3. Here are some practice examples to help you sound out the number of phonemes in each word! However, the difference between the two phonemes is that /p/ is voiceless and /b/ is voiced. Both of the candidates for the job (seems, seem) capable. Suppose a student writes "charp" instead of "sharp". Example: Plants A syllable or one syllable word can being with an _____, which is the consonant(s) that precede the vowel. Phonetic transcriptions also include diacritics. The ability to perceive, produce, and manipulate individual speech sound, or phonemes, is a necessary prerequisite for the ability to read words. We've divided the forty-four basic phonemes into consonant sounds and vowel sounds. Received pronunciation (RP) is a standardised version of British pronunciation typically associated with being educated in the south of England (although this isnt always the case, and RP is used throughout the UK). T o identify a phoneme, first look at the word and consider how many sounds are in the word. Minimal pairs are two words that sound similar but have one phoneme different, positioned in the same place in the word - for example, lock and rock. The vowel sound you hear in UP, TRUST, and JUMP represents the _____ sound of U. B. Do You Know the Key Differences Between UK and US English. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. BL, SPL, CK, and PH are examples of consonant ______. Some phonemes may be represented by . a. Conscious awareness that words are made up of segment of our own speech that are represented with letters in an orthopedic orthography. For example, take the words fit, phone,and laugh. Speech sounds produced by obstructing the flow of air out of the speaker's mouth. The International Phonetic Association [IPA] created the International Phonetic Alphabet in the late 1800s to help people learn how to pronounce words correctly in various languages. C. Confusing two different voiced fricatives All of the following are reasons differentiation is important except The affix that follows a root word is called a ______. Onset or rime? The word "breeze" has 4 sounds b-r-ee-ze. True or false? /l/ as in leaf and /r/ as in rabbit, /l/ as in leaf: tongue on Ridge behind teeth Check out her website or follow her on Instagram: @krystalncraikerauthor. Apr 27 2015 17:30:07. fivejedjon + 0. Back of Throat- /g/ as in goat. The sentence has an indefinite pronoun as a subject. The word that contains the vowel pattern represented by saying, "when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking and says its name" is ____. Krystal lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband, child, and basset hound. Create the most beautiful study materials using our templates. Tips on finding great books, reading nonfiction and more, Why Some Kids Struggle Now, take a look at the word thought. UNVOICED: Structural Analysis is a word identification skill that uses knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, root words, parts of compound words, and the apostrophes in contractions to discover word _______. The word "bouquet" is longer, but it contains just four phonemes: /b/ /oo/ /k/ //. I don't want to get matches for words like .help-page-table .table. The words FOUR and MORE rhyme, but do they belong in the same word family and have the same rhyme? How many? Example: communication = kmjunken Note that the IPA symbol (u: ) is written here as one phoneme: "ju" Apr 29 2015 14:09:44. Phonemes are language-specific - there are 44 phonemes in the English language (20 vowel and 24 consonant sounds). The study of sounds of human speech; articulatory phonetics refers to the way the sounds are physically produced in the human vocal track. A diphthong is present in each word above except ____. We study phonemes in phonology, the branch of linguistics that helps us understand the relationship between speech sounds and meaning in a language. The affix that precedes the root word is called a ______. True or False? Our reading resources assist parents, teachers, and other educators in helping struggling readers build fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. The ________ is the unit of pronunciation. True or false? The system that tells us which graphemes spell which phonemes True or false? For example, the word 'bat' is made up of 3 phonemes (individual sounds) - the initial /b/ sound followed by the /a/ sound (as in ' a nt') and then the /t/ sound (as in ' t iger'). When transcribing phonemes, we use the broad transcription (this means we only include the important phonemes that are vital to the correct pronunciation of the word) and place the transcription between two slashes (/ /). Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on May 22, 2017 - 10:31pm. If you analyze the syllables in individual sounds in the word, the words meaning can be more easily stored in semantic memory. Student confused the /th/ with /f/ because they have the same hissy sound and same position in mouth. The number of phonemes in a word example varies depending on the language. The ____ of a single syllable words consists of the vowel and any consonants that follow. The three glide sounds are: Phonemes only refer to sounds. Consider the problem of terrorism during Radical Reconstruction. Another example is the minimal pair of pat and bat. Be perfectly prepared on time with an individual plan. tells us exactly how to pronounce words. The word . Smoke from the cooking fire escaped through an _______________ at the top of the tepee. Providing direct, detailed phonemic awareness is only necessary for students who struggle with reading. If one phoneme is exchanged for another, it could completely change the word's meaning. Have the child count the number of phonemes in the word, not necessarily the number of letters. Note that for /wh/ and /w/ some linguistics focus on the tongue retraction to the back of the throat. There are 44 different phonemes in English. How many phonemes in the word: ship. True or false? SPOT, SHOP, THIS, CHAIR Questions about reading, writing, dyslexia and more, Classroom StrategiesResearch-based teaching strategies, Reading Basics There are about 40 phonemes, or sound units, in English, thanks to the many ways that the 26 letters of the alphabet can be used and arranged. If the word is already correct, write C above it. Then, underline the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Find more activities for building phonological and phonemic awareness in our Reading 101 Guide for Parents. 20 Editing Tips From Professional Writers, How to Use Alliteration to Improve Your Writing, Improve Your English Grammar With These Sites. For example. Submitted by Val (not verified) on September 11, 2021 - 9:33am. Grapheme-to-phoneme(G2P) aims to convert word letters to its pronunciations, and is widely used in speech tasks, such as speech synthesis [1, 2, 3] and speech recognition [4, 5]. These sounds combine to make other sounds, which in turn combine to make words. There are _____ phonemes in the word rank. To use Elkonin boxes, a child listens to a word and moves a token into a box for each sound or phoneme. A. Two or more root words that combine to create a new word would be terms a ________ word. Each sound (, Eight diphthongs (a sound formed by the combination of two. Teachers should generally focus vocabulary instruction on basic words from Tier One to ensure a strong foundation for reading. A _______ is two consonant combinations that represent a single speech sound or phoneme. False: The number of phonemes changes from language to language. A phoneme is like an atom of spoken language. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. (Understood), Watch this teacher help two children strengthen their phonemic awareness skills by practicing with Elkonin sound boxes. Somepoetsdontthinkso.\underline{\text{Some critics dont agree. The kind of morpheme that can stand alone as a word is called a ____ morpheme. True or False: Phone and Phonemes are the same. Screening measures that's assess phonemic awareness? Are crucial for predicting which students will need extra help. I love the idea of using objects to match sounds. The /r/ and /l/ phonemes are different, resulting in two different words! How many phonemes are there in English? Consonant blends LD, ND, MP, LT, LK, NT, and FT are found only at the ___ of a syllable or word. -Unvoiced; /th/ as in thumb In English, the letters in a word dont always directly correspond to its pronunciation. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Create beautiful notes faster than ever before. The Greek root meaning vocal sound Which pairs of words are not minimal pairs? This activate the phonological processor and meaning processor. While the digraph /zh/ occurs in English words, such as MEASURE and VISION, it is represented by the letters S, Z, or G, and never represented in writing by the letters __. Pinpoint the problem a struggling reader is having and how to help, Reading Interventions Both books have strong visual clues. If you had been an adviser to President Grant, how would you propose to deal with the problem? We study phonemes in phonology, the branch of linguistics that helps us understand the relationship between speech sounds and meaning within a specific language. The smallest unit of meaning in a language is called a ________. c. short syllables. Allophones are variants of ways used to realize phonemes in a language. Select one: a. a speech sound b. a word c. the name of written letters d. a syllable, How many phonemes are in the word hat? True or false? QUEEN, INK, PHONE, SPLASH d. 4 . Themed Booklists Spanish has just 24, French 34, German 46, and Italian 49. Fricatives are: In the English language, the number of sounds represented by the 26 letters is approximately __. