I havent had prostrate surgery or such; but am impotent due to blood pressure and anti depressives. just started yesterday, second dose today at 2 1/2 units, not there yet, I asked the urologist about the max of 3x per week, he indicated you could exceed, just wondering since don't know how long it will take going up a half unit per injection to get to my effective dosage level. though i felt like it had no effect they claimed i had a 90% reaction to the test injection. Trimix Injection Site Below are step-by-step instructions detailing how to properly use your penile injection at home without a doctor. Is extreme soreness and two hour erection normal? If you had success with the .05ml dose the first time I would repeat that again and consume the same foods and supplements. Proper administration reduces or eliminates any potential side effects or injuries that may otherwise occur to the penis with injection. as if the mix is either far too strong or gone to the wrong area. I was talking to another person who has used trimix and also had issues with it. These are the two main biological factors needed to keep an erection going. my ED became an issue as i grew older till about 4yrs ago it stopped functioning all together. I experienced this problem and Lidocaine was the solution. It black and blue last 2 times sinc using the super strong trimix. If he has erections in his sleep without any trimix at all, that is FANTASTIC news. I am an extremely healthy man age 69 yo. It comes in a cooler along with a supply of needles, and alcohol swabs. The 3 most commonly used medications for injection therapy are Trimix, Bimix, and papaverine. Learn more about the signs of sex addiction and how to treat it. Trimix rocks!!! cc or cubic centimeter a measure of volume, equivalent to 1 milliliter (mL) of liquid. Maybe you went in too far. Here is information on how to use TRIMIX injections to get a hard erection: Penis Injections for Hard Erections . TriMix Dosage The dosages will vary among patients depending on their individual level of ED, however, the initial dose should be 0.05 cc to 0.2 cc. I assume you know that Trimix is a mix of papaverine (vasodilator), phentolamine (alpha-blocker), and prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), a variant of alprostadil. Let's explore a little bit about how patients commonly use Trimix before going into the specifics of how many units of Trimix might be recommended. Learn how your comment data is processed. You must make sure the needle penetrates the Caverness. A word of advice is to thoroughly warm up the medication before injecting into the penis. The risk of this outcome increases with higher dosages, which is another reason to be sure to follow your prescribers instructions with regard to how many units of Trimix to take. I finally started to inject at 11 or 1 oclock and have not had one misfire since. But if I were you I wouldn't push my luck. Yeah, totally endorse and relate all you have reported. TriMiX Injection: Papaverine HCl 150 mg, Phentolamine Mesylate 5 mg, Prostaglandin E1 50 mcg. Any suggestions on having an orgasm while using Trimix? Freezing of the formulation that I use is no problem. Just incredible. Miracle drug, just 8 units and rock hard for hour and 1/2. So I rhapsodized a bit about it in alt.impotence and alt.support.cancer.prostate. If you want to learn more about this subject, I suggest you join the prostate pointers mailing list PC and Intimacy. . Can someone answer me this? After injection, the puncture site should be compressed and the corpora cavernosa massaged to facilitate drug distribution. I had a raging boner in 15 min, great feeling. Thanks to both of you for your openness in sharing what youve learned. INJECTION There MUST be 24 hours in between EACH injection. However, in my case, phenylephrine was the most ineffective. This has got me thinking tonight may be Trimix night, but no minute by minute diary posting here from me. New video added to the list. Keep trying till you find one that works. So, about 4 months post op, my urologist shared with me about Trimix. A29. Two years ago, looking for an alternative to Viagra, whose side effects (headache, blocked sinuses, nasty stiff neck, general ill feeling) were increasingly annoying, I discussed the issue with my urologist who recommended TriMix. Pull back on the syringe plunger in a slow and steady motion until the prescribed dosage is achieved. Wow, your info is changing how I look at things. Step 2 Wipe the rubber top of the bottle with the alcohol pad. I see posts of 20 & 30 cc of tri-mix. Trimix is an erectile dysfunction treatment that is designed for local injection into the penis. Tried all the oral medications with no success. