Cops For Covid Truth initiator, Alex Cooney, resigns from the NSW Police force so that he can speak his truth. (LogOut/ com, Pingback: Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination | Cairns News | Wirral In It Together. National cabinet encourages wearing masks to combat COVID-19. Have sent you an email direct you need to read, Great story have published on CN .Thank you, dont think its ritualistic that they want to inject products derived from aborted male cells in you by a company known to be thugs and have what ironically is an occultist name AstraZeneca the sacrifice of the stars- Serene Teffaha, Coca Cola Tests COVID-19 Positive In Austrian Parliament They re gonna take another four months to appoint. And it is now the time for us to stand in solidarity.. Interesting legal antics played out at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) on Tuesday 25 May 2021 where Victorian advocate lawyer Serene Teffaha presented her case to stay the decision of Victorian Legal Services Board (VLSB) canceling her license to practice. They make all our previous enemies look like white knights..ED, I would like to see OUR country as it was when i WORE the Karki then the Black tanksuit ending up with green tank suits as charlie had a habit of wearing black and the trigger happy yanks Luved shooting at BLACK moving object , AN olde 80 yr old bloke WHO enlisted as did my mates CONSCRIPTED from Malaya to VVN Q WHAT did they serve AND what did they K I A , for WHAT MORRISON, Thank God we felt we had heen abandoned in this communist agenda Australia l have developed shortness of breath now having to wear mask at work need to speak to my doctor for an asthma pump l cant finish a sentence sometimes as l have to to wear chinese made blue masks dont know what rubbish they are made of l have refused to be vacinated because this is still a trial drug until late 2022 or 2023 therefore l dont want to be experimented on l also dont want to be attacked by people in society fueled by govt propaganda and fear via MSM as a second class citizen l pay taxes and Medicare levy therefore expect the same treatment in Australia as people who have jabbed l want borders down lockdowns stopped and my freedoms returned l have a immune system that has looked after me right through this crisis and never caught anything the time is ready for sanity and what is mine rigjtfully from birth to be returned. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. With medical conscription. The case was adjourned to April 30, where Justice Forbes could make a ruling on the future of the class action client information. comes from pedalling Political Party Treason. But the feisty Serene-in-name-only said in a briefing on YouTube losing her licence would not affect the class actions against the COVID lockdown tyranny. * : A legislature cannot, by preambular assertions, recite itself into constitution. And if you've got any questions or feedback about this video topic, please leave a comment in the comments section.Check out our more relevant videos that you may be looking for. I would ask a direction to have a mandatory vaccination order for all politicians, to be performed by an independent body of medics in view of the world. She broke down in tears as she described "really serious threats" she had recently received. Two related court cases are already underway. In Queensland the Political Parties put Magistrate Diane Singleton in jail, for crossing the Line. Immoral Family Courts System In Australia By Serene Teffaha | TheInformer - Part-2's Human Rights Failure: The Australian Government Roles To Handle Pandemic | Serene Teffaha P1 Betrayed By The State Government During The Pandemic - April Brodie | TheInformer Business Pain Continues During Pandemic By Sydney Councillor Angela Vithoulkas | TheInformer Potential Reform For Victim Survivors By Cathy Oddie | TheInformer Subscribe to our channel: Website: Find us on social media: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: #NewsBroadcaster #GeorgeDonikian #AustralianMedia #AustralianJournalist #AustralianNews #FamilyCourts #SereneTeffaha #ImmoralFamily At an intellectual level this woman is carrying this country. Cloud phenomenon over Turkey earthquake site before it started, Introduce the rattan and exit rampant car theft and property crimes, Bombshell Report: Romanian Senator Diana Sosoaca says people had to die by premeditated earthquakes triggered in Turkey, NSW Premier Perrottet admits again mRNA jabs do not prevent virus transmission, Queensland Police Service Super Recogniser facial recognition network helps crack 1,000cases, Introduce the rattan and exit rampant car theft and propertycrimes, Sydney gays terrified as Catholic men march onstreets, Thousands of vaxxed Canadian children dying suddenly as MSM looksaway. Once your details have been submitted we will contact you., Serene Teffaha is the principal Lawyer of Advocate Me and has over 8 years experience in challenging Governments, specialising in Whistleblower protections, Human Rights & Public Law and Administration. Governments are unlawfully pushing these agendas through employers and businesses without legitimate directions and in the absence of employers and businesses having the power to mandate medical interventions on groups of people. Ms Teffaha has vowed to fight the decision. Change). Sir Percival Phillips, K.B.E. And I should not lose my job and I should not be threatened with less pay. . Members are seeking damages for false imprisonment, battery, assault, negligence, aggravated and exemplary damages and costs, as well as declarations that the state government and police actions were unlawful. It does not make sense to me. @Leigh-AnneRogers The Jesuits are Free