Ireland Before You Die (IB4UD) is the biggest Irish travel and culture website. However, this isnt auditing who had it better and who had it worse!!! It was the Jim Crow laws and the Redlining that did the most damage. If you didnt have money you had nothing. Thank you Gary Dingleloved reading your response. According to Irish history, the Maguires held Fermanagh from the 13th to the 17th centuries. Gee, did the Irish ever make whisky? Irish toponymic surnames, deriving from a place where the original name bearer once lived, are rare. Thanks for this fascinating post. Africans were renamed, what about the irish? However, Black slaves were oppressed intellectually, religiously and physically if they attempted to escape or did anything wrong. What a lot of people dont know is that Irish were slaves too, hundreds of thousands were sent to work in the West Indies and they blended with the black slaves thus we have Irish names like McFadden, McDonalds, etc. Smh. The Table shown here gives a listing of the 100 most commonly names found in Ireland and their meanings. The Irish landowners where Protestant and therefore considered British. The most famous being Sir Walter Scott, the Scottish patriot, writer, and poet. And i agree. True Irish (native non-protestants) were not even allowed to own property in Ireland until the early 1800s. Thats what the bulk of my Irish ancestors really were: Scottish, English, Cornish, etc. Its now being used to paint the picture of white persecution and victimization and to deny historic institution racism in the US. My last name is Dingle. The strong over the weak., Maybe those books can help youtheres many more, this is not something made up by one person on one website. While their decision did not stop pirates from doing what they desired, the new law slowly concluded THIS chapter of nightmarish Irish misery. On this issue, as often happens, the ignorant aspirants to house nigguh status are still carrying water for the masters. Horrific story, and the things the Irish went through shouldnt be forgotten. This is what I could find so far: No statistical reference to Ireland at least on Ancestry: It did not begin that way even for Blacks/Africans. Although, the much to the contrary; if youve ever studied world history, youd realize that slavery has happened in just about every culture at one time or another and has been happening at every point in time in mankinds history including the present. Please do your own research to find out about white slavery in the Americas. Interesting. Thanks for your research. I never heard of this before, yes, of course, Ive heard of the indentured servant history, but not the actual brutal enslavement of the Irish people. slavery is not in the past. Impregnating Black slaves was a way to increase the wealth of the slave owners. Though we dont want that ugly past to be forgotten, rewritten or soften to make Whites feel better about them-selves, the issues we worry about are those we have to deal with currently. Their names would have, at this point, been changed to more Anglicised versions. The slave owners of my ancestors were Dingles. Were Irelands Viking invaders high on hallucinogenic herbal tea? I understand what youre saying ny brother. McCarthy is one of the most popular surnames in County Cork. Unlike Africans, Irish indentured servants could buy their way out of slavery. Basketball player Blake Griffin and comedian Kathy Griffin are two of the most well-known people with the surname Griffin. Other aspects of racism and bigotry are far too complicated to touch on here. Walsh (35358) 4. * Originally published 2013. Where they not slaves in labour camps? Ireland Before You Die is supported by its audience. Remember the sexual abuse of African slaves was the key to keeping the slave population going. According to reports from the Central Statistics Office, Murphy is the most popular last name in Ireland. What is Black? Africans sold Israelites. Anglo-Irish) were in Ireland. My ancestors were lucky to survive this part of history. Also: Thats a very open minded attitude. I think there is lots of information here that people should know about. It had to do with language. If you notice, there is nothing said at all about color in the constitution concerning slaves. They resented having to serve in the civil war and dis honored black soldiers but they fly Confederate flags proudly. From a young age, nomadic parents placed a strong emphasis on education in real experience and the outdoors - a trait which has carried through her life and into her career. Enjoy! Were these apprentices chattel? Kennedy 17. Is not because of Irish slave owners, no erase that foolishnessdont think Gone With The Wind and the OHara plantation. Keiran is an Irish and Scottish name that literally means black or dark. Several varied groups of multiracial people have sometimes been referred to as or identified as . In the middle east a milder form of it still exists. Famous Clarkes include actresses Emilia Clarke and Melinda Mindy Clarke. Please advise. There are no dates for these events, because these were not, and are not, issues faces by Irish slaves and Irish indentured servants. We need to revisit the discussion from a fresh perspective. Clearly this makes it a Black vs White issue. The most famous OFarrell is actress Bernadette OFarrell. One in every eight so called white person in the state of Louisiana has negro ancestry that can be traced back to the past 11 generations. Please advise. And why so many Georgians have stories about helping that White boy run to the mountains. It is a shallow attempt and more nonsense than anything. Black Surname Meaning Black is a Scottish surname primarily. And, those of Irish