When the Harvest goes wrong and Davina doesn't come back to life, he is devastated and blames it on Klaus saying that he had everything under control until he came to the New Orleans. Unfortunately for fans like myself the show is ending, season five is going to be the last. She says she'd think about it, then leaves. He told him that he'd have until sunrise to try and figure out who took his ring and then get it from them, despite The Strix members mostly being far older than Marcel. Where To Watch Hitch For Free Online? He was charming, sarcastic, cruel and very good looking. When Tristan ordered The Strix to attack the Originals, Marcel heeded Aya to stand down since they would lose far too many Strix members if they tried. The Season 4 premiere began five years after Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) stabbed Klaus (Joseph Morgan) with. When they try to figure out what is wrong with her Marcel continues to blame Klaus for hurting Davina and killing Tim. 13 Deaths From 'The Originals' That I Still Can't Get Over, The Best Celebrities That Share Your Zodiac Sign. Does Marcel die? After their reunion, their relationship is frosty, the two flirt and it is clear Rebekah has unresolved feelings for him and that he still loves her. There was no evidence of who. Aiden was a werewolf who had a romantic relationship with Josh, a vampire.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'viebly_com-banner-1','ezslot_15',612,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-viebly_com-banner-1-0'); Well, worry not! Species Later, he helped Klaus with removing the moonlight rings and overthrowing Francesca's werewolves. 'The Originals' Recap: Marcel Declares War On Klaus & Elijah 'The Originals' Recap: Love Triangles Take Over New Orleans 'The Originals' Recap: A Beloved Character Leaves The Show For Good Marcel was visibly nervous about the results, especially after Aya easily struck down a Strix member who was shown to have nefarious intentions. Which Marcel agrees to. Marcel speaks to Josh after the de-siring. No, Marcel did not die in the Originals. He was formerly an antagonist during the early episodes of the first season. hopemikaelson, elijahmikaelson. He didn't kill him because The Hollow wanted that. Marcel and Rebekah's appearance primarily answered a big question in the minds of The Originals fans that were left open in its series finale.The final season of the fantasy series had numerous deaths, so it was good to see some of the characters from that show being happy. It's empty but then Marcel shows up. The End Of His Saga! However, despite Marcel's pleas to let him and Rebekah be together, Klaus did not approve of the relationship and forbid it. Of course, I expect "From a Cradle to a Grave" to shock us all and leave us sobbing over having to wait until Fall 2014 for the series' return. She's taking abnormal psychology in college. Marcel Gerard (season 3 episode 21) is a character in the show. But if the sneak-peek stills that the CW recently released for the upcoming finale are telling, it looks like Klaus and Elijah might actually bond over this situation. He goes to Father Kieran's secret apartment to tell Cami that her adviser is the host of Finn Mikaelson. Klaus visits him with hopes of sharing a glass of bourbon in an act of peace. It was around that time that Davina's powers began to grow out of control and began to endanger the people of New Orleans, leaving them no other choice but to go through with the Harvest ritual to stop the plague of earthquakes, windstorms, torrential rain and wildfires that were intended to consume the town. Understand Podcast Hosting Platform In Detail! He asked her to trust him, assuring her he was loyal to her over Aya, and that once the sirelines were unlinked, he would do all he could to help her bring back her boyfriend. When Rebekah tells him that it is hopeless to help Davina and Davina agrees to complete the Harvest. They kinda start to panic. Hayley tried to convince him to let Klaus go so he could see his daughter, Marcel reminded her that he was raised by Klaus and that it hadn't ended well, so maybe Hope was better off not knowing her father. Later, Marcel met with Elijah and the two celebrated, having orchestrated the entire affair for Marcel to become leader as they now had disarmed much of The Strix's threat and had an army of ancient vampires as allies. Klaus then gave him the name Marcellus, meaning "little warrior", which has been shortened to Marcel. He pushed Klaus away and stormed off in a rage. Currently, there are ten dead vampires so far. Once they arrived at the Strix mansion, Marcel found a witch Zealot preparing to use the missing children in a spell. Marcel tells him he didn't and detects she's someone special to Klaus. That power had been too dark and powerful for Vincent to control but he had shared it with his wife Eva Sinclair, who Marcel remembered as a crazed child abductor. Looking around to one another, Kol declares this is how it will be. In A Closer Walk With Thee, Marcel returns to the Quarter to bury Kieran and help Cami. Marcel, wanting to take advantage of the good will he had earned with them, demanded that he be given more of a reward for helping save Tristan, saying that the events of the day proved that The Strix needed him on their side, convincing them to let him deeper into The Strix's inner circle. Later that year, Marcel was shot by the governor, his own father, while trying to free some slaves. No worries though, Kol finally comes back in his original body. The fight seemed to be going poorly, with Mohinder easily beating down Marcel. The other two were Tina, Josh's former friend and a werewolf who bit Gia. When they learned countless Strix were coming to defend the captive Originals, Lucien suggested