Lucius saw Draco stiffen as the Bone Man entered his mind. Look at all the marks you made. It seemed Lucius had stumbled upon a private joke. When Harry wakes up, he is gravely wounded and more than fifty years in the past in another world. I revealed my name to Lord Voldemort when we struck the alliance. What has changed?. You- youre too much sometimes! he gasped out. The less the Light believes I exist, the better. There were dozens of bones on each strand, two from each victim. That is the name I prefer, not the name I was born with. Why do you have no memory of making it? Harry Potter, lab rat extraordinaire, has demons and sorcerers in his past and an obsession with his parent's ward, Neville Longbottom. THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF THE ALPHA However, the Harry they find is far different from the one they expected. The boy swept his empty eyes slowly across the table before turning to the Dark Lord. Por suerte, estaba curada de espantos. Book One of Dark Triad Trilogy. I trust him. She disturbed, not that Harry was gone, but that someone with such a high profile could disappear so thoroughly that even he could not find them. Dont ask any questions yet, he warned, shucking his shirt. Its incredible, he murmured in reply. I'm Still Here (action/adventure/romance) 4. Yes, my Lord, echoed quietly through the room. Both of them mirrored the look he gave, studying them back. Ten years of Boy! and Dont ask questions! and Go to your cupboard! and No food for a week! Hadrian angrily wiped away his tears. Story contains over the top sex and violence. Its just feeding for them, even if it is a little magical. There is slavery and abuse and rape involved on Voldemorts side, and while Harry doesn't like that (as it pertains to innocents), he also is not exactly a perfect individual himself, and sex or slavery or torture can be a tool when necessary. Normally the entire Inner Circle ate breakfast together, but for Hadrians birthday, only his friends had come. The two sets of twins were testing the connections the Bone Man had given them by playing a two-on-two game of chess without using words. Hush, dihiryn. Rabastan was the only one he had spoken to out loud since school had ended. Dont kill any of the important ones for me, though., Its ok, Draco, I wont. Holding out a hand, the Bone Man summoned the witchs skeleton, phasing it through her body and leaving the rest of it untouched. Grey eyes met his and Draco nodded, throwing back the silver potion like a shot. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***. He was just tired. A knock at the door startled Draco. Yes, I am Harry Potter. They often trained together, Voldemort teaching Hadrian all the Dark magic he knew and Hadrian helping him learn wandless magic and double casting. Number 12, Grimmauld Place is a Black residence. Not even my Occlumency shields could keep him out. He had known the interrogation was coming sooner or later. Ive never transfigured them before, the black is just a glamour. He gripped Dracos arm tightly. I hope Rodolphus agrees. I chose to be a hero for the Dark instead. Twin thing, his arwr replied as he dropped into the older mans lap, casually through his legs over the arm of the chair. Ten years without friends, living in a cupboard. Draco moved slightly away from the older wizard and saw his father and Rabastan do the same. I would say family, but I have found a new one. Ill tell you when we come back. Read the A/N's on the first chapter before proceeding :). Rabastan held his tired arwr to his chest. You cant be Potter, hes thei-. You knew a mask I hid behind. None of your Death Eaters could hope to be my equal, and I will not lower myself to their level.//. Standing half-naked in the middle of the study, he closed his eyes and removed his glamours. "I, Alpha Azrael Shepherd, reject you, Alexandria Gregory as my mate," he said coldly then turned his back towards the packhouse. Dihiryn, Ill need your help,// and Black swept from the room, followed by the two others and leaving Luciuss mind as lonely and empty as before. Hadrian had again covered his scars and colored his eyes the green they once were. Show my Lord your wrists, dihiryn.//. He was supposed to be the strong Wizard-Lord who would lead them into an age of power and acceptance, not some weak, sniveling child. These he strung onto a silver wire with the other malleus bones he taken from his past victims. There, I was taught by a hermit crazier than my own mother. He studied Dracos sleeping form, frowning. Slytherin Loner by Dark Avarice reviews Harry Potter is not the boy who lived, but when he runs away from the abusive Dursley's his life seems to improve. The little book shop up the street from number 12 privet drive finally opened up. //I trust you slept well?//, Very well, thank you. He gestured to the men around the table and Bellatrix Lestrange. Every Dementor on earth will follow me with no hestitation.//. He's depressed that all these people gave up their lives for him. Arwr, next time make sure Im there to watch. These marks are all I have left of my previous family. Ive no doubt hell be sorted into Slytherin. He ran a finger lightly, carefully, over one of the marks on Hadrians face. //Your friends wish to hold you as well, my Wizard. Theyre beautiful, Hadrian, he whispered. He rubbed ash into the cuts. You would love it., Alright, one of the red-heads said suddenly, we approve of him if you do. . He was pale and had dark hair cropped close to his head, almost shaved. Severus had eagerly been waiting for the Lights reaction to the state Madame Vance had been left in. Work Search: I mixed the core myself. He laid the body on the floor and began to draw runes in the creatures blood on Dracos skin, over his wrists and his upper arm. He needed to be seen as the mysterious Bone Man to them. Lucius and Narcissa had taken to him over the summer. O quinto ano de Hogwarts ia comear, os alunos praticamente conseguiam sentir