There are several household products that are cat-safe and can help remove a sticky bandage from cat hair. J Card Surg. The simplest way to remove a Band Aid painlessly is to soak it in water until the adhesive weakens and you can pull it off easily. and when I did that, it hurt and I googled it on wikiHow and this helped, thanks! Pull slowly and gently. Always see a doctor if the wound is deep, bleeds heavily or shows signs of infection like reddening, swelling or warmth. Do not apply liquid or ointment medications or any other product to the wound whilst the glue is still in place. A wound is healing when theres sharp shooting pain in your wound area, which means youre getting sensations back in your nerves. Gently lift the strip off the incision. Soak the area that is covered with the bandage in warm water. Take your time and work the bandage little by little out of the fur. My mum gave my baby water to drink!! Pour some saline solution or contact lens solution over the wound packing. If the dressing procedure isnt done right, it can stick to the wound as it dries up, making it painful to remove. Soak longer if required. When you change your bandage daily, you can see if there are visible signs of infection or not. var bimber_front_microshare = "{\"html\":\"

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