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me why you can only do 3 doses/week? Men, Follow These Simple Tips to Improve Your Sexual Performance, How to Deal with Erectile Dysfunction in a Long-Term Relationship. It also really depends on the ratio of those 3 ingredients in the Trimix. My urologist started me out on 0.30 and nothing, I went up to 0.35 and I was in it to win. If my wife were to read it I most likely would have no need to inject in the future, Post Edited (KickintheButt) : 10/2/2011 2:37:31 PM (GMT-6), Post Edited (KickintheButt) : 10/2/2011 3:54:47 PM (GMT-6), What a great and funny report. Overview of TriMix Injection Dosage Strengths of TriMix Injection. I tried Trimix for the first time this weekend, 10 units, the injection was way better than anticipated, its a godsend, was erect in 10 mins and it lasted over an hour. My dear boyfriend (I am 61 and he is 66.. guess I should say partner or lover have used trimix for the last 4 yrs. However, there are some typical dosage ranges, best practices, and other details that may be helpful for those new to Trimix and dosing. The initial dose should be 0.05 cc to 0.2 cc, depending on the level of ED. Moving the plunger from 0.6mL to 0.4mL will place 0.2mL of Trimix Gel . I only need about 0.10cc vs 0.25cc early on of Trimix 1, (0.5mg Phentolamine, 10mg Papaverine and 5mcg PGE1) This formula has one of the lowest amount of PGE which causes pain in some users. it took 3 seconds why i thought this was a problem i don't know. Im using 100 units of trimix now but only getting about 70% hard. When I missed it was when I injected into the wall and missed the Corpus cavernosum and that hurt. Dont worry about the injections youll get over it its not really that big of a deal. -------Hot & Popular Forum Discussions-------. Once again, how could you measure that small of an amount? (He says to tell all you guys that it can be done. If so, a prescription will be issued and transferred to the associated compounding pharmacy to be filled and sent to your home for you to start using. The last 2 weeks, the needle does not seem to go in easily. Trimix is a prescription drug, therefore it carries certain risks. Only your prescriber can tell you that safely. Well done you .and kind regards to you and your husband. which makes my penis bigger in girth and it just seems to work better for me.and the girth is there now with my natural erections.I had no problems jumping feet first into this great thing and any man who has a healthy apatite for sex should not be afraid and jump in and please there ladys,, they wont stop smiling!!! Using an implant is not an acceptable route for me, in my opinion so I discovered a clinic in Indianapolis which helped tremendously. In this video, our expert at The Novus Center, Stephanie Wolff, explains the pros and cons of. How to know before marriage that you are sexually fit? User Reviews for Alprostadil to treat Erectile Dysfunction. I've been using trimix 30/1/10 for a couple weeks with positive results. Thanks.George. Fill out the form below, and one of our treatment specialists will contact you. My husband has been using Trimix for 18 months now and just can't get consistent results. Injex claims to penetrate to 0.9mm. Thank you. This means that injection therapy may be cheaper, if not somewhat . Hes going to the urologist tomorrow (the nurse practitioner there) to explain to her the problem. Overuse, such as taking too much medication, raises the chance of priapism/erections necessitating immediate medical attention. Yes! Exercises for Eliminate Erectile Dysfunction. I take pseudoephedrine (very infrequently) to address such rare persistent erections. Using this method I get a nice rigid erection, and the retention band can be removed. As you can see going up just a small amount gives me a duration a . I assume it is 20 or 30 units or 2/10 or 2/10 cc But when after almost 4 hours, it wouldn't die down no matter what, not even with two sudafed 30mg pills, I had to go to the clinic and they drew some blood from my penis and injected an antidote of the same sudafed. Not everyone requires this step, but some keep upping their Trimix dose and it doesnt work (disappointing and expensive). Is he cheating or what? Thank you so much, you cant imagine how much youve helped people. make sure the vial of trimix is mixed up very well prior to every injection. 