Why is this? I actually think its more nefarious. Companies purporting to care about progressive values are really doing nothing more than striking a superficial pose meant to signal virtue while distracting from any companys true motive: financial gain for shareholders.. I am making a mental note to avoid these products. That platform is nearly as bad as Facebook in its censorship of free speech. I send emails every day to advertisers and tell them congratulations for being BLM loving SHEEP and just like all the other advertisers riding the black bandwagon just so they can be PC and shame on themselves for going out of the way to make white people look as stupid and frumpy as possible in comparison to the black actors! It would be more realistic & more palatable if companies would use the actual or real percentages of interracial couples, races & genders instead of trying to make these things as absolutely above normal or actual numbers. It can create feelings of resentment among otherwise fair and good people such as yourself, which I assume is exactly the opposite of what these brands and advertisers are meaning to do. Or men like my husband who isnt lazy and isnt a criminal? Every other platform there are the same commercials and they make me sick. Thank you. Since the companys announcement, I now use the Qwant or Brave search engines instead. Kris, thanks for writing and do take care. Far from it. Pretty dumb, I guess. Check our Privacy and Cookie Policy for more information. . The black pill truth, optimism is great but the reality is here. Far from being limited to advertising, it is government, healthcare, banking and finance, education (oh God, the public schools and colleges) . How many rainbow-colored logos did you see in June? And who are they? The black women get the white men, or a woman of any color, and thats another culture that we are bombarded with gender-less actors hmmm is it a male or a female. Yes, sir. I would assume Deltas passenger mix is about 40% white male today. Instead of being objective purveyors of information, these companies selectively pick and choose the info we see based on their politics and agendas. Advertisers are 'trying too hard' to demonstrate diversity | Daily Mail Online Channel 4 YouGov poll looked at representation of BAME and LGBT communities Broadcaster claims that brands are. And getting worse by the day. Is it some sort of long-overdue come-uppance for having built the modern world we live in today? On YouTube Ive got the remote ready as soon as they say I can skip ads and usually have the sound down and am looking away at my laptop until its over, but still. Ad industry publications such as Ad Age and Adweek and Digiday cheerlead for it. (Thats why he founded Jeremys Razors as an alternative to Harrys when that company pulled its advertising from The Daily Wire after a social media influencer with two followers complained about an on-air discussion about gender dysphoria.) Highly insulting. For example, slavery was widely practiced by American Indians in the Northwest and Eastern woodlands of the United States. Being Enterprising and working to create as much legitimate value as possible for self-sufficiency and to benefit as many others as possible. Actually, it was breakfast cereal companies who, 100 years ago, propagandized breakfast as the most important meal of the day. Hollywood has always loved the exoticso casting a Scottish actor as an Anglo-Saxon Englishmanthat was their kind of shtick. I have just about quit watching network television. Interesting, RPD. Scratch that. Perfectly coiffed. Say, did you see that someone blew up the Georgia Guidestones the other day? To get more information about these cookies and the processing of your personal data, check our Privacy and Cookie Policy. Last thing the diversity officer in major companies that must approve all advertising is root of the problem. Indeed, the warped representations we see in TV commercials are simultaneously a cause and a symptom of deepening problems in our culture. Civil discourse, along with shades of gray, subtly and moderation are in short supply and disappearing fast. Im talking about ads in which we could all really see ourselves. And the irony is when there are black American families that do strive to be successful or achieve affluence, they are criticized as selling out or being uncle Toms by others. T his report from ANA's Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), based on three separate studies among ANA members, concludes that women overwhelmingly comprise the bulk of the marketing industry's workforce and at the senior leadership level, female representation is now likely at an all-time . Clearly, the activists behind this type of propaganda are not, and will never be, content to just live their lives and leave everyone else alone. Maybe this is why advertisers are pushing these social agendas?? Drop me a comment or an email anytime! Patrick Ward, High Speed Experts. Because 75% of black women are on welfare with a bunch of kids and no father in the house. GoodRx The Garcias are good at getting the most out of things. This is NOT the same country and society it was 60 years ago. We watch a few shows, mostly our old favorites, with very few new ones. Whats ironic is that blacks are 14% of the population and are they represent the majority on tv commercials. Watching commercials on ABC and NDC, I was shocked to learn that ~70% of black families drive Lexus SUVs and live in McMansions, because every commercial I see portrays this to be just normal everyday life in America. And none have ever been placed on such a high pedestal as Serena Williams. Wokeness is not fixing our world or ridding it of inequality; its lighting the fuse on a whole set of new