The prices range from low-hour models with less than 4,000 hours TTAF, which are selling for just over US$385,000, while older aircraft from the early-1970s will sell for approximately US$150,000. A ramp weight of 6785 pounds was approved to allow for the consumption of six gallons of fuel during start, taxi and runup. Four years later, Continental incorporated some changes to the -NBs cylinders, valve lifters and piston pins, and increased the engines recommended TBO from 1400 to 1600 hours. Mandatory power reductions during the climb above FL220 meant long climb times and getting above FL250 seemed to take forever at the 200 FPM climb rate that could be achieved up there. Most are the basic bucket.. There were significant changes made to the body of Chancellor 414A as well. Some potties have a flushing feature. I cannot count the number of heater failures Ive suffered over the years and the number of maintenance folks who have done their best to help me. Takeoff distance (50) 2,010. Although the 414s have a huge cabin-class interior, the stock airplane has never been a tremendous load hauler. Empty wt. They can be purchased from Micro Aerodynamics and VG Systems. This has made insuring a 414 tougher. They dedicated an engineer to my problem and working with my maintenance shop, they developed an approved repair for my wing, possibly saving the ship from the scrap yard! Aviation Consumer. Both were quick to praise the 414 and especially the 414A as the best of the Cessna piston twins, with good systems, particularly the hydraulic gear on the 414A. There was a time in aviation history when aircraft manufacturers were falling over themselves to serve a seemingly insatiable demand for executive-level light twin-engined aircraft. The engines were adapted from those used on the 401 and 402 models-the differences were intercoolers and provisions for bleed-air cabin pressurization. 310, Range { The other category that brings the price up to the same number are the aircraft that have undergone a RAM conversion. However, single-engine performance at sea level is lower than the competition, with the aircraft only being able to climb 290 ft (88 m) per minute. The drill is to run the engines off the mains (tip tanks) for 90 minutes before switching to the auxiliary tanks. If you are looking for factory parts sites like CessnaParts, AircraftSpruce, and Knots2U have a large catalog of parts available for purchase.Cessna Chancellor (414A) Common Problems. Also, a zero-fuel weight of 6515 pounds was published to preclude excessive wing bending loads. margin: 0 auto 0 0; One of our Planephd Experts will be in touch with you shortly. It had basically the same tail and wide-oval fuselage as the 421B, and the 401s wing. Checking the Cessna 152 POH it says to increase takeoff distance by 15% of ground roll (makes sense due to increased friction). Answer: FAA refers to the Federal Aviation Administration, and PMA means Parts Manufacturer Approval. RAM also makes winglets of their own design for the 414A to improve its aerodynamic performance. Once in service the airplanes became popular as workhorses for small charter and corporate flight departments, as well as comfortable transports for private owners. The popularity of the aircraft ensures that there are enough aftermarket parts that can be bought if used parts are unavailable. PERFORMANCE: Top mph 297. Whats Going On with Cessna Denali Turboprop. The 414 is a reasonably sophisticated, older, twin-engined aircraft, and if not managed and maintained appropriately, maintenance costs can spiral. Like most all twin Cessnas, we give the 414 high marks for cockpit ergos, and the logical layout of systems and controls makes the flight deck a comfortable place to chew up the miles. To keep CHTs below red line I had to fly at no more than 55 percent power and with the cowl flaps open at high altitudes. Also, corrosion on the engine frame rails is possible from exhaust leaks where the manifold exits into the turbocharger. (38.0 gallons/hr @ $5.40/gal), Misc: landing, parking, supplies,catering, etc, Typical Price: $307,752.00 The Achilles heel of the airplane for me has been the cabin heater. Ceiling 26,180. Stall mph 82. Cessna Owner Organization. List price was $138,000 (thats over $740,000 in 2007 dollars)-$35,000 less than the Duke and some $50,000 less than both the 421 and Pipers P-Navajo. Any purchase of a Cessna twin- pressurized and non-pressurized-requires greater detailed analysis, airplane by airplane, than any other models. Continental also published overhaul procedures to enable -NB engines to get the TBO boost.Despite that, cylinder head cracking has been a persistent problem for the -N and -NB engines (as well as for other IO-, TSIO- and GTSIO-520s). Of note is AD97-26-16 requiring an X-ray inspection of the engine mount beams for fatigue cracking. (2005, June 14). With bigger turbochargers and intercoolers, much larger cowl flaps, new intake air scoops, and Scimitar props, the airplane becomes an entirely new animal within seconds of leaving the runway. Operating and maintenance costs are attractive when compared with those of competing airplanes, such as the big-brother 421 and Beech Aircrafts Duke. Kudos go to Cessna for rising to the occasion. RAM also makes winglets and vortex generators. Arguably the most popular engine mod youll see on used aircraft is the engine upgrade to 335 hp offered by Ram Aircraft Range 1,284. Best Range: 1106 NM Gross wt. Baggage capacity of the 414 is 930 pounds, and cabin seating is available with an array of executive options. fitness for any purpose is made or implied. It has a range of 1,328 nautical miles and a climb rate of 1,520 feet per minute. It has a take-off distance of 665 meters and a landing distance of 718 meters. Gross wt. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. The 401, introduced in 1966 and discontinued in 1972, was basically designed as a medium to . The longer fuselage now allowed for an eighth seat to be added as an option. Any part that isnt new is all overhauled from the turbocharger to the fuel pressure regulator. The original 414 aircraft retailed at US$138,000 in 1970. The greater the experience of the owner/pilot, the lower the premiums. Maximum operating altitude of 30,800, a optimal cruise speed of 203 knots/234 MPH, and a 705 NM/811 SM seats-full range. Speed brakes/spoilers are available from PowerPac Spoilers ( and more advanced intercoolers come from American Aviation ( Common are engine and aerodynamic modifications, including winglets. The 414 and 414A share the distinctive silky smooth, control response of the other 400 series Cessnas. Retrieved October 5, 2021, from, Company, S. P. (n.d.). (See page 25 for an abbreviated AD list.). Finally, the Riley Rocket 414 has two 400hp Lycoming IO-720 engines fitted. It has an exterior length of 11.1 meters, a height of 3.5 meters, and a fuselage diameter of 1.5 meters. Oh, and the aft toilet. Table of Contents Specifications Photo Gallery Description Manufacturer: Cessna Country: United States Manufactured: The Cessna 414 is an incredibly popular pressurized cabin-class twin, with almost 650 registered in the US alone. All aircraft, engines, and components have type certificates that approve their use. If the insurance includes additional hull cover for US$225,000, the annual premium for the experienced pilot will be between US$4,400 to US$5,800 per year, while the lesser experienced pilot can expect US$5,700 to US$12,000 per year. For the Cessna 414A Chancellor, average pricing was US$280,000, having approximately 7,500 hours total time airframe (TTAF) and mid-life engines. With its bigger nose and lockers, the 414A can carry 1500 pounds. In addition to the bare-bones model and the ARC 400-equipped 414AII, there was a III version with ARC 800- and 1000-series avionics, a Bendix RDR 160 weather radar and 100-amp alternators.After the Chancellor debuted, there were few further refinements. (2001, February 26). Electronic prop synchrophasers became standard equipment in 1976, when two versions of the airplane were put on the market: a bare-bones 414 and a 414II, which came with an assortment of ARC 400-series avionics equipment. There are four options, all of which provide a sizable increase in horsepower, increase the TBO, and newer, more powerful propellers. The crosswind characteristics are good, and its easy to make squeaker landings. Absolutely the Right 414A RAM IV, This Aircraft is Impeccable and reflects the condition and attention to details that this owner has given N414EM with Only 20 Hours on each RAM Engine and 20 Hours.See More Details. The six- to seven-seat pressurized light transport is a step up for owners of the pressurized 340 and is fitted with the same 310-hp turbocharged engines. At 11,350 feet, the 414s single-engine service ceiling was a bit below average; but, at 19,850, the 414A is tops in its class. Ceiling 29,800. Other modifications in 1978 included a longer nosecone, a redesigned undercarriage system, and an extended wing without the earlier tip tanks. Today, prices range from around $160,000 to over $400,000 for typically-equipped 414s with mid-time engines. The AD 2005-05-52 was put in place to counteract this issue by using eddy currents to inspect the said struts and visually inspect the auxiliary and rearward struts. Finally, in 1979 the -NB series TSIO-520 engines were installed, providing an improved crankshaft, and in time, an increased engine TBO of 1600 hours against the -Ns 1400. Even though Cessna Chancellor 414A has a good safety record, the earlier 414s and their complicated fuel system have caused a few scares, the most recent one in 2018. It had basically the same tail and wide-oval fuselage as the 421B, and the 401s wing. On the flip side, when fully loaded with eight passengers and baggage, there will be enough space for barely two hours of fuel. Lightly loaded and at economic power settings, expect to get almost 1,300 nautical miles of range. The exhaust system AD must be followed carefully, including the 30-day checks whether the airplane flies or not. One club offers extensive support for the 414, in addition to all other twin Cessnas. Propeller- to-fuselage clearance is more than 31 inches for a very quiet cabin. Areas to watch on the pressurization system are to make sure the nine drain seals are changed regularly as they deteriorate and become brittle and to regularly check the pressurization ducts off of the heater, forward of the forward pressure bulkhead as they can develop major leaks. I have owned and flown a 1979 Cessna 414A for 14 months, accumulating 235 hours in all sorts of conditions. kts, Distance
