is no other way in which the new nature is made good in a soul. Observe, it is not (as is often very erroneously said or sung) a question of sins, but of the "sin" of the world. (Verses John 7:3-5) The Lord intimates the impossibility of anticipating the time of God; but then He does it as connected with His own personal glory. The issue of all is, that the will of man is the real cause and spring of enmity. (Verses John 1:41-44), On the morrow Jesus begins, directly and indirectly, to call others to follow Himself. The Light, on coming into the world, lightens every man with the fulness of evidence which was in Him, and at once discovers the true state as truly as it will be revealed in the last day when He judges all, as we find it intimated in the gospel afterwards.