ASB students are available to assist the graduate with these items, including Prom and Grad Night ticket, fifteen (15) minutes before and after school, and during both lunches. 49423) requires that we must have written permission from both the parent and the physician before a student may take medication at school. Volunteer Help the coach manage this team. Receiving a special and individual introduction. S.O.S. - (Advancement Via Individual Determination)Pre-Law (Mock Trial), Band/Drill/ColorguardPrinting/Graphic Arts, Bowling ClubRenaissance Leadership Class, Career CenterSkills USA, Class of 2020 SeniorsS.O.S. ~Campus improvements that will benefit all of our students. Our School Bell Schedule Our School Bell Schedule Lunch Menus Health Office Counseling College & Career Center Library Testing Family Resources . Apple Valley High School expects students and/or staff to immediately report incidents of bullying to the principal or designee. I further declare that I am not a registered sex offender nor am I required to register as a sex offender by any state or federal law. Lending or giving this card to others is strictly prohibited. I have not been convicted of any felony in any jurisdiction. Also known as Drama club, the group provides an opportunity to develop poise and self-confidence through practice, instruction, and experience in all aspects of the stage. They are conscientious about their academic endeavors and school behavior. Any disciplinary action taken concerning the Academic Integrity Policy will follow the Schoolwide Behavior flow-chart as outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook. Phone (510) 231-1442 Fax (510) 758-6054. Saturday School - Saturday School is an on-campus study/work program to improve student behavior and attendance. academic integrity do not truly learn; they establish habits that prove to be detrimental to the well-being of themselves, their peers, and the greater community. All medication must come to school in its original, labeled container (no Baggies, etc.) Promotes the game of bowling and competes with other schools in the High School Varsity League at Victor Bowl. Citations may be issued for other violations, these include, but are not limited to, the following: Littering, petty theft, computer access, vandalism with liquid or paint, drive on private property, use of slugs in coin machine, graffiti of public vehicle, graffiti private property, public drunkenness, illicit gaming, dice, cards, and keeping of lost property. In the event of a Two Hour Delay C. The school district will, with the assistance of its schools and parents, educate its teachers, pupil services personnel, principals and other staff, in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and schools, by: * Communication to staff and parents through site-level timelines, calendars, notifications, site newsletters, district Parent "ChalkTalk" newsletters, School Based Coordinated Program (SBCP) meetings, SSC, PTA/Booster, ELAC, DELAC, and DAC. Counseling. --. (Dates do not include tryouts or playoffs): ___________________________________________________________________________, Fall Sports Winter SportsSpring Sports, Football Boys/Girls BasketballBaseball, Boys/Girls Cross Country Boys/Girls SoccerGolf, Girls TennisWrestlingSoftball, Girls VolleyballBoys/Girls Swimming, 1. The following expectations outline what a responsible participant in this process looks like in practice. The last 10 minutes of lunch the students are released so that they can go get food. See page 48 for a map of the designated lunch-time boundaries. With this information in hand, students can make informed career decisions. D. The school district will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with Head Start, School Readiness, and state preschool and other programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children. These are in addition to current AVUSD School Board policies on weapons and controlled substance. Please see the Demerit Policyon page36 The tardy infractions will result in appropriate discipline consequences: e.g. Dougherty Valley High School. If a student is graduating at midterm and wishes to participate in graduation, he/she will need to return to school in the spring to pick up a senior packet, graduation announcements, cap and gown and graduation tickets. * the State's academic content standards. Feb 2023. Health Occupation Students of America- Students belonging to HOSA learn the importance of compassionate, quality healthcare by providing opportunities for learning and sharing knowledge, developing professional and leadership skills and meeting the needs of the healthcare industry. . 3. All students are eligible for membership in the ASB by simply purchasing an ASB sticker for all student activities and athletics. - Just as you are entitled to expect dignity, courtesy and respect from others, you have a responsibility to treat others with courtesy and respect. A parent conference is requested to take place as soon as possible. Apple Valley High School is an above average, public school located in APPLE VALLEY, CA. ~Building and maintaining the display and trophy cases in the main office. Additional copies of these announcements are posted at Depending upon your purchases, you can save from $45 to $100.00 during the school year! 1. Due to the competitive nature of the academic process, students who gain an unfair advantage over other students inhibit the school staff in providing an equitable and appropriate educational opportunity to all students. The school will incorporate the school-parent compact as a component of its School Parental Involvement Policy: Distributed at beginning of the school year as part of the Annual Parent Notification Packet, or during parent-teacher conferences and mailed to parents not in attendance. The athlete shall accept the responsibility