I thank you for this day you have given us and for this occasion we celebrate as these new MP officers graduate their basic course and enter the force. King David understood his propensity for sin, and in Psalm 19:12-14, he prayed against this. Lent Prayer Heavenly Father, Thank you for the gift of this season. For this important moment in an ever growing relationship, we thank you. Lord God, Thank you for your hope and grace. We ask all this in your powerful, loving and matchless name, amen. We come before You with hearts full of love and gratitude, seeking Your presence and power in our lives. Keep the prayer focused on God and his attributes. These prayers are specially written by the college's Chaplain (or someone in a similar position) to celebrate the students' accomplishments and encouraging them to lead lives that embody the virtues of justice and compassion that have . Finally, Lord, I pray that you will provide safety tonight and in the days ahead. Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? Heavenly Father, thank you for this time that we have spent together learning more about you and worshiping your name. We give You thanks today for the many years of service and sacrifice of all of our retirees and their family members who have made tremendous sacrifices of their own in support of the Army and the nation, and in furthering the cause of freedom worldwide. By focusing on the purpose, structure, and delivery of the prayer, and by using inclusive language, scriptural references or quotes, and keeping the prayer concise, it is possible to create a powerful and meaningful invocation prayer that sets the tone for the worship service and invokes the presence and blessings of God. We thank you for the contributions of women throughout our nations history and specifically within our Army. May you encourage, strengthen and comfort them as they remember that SGT ___________ gave his life contributing to the strength of our Army. It should be crafted with care and attention to detail, and should include an opening statement, a petition or request, and a closing statement or benediction. You are welcome, Im glad you found something useful! Prayers of invocation open us to the work of the Spirit and help us to realize the power of Gods love. The result? Let us raise our hands and voices in acknowledgment that Gods Holy Spirit moves among us, calling us to new life in Christ. As we contemplate who God is, all Hes done, and all Hes promised, our hearts become more firmly centered in Him. We know though, that LTC _______________s commitment to the Army and to the United States will not change and we thank you for this. Churchreaders.com offers Prayers , Prayer points, Novena prayers, Sermons, Bible verses and Christian articles to help you grow in your Faith. Most of these prayers are original to me, though a few have been adapted from other prayers passed on to me or that I found online. For if You remain silent, I will be like those who have gone down to the pit (Psalm 28:1). We thank you because it gives us another opportunity to celebrate the freedoms that are ours as Americans and the strength of our country that we contribute to as American Soldiers. And thank you for their professors, advisers and everyone else who helped them through their course of study. These simple and short prayers will help you invite the Holy Spirit into your heart and minds and bless your time together. Help us to understand that we dont need full clarity to walk into the unique purpose Youve inlaid in our lives. We thank you for the service of 1SG _____________________ while he served and led the Soldiers of ______ Troop. We plead for your help and grace to lead us to victory in future conflict and for the same honor to our colors as we pray for guidance through the word of your grace. In Jesus Name, Amen. I first pray, dear Lord, that you will be present with us this morning and that this ceremony will be pleasing to you. You are mighty, O Lord, and Your faithfulness surrounds You" (Psalm 89:8). We begin to see Him, more clearlyas He really is. Ask Me. Amen. This gathering reminds us of our freedom as Americans and we are grateful to you for that freedom and for what it means to us all. "Lord, into your most holy presence we now come. We are open to each other, and we are open to You. Keep us vigilant as we guard the frontiers of freedom. 7:7, 18:13, John 14:12-14). I pray that they will be extremely blessed for their effort and excellence and that they will be an inspiration to everyone gathered herethat each one of us will aspire to do better in our appointed tasks. And as they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir and they were defeated (v. 22). Skip to Main Content. Again we thank you for your presence with us today. Go with these soldiers to their next assignment, that they will go with pride and confidence, ready to face what lies before them, depending on you for their strength and comfort. Sometimes, however, we face situations where we need to get the creative juices flowing or weve been asked to pray at an event that weve never prayed at before so seeing what others have used can be helpful. Guide each leader, that they will do what is right in your eyes and will help their Soldiers to follow their example. On this day we ask for your presence with us as the command of the 5th Squadron, 15th Cavalry Regiment is handed over. When leaders and those they serve humbly bow their heads and their hearts and acknowledge what God already knowswe need HimGod shows up. These can be used to support the petitions or requests made in the prayer, and serve as a reminder of Gods faithfulness and the promises of his word. Lord, I want to surrender to You completely. Seek first that which is eternal, then all things else will be added unto us. In 1986, while the FORSCOM Command Chaplain, Chaplain (COL) Matthew Zimmerman compiled a prayer book to inspire, instruct and assist chaplains in their preparation of public prayers., Heres a PDF file of Chaplain Zimmermans Prayer Book:Prayers for Military Chaplains. I thank you for this day and for this occasion