Occasionally, they will eat insects and bird eggs. Chinchillas are herbivorous and do not eat animal-based products. 3. Raisins. such as elevated levels of calcium and in turn, cause health issues. No fruits, seeds, nuts or vegetables. Apart from the fruits that we mentioned above, that can be offered in really small quantities, there are a handful of foods that are considered healthy enough to feed to your chinchilla as treats. 3 Spot-clean soiled bedding daily, and do a full bedding change weekly when you wash everything in the enclosure with mild soap and water. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. Dried dandelions. Chinchillas only need to consume around 3-5% fat in their diet which is easily attainable from their base diet so foods such as. By Laurie Hess, DVM, Dipl ABVP (Avian Practice). The chinchilla will be stressed out by calm cats too. Yucca. Commercial pelleted food is also available for chinchillas but should be offered in limited quantities of no more than one-to-two tablespoons per day for an adult chinchilla. If you want to ensure that your chinchilla gets enough calcium, then you should add some eggshells to their diet. Feeding adult chinchillas too much alfalfa hay can cause obesity and even calcium stones as the level of calcium and other nutrients is too high and out of balance. The quality of the ingredients used by manufacturers to make cat food varies enormously. You may also be able to give your chinchilla treats like rose petals, rolled oats, or even non-frosted shredded wheat. Reasons Why Theyre Smart. Rhubarb. Chinchillas cannot eat hamster food. You can just grab little bits of a few things and make a little sampler jar! Over time, your cat might get used to your chinchilla and stop attacking it altogether. As such, its impossible for chinchillas to eat the same diet as cats. Chinchilla Pet Animals and Pets. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Romaine Lettuce? Naturally aloof people might not want to be constantly hounded for canine kisses, just as cuddly types might be affronted by some cat breeds . Hamsters vs. Gerbils: Whats the Difference. Chinchillas are also known to love flowers. . Growing, breeding, and nursing chinchillas may be fed a larger amount of pellets to provide additional calories, protein, fat and calcium. If you give the chinchilla time to first get used to you and its surrounding before meeting your cat.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'smallpetshq_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_10',191,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); This gives your chinchilla enough time to be comfortable with the surroundings, with this especially crucial as theyre very social creatures. It is an animal that will get you smitten instantly, and its elegance will keep swirling, Read More Can Chinchillas Get Fleas? Fiber: should be at least 15%, preferably up to 35%. From their increased curiosity and affection to their unmatched affordability, chinchillas will always be amazing pets. Semi-dry foods consist of dried milk and grain. If you feed them the correct diet, chinchillas generally keep themselves at the right weight. Grapes and raisins have shown to be toxic to dogs, ferrets and cats. Some common options for food items that every pet chinchilla owner needs to keep their chinchilla safe and healthy are listed below. What Nutrients Are Important For Chinchillas? You can give them raisins, carrots, sultanas, and basically all the things that were mentioned above in the list. To be more precise, these furry animals are mainly folivores, preferring a diet made up of vegetation.Some of the food items that make up most of their diet are seeds, grass, grains, nuts, and leaves. . Its always best to check before you offer your chinchilla a new fruit just to make sure its safe and to see just how much you can offer them in one sitting. By contrast, cats require a diet high in both fat and carbohydrates. You should also consider designing hiding spots where your chinchilla can sleep or hide whenever its feeling tensed due to the cats presence.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'smallpetshq_com-leader-3','ezslot_6',187,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-leader-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'smallpetshq_com-leader-3','ezslot_7',187,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-leader-3-0_1'); .leader-3-multi-187{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Always check the quality of your tap water at home before choosing this option. Chinchillas are among the most intelligent and fun pets to have. What Do Chinchillas Eat: Diet & Food Guide. 2.1 Fresh Vegetables. Approximately 75% to 80% of your chinchilla's diet should be made up of fresh hay. 1. As we mentioned earlier, hay is the most important part of a chinchillas diet. Do have hay constantly as well; keep a rack with hay and replace it routinely before it gets moldy. This is important because your cat might terrorize your chinchilla even when its in the cage by either hissing at it or staying very close to the cage. Can Chinchillas Eat Hamster Food? and how to get rid of it, The Best Chinchilla Toys (Review) in 2023, Are chinchillas Smart? Dried Herbs. 