for all athletic equipment issued and he/she will provide for its proper care, storage and return. (c) Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of, a controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind. At least annually, the Superintendent or designee shall report to the Board on outcomes for homeless students, which may include, but are not limited to, school attendance, student achievement test results, promotion and retention rates by grade level, graduation rates, suspension/expulsion rates, and other outcomes related to any goals and specific actions identified in the LCAP. 2023-24 District Calendar. Please do not come to school during instructional time as students are in class and there will be no one to help you with these purchases. It is assigned as a consequence for repeated minor expectation infractions. Apple Valley CA 92308 | (760) 247- 8001. Sundial Newspaper The Apple Valley High School paper, The Sundial, is staffed by students whose dedication and hard work produce a campus newspaper. If you come in to A-3 during class time, you MUST have a valid pass from the teacher. Notes of any kind, for any reason, may not be signed by a student even if he/she has been given permission to do so by a parent or guardian. As a member of the Sundevil family we foster pride in and belonging to a community larger than ourselves. Students who violate the closed campus policy during open periods, park in closed lots, and/or dont carry proper AVHS ID may lose the open period privilege. Seniors will receive an invitation based on GPA criteria by the end of the 3. quarter. We sincerely appreciate your support and cooperation toward that end. - State of California Education Code, under Section 48908, states, All students shall comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and submit to the authority of the teachers of schools.. For the student pursuing a career in the trades or technical fields, information is available on computer and in printed form regarding trade/technical schools, community colleges offering certificate programs, the military services and apprenticeship programs. Code 48911, either the Superintendent, Principal, or their Designee may suspenda student; however, only the Superintendent or Principal may recommend expulsion per Ed. It is a fun position that requires hard work and dedication to promote school pride. Students. (e) Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion. However, a conference shall be held within 72 hours or as soon as practicable. AVHS encourages all students to maintain their status as students in good standing. A program that promotes teamwork, leadership development, and the study of military and civilian aerospace careers. Parents of students who violate the dress code will be notified either in writing or by telephone. 9 Aug 2023. - Seniors who are suspended due to violations of student behavioral expectations may forfeit their privilege of participating in the graduation ceremonies with their class. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that placement decisions for homeless students are based on the student's best interest as defined in law and administrative regulation. Apple Valley Unified School District will provide the following necessary coordination, technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance: "School leaders will determine who is responsible for the coordination of parent involvement activities at the site. After school detention is offered on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday only. 1. Calendar - Apple Valley High School - District 196. j. All debts relating to student activities must be cleared through our ASB bookkeeper in A-3. Semester report cards will not be issued to athletes owing equipment or fees. As used in this section, "imitation firearm" means a replica of a firearm that is so substantially similar in physical properties to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to conclude that the replica is a firearm. Stealing or any unauthorized use of assessment tools, answer keys, or school records, including but not limited to the following: a. Submitting individual assignment or project not wholly ones own, without teacher approval. Balance individual interests and school, civic, and community responsibilities. In-School Suspension is assigned as a consequence for a disciplinary action. Please listen carefully to these announcements each day as there is important information that is relevant to you. This policy applies to students on school grounds, while traveling to and from school or a school-sponsored activity, and during a school-sponsored activity. California State Law (E.C. Call during regular office hours for all other purposes. All officers are chosen by a combination of general election, teacher recommendations, and an interview processheld in April or May of each school year. The student will be given the opportunity to present his/her version and evidence. The 2020-21 IPSD 204 school year calendar was approved at the December 9, 2019 Board of Education meeting. Napa Valley Unified School District. In general, changes should be discouraged except for the most serious reasons and students should be encouraged to achieve success by meeting the expectations of a class and not by dropping out of that class. card are eligible to be recipients of the awards, certificates, trophies, or other subsidies to be paid for using ASB funds. If you are a member of a club, activity or sport, we highly recommend that you purchase an activities sticker to receive these subsidies. Library computers may not be used to play computer games. The school will periodically update the School Parental Involvement Policy to meet the changing needs of parents and the school. This club assists students in becoming more aware of gourmet food preparation and etiquette. Obtain acceptable clothing from the students PE locker to wear the rest of the day. Select a School. Civil law Remedies A complainant may pursue available civil law remedies outside of the District's complaint procedures, Pursuant to Education Code section 262.3, complainants may seek assistance from mediation centers or public/private interest attorneys. The organization that sponsors all student clubs/groups and activities on our campus. 