no ar a tenso que se espalhava pelo mundo bruxo, acreditando ou no na volta de voc sabe quem. The boy was not particularly tall, but he was strong and lithe, with his figure enhanced by the well-cut robes of the deepest black. I can pull the happiness from her. Introducing the Bone Man to the lower-ranking Death Eaters had gone remarkably well. I have been told it concerns this building in particular. He shook out the parchment and read. The boys quickly become inseparable and are determined to help each other down their paths to build a life together. He froze the fat boy as he tried to escape and bound him in the center of the room. Good day, Headmaster. And with that, the boy was gone. Pott- Bone Man, why are you telling us this? Lucius was having just as difficult a time as his son believing that the Bone Man was really Harry Potter. . Which I did by your instructions as well, if I recall, to keep him away from my House. Hadrian pulled away from Rabastan and twisted to show his back. Alright, Rabastan replied, shucking his robes and starting to unbutton his cuffs. He was inside all of our minds. He is unpredictable, and every time some one thinks they've figured him out, he shows them just how wr Lyra Euphemia Potter has been shoved onto a pedestal by the Wizarding World. //When you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.//. When the others had left, Hadrian stood in the center of the room, staring at his feet. Even the Dark Lord welcomed me into his mind this morning. Hadrian stood and rolled his shoulders. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Instead he takes Harry from the cottage and raises him away from Dumbl Everything gets a lot more interesting when Harry Potter Shows up. Severus bristled at the order and the dismissal. Killing this Bone Man will be our priority. You didnt know because he didnt allow you to. The pain of being neglected and hated was not something he could either forget or forgive. Just whipping until I was thirteen. The strongest were those of Severus Snape, but even those fell before the Bone Man. . Just beyond Unst, the furthest outreach of the Shetland Islands, past the Muckle Flugga lighthouse, the sea batters against a large chunk of bare rock that juts out of the sea. Hadrian opened the box and lifted out a three-foot snake. ". They were normal, and I was the worst kind of abnormal they could imagine, even if I didnt know it. I made it myself over the summers. I claimed the Black and Potter titles, then I combined the vaults and attached the Potter title to the House of Black. I can make you second only to myself, if you prove to be worthy. Voldemort would not accept this unknown man without a demonstration of his power. It isnt recognized as a constellation anymore, Merlin knows why, so it fits me. Who in the Light would trust a boy more powerful than the great Albus Dumbledore? Lord Black, why is he asleep? Let me give him my sign instead, my Lord. He also had perfect scores in NEWT-equivalent Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Advanced Magical Theory and Advanced Ritual Magic, both of which were not offered by Hogwarts. The Death Eater clambered onto the bed wrapped his arms around Hadrian from behind. Please consider turning it on! He pulled the happiness out of Dolohov, worse than any Dementor could. Can you feel it now, Dudley? what if his friends were not what he thought. I assure you, Albus, no one knew the Dark Lord had a child at all, much less with Bellatrix Lestrange. This is what I chose, based on my both my mother and father. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Did this wizard know where Potter was? They were miniscule, much smaller than Rabastans, and they wrapped around every bone in a spiral. //Ask, Hadrian. An abused Harry Potter finds the most powerful device in the universe. All of them turned to look at him speculatively. Smut/Lemons are fine, but Plot must come first. Hadrian gasped as he suddenly understood. Those are more like my signature. The records are sealed after that point, but the goblins tell me that the current Lord Black is not Harry Potter but one Gallus Hadrian Black. As it goes, it was really simpleuntil it became clear he wasn't traveling back in time alone. When I disappeared from the train this summer, I went straight Gringotts to meet with the only person I was sure I could trust: Griphook, my accounts manager. Lucius turned to his son with a proud light in his eyes. Th Harry and Ginny land in a world where they meet a five year old Harry, they rescue him from the Dursley's and raise him. Until that day, he dialed the familiar yet strange number. Will you allow my blood to tell you? Receiving Albuss trademark genial nod, the boy summoned a sheet of parchment and cut his thumb with his pale wand, releasing a drop of blood on the parchment. Out rose a small box made of a dark wood. I trust they were not the strange eyes you showed Albus., No, I am changing them permanently tonight, a wave of Hadrians hand changed his eyes once more. But some terrible people lack the heart to treat a child with even a speck of compassion. Therefore, I believe it would be best for me to meet one of your followers first, instead of meeting directly with you. He could feel the other teens fear at looking into his pure black eyes. Essentially Ron and Hermione abandon him more in book 4 which sparks a lot of darkness in him. }, [When Harry opens his eyes, he is lying on soft grass. Lord Black is not one for punishing his followers easily. //Hadrian,// the teen interrupted, //or Black or Bone Man. What I do is both magic and a form of Legilimency, so I can still suck the happiness away from Rabastan here, but the Dementors are all instinct. He wished he could apologize to Potter. If you will accept me as an ally, I will meet with you at midnight on the next new moon at your residence at Malfoy Manor. Father? he asked tentatively, unsure is the Dark Lord would appreciate it. Harry now