that brings us together, as we uncase the Brigades colors, a ceremony which always reminds me of the strength of our military and the character of our Soldiers. Bring to us, we humbly ask you, the time when parents dont have to grieve the loss of their children killed in war; hasten the day when spouses dont have to say goodbye to their loved ones because they serve their country; provide for us, dear Father, a world whose children do not have to grow up fatherless because of the sin that envelopes us; and be victorious, Almighty God, over the Evil One, establish your Kingdom on Earth finally and forever, that we may enjoy your loving and peaceful presence for all eternity. Bless also the new commander, CPT ______________, that as he executes his new responsibilities he will do so with wisdom, courage and strength. Bless them for their support of their loved ones and for our country. We pray that you will continue to be with him and his family in the days ahead as they shift their focus and energies to other things. God, for the joy of this occasion we thank you. 8:29). Change). Thank You for Your constant presence and Your care for each of us, no matter where we go and what we do. This booklet includes both contributed prayers from Air Force Chaplains as well as Army and Navy Chaplains; and also includes several significant historical prayers. Article Images Copyright . Grateful for the 15th Cavalry Regiment-its history and role in preserving our freedom. Bless this time with your presence and bless each one here gathered. I also pray that you will be with all of the incoming commanders as they take on the challenges that are ahead of them. May we become more righteous in your eyes. what's on this page? We thank you for the faithful service rendered by LTC _________________ during his time in command of 5-15. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. This can include a reference to Gods faithfulness or a reminder of his presence with the congregation. Only You know what lies ahead. Blessed are the poor in Spirit, Jesus said (Matt. (Debbie McDaniel). In Jesus name, Amen. We also thank you for the battalion and company leadership that has worked tirelessly to prepare the Soldiers of this battalion for the task that lies ahead. I ask that you be with us here today as the responsibility for the fine Soldiers of _____ Troop goes to 1SG __________. As we worship with one another here today, may peace reign among us all; may all those who are here find comfort in knowing that their needs will be met by Your hand through those around them. 0
Thank you for your presence and protection among those who deployed, as situations changed, safety concerns grew, and the length of deployment increased, all while the leaders and Soldiers stayed focused on their mission, bringing to conclusion a successful deployment. The purpose of an invocation prayer is to invite the presence and blessings of God into the worship service. Keep the words of King David fresh in our minds, and renew our hearts to the tune of Your truth.I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. Psalm 3:5 NIV Let Your peace rain down on us today, as we seek You more than anything else. xref
It is because of Your loving kindness, care and protection that we are here. We thank you for this great day and for the occasion that we gather. Help us to give ourselves to You completely as we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Thank you also, for everyone who chose to attend this observance today to remember and honor these women who have done so much. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic (Psalm 29:4). Bless them for all that they have given up and all that they will give to keep our country free from terror; and other people free form oppression. Prayers to celebrate graduation and graduates. Your Word promises that You preserve our going out and our coming in from this time forth and even forevermore. Provide for her everything that she needs to serve with faithfulness, courage and integrity as she continues the great work that Command Sergeant Major, The Chaplain Kit Beyond the TheChaplainKit.com, Establishment of the Army Office of the Chief ofChaplains, First Army African-American CommissionedChaplain, First Army African-American AirborneChaplain, First Army African-American Chief ofChaplains, First Army Female Chaplain in Combat ArmsUnit, First Navy African-American Chief ofChaplains, Places of Divine Worship-Far East AirForces, N.A.S. The following are sample opening prayers before starting a church service. Prayer 1 We ask you to bestow your blessings upon our regiment. And we pray tonight, just as Jesus taught us to do, for our enemies. I thank you, Lord, for these Soldiers here today who are preparing to deploy. Throughout our nations history you have raised up such strong and courageous men to lead the way. 0000002842 00000 n
Its the ancient hymn seeking Gods presence and calling His people to worship. We ask that all the words spoken here will be from Your mouth through us today; may they truly be for Your glory alone, O Lord! Advent, the beginning of the new Christian year, is a great time to incorporate this type of prayer into our personal spiritual discipline. Be with him now as he is active leading soldiers in the War on Terror. Thou shalt have it! In short, we treat our all-powerful, sovereign Creator as if He were a Genie at our disposal who exists for our pleasure. A Prayer That This Food May Fuel Your Work Father, Praise You for the nourishment that You provide. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. We seed your choice in our lives. This website is not affiliated in any way with any government agency or department to include the United States Department of Defense, United States Army, United States Air Force, United States Navy, United States Coast Guard or the United States Marine Corps. Glad to be able to help! We ask also that you will be with LTC ________________ as he assumes command today. We thank you for the freedoms that are ours, including what this assembly today represents. May they know the blessing of serving.