0460- Local Control and Accountability Plan). Home; Bell Schedules. - Permits are FREE. p: 909-799-2300. f: 909-799-2349 (fax) Contact Us | We cannot accept any check made out to cash. The sash is $15, or $10 with an ASB sticker. There are no refunds on ASB stickers. 3. 9:26. . The dress code is reviewed and revised annually by a committee made up of students, parents, teachers, and administrators. Saturday School runs from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon on Saturdays. Checks will not be accepted for, any school dance including Grad Night and Prom. As a broad definition, we define any action as lacking academic integrity in that it intends to provide an unfair advantage/disadvantage (intentionally or unintentionally) that violates the expectations/conditions for an assignment in a particular class. APPLE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL will provide parents of participating children if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible: ' Through informal parent requests for meetings, parent teas, Back-to-School nights, SSC, ELAC, and program presentations. Education of Pupils in Foster Care and Pupils who are Homeless, After School Education and Safety Of Every Student Succeeds Act/No Child Left Behinds Agricultural Vocational Education Local Control Accountability Plans, California Peer Assistance and Review Programs for Teachers Physical Education instructional Minutes, Child Care and Development O Reasonable accommodations to a Lactating Pupil o Child Nutrition 0 Regional Occupational Centers and Programs 0 Compensatory Education School Safety Plans, Consolidated Categorical Aid Special Education o Course Periods without Educational Content State Preschool, Economic impact Aid o Tobacco-Use Prevention Education. Section 35291 of the California Education Code requires that written communication is provided to continuing students at the beginning of each school year and transfer students at the time of their enrollment of all attendance and related policies and procedures. Acts that are motivated by the victims race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability. Servants of the Savior, Class of 2021 - JuniorsSpanish National Honors Society, Class of 2022 - SophomoresSports Therapy Club, Class of 2023 - FreshmanSundevils Actors GuildDrama Club, Computer Tech ClubSundial Newspaper, Demon Delicacies (Gourmet food preparation)SunSations, FFA- Future Farmers of America & Makin BaconTrident Yearbook, HOSA- Health Occupation Students of AmericaVocal Motion (choral groups), InteractWelding. This section shall not apply to pupils enrolled in Kindergarten and grades 1 to 3, inclusive. The school administration has separate penalties for students who are truant, but the classroom teacher also has a right and responsibility to establish a policy in which truancy affects students grades. Only Juniors and Seniors may be members. PF 439 PA 174 STREAK 1L. 6. Calendario del Ao Escolar 2022-23. 49423) requires that we must have written permission from both the parent and the physician before a student may take medication at school. f. Giving or receiving test information to/from other students. Code 48915. 136 mins. Apple Valley Unified School District will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of its district wide parental involvement plan: * By way of district advisory groups, District Advisory Committee (DAC), District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), and District School Liaison Team (DSLT). Explanation of Rules, Infractions and Consequences. Visit Us. We are also committed to providing the safest possible environment for our students, staff and volunteers. Lost or damaged textbooks or library items will be charged to the students account. Principal/Superintendent shall recommend expulsion, unless Principal/ Superintendent finds that expulsion is inappropriate due to particular circumstances: 2, (1) Causing serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense. A Student must maintain a 2.0 or better grade point average on a 4.0 scale in academic and citizenship grades in order to be eligible to participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities for that grading period. There will be a process fee placed on all returned checks for NSF. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. The Board of Trustees desires to ensure that homeless children have access to the same free and appropriate public education provided to other students within the district. Elected Offices in the Associated Student Body. p: (845) 577-6400. f: Accessibility Statement | Newsletter | Hall 21-22 Bell Schedules. - Be aware that state laws for excused absences apply to partial day/period absences as well, (example: out of town, personal, appt for other family members, etc, are all unexcused). Parents or guardians are requested to respond to such conferences. The student with the next highest grade point average will be the salutatorian. It is the responsibility of the advisor/teacher to check eligibility for their program and to follow guidelines on eligibility. Program Changes from Day 11 through Day 20. The option for preferred seating for the graduate and family. ASB may approve only the following types of promotions: school-related activities or school-related promotions of businesses appropriately endorsed by the school. Early Childhood Screening; Early Childhood; Kindergarten; Elementary School; Middle School; . Notes of any kind, for any reason, may not be signed by a student even if he/she has been given permission to do so by a parent or guardian. * Through actions outlined in the district's Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP). 