(This is for College Board) The writer is considering deleting sentence 7 (reproduced below) from the passage. In sentence 7 (reproduced below), the writer wants to provide another piece of relevant evidence to . The results indicate that the senior-students are happier than the first-year students, for that the university officials conclude that the students are happier when they attend university for a longer time. The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. So these are all the benefits, 9 right? In the passage "Boston Navy Yard and the 'Great War,' 1914-1918," the author presents a detailed account of the history of the Boston Navy Yard, specifically focusing on its transformation during World War I. The writer is considering deleting the underlined independent clause in sentence 7 (reproduced below), adjusting the punctuation as necessary. A. 8$9?K6|[bw)
pV+c;J'."3~[q#fkDckiMZ0Si. hb```f``e`a`` l@qL`/``\PwQe It is preferable to use a neutral sounding one such as the one stated above: By only saying that there is a negative relationship between the two variables. other truisms, however, such as a penny saved is a penny earned, may no longer be as valid today as they once were. We want to know if the if we should delete the underlying portion. We need this explanation Otherwise readers would be confused. Should the sentence be kept or deleted?A) Kept, because it provides a logical transition between ideas in the paragraph.B) Kept, because it explains why Westerns are now less popular than Zombie films are.C) Deleted, because it is not directly related to the paragraph's focus on Zombie films.D) Deleted, because it undermines the passage's claim about the declining popularity of Westerns. (7) In a classic experiment, students who watched their schools compete in a football game subsequently, remembered the adversarys team performing worse than their own: confirmation bias caused the students, who, already believed in their own schools superiority, to interpret what they had seen as support for their preexisting, beliefs. Anxiety is the anxiety score summed from the research subjects' responses to the anxiety scale. A Kept, because it provides a detail that supports the main topic of the paragraph B Kept, because it sets up the main topic of the paragraph that follows C Deleted, because it blurs the paragraph's main focus with a loosely related detail D The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion of sentence 7 (reproduced below). This suggests that perhaps the runtime specified seems to be of a polynomial category, therefore means that even this technique executes within a rational period. The phrase above was uttered by the Canadian in the book, "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas Revised" By Jules Verne. (2) There are any limitations from the current method of measurement. Take this to my army. (14) The first is to be aware that our decisions may be affected by our, tendency toward confirmation bias. Hope this helps :). (3), While previous theories speculated that people can only acquire a new language at a. young age, new research supports a different perspective. So first we need to know in order for the information to flow correctly. The closer a correlation coefficient to 0, the less likely do the variables have a relationship with one another. It can, however tell the strength of a relationship. in lines 145-170 and describe the character of mrs. keeney through these two characters eyes. in the chart, jennifer kept track of the number of correctly completed behaviors for each puppy, in order to know which one will be best for competition. In conclusion, the correct answer is option A. Confirmation bias, which describes the human tendency to interpret new information in a way that supports our preexisting beliefs, makes people tend to accept information that confirms what . And while the Sun may well have had a twin at some point (a 2017 study of the Perseus molecular cloud . Mhm. 16 It should seem like this is pretty much on topic. Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text? The independent variable is the different ways that Jennifer treats her puppies in order to bring them closer to what she wants in the agility competition. A modifier clause depicts or gives more data about the action word lets us know when, where, how, how much, or under what condition something is going on. neither black nor white but they were called Colored people, Thoreau states, When an acorn and a chestnut fall side by side bothobey their own laws (3). Yes, because B. City university is eager to attract new students. The dependent variable is a variable that could change due to the independent variable. And then off then we can understand that Calloway um spend time at the racetrack. information that confirms what they already believe and reject information that undermines those beliefs. (B) Yes, because the information diminishes the musicalaccomplishments and successes of Cab Calloway. Mhm. If she did so, the paragraph would primarily lose: A. inform. In this case, City University carried out a scientific investigation to verify that its students were happy throughout the time in the university. He meant that the venture which they had undertaken was fruitless and unwise. Why do rocks on the ocean floor form a pattern of magnetized stripes? one of the puppies, sasha, was given a treat each time she more closely approximated