descent can be found mainly in English-speaking countries, including Great Britain, the United States, Canada, and Australia. Black Irish (album), 2017 music album by American singer-songwriter Shannon McNally. This forced labour was in essence an extension of the English Poor Laws, e.g. Further, the statement, I am offended not by the story and the facts, but by the dishonest comparison. this is an insult to intellect! The surname may be your first clue to mixed-blood heritage. Burke What people seem to be missing is the point of contention that exists today. So not forgotten but definitely no true or meaningful comparison. Although, I recognize that the facts of this article are in dispute, with regard to the treatment of the Irish by the British Empire, knowing what I do about history, it is not entirely unlikely that much of this is true. Amazing people. Barbados has an enclave on the island, the descendants of Irish slaves who never integrated with others, they speak with a slight Irish accent but as a race they suffer from alcoholism and diabetes and inbreeding. People hardly wanna learn African names now and wanna say Ill call you _______ but anyway I have an Irish last name because of my moms dad but I also have a French last name that originated in Germany. We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously, How to plan a trip to Ireland (in 9 steps), Irish boy names that nobody can pronounce. Although Im sure a few were clever enough to rise above and assimilate overseas using their color as an advantage. He had several indentured servants. Racism based on the color of your skin post dates the bulk of African slavery, and predates the arrival of most Americans ancestors. Examples of famous Stewarts include actress Kristen Stewart, actor Patrick Stewart, and musician Rod Stewart, among many others. Yes, the Irish were treated horribly by the English, but they were not sold as slaves, per se, to the West Indies. IT IS A SPIRIT THAT DOES NOT CARE FOR ANY RACEKNOW THAT TO ANY CAUCASION OR TO THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL XOXO, [] How Blacks have Irish Last Names [], Lies. They could understand the Irish. The O or preceding a second name means the grandson of or descendant of and is a common feat in Irish surnames. I was crying, but I wouldnt changed the colors of how I seen Jesus. Here are the top 100 Irish surnames you're bound to experience at least once in your life! THE MYTH OF IRISH SLAVERY is A LIE The tale of the Irish slaves is rooted in a false conflation of indentured servitude and chattel slavery. That has not changed and the enslavement of the poor is as relevant today as it was at any other time in history. Are we interested in championing numbers or political views here? in order to be enslaved it didnt matter whether you were Irish, English, Welsh, Scots, Black, White. I had learned of indentured servitude among the Europeans. It seems some people are trying to argue as if only black people were ever slaves?? The Irish have, throughout history been very cruel to African Americans so let them the many of them wear the title of red neck like it is their badge of honor. Origin: Irish; Meaning: "dark, black" Description: Keir is a single-syllable name that packs a lot of punch, might suggest -- thanks to its similarity to the word . It's quite popular in Scotland. This article is interesting as the subject of Irish slavery seems to be erased from history. English journalist, author, and broadcaster Caitlin Moran is one of the most famous people called Moran. I never learned the whole story of how though unrelated, both husbands had the same Irish surname. Maine had the highest population of Blake families in 1840. Today some 6.7 million people live on the Emerald Isle. This article is merely an attempt to connect whites to Deuteronomy within the KJV Bible. What about the Irish in the south? Moore is another of the most popular Irish names. O'Doherty 16. Surname Origin Irish Last Names Irish Last Names L. Elizabeth Forry Updated: July 29, 2022 Find your Irish last name and learn about its meaning and origins on this list of popular Irish surnames. The latter he did not. if you dont believe it, then so be it, I want to believe it because I know the lady very well, that shared another ladies work for us, be kind to one another, because the good book says we are all related, because of Adam and Eve. Therefore, this preposterous on-going debate only goal is to keep the Blacks monopolizing the atrocious history of slavery. While plantation owners certainly did rape and father children by enslaved women, many were absentee owners who only visited their plantations seversl times a year, this is especially true in the Caribbean. Although they did suffer as the Africans, they were also afforded certain privileges not afforded to African slaves. To add to it the female is usually severely overweight about half the time. The Romans anyone? Yet, let me put it this way, why does it seem like every black person wants to deny irish history? The English Welsh and Scottish peoples all suffered by the hands of the elitist British. This explains why many of my DNA ancestors carry Mitochondrial European DNA and such high percentages. Wants take a guess on my choice of colors ; Brown, White, Blue, and Black . Here are 10 of them: 1. She has travelled Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Australia and still claims that wanderlust tempts her daily. Banishment did not solve the problem completely, so King James , the second gave his blessing and encouragement to the selling off of Irish men and women as slaves to the English planters who at this time were becoming entrenched and very rich. The Irish slave trade