problems, some of which look uncomfortably like our old ones. Spot on! What most on this blog are discussing is why for-profit companies believe they should misrepresent their target customers. And they think they can fix racism by depicting black people as cultured, educated, successful, and harmless. Wish the 80s and 90s were back, where people actually cared about each other and understood each other. This was a sheep in lions clothing for the blacks, the greatest giveaway and dumbing down in history. The sad part is over time these companies become vanilla as they try to cater to what they think their audience wants, all the while alienating their audience from them in reality. It exploits social-justice politics and transforms it into social-justice consumerism and ultimately, investor profit. Being Ethical. Regardless of the intent these commercials are making white Americans over 40 feel disenfranchised. These cookies are required for basic site functionality and are therefore always enabled. They hate normal people. Over the past few months, its been out of control. White men. For me the clearest single point from your comment is that there is a very negative affect from all this woke & diversity advertising by alienating their main audience. Now send $5 to BLM for repentance. I believe most everyone is getting tired of race, gender, and politics infesting everything from advertising to sports, entertainment and beyond. But theyd still need to scroll down and will see white fathers along with obligatory POC. (Ok, so sue me or yell at me, Im too old to care.). LEARN MORE: 7 Ways to Support Diversity Marketing with Video . Its nice to see that others also notice and disapprove. Statistically this means that the child is more likely to struggle with identity, self confidence, material and financial stability and even a higher paying income. I dont think anyone has a problem with brands catering to their customers or trying to gain traction with new demographics. Glad you found us, Kristen. Social media and advertising cookies of third parties are used to offer you social media functionalities and personalized ads. Identity politics have infiltrated everything: sports, movies, music, video games the entire culture is lousy with it. Multiracial images. But unfortunately, Big Tech doesnt want us to. It drives me nuts, and for so long I have felt like I am the only one who gets worked up about it. Thank you Cranky Creative for your courage. Edit: Its six months later and the media still isnt done blaming the car: I am so disgusted by the the portrayal of feminized males in the media (and frankly their actual existence in real life) today. (Thats what the report says, anyway. Forbes Communications Council members share strategies for including authentic diversity in marketing. Its complete nonsense. These cookies allow us to improve the sites functionality by tracking usage on this website. As long as you dont look white, in any way, no matter your race, then youre whats in all the ads now. Expertise from Forbes Councils members, operated under license. sorry that seeing non-whites on your tv makes you angry, Hitler. and the buffoon, always a white guy, UNLESS the actors are ALL of color, then a buffoon would be allowed. Because racism is OK when its a minority group thats doing it. Yes, there were some race-based cultural differences and the injustice of segregation, but we were still much more visibly Americans, with a shared American culture. The only true way to make your feelings known is to actually contact the companies directly & voicing your concerns & issues. no taxpayer is going to care about my first world problem..lol. My blood pressure increases every time I (try to) shop online (Target, Marks & Spencer, etc.). And that the belief in a God or divine spark within is a total lie. One last point. If the general public only knew how creepy, manipulative, and destructive he is . Thank you, Jo! What is driving this discrimination? Are black people the only ones who blow their nose, take cough medicine, buy insurance? Why is that the right decision for CBS, audience or sponsors? If you truly want to be disgusted read about them a bit. Spot on Elizabeth! Even more so with people of color!! In fact, you hardly see boys at all in commercials now. I suspect the marketing person has they gender, birthing person, 28 years old, white, in a cube on Madison Avenue, nose ring and purple hair. Hispanics and Latinos are seeing themselves represented very little in advertising, which probably has them feeling pretty slighted given that they account for nearly 20 percent of the population and. Many of the other female athletes have been too afraid to speak out for fear of losing their scholarships or getting kicked off the teams. And the alien up there in his spaceship would have to also conclude that nearly all white men are clueless bufoons, the butt of jokes from his wife and spoiled kids, and that nearly all figures of authority and respect, whether its a boss at a large company, a doctor, a judge, your local pharmacist, or anyone else that you would look up to, will be a minority. Exactly everything Ive been thinking and seeing too. For instance, when men are in ads they are in the periphery unless its a couple then its a black male and a white woman. I just got a lifetime ban from Twitter for talking about how blacks are having everything handed to them and taking over and I think Im at about 7 30-day bans on Facebook. Excerpt: Woke capitalism is corporate Americas attempt to profit off of Millennial and Gen Z activism, often passive keyboard activism . BLM will NEVER BE SATISFIED. 10% of the population in Middle Eastern countries are Christian. Its happening already with companies like Disney and Netflix.