has to. The boy with eyes like death bowed and raised his hood again. You made quite the impression on Lucius. The thought-voice chuckled with dark amusement. What should he do. He pulled some of the fear out of his mind, examining it in his own, finding all the things that made Draco Malfoy afraid. I just finished marking Draco as my second-in-command, in fact. Not really, Draco thought, but he nodded anyway. That had been especially important when he had done his skull and spine. Albus! The door to kitchen burst open before a frantic Kingsley Shacklebolt. Let me show you your rooms. Please consider turning it on! He blew out deeply. Hadrian grinned. All that was left from Potters little demonstration was a pile of clean bones, a body that looked rubbery and deflated without its rigid frame, and a lot of magical energy split between the two of them. Voldemort was glad to have Hadrian. Youll recover faster that way. Then I accept your offer of friendship.. However, the Black Lordship claim supersedes yours. Do not ask how I know about you and Harry Potter. Voldemort would sweep him aside like so much dust in the wind. There, he heard about Siriuss will. He knew that Draco didnt even have the Dark Mark. Stop worrying!, Ill stop worrying when youre safe in my bed again, Rabastan promised seriously, and not a moment before., You know, youre wasting your last night with me for a while with all this worrying.. Speaking of it birthdays and presents and for you, Rabastan began, but Hadrian shot out of bed before his dihiryn could finish. So, he took the boys hand, grasping it firmly in the way he wished he could have done five years earlier. Something to do with the magical signature or the soul, I bet. Of course. Wandlessly, Hadrian unlocked the door and the King took his leave. Now comes the seal. His magic felt stronger at night, especially the techniques he had learned from the Dementors. Voldemort was glad none of his followers were there to see his reaction. They didnt start trying to kill me until after I turned eleven. Potter? The question came from Draco. I know some stories may sound crazy but I'm experimenting with writing character fanfictions. It almost drains my magic every time. Included is a letter for Lucius Malfoy. Youll see! Especially if you go after Bella.. This isn't the Harry you think you know. His trademark scar appeared again on his forehead, and the black in his eyes shrank to the center, uncovering Killing Curse green once more. Its a completely different way of communicating. A dash of magic and he could make it writhe and the jaw open and close. Or: Harry is a dark lord reincarnated. The snowy owl had fought back, and Umbridge killed her during the struggle. Bone Man was not a name he chose by coincidence. Lucius inclined his head in apology. If he were truthful with himself, he would admit that it scared him a little. He was still annoyed that the bo- that Potter had managed to mark his Death Eater, but he was more amazed that he had not known and even now could not find the mark. Contains Lemons and slight swearing . Lucius supposed he was the most curious, since he would have his own bone runes soon. Harry goes to the first year and came to know that he was just a tool of Dumbledore. Two rows of tidy, identical houses lined it, each with lights burning in the windows. He truly was unique. Fred! An animal with two forms? //Yes, dihiryn. Very well. He knew it was powerful, since he was the caster. Hadrian was the Wizard-Lord, but he still treated the creatures kindly and their King with the respect due to his station. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, 1. Thank you, Great Royal. Right fibula,// he held up the thin leg bone, //for a wand. Amazingly competent Harry, he's powerful, is dark, no romance and it explores time travel, evil, and has a bit of cannabalism. Rabastan, Draco, Mum and Father can stay. Hadrian gave a snort that was half sob and pulled away. The snake, a male, was a rich black with pure white eyes. We were rid of you and your freakishness! he shouted, turning purple. I honestly don't know why A Lie I've Lived ranks so highly for Harry/Fleur fics, it's a pretty good fic but like it's not really shining in terms of its romance, Harry Fleur interactions in that are easily forgettable. I was lucky the one on the train had studied the prophecy. The pain of the child no one wants, who doesnt know what hes done wrong or why he cant fix it. Before you had only your hands and spine. Hadrian used nickel because it was the least reactive metal, and therefore the least likely to be rejected by the body while he was working. Opposite him sat a figure shrouded in a black robe, hands tucked into sleeves. Stay her with Draco, please, Severus, and inform me when he wakes.//. A very powerful and unexpected ally. Oh, the boy thought his father was disgusted with him, with his appearance. Beneath, the boy was wearing a black short-sleeve shirt with a v-shaped collar, showing off a choker of tiny bones around his neck. One of the Dementors would come and get me at nightfall for a few hours of training. As a rule, Malfoys did not admit to fear. It left him feeling oddly cold and exposed, like having a warm blanket taken away in the middle of the night. //Its the brother to your yew wand. No Male Slash. Thick layers of cross-hatched scars attested to years of beatings with deep gouges caused by the buckle of a belt. He said that twins had a special form soul, one that wanted to be joined and mixed, that allowed it. I have a Dementors cloak as well. Rated T for now but may change. But the marks dont matter now. The color always seems to align with eye color, but I havent figured out why yet.//. No, thank you for accepting them. Ill bind the whole thing to me with my own blood. How cold my mind was, so empty and alone! Evidently, he had ceased his other conversations and everyone at the table was feeling the same effect, because they all turned to look at him.