We are a collective group of airline instructors, and pilots dedicated to all things aviation. The Chancellor has a service ceiling of 30,800 feet and a maximum speed of 235 knots. If Cessna Kit SK414-19-1 is incorporated, the inspection is due every 9,600 hours. In 1979, the 402s received a new wing, with a 5 feet (1.5 m) greater span. Description Soaring Good Looks. Standard usable fuel capacity of early 414s was 100 gallons (50 in each tip tank). Takeoff distance (50) 1,700. A cabin differential of 5.0 psi allows a 10,000-foot cabin at 26,500 feet. Answer: Maximum structural cruise, or Vno, refers to the airspeed above which the aircraft should be flown only in smooth air. The 414 and 414A truly provide a great family or business aircraft. List price was $138,000 (thats over $740,000 in 2007 dollars)-$35,000 less than the Duke and some $50,000 less than both the 421 and Pipers P-Navajo.Engines were 310-HP Continental TSIO-520-Js, and propellers were three-blade McCauleys. Purchasing a Cessna 414A is considered to be cheap for the number of airplanes you get. The wingspan is 13.46 meters, the wing area is 20.97 square meters, and the wheelbase is 3.3 meters. They said that the Cessna inspection procedure manual for the airplane is one of the best such manuals written. Retrieved October 5, 2021, from Ownership and operating costs. At 11,350 feet, the 414s single-engine service ceiling was a bit below average; but, at 19,850, the 414A is tops in its class. That resulted in cruise speeds of only about 180 to 185 KTAS up high. Above this speed, turbulence or rapid control deflections increase the chance of structural damage. Among the most popular mods are the RAM Aircraft Corporation engine swaps. Empty wt. Take an early model 414 with -J engines and complete this upgrade to receive a 1600 hour TBO, up from the original 1400. Answer: The process of delivering compressed, denser air to a combustion engine is referred to as forced induction. m, MTOW
Precise Flight and Spoilers, I. }{ With 1000 pounds of fuel, the payload may be 400 to 600 pounds. Would like to understand why. The prototype, registered N7170C, first flew on 1 November 1968, and production aircraft were available in a number of optional seating arrangements and avionics packages. With GAMIjectors and lean-of-peak operation owners report a reduction of about 3 gph per engine at all power settings as well as cooler operating temperatures.Single-engine performance at sea level is average; about 240 FPM for the 414 and 290 FPM for the A model. This makes room in the mains because all return fuel and vapor from the engines is routed back to the mains rather than to the tank selected. Initial climb rate 1,900. Owner-pilots give high marks to cockpit room and layout of systems controls and enthuse about handling characteristics. Standard usable fuel capacity of early 414s was 100 gallons (50 in each tip tank). Reaching fever pitch in the 1980s, Cessna had positioned itself well for the demand, offering light twins for almost every conceivable subsection of the market. To get at the fuel in the wing locker tanks, it must first be transferred to the mains. 6,200: 6,430: Zero Fuel Weight - lbs. For 1976 the airplane was equipped with a propeller synchrophaser to control propeller RPM and phase relationship of the blades, engine-to-engine. The 414A has an issue with shock cooling of the engine that occurs during rapid descents. Bringing the grand annual total to $240,785. Cessna Country: United States Manufactured: 1972 to: 1984 ICAO: C340 Price: US$.36 million (1982) Performance Weights Dimensions Avionics: Garmin G500 PFD Engine: 2x Continental TSIO-520-NB Piston Power: 310 horsepower Max Cruise Speed: 244 knots 452 Km/h Approach Speed (Vref): 71 knots Travel range: 1,406 Nautical Miles 2,604 Kilometers However, a 414 RAM VI and VII can often have an excellent useful load with an impressive range/payload chart. The 414 and 414A share the distinctive silky smooth, control response of the other 400 series Cessnas. It first flew in 1968 and an improved variant was introduced from 1978 as the 414A Chancellor. During that period, I have exchanged two sets of engines (RAM IV), two props (one new set), two paint jobs, an interior and updated the avionics. Single-engine performance at sea level is average; about 240 FPM for the 414 and 290 FPM for the A model. Another area that needs to be checked for corrosion is the firewall. With the same fuselage as the 421, the 414 was roomy with huge baggage space. Empty wt. The average price for a used Cessna 414 at the time of print was US$230,000, having approximately 6,000 hours total time airframe (TTAF) and engine times of around 800 hours. Cessna 414 pressurized-turbocharged - Performance Data . The landing gear is the standard electromechanical system that is on all tiptank twin Cessnas. For a private pilot with 1,500 hours total time, an IFR/MEL rating, 500 hours on multi-engined aircraft, and 25 hours on type, the 2021 cost per year for US$1,000,000 liability coverage is in the range of US$850 to US$1,400 per year.