2022-1824 - Amending the Economic Development Advisory Board to Add the Greater Indian Land Chamber of Commerce as a Member, document Header 2020-1696 - Authorization of the First Amendment to the Special Source Revenue Credit Agreement with Unique USA, Inc. document Header 2019-1571 - Rezoning Property Owned By Sharon C. Horne From RN to MH, document Header Internal setbacks. 2019-1586 - Rezoning Property Owned By Wayne McDonald from MDR to MH, document Header Ordinance 2016-1397 Transfer Property to the Lancaster County School District, document Header Ordinance 2015-1343 - Miller Aviation Lease, document Header 2017-1458 - Amending the County Code So As To Separate Duties of the Building and Zoning Departments, document Header 2017-1452 - Amended Fee Agreement with AG-APG Edgewater Property Owner, LLC, document Header 2021-1718 - Approval of a Reciprocal Easement Agreement with E&B Of Indian Land, LLC, document Header 2022-1821 - Approval of a Development Agreement with Redstone Investors, LLC for Redstone Phase II (DA-2021-1650), document Header . 2021-1765 - Rezoning Property Located at 2239 McIlwain Road, Lancaster, SC, From GB, General Business District, To MDR, Medium Density Residential District (Applicant Mark Bridges) (RZ-2021-1666), document Header Ordinance 2016-1398 2016-2017 Budget, document Header Ordinance 2015-1382 Personnel Policy by Ordinance and Employee Residency Requirements, document Header 2019-1560 - Adoption of Requirement for Waste Receptacles at Locations that Sell Prepared or Prepackaged Food for Off Premise Consumption, document Header 2021-1754 - Rezoning Property Located at 9839 Kohut Drive from MDR to GB (Applicant Melinda Hoopaugh) (RZ-2021-0962), document Header 2017-1472 - Rezoning Property Owned By Fred Brackett, document Header 2020-1649 - Approval of Abandonment of an Easement and Burdening Property Owned By Red Edge, LLC Located On Possum Hollow Road, document Header The City of Lancaster has eleven (11) zoning classifications. 2018-1515 - Approval of a Detailed Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019, document Header 2017-1438 - Amend Chapter 6 of UDO, document Header 2019-1614 - Rezoning Property Owned By Kershaw Property LLC And Located At 7784 Kershaw Camden Highway From HI to GB, document Header 2021-1766 - Authorization of a Special Source Revenue Credit Agreement by and between Lancaster County and Cherry Tree LLC (Basware). 2021-1725 - Adoption of a Parks & Recreation Development Impact Fee, document Header 2021-1760 - Amending the Future Land Use Designation of 2 Parcels of Property from Rural Living to Special District - Industrial (Applicant Shaun Williams) (CP-2021-1233), document Header 2021-1770 - Establishment of the Van Wyck Fire Protection District, document Header 2020-1664 - Amending Ordinance 2019-1594 and the FY 2019-2020 Budget, document Header 2017-1466 - Conveyance of Fish Hatchery Road to State of South Carolina, document Header 2018-1496 - Rezoning A Portion of Property for Robert Wilson, document Header On . All map amendments will also be contained . 2018-1535 - Amending UDO regarding Chapter 5 - Temporary Recreational Vehicle or Travel Trailer, document Header 2020-1679 - Authorization of a Fee Agreement with Crossridge Center LLC, document Header 2018-1503 - Budget Amendment for FY 2017-2018, document Header 2018-1538 - Authorization & Approval of Conveyance of Three Parcels of Real Property to the Katawba Valley Land Trust, document Header 1386-12022016173005.pdf, document Header Ordinance 2015-1377 The Gillette Company (Duracell) Fee Agreement, document Header 2017-1475 - Rezoning Property of Zimmer Ventures LLC, document Header 2018-1549 - Rezoning Application of Samty Properties, LLC, document Header Precision Parts Division Between Lancaster County and Chesterfield County, document Header 2020-1689 - Rezoning Property From RN to MDR (Applicant Carolina Ventures 1, LLC, Robert Turri), document Header 2017-1440 - Amend Fee Agreement with Rico Industries, document Header 2018-1505 - Rezoning Property Owned By The Lancaster County Water Sewer District, document Header 2018 South Carolina Mechanical Code. Ordinance 2015-1328 - Amendment regarding Dependent Care Residence Permits, document Header 2018-1529 - Amending the UDO regarding Chapter 10 - Definitions for Heavy and Light Industries, document Header Ordinance 2015-1323 - Fee Agreement for Silgan Containers - Project Mermaid, document Header Despite owning the property where you are building, there are many rules and regulations that affect the location, size, height, and even the shape of any structure or building added to the property. 