2. When you use Trimix you will feel the slight discomfort of the needle going in but when you push the solution in it should not hurt. Erections came in XL and above only. The only option is to purchase Trimix from a reliable, regulated pharmacy with a prescription. It may not display this or other websites correctly. No side effects at all Alprostadil is a common TriMix ingredient. Mine is "normal strength" according to my compounding pharmacy here in Melbourne. it didn't even bleed nothing so im . Be patient, you will get there!! In my opinion, penile injections is the BEST treatment option available for ED. Easier said than done. not actually 20 or 30 cc of trimix. You can bring up demos online. The maximum dose is 0.50 cc. After 3 hours I received two Phenolefrin shots and all was good. ED for several years now. Unfortunately, it does not really work. Here are links to Trimix injection videos. Precision Rx Telemed is about personal wellness. I am 52 and this stuff will works once you get the correct amount I am using 20 units and it will last till my wife saysI give and can't take it anymore. Actually, I think the injections do have a positive effect on Viagra. My test injection in the clinic worked greattoo great. Have been using Trimix for 15 months now since other means of obtaining erection failed for whatever reason. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. By contrast, this same amount may last for 25 doses for someone taking only 20 units per dose. I am now kicking myself for not going years ago. Video marketing. What If A Healthy Man Takes Sildenafil RDT? As I'm trying to find the right dosing, i have not attempted sex, once i find i will be ready the next day, or same day, then i need to wait, that would be my only thought for viagra, agree, hate those side affects. Around 20 to 30 minutes before sexual activity, an injection is often administered in the middle third of the penis shaft, alternating sides and avoiding any veins. I then went to .5 units, got some enlargement but not enough for erections. Also, injectionshave beenshown toplay a role in penile rehabilitation, or restoring natural erectile function after surgery. Do not waste your time on the gel. Anyone used it after a year frozen? We both literally cried as this development so far exceeded anything we thought we could ever experince again. Took 2 extra strength Tylenol , 2 sudafed and ice. is too high. Allow 5 to 10 seconds to completely inject the dose. With injections I found adding some constriction around the base of the penis while doing the injection and for three minutes after, makes a big difference to the reliability. The majority of patients i have come across that have used it prior to seeing me in our clinic were not well informed and lacking in some serious information they should have been I found for best result to use a retention ring at the base of the penis. I use a vacuum pump prior to injecting as it seems to give me a fuller erection. I ended up driving to the ER to get a injection. Many of us are fighting this battle, including yours truly. Since The single dose of caverject causes pain, or aching in some, I elected to go straight to Trimix. Dont give up.). First time I tried it with my wife, the was AMAZED and her first words were I can work with this!!. Wait! Right now I am undecided. The other two friends that have been accompanying me for several years now are diabetes and hypertension. Monochromatic, pink and purple tones. This is the standard 30-10-1 mix from Empower. I agree tried on a whim and was AMAZED at what it did for rigidness and. I suspect that when you injected and got no results you missed and when you injected and it wouldn't go down you were possibly ingesting a Nitric Oxide booster. Just had my 1st injection of trimix yesterday at the urologist office yesterday at 2pm. I have erections that last a couple of hours, depending on stimulation. I get my Trimix by fedex. How did the 4.5 units work for you? It turns out, my first dose was a bit high. Once a patient decides they want to proceed with treatment they will purchase their medication and return for the 2nd step, a trial dose in the clinic. Our first session with the elixir was proceeding at a leisurely pace when I happened to glance at the clock. They premix the formula and provide individual syringes for each injection/application. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2. I have been teaching the use of injections for over 18 years now. What is the max times in a row, a week or same day that you've used it, how much separation (hours) between injections have you allowed? However, as with all ED treatments, persistent erections can be a problem. "935-1035 gf begging for mercy i cant take any more she says im done i cant walk." He had no problem getting used to it, as we both are pretty uninhibited and just wanted our old life back. Participants needed for HSDD drug study (Addyi), Struggling with Low Libido? We were advised to learn to use our bodies in different ways. Using it at least 5 times a week (my wife is, shall we say, very energetic when it comes to sex), it is, as my doctor says, truly the Wonder Shot. Erections lasting longer than 4 hours are dangerous and considered a medical emergency. Purchased a needle-free Injex unit for $300. A dose for me is around 2 units, so I get about 22 injections. You need to go to an ED center that specializes in this. It is NOT without potential complications if used incorrectly. I started using Trimix a few months after my nerve sparing robotic prostatectomy 5 yrsa ago. Designed and Created by. Erections that dont, however, and last 4 hours or longer are considered dangerous, and a medical emergency, and you should seek emergency medical care to avoid potentially permanent damage to your penis. This video from John Hopkins speaks specifically to questions about pulling the foreskin back before injecting. We started with a conservative 0.3 and started to get some real action from 1.0ml up. mcg or micrograms a measure of mass, equivalent to 1/100, units in the case of Trimix and other injectable medications, this is a term synonymous with micrograms. Great comments. If you're going to inject something into your penis, you don't want to look for fake or contaminated drugs. I see posts of 20 & 30 cc of tri-mix. Stanton Honig, MD Professor of Urology Director of Men's Health . I have had the medication frozen now for 16 months with very little decrease in effectiveness. We conclude that even at the smallest dose of ingredients of Tx, there are no significant differences in hemodynamic effects, rigidity, pain and self-satisfaction between the two drugs . Almost out the door to the hospital numerous times. 1 post Page 1 of 1. I lowered my A1Cs to 5.6, but still had these problems. Download our Tri-mix and Quad-Mix Patient . Trimix injections are compounded medications that require a prescription. For injection dosage form: Adults1.25 to 60 micrograms (mcg) as a single dose once a day. Copyright 2018. The first batch DID NOT WORK at all - Could have been "performance" anxiety! Tried trimix at different strengths before finding that I am one of the 7% of users for whom the effects are negated by Cymbalta (may also be surpressed by naproxen or ibuprofen or other NSAIDS. Love to have more, but it aint happening for me. The antidotes for these erections are pseudoephedrine, norepinephrine, or phenylephrine. I have not seen syringes discussed. RPR for ED (also marketed as "P-Shot") is a potential treatment that is being studied for the treatment of ED. I ended up taking 4 Sudafed and putting a bag of ice on it and it was gone by 7pm 5 hours after getting injected. Patients should wait a full 48 hours before increasing their dosage. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Mine easily lasts 6 months in the fridge and long as I am care to keep it refrigerated. Spelling is wrong yes I know! In all cases, whatever the particular mix, strength, and dosage that is recommended for you will be discussed with your doctor/prescriber. I tried again, 15 units this time and bang! http://www.xvideos.com/video13729043/qu s_erection, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n2vsEBphPc, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ca-Qn189uc, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et3WMW70N14, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bBuauGdNcY, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn7gf9np1h4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzPUO-b3HvM, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niQl8o2FkD4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4nMqqFhut0, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB-s4jpqETE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ao395ONOUQ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWf5MAobWoM, http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=GweWZ-C334-, http://www.excelmale.com/showthread.php ons-TRIMIX, http://www.diabeticcareservices.com/con emID=08-62, http://www.amazon.com/AUTOJECT-SELF-OWE utoject+el, http://www.adwdiabetes.com//product/owe 0_4473.htm, Hard Flaccid/Chronic Prostatitis/Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. by FireBird75 Thu Mar 14, 2019 11:28 am, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 3 guests. what happens if you do more? It worked again. Most men begin injection therapy with Trimix, which is a mixture of 3 ingredients: alprostadil, phentolamine, and papaverine. I use an Owen Mumford Autoject El. The syringe should have two scales on it, the one in Units is probably insulin units, but