469 US 325 (1985) 40i Cal, 3d 550.). Athletes must have a current physical exam, insurance, and parent consent on record in the Athletic Office in order to participate in any athletic sport. 2022-23 Kaalandarka Sannad Dugsiyeedka. Grades 9-12 students may be awarded an academic shield or chevron each semester by attaining the following standards: : Earn a 3.5 academic GPA with a minimum of four academic classes, no citizenship grade less than a C (these are awarded the first semester in which one qualifies and submits an application at the tables at lunch) and an ASB sticker. All reasons for absences received will be recorded including the date and time the reason was given. Students report to A-6 at the beginning of lunch and sit quietly for 20 minutes. Being in class on time is very important to any students educational progress. NOTE: Teachers should carefully check computer attendance to be sure all changes are reflected. detention, in-school suspension, and home suspension. Only Seniors who have a 3.0 Cumulative GPA -OR- have met or exceeded one or more standards on CAASPP in their Junior year, have no serious behavior issues, and minimal tardies and absences may be issued a lunch pass upon parent and administrator approval. 71915 Mrs. Kristin Celie Dean of Students, Attendance and. Completion of Work Missed Due to Suspension- The teacher of any class from which a pupil is suspended may require the suspended pupil to complete any assignments and tests missed during the suspension. All officers are chosen by a combination of general election, teacher recommendations, and an interview process, held in April or May of each school year. Bell Schedule; CDE Reports; Contact Us; Directory; School Map; School Accountability Report Card (SARC) School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Students. Appropriate program changes may be made from the beginning of the school to the end of the second week (10 school days). As a student at Apple Valley High, you are expected to know and follow the expectations and regulations of the school. About Sun Valley High School; Directions to Sun Valley High School; Staff Directory; Communication History; Title IX info; ATSI non-Title 1 School Plan; Violation of this rule will result in disciplinary action. Students must be eligible (9 or fewer Demerits and all other criteria) on the day their permission slip is due in order to participate in any field trip. Students can use computers for Internet research if they have a current computer account, but they must never share their password with another student! Next Month. x71921, To request homework due to illness (min 3 day absence), If you have questions related to student activities, If you have concerns related to student discipline, If you have a question related to ID Cards, For information about school athletics/sports teams, Contact the District Transportation Office at 760-247-8001 x20411, If you have a change of address/phone number, If you need to pay for a lost/damaged book, If you need academic, career, or scheduling guidance, Work permits/experience or career/college information, If you need scholarship/financial aid information, To avoid unnecessary classroom interruptions, we are unable to deliver messages except in extreme emergency situations. Upon entry into the first semester of your senior year, have earned a cumulative unweighted total GPA equal to or above 3.50 for the first three years of high school. Vocal Motion Vocal Motion is one of the choral groups on campus. We highly value academic integrity and do not permit any form of dishonesty or deception that unfairly, improperly, or illegally enhance the grade or academic position of a student in any class. Month Day List. Students must be eligible (9 or fewer Demerits and all other criteria) on the day of their athletic event (including league or non-league games) in order to participate. Students sit quietly and answer a reflective question through the form of an essay in A-6. Future Farmers of America- The group develops rural and agricultural leadership and creates an interest in the intelligent choice of farming and other agricultural occupations. * Appropriate roles for community organizations will be developed by every school and may include: Adopt-a-school, supporting academic excellence through awards and other recognition, supplying the school with needed materials, equipment, career information and role modeling. Unfortunately, some students experience difficulty in maintaining a reasonable attitude toward school expectations and the resultant inappropriate behavior creates problems for themselves as well for fellow students, their parents, and school personnel. A student participating in sports must meet C.I.F. At these meetings they read scriptures from the Bible and explore answers to lifes problems. Throughout the year, a student who is truant to school will be placed in the Saturday School. Teachers may use the AVHS Honor Pledge prior to authentic assessments in which the Academic Integrity policy will be strictly enforced. The Title IX Coordinator provides information about nondiscrimination policy and complaint procedures: ensures that appropriate training is provided on a frequent and regular basis; and monitors District actions in response to allegations of sexual harassment. Students may be removed from the graduation ceremony and/or other senior activities for discipline violations throughout the year. The sixty (60 day moratorium does not apply to complaints seeking injunctive relief in state courts or to discrimination complaints based on federal law.