2.2 Nutritional requirements. Another important thing that they eat is pellets. The pets need chinchilla vitamins and nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, nicotinic acid, vitamin C, natural vitamin E, and many more through adequate nutritional content. The list below contains the fruits that chinchillas can eat in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Although it is made from flour, bread has very few nutrients for chinchillas. But here is a pretty extensive list of what is safe for chins and most can be found in the bulk section of a health food store for cheap. It is not a suitable food for them to have, even in small amounts. 2.5 Dried Cranberry And Apple. Behavior & Training Food & Nutrition . The problem is that the majority of fruits are high enough in sugar to cause your chinchilla digestive problems amongst other things so only a handful are really considered safe enough to eat even in small quantities. There are some great hay-based pellets out there on the market that complement your chinchillas hay-based diet and fill in the gaps in your chins nutrition really well. So, what type of hay do chinchillas eat? Good hays include alfalfa hay, timothy hay, orchard grass, and blue grass. These flowers should be dried before feeding to ensure that they are crunchy since our little ones love to nibble. Reasons Why Theyre SmartContinue, This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. As such, it can cause kidney damage and other health problems. Give your chinchilla space from the cat, which sees it as a prey. So, what exactly do chinchillas eat? An overweight chinchilla is susceptible to many illnesses like diabetes, diarrhea, and liver damage. The stomach, chest, and chin are pure white. 2 Human Food Chinchillas Can Eat. It's important to offer your chinchillas an unlimited amount of fresh hay in their cage daily so they can continually consume the large amounts of fibre they need. This means your cat gets to see your chinchilla but isnt in a position to touch it.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'smallpetshq_com-portrait-1','ezslot_19',188,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-portrait-1-0'); You also need to make sure that this area is just as comfy as where your chinchilla is to avoid your cat from wanting to stretch inside the cage bars.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'smallpetshq_com-leader-4','ezslot_8',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-leader-4-0'); Moreover, make sure there isnt a bed positioned over the chinchillas cage to prevent your cat from having a post from where it might try and reach the chinchilla. As with all pets, a proper diet is key to health and long life in chinchillas. Always keep an eye on your cat even after your chinchilla and cat have started getting along. Hi, my namesElena Coolidge, and this is my site. There are several reasons why you shouldnt feed your chinchillas cat food and, below, well explore each of these in more detail. Foods to Avoid What Owners Must Know! The answer is that chinchillas do need fresh water daily and if they dont have access to water they will become dehydrated and eventually become ill and die. Limit fruits and sugary vegetables (e.g., carrots) to <1 teaspoon/day. The most obvious reason why you shouldn't feed cat food to a chinchilla is because chinchillas are not cats! Wild chinchillas are omnivores and feed on grasses, seeds, fruits, small plants, plant leaves, small insects, and bird eggs when they get a chance. Therefore, you need to make sure your chinchilla is safe in the cage placed in a different room your cat cant go into. All cats drink filtered water from the water fountain. Chinchillas can consume a wide variety of human foods, most notably vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and grains. Similarly, pet chinchillas should be offered food twice a day but may consume food throughout the day, as they tend to eat more slowly than other small animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs. Because chinchillas teeth grow throughout their lives, when they are not offered enough hay (and consume mainly pellets), the surfaces of their top and bottom teeth collide inside their mouths with such force as they chew that the roots of their teeth become impacted, like a persons impacted wisdom teeth. Provide a steady supply of hay. [What Owners Will Want To Know]Continue, This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Answer (1 of 2): It is not so much that they are 'fragile', but have different habitat requirements than we are used to. 1 The deluxe chinchilla food is made from high-fiber alfalfa meal to promote gastrointestinal health, with added fiber, protein, and fat derived from soybeans. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Rabbit Food? They can easily get an upset stomach and have a limited capacity for digestion. You also need to make sure your cat has a mellow personality to lower the likelihood of it attacking your chinchilla. Provide hay in your chinchilla's cage at all times so it has something to graze on. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Once this condition occurs, there is nothing that can be done other than to provide pain medication and soft foods. Many gastrointestinal disorders can result in yellow throw up. Dont give rabbit pellets as, again, these two animals are quite different. Its important to understand that this is a guide only. Chinchillas have an extremely sensitive digestive system and the large amounts of sugar that are usually present in fruit can be harmful to your chinchilla. Chinchillas are South American rodents that have continuously growing, open-rooted teeth to compensate for the wear that occurs from chewing on very abrasive, high-fiber grass and hay. You can find out exactly which variety of Cheerios is safe to feed to your chinchilla right here(We researched all popular varieties and only recommend feeding your chinchilla these 2 varieties). Specialties: The Wishbone Pet Company has the largest selection of raw diets in Santa Cruz, CA with a strong emphasis on holistic natural care. While hay should be offered in unlimited quantities, feeding large amounts of high-calcium alfalfa hay to non-breeding, adult chinchillas has been associated with the development calcium-based bladder stones. Pets are adorable, but having different species in your home might bring about some issues with some of them incompatible. Nonetheless, its still recommended never to leave these two pets alone as you never know when your cats natural hunting instincts might kick in and attack your chinchilla. The brand that we would recommend using is Oxbow as their pellets are of a high quality and are fortified with vitamins such as vitamin D3. Its important to offer your chinchillas an unlimited amount of fresh hay in their cage daily so they can continually consume the large amounts of fibre they need. Because of the sensitive nature of a chinchillas digestive tract, sugar can be extremely harmful even if its fed in moderate quantities. There are so many different hay varieties to choose from and sometimes it can be hard to know which ones will serve your chinchillas nutritional needs the best. You can give these things in moderation but make sure to avoid nuts and seeds as they are way too high in fat content. As mentioned earlier, chinchillas' dietary requirements are different from other animals, and therefore, they should not eat guinea pig food or gerbil food. Having said this, both hay varieties will do a great job of keeping your chins teeth short and providing them with the nutrients they need to be healthy. Chinchilla Sleeping Habits: Are Chinchillas Nocturnal? The most important thing is to provide chinchillas with additional water, especially in summer, and monitor their daily water intake. So, can rabbits eat chinchilla food? Along with the quality of good that you feed your pet chinchilla, the quantity is just as important. Some comments from a popular forum AGAINST giving raisins include: 1. Shoot me an emailif you have a question! Treats such as dried fruit, grains, nuts and seeds should not be offered, as they are not easily digested and may lead to tooth damage. Chinchillas only need to consume around 3-5% fat in their diet which is easily attainable from their base diet so foods such as nuts and sunflower seeds need to be avoided. Whether you're looking for tips, tools, activities or advice, you've arrived at the consummate guide for everything related to caring for dogs. Chinchillas are so cute and such intelligent animals that make great pets. , they get most if not all of the nutrition they need from this basic diet. Never change your chinchillas' diet suddenly, as this could upset their digestive system and make them very ill. head over to our post that shares all you need to know. Hard objects, such as branches from non-toxic fruit trees (like apple, pear, and peach trees), can be given to promote chewing and teeth wear, but toxic trees (like cherry, cedar, plum and redwood) should be avoided. So what can chinchillas eat? They need to have variety in the boring food they eat while also getting all the nutritional requirements met. Specific Substrate Needs. If rabbits were to eat chinchilla . You must always do this even after these two pets are acclimatized to each other and coexist peacefully. Hay that is recommended for your chinchilla. Coprophagy helps to maintain the correct balance of intestinal flora within the gut, and also enables the chinchilla to absorb B Vitamins that are produced in the caecum (part of the gut). You may be tempted to buy cheap cat food from the supermarket. This is the case when you own a cat and chinchilla because cats are natural predators, whereas chinchillas are rodents and are, therefore, prey. Of course, there are some other food items that chinchillas cant eat as well, so it is best to ask a vet if you are unsure about the food item that you could feed your pet. Ideally, you want to offer your chinchillas a low to moderate calcium diet that on the whole contains more calcium than phosphorus. Gastrointestinal Disorders. Like. Dried fruit is often preferred to regular fruit, this is down to the fact that dried fruit offers much less water (which is considered bad for chinchillas) as well as increased levels of other nutrients such as fibre. Indigestible bedding, such as wood shavings, also can cause obstructions. Well, you should try to distribute the appropriate amount of food around their cage instead of handing them their feed in a bowl. Raisins and dried cranberries. Because of this, its a good idea to keep their diet simple and stick to their base diet as much as possible and only add the foods that are needed to keep your chinchilla healthy. They are very sensitive animals but can be great friends if you know how to take care of them. Belmore, NSW. Chinchillas in the wild tend to consume most of their food early in the morning and late at night. As you can see from everything weve discussed above, you should never feed cat food to a chinchilla. Overconsumption of pellets can also be fattening and can lead to obesity and diarrhea due to excess carbohydrate ingestion. 