it also has fractions of ML indicated. first off i cant believe i was afraid of this i felt nothing 28 gauge needle. You will inject Tri-mix into your penis using a small needle. All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction. I dont know how you could even accurately measure that in a syringe. Once, my husband was just about hitting the 4-hour mark, you know when youre supposed to go to the ER. Boy, did I need a drink and a Power Bar! Vasectomy - Have You Had One? I suspect you're not injecting correctly. Worst case scenario is it can result in amputation of the penis. When I first began using the medication I mistakenly injected with penis was half hard and found there to be NO medication to be ineffective and also caused bruising of the penis. He's also developed Peyronie's syndrome. You drop the needle in and press the button. Beyond use datingis around 30 days at refrigerator temperatures. by Dbarranch1 Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:01 am . when the doctor came to my house, she injected me with papaverine and informed me that i might have appenticitis. Contrary to what many believe, you CAN freeze Trimix, it does NOT degrade the quality of medication. The Art of Titrating and Optimizing Penile Injection Therapy for Patients with Erectile Dysfunction. This equals to 0.4 ml or 0.4 cc (this is the language used for injections). As the name suggests, trimix includes 3 active ingredients, and as the vial sits in the refrigerator awaiting your next use gravity is constantly at work pulling those ingredients towards the bottom of the vial. Some people say you can use Cialis with Trimix. I noticed it was coming up on an hour. tried trimix 30 then 50 units. I am not an injector, but I am sure that this post will. At $120 for each prescription this is $7.50 per shot. This is a reply that may apply to many regarding Trimix and Penile injections in general. I thought I would have to embarass myself and check into an ER!! 2 and 1/2 units would be VERY small dose. I could imagine if the penis is quite deflated a 1/2" needle might go in too far. It is important to note, however, that Trimix does not cure any underlying causes of ED, but can be an effective treatment to produce erections satisfactory for penetrative sexual intercourse. I thought about that but I guess I'll never know. Trimix has been proven to be quite helpful at treating ED, particularly in men who have not responded well to oral treatments. He had his prostate removed in Jan. 2008. Fill the syringe with air equal to the dose, insert Yes, you can have long erections with Trimix. Users browsing this forum: Bing [Bot] and 2 guests. Most often, this roughly translates into: That does not mean, however, when looking at how many units of Trimix may be useful for a given individual, that dosages higher than 50 units have not been prescribed. In an ideal world, the Trimix injections wear down without any external help. Its been 5 months no erections so I went the trimix route, The DR prescribed .2 units, thus my first experience I ended up in the ER with three injections to reduce (no fun). But without the libido to match, it is a mixed bag. Hmmthat was some history, but my friend, you are not alone. And Ol Man River must have surely known somethin, but he didnt say nothin (as usual). Currently using about 22 units with gives me about an 45 minutes to an hour of usable erection. I was getting a little tired, but being the competitive type I decided to go for a record I held out for exactly an hour anda minute. Leah, They also have their own wiki where they store information for reference. d. Turn the vial with needle and syringe inserted upside down. Trimix is effective for over 80% of the men, regardless of the cause of ED or their age. How watching pornography can cause erectile dysfunction. until the lowest effective dose is achieved. However, in my case, phenylephrine was the most ineffective. I switched to Tri Mix and it has taken me a good two months, with sex once week, to figure out the dosage. As mentioned above, libido is still a factor in it, which has meant getting the right dose has been a little tricky. I only ever injected a single time per episode, but if you did not inject enough with the first injection, as long as you don't inject more than is needed with the second (and you immediately re-inject at a different location), I would not think there should be a bad . My husband is reluctant, but at least he knows how important this is to me. Allow 15 minutes for medicine to work. There is no set dosage; instead, it is usually adjusted gradually based on feedback from the patient and the physician. e. Initially, the dosage