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. False: Phonemes are units on the abstract level of representation, while phones are units on the concrete phonetic level. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on December 2, 2012 - 4:39pm. phonemes changes the entire meaning of the words. Mini-lessons contribute to writer's workshop by providing students with concise, direct instruction and teacher modeling on a focal element for improving writing. "Development of Speech". AlpheccaStars; What are the different types of phonemes? the. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. A phoneme is the smallest unit of meaningful sound within a specific language. Think of them like a code that only the smartest linguists know how to crack. Diphthongs are also called gliding vowels, as one vowel sound glides into the other. In English, a word may consist of only a ____ morpheme or a combination of a free and _____ morphemes. In this instance, the meaning processor, orthographic processor, and phonological processor work together. To form the plural of most words ending in S, Z, SH, CH, or X, add __. Phonemes refer to the smallest unit of sound within a word. b. between 30and 32 . The understanding that spoken language consist of words, syllables, rhymes, and phonemes. If parents and kids can talk together, we won't have as much censorship because we won't have as much fear." For example, the word 'mat' has three phonemes: /m/ /a/ /t/. Reading Recovery: A Guidebook for Teachers in Training. First, the phonemes represented by a single letter: s, a, t, p i, n, m, d g, o, c e, u, r h, b, f, l j, v, w, x y, z Then the phonemes containing two consonants (know as consonant digraphs): qu, ch, sh, th, th, ng Then there are the digraphs: ai, ee, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, er And finally the trigraphs (phonemes represented by three letters): False: These words are not minimal pairs. When supporting children in learning the sounds of the English language, remember to choose words that demonstrate all 44 word-sounds or phonemes.English contains 19 vowel sounds5 short vowels, 6 long vowels, 3 diphthongs, 2 'oo' sounds, and 3 r-controlled vowel soundsand 25 consonant sounds. See Fountas and Pinnell's When Reader's Struggle, Teaching That Works for information on how to gradually transition students from sounds to letters. How many phonies does the word cloud have? We can write the individual sounds of phonemes as graphemes, or phonetically, like /f/. Lerne mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen persnlichen Lernstatistiken. Both Mike and Paula discussed it, and Joe and Sheila considered it, too. They impact the sounds that are around them in the word often, distorting the vowels that come before them. A phoneme is typically considered the smallest unit of meaningful sound. 2 c. 4 d. 3 and more. Phonemes are: a. speech sounds. in the blank if the conjunction is coordinating, corr. A word family is a term used by primary teachers to describe words with the same ____ that also have the same ending sound or _____. The letter Y is most likely to be a consonant when it comes ______ a vowel in a syllable or one-syllable word. Which of the following prompts would be best suited for a turn and talk? True or false? Substituting a voice stop for an unvoiced stop How many Phonemes are in the word "Telephone". The letters that we use to write a phoneme are called graphemes. In this example the student has substituted a sound articulated in the front of the mouth, /m/, with a sound articulated with the tongue in the middle of the mouth, /n/. No a little bit about how easily children will learn to read but it's predictive value is limited. b. Awareness of all levels of the speech sound system is the foundation for reading and spelling. Because the /sh/ sound at the beginning of "sharp" is an unvoiced fricative, sometimes confused with the affricate sound /ch/. Keep the final E when adding a suffix beginning with a _________. The difference between the /p/ and /b/ phonemes changes the entire meaning of the words. If our brains are focused on decoding words in a text, we are not likely to comprehend it. Among the words FIREFLY JOYFUL LIGHTHOUSE CUPCAKE, the word ______ does not belong with the others because it is not a ________ word . Produce individual speech sounds A first grade teacher demonstrates the use of Elkonin sound boxes and talks about how this research-based strategy helps build phonemic awareness skills. Press. True. How many consonant phonemes are in English? Substituting an affricate sound for a fricative sound Stops-made with one burst of air differ from continuants, such as the /s/ sound which can be held until you run out of breath. I also like the visual term and rhyming words display. The bottom row in the chart includes the single consonant phonemes - these are consonants that have no pairs. Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. /m/ as in man, /n/ as in nest, /ng/ as in sing /p/ as in pig, /b/ as in bat, /t/ as in tack The humorous tale introduces words and phrases that are the same when spelled and pronounced forward or backward. The letters Y and W are __________ when they are positioned before the vowel in a syllable. The student substituting voice fricative /v/ for unvoiced fricative /f/. Onsets 3 phonemes- 3 different sounds We can write it with a k, c, ck, q, cc, or even ch. Phoneme segmentation is the process of separating a word into its individual sounds. The term ____________ suffix refers to a unit of meaning added to the end of a word that changes its number, affects verb tense, indicates possession, or denotes comparison. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Intro to Neuroanatomy & Nerve Propagation - E, DPT 6160 Human Anatomy I 2.1.5 Effector syste. A.Turn and talk, how many presents did Julio receive for his birthday? Left right = lips wide lips rounded. Write the letter for each spoken sound in the word in each box. The difference between the /l/ and /r/ phonemes changes the entire meaning of the words. Ph is a digraph. Do all students need instruction at multiple levels of phonological and phonemic Awareness ? I have been using these for sounds/phonemes for reinforcement, and I have already seen the improvement in my students. The root "phone" means sound. VCCV PATTERN Which word contains more than one consonant digraph? The word TOOTH contains both a consonant and a vowel _______. We call this the accented ________. These can be considered chopped fricatives Because they combine features of stops with those of fricatives. overflow:hidden;padding:10px 5px;word-break:normal;} You can't hear the individual sounds in a digraph, but you can in a consonant blend. How many morphemes are in the word "cows"? Included or not included? A ______ phoneme is produced when the vocal cords vibrate, such as the TH in THERE. The example below shows an Elkonin box for the word sheep,which consists of three phonemes (sounds): /sh/ /ee/ /p/. A child who hears the words RUN, FUN, SUN, and CAT and knows that CAT is different from the others is demonstrating _____________________ awareness. Tongue between teeth: c. Manipulate individual speech sounds Submitted by Anne (not verified) on February 3, 2016 - 1:45pm. 2 . However, the word pitch also has 3 phonemes: /p/ /i/ /tch/, although it has more letters. They can be difficult to say without adding an /uh/ sound at the end because they don't have a lot of airflow. Create your own lists of fiction and nonfiction childrens books. Runny Babbit talk is created by spoonerisms, switching the first sound in a pair of words, so a "silly book" becomes a "billy sook." . OUNCE, WEIGHT, INCH, EDGE _______ is an approach to teaching beginning reading that relies on the relationship among letters of the alphabet and the sounds they represent in spoken words. B.Turn and talk to your partner about what you see in this picture. Increases the achievement of struggling readers. Count the phonemes in the converted word. The digraph PH represents the sound we associate with the letter _. Regardless of how extra remedial reading intervention is delivered, the most important characteristic of it is whether or not it engages students in actual reading and writing that supports classroom success. Substituting a nasal sound for a stop Change or do not change? Imagine you're trying to figure out what your friend is saying over the phone, but you can't quite make out the words. One rime contains _ vowel phoneme(s)? Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on January 23, 2013 - 2:40pm. But this phoneme is written differently in each word. The sentence "The man gave a cloud to his girlfriend" has questionable _____. Tips from experts on how to help your children with reading and writing at home. Palindrome riddles are presented in Too Hot to Hoot: Funny Palindrome Riddles by Marvin Terban (Sandpiper). Phonemes are the distinct speech sounds of a specified language that distinguishes one word from another. Clay, M. (1993). The vowel sound you hear in the words SAME, DRAPE, and AIM represent the ____ sound of A. CVVC Pattern True or False: The words team and deem are minimal pairs. Yet . In chemistry, an atom is the basic unit of matter. Best study tips and tricks for your exams. A rime can help a beginning reader as a tool for reading and spelling new words. -Voiced; /zh/ as in genre (gandra) Syllables are generally not divided between the letters of a diphthong, vowel digraph, or vowel team. Report of the National Reading Panel. A. Tongue between teeth: /th (with line on bottom)/ as in feather We use the word ____ to main the vowel and all consonants that follow it in a one-syllable word. As you can see, the word thought contains three phonemes, they are: // (the voiceless th sound), // (the open-mid back rounded vowel sound), and /t/ (the consonant t sound). What can you do if you notice a child