4. This is important because these two pets have brains that are programmed to act differently. 2.4 Certain Breakfast Cereals. Thankfully, nowadays, there is a variety of hay available so that you can choose the hay type that your chinchilla loves the most. Here is a breakdown of the nutrients your chinchilla needs in their diet and in what percentages. Find & Download the most popular Chinchilla Animal Vectors on Freepik Free for commercial use High Quality Images Made for Creative Projects. Even though greens are considered healthy or even vital for the majority of the animal kingdom, they are actually less important to the health of a chinchilla so they should only be offered in smaller quantities. Chinchillas need hay between 14% and 16% plant protein. However, this makes them need a lot of physical and mental stimulation. Purebred Silver & White chinchilla. [What Owners Will Want To Know], Can Chinchillas Get Fleas? Fresh vegetables and fruits can occasionally be fed to your chinchillas, but only some of the fruit and vegetables your chinchillas digestive system can bear. Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. ; The long-tailed chinchillas will feed on insects, such as moths and grasshoppers, and bird eggs if the opportunity presents itself. As for what kind of water chinchillas solid drink, you cant just give them any old water from the tap. Providing greens in small amounts and not too often is something you will have to get used to as a chinchillas owner due to the fact that chinchillas have unusual nutritional needs. All of our pet experts are here to help you and . As a general rule of thumb, chinchillas dont need fruit to be considered healthy and they dont need it in their diet. The chinchilla's digestive system is incompatible with these foods due to their high water content, high acidity, high vitamin C content, high fructose content, and low fiber content, as well as their . So here is a list of fruits and vegetables that you can feed your chinchillas. Food items that need to be provided to them continuously are hay and clean drinking water. We have created a list where we share our recommended timothy hay and orchard hay products to feed your chinchilla as well as the best place to purchase them from and you can access the list right here. | Learn More >> You are shopping: Livonia, MI Livonia. They love to play and interact with humans which makes them excellent pets. It's safe to give your chin a raisin-size amount 2-3 times per week. They have very different nutritional needs. The bottom line is, chinchillas dont need treats, but if you feel bad or want your chinchilla to be happy, then you can give them treats occasionally. Its role in highlighting their adaptability to new or specif environments is matchless. Chinchillas also need their diets to be supplemented with pellets to round off and balance their nutritional needs. If your hamster has consumed any of these items then please seek veterinary advice. Distilled water isnt as easy to get hold of as water from the tap and it, unfortunately, does not contain any minerals which your Chinchilla needs. Chinchillas can eat a wide variety of natural food like hay, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, berries, dried plants, and herbs. Similarly, pet chinchillas should be offered food twice a day but may consume food throughout the day, as they tend to eat more slowly than other small animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Nuts? If they are fed certain foods together frequently, they will become accustomed to them always being served together. Made from dehydrated rose hips, Exotic Nutrition Critter Selects Rose Hips Chinchilla Treats are great little chunks that you can even add to a food puzzle. So the treats that you choose to feed them should be given only occasionally. Special emphasis on nutritional support. This cage features a plastic and wire mesh construction with a built-in wheel and hideout. Just because a green on the list below is labelled safe doesnt mean that you can feed your chinchilla unlimited amounts of that green or vegetable. Once again, this boils down to the fact that chinchillas dont need the nutrition from fruits to be healthy so they are only a luxury. link to Are Chinchillas Territorial? The answer to this question is no, Cat foods are not suitable for chinchillas and there are many reasons why you should avoid feeding it to them. . We try our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you make the best choice for you. Note: Its important to understand that this is a guide only. This list includes common household foods that hamster should avoid but is by no means exhaustive. As a Chewy & flexoffers affiliate I earn commissions for qualifying purchases. Dry foods are made entirely from grains and other similar products. If you want to bring a chinchilla into your home, you could be worried about their diet and general health. Like most rodents, chinchillas love to chew things. With all things considered, the best 2 hay choices for your chinchilla are. I blog about their care, where to buy them, breeders, and more. Actually, a good portion of their diet is already rabbit food. There is, however, no harm in using this type of water providing they get enough minerals from elsewhere. Most tap water is clean, however, dirty water can contain giardia and would not be suitable for use in your Chinchilla Water Bottle. Guide + Chart. This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Chinchillas are quite possibly at their happiest when using a dust bath and it is important we provide them with this little delight regularly to keep them content and in good health. 