will likely be low, which can be increased until the desired effect is achieved. Since Trimix is a powerful medication, and the risk of side effects tends to increase as dosage increases, most prescribers will start patients out on a relatively small dose. I had never had an interest in online conversation, but I felt I had an almost sacred duty to tell the world about this miracle cure for ED. I am really thinking I over shot the sweet spot a few times with a 1/2" needle. Sourcing your Trimix through a licensed and reputable pharmacy, with a prescription, is the only way to go. However, if proper injection technique is used, precautions are followed, and all health or medication history disclosed to the prescriber, the risk of side effects is fairly low. Sounds like good news to me. Increase by 0.025 cc to 0.050 cc until a satisfactory dose is reached. Anyway, them came August 13, my birthday,andDH got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I was pretty much in the same boat. MEDICATION But it not like the good old days. My dick rose like a phoenix and was ready for the battle after several years. at the trial dose appointment the patient response to medication is rated on a scale referred to the Erection Hardness Score (EHS) : Ranging from 14 (1=penis is larger, but not hard; 2=penis is hard, but not hard enough for penetration; 3=penis is hard enough for penetration, but not completely hard; 4=penis is completely hard and fully rigid). But I can tell you that trial and error is normal with Trimix. Any thoughts? Why a combined intracavernosal injection with trimix and oral sildenafil is reliable therapy in the ultrasonographic evaluation of erectile dysfunction The haemodynamic changes and cGMP and cAMP production in the cavernosum were improved by trimix plus sildenafil more than with than PGE1 plus sildenafil or one ICI with trimix or PGE1. I can speak with experience that, yes, trimix is wonderful. I work it in by pressing down and moving up and down. Often trimix works better when you inject at home. on my first test does of TRIMIX was able to have sex. I never recovered the ability to get a natural erection even using Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis, but they did improve blood flow. 5 cc nothing happened. Our patients are thoroughly educated in a 2 step process before using ICI (intracavernous injections) at home. For example, a 10% solution of Trimix for the same effective 20 mcg/20 units dose would come with instructions to administer 200 mcg or 2 ccs/mLs of the diluted medication. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. When done correctly there should be NO pain. He may not need trimix at all! But Trimix is cheaper than Caverject (alprostadil). I tried a pump, viagra, etcbut my nerves were totally gone. Thanks for your rundown, very helpful! I will post a picture soon but I only fill it up a few "ticks" as they say to single digit units (under the first .1ml marker) which leaves most of the syringe not utilized. I would just like to pass on my thanks for your blog .I stumbled on it on Google but am relectant to say what words I used as a strap to Google I found it amusing and informative but better than that, I found it encouraging . Yes, if your nerves were spared, the use of injections, which stimulate the flow of blood to the penis, may help the recovery of your natural erections. -------Hot & Popular Forum Discussions-------. Welcome to ExcelMale.com, the leading and best-moderated mens health forum focused on increasing health, potency and productivity in men. One of the things they often fail to tell you is without getting erections you starve your penile cells of nourishing blood and you may loose length to your sex organ. It is only one injection per time, and you . Before getting into the details on how many units of Trimix might be prescribed, lets talk a bit about how patients typically use Trimix. Well, I took 30; close to 25 right? Before bringing it up to my Urologist, I went to a Mens Clinic who advertised a trail injection for $75. You are using an out of date browser. It's helpful to start by going over some of the fundamentals of Trimix, such as what it is and how it works. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. So, given the above, the first thing patients should know regarding how many units of Trimix they should take is what a unit is a microgram. Or you can end up with a Leaning Tower of Penis., I just wrote to someone that Trimix could give an erection to acorpse who was doing his taxes:-)). Also I recommend searching the internet for more information, so you have a good knowledge when you talk to your Urologist, or his PA.