the behavior that jennifer wanted from her. What figure of speech is contained in the expression above? in the night the ghost got in. Okay. Kennedy's transformation and display of sayings such as higher the hair closer to heaven celebrated the daily experiences of salon patrons, reinforcing the self-esteem of stylist. The author develops the significance of this transformation by providing historical context, describing specific events and changes at the Navy Yard, and highlighting the impact of the Yard's actions on the war effort. Benefits. Cite evidence and identify the source of each piece of information by title or number. What is the passage or the broader context saying and what is the function of the underlying portion? A. 4 And so if we read on in this paragraph, we can see all the 5 benefits of Greek yogurt, right? Cohort effects may contribute to a possible bias over the result of the research. Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text? Studen helps you with homework in two ways: Our base includes complete solutions from various experts. Now question six is asking us if we should delete the topic sentence of 2 this paragraph, which says, though, these conservation methods can be time costly and time 3 consuming. DDT is able to persist in an environment (as a pollutant) in part due to a phenomenon known as biological magnification. Adds an example that explains how confirmation bias affects memory, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . what you admired about the person or learnt from the person's visit. Forest kindergartens have been popular in Europe for decadesGermany, for instance, has over 1,000 such schoolsbut only a handful currently exist in the United States. In sentence 3 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the underlined portion, adjusting the punctuation as necessary. The 30th percentile for the motorcycle is $11920, It should be noted that $25,000 is considered an outlier because it is greater than $24792. the rocks change shapes as a result of the pushing and pulling of seafloor spreading. (2) However, because of the phenomenon known as, confirmation bias, logical decision-making is rarely so simple. Please I need your help! It means that he is looking at her as if he is expecting something. Write an article about the visit fo The algorithm's runtime has been divided into two main categories are given below. View full document. identify a truism that you have heard or read many times that is worth defending, qualifying, or challenging. Should the writer make this deletion?F. Then maybe we can easily see by the information collected that perhaps the algorithm is increasing at either the frequency of 20n. In paragraph 12, how does the phrase well head north again, in other words, to the land of sensible people impact the passage? is this business journal interpreting the probability correctly? Studen will automatically choose an expert for you. to give a performance, workshop, demonstration or deliver a Thus, once DDT gets into an ecosystem, it can only persist and spread in that ecosystem. So the information uh that Calloway spent time at the racetrack doesn't make sense. Yeah. Mhm. the rocks contain iron that points in the direction the rocks move away from the ridge. (11) But, when the stakes are high, the risks of making biased decisions are simply too great. Should the writer make this addition? Okay. Overall, the author develops the significance of the Boston Navy Yard's transformation during World War I by providing historical context, describing specific events and changes at the Navy Yard, and highlighting the impact of the Yard's actions on the war effort. Teens with access to part-time jobs often select what they perceive as better alternatives (e.g., community service, volunteer work, unpaid internships, and academics) that have nonfinancial benefits. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. B. C. And D. So each of them expressed an opinion on the question and follow up following reasoning. (4) Boston-area researchers found evidence that the time span for language acquisition, lasts from infancy until early adulthood; this time span is known as the critical period., (5) Such a period also exists for the development of eyesight. Also remember that this is not causation - we do not know which variable causes changes at the other. The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion of sentence 3 (reproduced below), adjusting the capitalization as needed. this problem problem nine. Model she cried in light of the fact that her shell was broken. 6 0 obj b) what is the 30th percentile for the prices of motorcycles of this type? What was Trevor Noah alluding when he states, There were mixed kids in South Africa nine months after the first Dutch boats hit the Beach in Table Bay. (15) The second is to test our beliefs by seeking out points of view that differ. 3. (1) Most people believe that the important decisions they makefrom what car they buy to whom they vote, forare rational ones based on facts and analysis. They run the code with inputs of different sizes and also record the number of iterations through the core block of code. We first need to know that he worked at the track. compose a thesis statement that you might use for an essay arguing your position on why the truism is worth defending. In language, a clause is a constituent that connects a semantic predicand and a semantic predicate. They are well worth the effort. Jennifer guided Sasha closer and closer to completing a behavior correctly, thus utilizing shaping in order to bring the puppy closer to what she wanted. So this sentence is not directly relevant to this purpose for this purpose. Something that is persistent remains over time; this is a key characteristic of DDT, which also happens to be a pollutant/pesticide. endstream