2018-1532 - Rezoning Property Owned by Blue Jay Investments LP from MX to GB, document Header Lancaster Sheriff's Office 1520 Pageland Hwy. Ordinance 2015-1354 Rezoning property of Red Ventures, document Header 2020-1682 - Rezoning Property Owned by Taylor's Grove Baptist Church from INS to GB (Applicant Whitehall Development Group, LLC), document Header Often, homeowners want to trim the branches of trees that extend onto their property. the county or the state highway department . 2018-1542 - Rezoning Eleven (11) Properties Owned By Lancaster Land LLC, First Land Company Inc. (Applicant Lennar Carolinas, LLC), document Header 2022-1814 - Approval of a Development Agreement with Two Capital Partners (DA-2021-2803), document Header joseph.raczkowski@kershaw.sc.gov: Branham, Will: Building Inspector: Planning & Zoning (803) 425-7233: Will.Branham@Kershaw.SC.Gov: Darity, Rhonda: Permit Clerk: Planning . 2022-1823- Amending Ordinance 2022-1803 relating to Amending the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Detailed Budget, document Header 2018-1546 - Rezoning Application of Surendar Bhandari, document Header 2020-1675 - Placing the Question of Amending the Lancaster County Form of Government on the November Ballot, document Header No. 2020-1663 - Amending the Lancaster County Code Related to the Composition and Operations of the Fire Commission, document Header Welcome to Lancaster County Online Permitting Portal NOTICE: Lancaster County is currently is in the process of implementing the Evolve Permit System that will enable contractors to apply and pay for permits online. 2018-1516 - Rezoning Application of Lancaster County to Rezone Seven Properties In Indian Land From MX to GB, document Header 2023-1838 - Amending Ordinance 2022-1803 relating to the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget, document Header 2019-1612 - Rezoning Property Owned By Exxit LLC And Located At 9794 Charlotte Highway From MX to RB, document Header The CAFO Residential Areas One Mile map shows a one mile setback to dwellings. The SC Building Codes Council reviews and either accepts or denies requests to modify the building codes issued by the International Code Council (ICC). Coordinator List. Kershaw County Planning & Zoning provides quality customer service as we promote current and long term development standards for unincorporated areas of Kershaw County. Ordinance 2015-1340 - Lease Purchase3758 Charlotte Highway, document Header NOTICE: Lancaster County is currently in the process of implementing the Evolve Project System that will enable Developers, Engineers and Architects to submit projects for review, track status of your project, view comments, resubmit plans and pay for projects online. 2019-1629 - Approving an Easement to Comporium Communications to be Located Along Grace Avenue, document Header 2020-1673 - Authorizing the Reimposition Of A One Percent Sales And Use Tax Within Lancaster County For Not More Then Seven Years (Capital Project Sales Tax), document Header Ordinance 2015-1329 - Amendment regarding Hwy Corridor Overlay District, document Header 2018-1495 - Rezoning Property of Fulton Gasper, document Header 2018-1518 - Dissolve Joint Recreation Commission and Establish Recreation Advisory Board, document Header 2021-1782 - Amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Section 5.2.5., Halfway Homes, document Header 2021-1779 - Authorization and Approval of the Termination of a Joint Industrial and Business Park for Accutrex Products, Inc. This office also enforces Zoning and Land Development regulations through Code Enforcement activities. maintained in the Lancaster County Planning Department. Ordinance 2015-1346 PDD 26, document Header 2017-1449 - Approve Intergovernmental Agreement with City for Prisoner Housing Fees, document Header lancaster county, sc building setbacks. Please contact the Regional Outdoor Advertising Coordinators for specific questions regarding your area. 2020-1642 - Rezoning Property Owned by Francis Faile Jr. From MDR to GB, document Header 2020-1662 - Postponement for One Property Tax Year, the Implementation of Revised Values resulting from the Countywide Appraisal & Equalization Program, document Header 2019-1573 - Rezoning Property Owned by Suzanne And Fred Mangano From LDR to MH, document Header 2019-1567 - Authorizing a Standard Tax Policy for Facilities Using Solar Power, document Header 2017-1481 - Amend Multi-County Park Agreement with Chesterfield County to Include Property of Golden Spike LLC, document Header 2022-1822 - Rezoning Property From Low Density Residential District (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) (Applicant Century Communities - AKA Shiloh Woods) (RZ-2022-0733), document Header City Main Line: (803) 283-2489 Job Announcement Line: (803) 285-8811 Crime Tip Hotline: (803) 289-6040. The Lancaster County Zoning Office is responsible for administering the Unified Development Ordinance as adopted by Lancaster County Council, Town of Heath Springs Ordinance, and Town of Kershaw Ordinance.