29493 7 Mile Road . [Top Speeds], Is My Chinchilla Fat? As such, its best to look for a reputable brand of dry food made specifically for chinchillas. As long as your chinchillas are eating plenty of their regular food so that they are receiving the right nutrition, there shouldn't be a problem. List Of Safe Greens & Vegetables For Chinchillas: Fruits should only ever be offered as a treat to your chinchilla. I'm a pocket pet enthusiast and I love sharing my knowledge and passion for these amazing animals. Read More The Best Chinchilla Toys (Review) in 2023Continue, This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Chinchillas have an extremely sensitive digestive system as we have already mentioned in this article. There are a lot of food items that a chinchilla owner should never feed their pets. Copyright tagDiv. Feeding greens and vegetables in large quantities can upset the nutritional balance of the hay and pellets you are providing to your chinchilla. You dont need to panic about the role that calcium and phosphorus play in the health of your chinchilla, instead, simply stick to a basic and recommended diet of fresh hay, supplemented with pellets and a small number of fresh greens or vegetables. This is what your chinchillas diet should look like, Hay Unlimited amounts (80-90% of the diet), Pellets Limited amounts to complement hay diet, Fresh Greens Small amounts offered daily, Fruit Very small amounts offered on occasion, Lets now break down the different elements of a chinchillas diet and see exactly what they should be eating to keep them both happy and healthy. Dont discourage your pet from eating its own dropping, as it is natural for them to do so. Chinchillas can't eat blueberries for a variety of reasons. This is the case even if the chinchilla is caged as your cat might opt to stare down at the chinchilla or reach down the cage.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'smallpetshq_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_15',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-narrow-sky-2-0'); This will be a traumatizing experience for the chinchilla, which your cat views as prey. To be more specific, the diet should have 30% fiber, 16% protein, 35% carbohydrates, and the rest should be filled with fat, minerals, and sugar. Lets now take a look at each of these and see why you need to only offer foods that are high in these nutrients sparingly. Cats are carnivores (meat-eaters) whereas chinchillas are herbivores (plant-eaters). Again, although this is the common amount of food that your pet needs, you need to contact the pet veterinarian to be sure of ample amounts of food that your chinchilla needs. Chinchillas require large amounts of fibre in their diet for their digestive system to function correctly. Chinchillas love treats just like any other animal, but the treats can be deadly for them if you dont know the proper way or amount to feed them. Humans have food, and chinchillas have hay. However, this isnt something they enjoy doing. Long-tailed chinchillas are primarily herbivorous. Offering too much or too little of one food group can cause your chin to have digestive and even health issues. It's not safe for rabbits to eat chinchilla food. 1.1 Rabbit Food; 1.2 Hamster And Gerbil Food; 1.3 Sugary Foods; 1.4 Certain Vegetables; 1.5 Certain Fruits; 1.6 Processed Human Foods; 1.7 Chocolate; 2 What Foods Are Toxic To Chinchillas: Final Thoughts Doing this is vital because your cats natural hunting instinct might kick in at any moment. Fresh drinking water should be offered daily in a water bowl or bottle. Their diets should consist of 30 percent fiber, 14-16 percent protein, 35 percent carbohydrates, 3.5 percent fat/oil, 4 percent sugar, 6 percent minerals and 7 percent moisture/trace elements. Just like all other animals, chinchillas need good quality food to survive. The diet for chinchillas should be monitored to make sure they follow it daily. Avoid pine and cedar shavings, as they can irritate a chinchilla's respiratory tract. Instead, offer your cat leafy green vegetables like kale, bok choy, or arugula. 3 Human Foods For Chinchillas: Final Thoughts. Image Credit: Natalis.ph, Shutterstock. However, in this list are food items that you should absolutely not feed your chinchilla and if you do, then going to a vet is the best course of action. All this time, as you do this, never make the mistake of leaving these two pets unattended because your cat might start startling or hunting the chinchilla.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smallpetshq_com-leader-2','ezslot_4',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smallpetshq_com-leader-2','ezslot_5',183,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-leader-2-0_1'); .leader-2-multi-183{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}.