began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. In other words, the South stood more to lose. What may be a mytth, however, is the numbers posited in the original article. Were revealing where the term comes from and who exactly the term is referring to. Dougherty Irish. Yet, many often state that the first Celts arrived on the island of Ireland around 500 BC. Irish slavery is a subject worth remembering, not erasing from our memories. It remains, therefore, a descriptive term used for many purposes, rather than a reference to an actual class of people who may have survived the centuries. Famous McCarthys include Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist Cormac McCarthy and actress Melissa McCarthy. Maybe wealthy Irish werent common, but they they did exist. the Irish along with other white Europeans were considered Indentured ServantsIndentured Servants were those people who owed money..or inherited family debts..and could work off the debts..some of these people were brought over to do just that..after they earned their way out of debt they were free from obligationfurthermore their day to day lives while being indentured were less stringent than that of the African slave.this articles conflates the status of slave and indentured servant as being similar when they were absolutely notindentured servants actually had rights..yes they were treated miserably..but their status was far higher than that of a black man or womanfurthermore the statement that there were no Irish slave owners in the Americas is absolutely inaccurateso to infer that every black person with an Irish last name is the result of the mixing of these indenture servants who lovingly gave their last names to offspring is simply off baseand perpetuates serious misinformation. American soccer player Brian Mullan is one of the most famous people with the surname Mullan. Many of our foremothers were raped by the ships captains and the dozens if not hundreds of white crew members. Erm, just a thought, but most Irish of the day would have had some knowledge of English, or been fluent. Some would conquer their enemies to gain power, land, wealth and additional wealth by selling their slaves to slave traders. Im getting pretty sick of people (of all races) whitewashing the oppression of the Irish from history because it doesnt fit with the white skin = oppressors, everyone else = victims narrative. The English settlers (the masters in Ireland, supported by the English/British army) spoke English. Second, there was intermarriage in the caribbean with descendents from the cromwellian slave trade of the Irish and African slaves. O'Carroll 23., My last name is Doyle since I been on Facebook Ive learned there is alot of people in Jamaica with last name as mine I am in Chicago and its alot of us scattered through the city but it very nice to know we are Doyles all over the world beautiful black people. Indeed, they legitimately had reasons for their grievances too. Visit The Information about Irelandsite to read more about Irish history, culture, and heritage. Since enslaved blacks did not have last names at the time the Civil War ended, many were catalogued on freedmens lists and forced to adopt last names. Famous ONeills include Eugene ONeill, who was the only American playwright to ever receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. And a minority of slave owners were also black. However, it is likely that they never lost their status as dark invaders or black foreigners. Slavery was a terrible condition to place on any people. The main difference is that 600,000 people died in a civil war to end Black slavery, not Irish indentured service. When someone thinks of American culture they think of Scots-Irish. It is possible that the term "Black Irish" may have referred to some of these immigrant groups as a way of distinguishing them from the "Gaels," the people of ultimately Celtic origin. Widespread and woven into many different cultures around the globe, Irish surnames are ever-present today. The African slave trade was a better deal. Working is a choice and they get paid for their work. This article is not stretching the truth, it is flat-out lying to you. I got my answer. This Irish surname is of a prominent Derry sept. Its origin can be traced back to Mac Giolla osa, meaning "son of the devotee of Jesus". We have to stop making up excuses for white slaveholders and the damage they inflicted onto their black captives, including the removal of our names and stripping us of even the knowledge of knowing where we are (specifically) from as the Irish, English, Spaniards, Scottish, etc. From a real Irish person, who didnt get shipped over to America but whos ancestors have fought against the oppression of Britannia and ultimately Rome (the Pope) for over 800years. Lets not forget the Red vs White; Yellow vs White; and Brown vs White. There are many variants of the name such as. The term is commonly used to describe people of Irish origin who have dark features, black hair, a dark complexion and dark eyes. Louisiana is one hundred apologetically AFRICAN roots. The bad words Jamaicans curse originated from Ireland. Did you assume the Irish always spoke English? On This Day: Arthur Guinness, founder of the Dublin brewery, died in 1803. There is, also, very little question that those brown, tanned faces you witness in your travels to the West Indies are very likely a combination of African and Irish ancestry. Lets not forget the largely convenient (for the British) Great Famine (one of many actually, and not the greatest either) with saw 1 to 2 million starve to death, and several more million emigration since the Plantation, settlement and colonization of Ireland.