So this sentence is not directly relevant to this purpose for this purpose. Mhm. Yes, the business journal is interpreting the probability correctly, because 3 out of 5 randomly selected Internet users that will use the mobile payment application, means that, 3/5, or 0.6 of probability. The writer is considering deleting the underlined independent clause in sentence 7 (reproduced below), In a classic experiment, students who watched their schools compete in a football game subsequently. Which of the following best describes why DDT is classified as a Persistent Organic Pollutant? xYKsY\RTJ)!5M65LzP!'u%=O:0G~QOMX:DdE<3iZ~\?Fz=7NVjC?9A;U:F[Q^k-
# /$rMf M\fat6K=i;'82ENv$
M6YZ&n&Ef{RmHCrAdM^`VfE/i^@851-Fv:^ Coconuts (in tons) Mangoes (in tons) Zeetopia 50 60 Freshland 50 30 (a) Which island has an absolute advantage, Why would a prism beat a sphere in a competition, Summarize Millers thoughts on technologys role in peoples outdoor proficiency.. consumers feeding on producers, higher-level consumers feeding on lower-level consumers, etc.). the rocks are composed of different materials depending on when they formed. A. Marlow says that an uncivilized place "has a fascinationof the abomination. help plz. 10 And we can see that in our topic sentence here, 11 as it is, it tells us that the, the yogurt is well worth the 12 effort. (6) It has even been shown to affect, memory. Remember, the power of the correlation (as represented by the number 0.64) does not tell you whether a relationship actually happens or not. The A. C. T. Practice tests five we're told that the writer is considering making a deletion. '
N; 4p/0N~p(VOpsI(n^[nECM\?dAmV[Rx/%\S?Wz
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Subjects who have lower current GPAs have higher anxiety scores. Yes, because the information is not relevan, The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion.Should the writer make this deletion?$$\begin{array}{l}{\text { F. Yes, because , The writer is considering revising this sentence by deleting the underlined portion. (b) Justify the decision of the researchers to hold lighting conditions constant in their experiment. Should the writer do this? ''Owl Creek Bridge'' isn't a first-person narration, meaning that it's not told from the perspective of the main character, meaning Farquhar. (5) Confirmation, bias has been found to affect the decisions of doctors, judges, and jurors. We have more than 5 000 verified experienced expert, Reread the following passage: He gazed at me a long time as if I were a slot machine into which he had, without results, dropped a nickel What does the simile reveal about the exchange between the two characters? Truisms are statements presented as facts that are supposed to be self-evident or understood through common sense. (4) Research has repeatedly demonstrated just how prevalent this phenomenon is in the world. The dependent variable is how they puppies perform each day. The teacher is the teach to the students. {K\k,Nm=IF#Pkstlk],Z7(xcCb
B_q)6NTf=_zx uZdg,#x]\T&b&9Lvfz`w!=j)4`[)%:5GzWAcYz VV_bWcoX9s\FzNq3'pFp*pJdTpe?|Yh@'4N%1-EPpfv@s>,1ZpV=g]k&`A8gqFW0z+ &$ qX,Dr'I 6V=6O=.*H oGW#@K aB2 +KRQS3)$[ueEAnq5YhB@! it is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts. (8) Confirmation bias has also been shown to affect completely inconsequential decisions, as in. Keep it, because it provides support for the sentences claim that forest kindergartens are popular in Europe. We have more than 5 000 verified experienced expert. The main characterizing normal for a clause is that it should contain a connected subject and action word. Use or distribution of these materials online or in print beyond your. For more information, refer the following link: B. $tCJh4D YU,a% Studen will automatically choose an expert for you. the other puppy, rosie, was exposed to a harsh sound whenever she did the wrong behavior. (C) No, because the information explains the reference to the racetrack,which might otherwise puzzle readers. What is the passage or the broader context saying and what is the function of the underlying portion? Which of the following quotes from Heart of Darkness contains sarcasm? Should the writer make this change? Should the sentence be kept or deleted? Because information um is irrelevant.
17 Now, if we look at a, it says that we should delete the sentence, 18 because it does not provide a transition from the previous paragraph. According to the text, the Romantics reverence for nature made them worry about the destructive effects of industry. Based on context clues, what is reverence? Explanation: The independent variable is the experimental factor which is manipulated and the variable whose effects are being studied. speech) 23 And so if we look at our topic sentence, we says, we see the, 24 it says, though, these conservation methods can be costly. %%EOF
remembered the adversarys team performing worse than their own: who already believed in their own schools superiority, to interpret what they had seen as support for their.