is bad at rapid automatic naming? I use them for sounds to hear sequentially. TONE, TEAM, TROUT, TRICK Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on April 24, 2012 - 8:26pm. We can change the meaning of the word 'bat' by swapping the initial phoneme: because the letter x represents two sounds, How many phonemes does the word stripe have? However the more obvious future is the rounding of the lips when articulating these sounds. Is the ability to name a series of printed letters, numbers, objects or colors. __________ is the separation of a large unit into smaller units, such as dividing pig into /p/ /i/ /g/. Many high-frequency words are easy to sound out using regular phonetic patterns. A rime always consists of one vowel _______ but may have more than one vowel ______. a ___-controlled vowel occurs when the letter ___ follows a vowel in the same syllable and the vowel sounds is changed. When transcribing phones, we place the transcription between two square brackets ([ ]) and include as much information about pronunciation as possible - this is called narrow transcription. The root word "graph" means "writing.". There is only one _____ phoneme in each unit of pronunciation (syllable). Submitted by Kamini Shah (not verified) on April 19, 2021 - 7:45pm. C.Because students have different strengths and abilities Find the best apps for building literacy skills. How many phonemes are in the word class? Phonemes are like the secret agents of the language world! In general, an affix forms its own ________ and the accent falls on the ____ word. The word phoneme comes from the Greek phnmat, which refers to an utterance made by a human or animal. b. four . Consonants - Basic speech sounds produced by obstructing breath in the vocal tract. Kids build their phonemic awareness without even trying! What is the instructional model that uses the idea that the teacher models the skill or strategy first, then the teacher and students share the task, and finally students are asked to practice on their own? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Wat is a phoneme? The words gate and guard represent the ____ sound of G. The letters a, e, i, o, and u are considered vowels. For words ending in Y preceded by the vowel: These two sounds are consonant pairs as the sounds are very similar, and the mouth shape needed to produce the sounds is almost identical. -Unvoiced; /f/ as in fish. Which of the following are ways to increase fluency? As single letters, the three consonants that do not represent distinctive phonemes are _, _, and _. The number of phonemes in the word CONSTANT. Substituting phonemes T: Say the word bag. How many phonemes are in the word SHAKE? The C and G usually represent their ____ sound when followed by e, i, or y. How many Phonemes are in the word "Grayson". The letter that could be eliminated from the English alphabet by replacing it with gz, ks, or z is _. Reading Rockets is a national multimedia project that offers a wealth of research-based reading strategies, lessons, and activities designed to help young children learn how to read and read better. D. Misunderstanding where the sound is articulated in the mouth. Phonetic transcriptions go within square brackets ( [ ] ), and phonemic transcriptions go within slashes ( / / ). /m/ as in man, Back of Throat In other words, people from certain regions might have additional phonemes in their speech. The onset ________ the vowel. d. written words. Phonemes: what is the English phonemic chart? 1. These words all contain the same sound, or phoneme, /f/. Drop us a line or let's stay in touch via : Subscribe for writing hacks, special offers and free stuff, 2023 - Orpheus Technology, prowritingaid.com. In English, the two letters _ and _ can be considered a consonant or a vowel depending on the usage. .tg th{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px; The rule system in the language by which phones can be sequenced, combined, and pronounce to make words. Are speech sounds produced by obstructing the flow of air out of the speakers mouth. -Voiced; /v/ as in Valentine font-family:"Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif !important;font-size:16px;text-align:left; Elkonin boxes build phonological awareness skills by segmenting words into individual sounds, or phonemes. Therefore, several different versions of the English phonemic chart exist, and not all charts cover all possible pronunciations. True or false. We study phonemes in. One syllable in a multisyllable word receives more emphasis or greater ______, than the other syllables. How many phonemes in the word: cash. -Unvoiced; /s/ as in son The word that does not belong is ______ because it does not contain the schwa sound. Their spelling becomes more phonetic and their decoding improves. /ng/ as in sing Tongue on ridge behind teeth. A rime always consists of one vowel _____ but may have more than one vowel ______. Why are teacher read alouds important related to fluency? c. 3 . Combining smaller units of language together to pronounce a larger unit, such as combining /f/ with /ell/ to say fell. Big dogs, little dogs, and all kinds of dogs are on the go throughout the pages of this surprising and funny classic easy reader. The number of phonemes in the word SPLAT is _. What does "the smallest unit of sound" mean? Is the concept that a grapheme represents a phoneme. Pl would be the onset because a is a vowel. Phonemes are the smallest units comprising spoken language. Rime How many phonemes in the word: stop. After I introduce the boxes to the students, I also show them how to tap it out on their knee or under the table so no one can see them. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. A prefix is an example of a _____ morpheme. How? The word that does not belong with the others is _____ because it does NOT contain the ____ sound of G. GATE, GOAT, GOOD c. Manipulate individual speech sounds, Is it necessary the students know how speech sounds look and feel were in produce as well as how they sound. Teeth on lip: /v/ as in valentine. THRONE Yes or No? An example of phonology is the study of different sounds and the way they come together to form speech and words. Its never the same. Think of them like a code that only the smartest linguists know how to crack. Atoms combine to make molecules. Molecules combine to make compounds. Although the chart may look like a random bunch of symbols and letters, it is actually organised in a helpful way! All the other letters can be considered _________. Does it matter if a phoneme is made in the front, middle, or back of the mouth? THe vowel _ is always used in combination with another vowel. How many Phonemes are in the word "Bug". Using the same color(s) for the letters that represent the rime and a different color (marker, card, button magnet,) as the beginning sound. True or False? Use instructional time to teach direct oral and written language, How many syllables are in phonological? Students who learn to read using __________ recognize that the sounds they hear (phonemes) are represented by letters they see in the written words (graphemes), which helps them decode new words. The students writes "smake" instead of snake. The smallest unit of sound that distinguishes one word from another is a _______. Book Finder The phonemic transcriptions for these four words are: /kt/, /ret/, /wsp/, and //. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on October 27, 2012 - 11:17pm. So the four processors from the Four-Part processing model work in isolation. Mr. Ahmed's supervisor suggested that he provide differentiation by increasing student involvement through the use of turn and talk when he is doing read alouds. We can understand the importance of phonemes by looking at minimal pairs. Pinpoint the problem a struggling reader is having and discover ways to help. B. Nasals are produced by driving air through the nose. Glottis: /h/ as in hat A closed syllable ends in a _________ phoneme. One box for each sound. It can make many different sounds. True or false? The 44 English phonemes are divided into three distinct categories: Diphthongs - Sounds created with two vowel sounds. It is not synonymous with a letter because it may contain more than one letter to represent the phoneme. An open syllable ends with a _____ phoneme. TOY, OIL, MOOD, FOUL Suppose a student writes "vis" instead of "this". Phonemes are defined as the smallest units of sound that can change the meaning of words. Thank you for sharing. Graphemes that have two consonants or vowels to make a sound are called digraphs. Actually they can be used for both. The ____ of a word family of a single syllable word consists of the vowel and any consonants that follow. Kids Win Award MASK, TASK, FLASK, BLAST If you want to learn the correct pronunciation of a word, a dictionary will provide the phonemic transcription. A.By reading level .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px; Let's use a chemistry metaphor to understand how phonemes work. C.Turn and tell your partner who invented the light bulb. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. There are sounds that exist in one language that do not exist in other languages. Give your full-of-surprises, keen-to-deliver young kids oodles of fine phonemic support as they sort words under 3-phoneme and 4-phoneme in this pdf exercise. of the users don't pass the Phoneme quiz! 9. Diphthongs - Sounds created with two vowel sounds. Example: Plants In this pattern, the vowel in the first syllable makes its ____ sound, and the syllables divide before the _________. Consonant blends that are found at the beginning of a word or syllable may contain a _______ plus a single consonant, such as SHR in SHRIMP or THR in THROW. For practical purposes, we consider the English language used in the U.S. to contain 44 separate _________.