Marcel just call them off but Marcel explained that if he did that, Aya would stage a coup and it would solve nothing. The Vampire Diaries was one of the most successful shows that the CW network has ever had. The witches had hexed Kieran and he later turned into a vampire. Regardless, he's happy to come to see his favorite niece because they need her help. when does marcel die in the originals for good. Marcel knew about Shen's reputation as a very dangerous vampire, so he called Elijah seeking advice on how to handle the situation, especially given Marcel's recent induction into The Strix. Rebekah is pissed and hurt because he chose Klaus over her again. He caught up to them in the woods and threatened to kill them all. You probably forgot about Thierry right? Marcel met with Vincent at the bar to discuss the Hollow's defeat but Vincent wasn't convinced it was over, worried that had already gotten to Marcel when he was in the circle, asking him what he saw. Fact of the day! According to #ourworldindata, one third of all food produced in a year goes to waste. Cami and Vincent met him at his gym and questioned him on the recent murders in the city where it looked like compulsion was involved. Marcel gathered Alistair and his followers to the compound to show them Klaus. In No Quarter, Marcel listened to Sofya explain that Hayley Marshall's recent activity showed signs that she could have found a cure for Marcel's bite and Klaus' siblings could be potentially healed and on their way back to the city. While not arrogant, he has displayed over-confidence when confronted by beings more powerful than him, such as when he spoke down to Klaus, disregarding that he would be nothing if it wasn't for Klaus, the Original Hybrid, much more powerful than any non-Original vampire in his "army", though while Klaus did make him who he was, he also wasn't always benevolent, as he daggered Rebekah for getting too close to Marcel, this affected Marcel deeply and it caused him to resent Klaus as well as eventually turn against him. Elijah refused to go along with his suggestion, having no intention of releasing Tristan. It not only affected Cami, but also Klaus and Marcel who had any scenes with him and seemed to get along (Mostly Marcel of course). Klaus walks in while Marcel and Thierry are trying to establish who might have done it. In Reigning Pain in New Orleans, Marcel and Rebekah made a deal to "trick" Klaus into believing their loyalty. 982 - Vinland (present-day America) Elijah continued his training every day for hours. Aya accepted the alternative, calling him a creative leader but Marcel warned her that if she crossed him again, he'd be just as creative in finding a way to kill her. Does Marcel die? Harriet Potter does her part, walking into the forest to meet her death. Klaus leaves and tells Marcel that they have a meeting to go to downstairs. You may wish to edit it to improve the standard or quality of work present on this article. Then he gets a call from Klaus who informs him that Davina has escaped and he goes to him to find out what happened. The Vampire Diaries told the story of a girl who was thrust into a supernatural world. Marcel and Rebekah take Tyler to their dungeon. She finishes the story for Tyler. In A Walk on the Wild Side, Marcel is initiated into the Strix with Hayley's help as a way to determine their plans towards Klaus and the other Originals. Rebekah walks in and interrupts them. You have remained in right site to begin getting this info. In The Feast of All Sinners, Marcel joins forces with the Mikaelsons against The Hollow and he is the one to bring Hope's body to the Abattoir. In For the Next Millennium, Marcel had transformed the church into a fighting gym for his vampires. He held his ground and stayed very mutual but obviously in this show nothing ends fairly. Marcel drove Stefan and Hayley to the Strix hideout before going inside and speaking with Aya, who was anxious to free thousands of vampires from the Originals. Yes, I counted both times that Davina has died in the show but this time was more permanent (until season 4 that is). In Sanctuary, Finn discovers during his interrogation that Marcel was compelled to forget about Hope's survival. I had a soft spot for Lucien considering all of the pain they had but him through for a thousand years. Katie is hurting Marcel by Davina's help-through magic. They tell the vampire army they're not welcome in the city anymore when Marcel reminds about their old deal. Marcel got back up and impaled Elijah, seemingly with the cursed stake before saving Hayley from two Strix vampires, confusing her as to whose side he was on. SPOILERS AH He is therefore by extension the adoptive brother of Hope Mikaelson and father figure and protector of Davina Claire. Does Marcel die in the Originals? This leaves Marcel heartbroken and bitter. Marcel toast to it and Klaus seems quite pleased. Rebekah advises that perhaps if she answered their question earnestly, then she'll be able to leave. He is then confronted by Hayley for bombing her pack which he denies. He told Marcel how he would have to prove his worth if he were to join The Strix, noting that Marcel's daylight ring had gone missing during the party, much to Marcel's surprise. When Hope found it and gave it back to Marcel, he was in a pretty dark place, like she is now. His growing power and ideas became the main source of conflict between him and his adoptive father, Klaus. Marcel informed Elijah of his discovery that Tristan and Lucien had actually been aligned the entire time. She explained that his role was simple: he would go into the compound under the guise of friendship, stab Elijah with the cursed stake and free Tristan; rescuing their leader and imprisoning the head of their sireline in a single swift move.