Masons who are the Illuminati. Join the dots as to who lives on Sydney Harbour in multimillion dollar mansions? Just the management your family business needs. "I've had my mailbox broken. But she is a trained lawyer, after all, and that is why she is unable to comprehend that she is wasting her time. Serene provides specialised legal advice for individuals and groups that may need their matters or issues escalated to the Courts, tribunals or commissions. No credit card required. I cant get her out, and they ban me, wen its the nurses that have a ganging up culture. And vcat have decide to appoint a guardian to make her medical decisions. Ms Teffaha accused the judges of perverting the course of justice. Ms Teffaha, a sole practitioner and founder of Advocate Me, told the court her clients did not want to be identified or deal with the VLSB-appointed lawyer. She added that the flawed PCR testing process, apart from false positives, does not give any information on the infectious nature of an individual. Ms Teffaha in a video that appears on the Advocate Me website.Advocate Me But the zombie apocalypse is visible now and there are many within our own families who have become zombies. VICTORIAN lawyer-advocate Serene Teffaha is fighting back against the Victorian Legal Services Board's outrageous cancellation of her law practice licence. Serene Teffaha has put out an impassioned message to Australians to say no to coerced and illegal COVID testing. Your email address will not be published. Antifa is Communism. AdvocateMe is seeking to commence a complaint against their policy of restrict practitioners communication and discussion of vaccine safety and efficacy risks. Ms Teffaha said she stood by the Family Court corruption remarks, which were earlier this year described as "baseless" by the Australian Bar Association. Victoria is a rogue communist state led by a corrupt Premier recuperating in hospital after being savagely beaten for assaulting a 17 year old girl.. Australia's oldest running coal-fired power station is about to close. I am with you all the way, we cannot allow these tyrannical bastards to commit genocide, In their eyes we are bound by the maritime bullshit contract. Burnside is a Green zealot, man-of-the-people type, who just happens to possess a Not sure how you accumulate such booty when every case youve ever done has been pro bono. Its a test, then a vaccine. Serene Teffaha from Advocate Me and People for. This is bullshit, she says no firmly. RJW FreedomFighterdotcom check it our. Collins St Tower Level 3 480 Collins St, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, AU, View She needs to stop trying to take the fight on in their system and join the thousands of people who are standing in Common Law: matter is being made worse by a belief that asymptomatic people should be tested, which produces many false positive test results, more panic and more money for those doing the testing. I want to know why Serene was deregistered. Lawfully, any medical procedure requires your informed consent and in the case of epidemics under Commonwealth legislation, can only be ordered by authorised government officers. (LogOut/ Felicity Hempel of course is the inamorata of the insufferable legal showoff, Julian Burnside. Needless to say, it is not likely to arouse any fear in me ever! The Judicial Function in an Age of Statutes, A new kind of common law evolves derived from many decisions applying the same broad, We do so against the backdrop of the supremacy of Parliament, *DAWSON J. LETS ALL WAKE UP FROM THIS MIND VIRUS > MIND CONTROL! In Part 2 of this interview, Serene Teffaha condemns the family court system and demands significant changes to be made. Thankyou Serene for being honest and candid with your positive views on our country. ABSOLUTELY . In January, Ms Teffaha said the Family Court had "many corruption issues", which prompted a condemnation from the Australian Bar Association and the Law Council. ? MELBOURNE, Australia A lawyer collected more than AUD 650,000 ($502,573) for a proposed class action promoting unproven Covid-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing, and face masks. The Chinese Communist Party brutally locked down residential towers while spreading virulent propaganda about their virus, as if it would instantly kill anyone infected. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The debt clock at mid-day 20 Jan 2023 was $ 8,793,694,584,359. For January 1973 the debt clock was at $458, 231,678,732 with just 13.4 million people. Doctors are too afraid to speak out against this tyrannical scamdemic for fear of losing their license as well .. Im praying hard for Serena .. she is being targeted because she is fighting this fascist system .. she must be victorious . Why are black swans becoming stranded in the ocean off WA? By TONY MOBILIFONITISTHE national class action against the COVID-19 tyranny has been relaunched, Melbourne lawyer and human rights advocate Serene Teffaha has announced. The first thing we all need to do is SAY NO irrespective of the loss of jobs and livelihoods. Fear causing division between Australian citizens. (Special Correspondent of The Daily Mail.). The Melbourne-based lawyer, Serene Teffaha, who during the pandemic has appeared at anti-lockdown rallies and on YouTube with conspiracists such as the former celebrity chef Pete Evans, last. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. In court, VLSB lawyer Nicole Papello did not outline the specific reasons for the cancellation, but said Ms Teffaha had made repeated public comments about "corruption" of Family Court judges. These studies have contributed to a deeper understanding of health, and have gifted me with an insight into the spectrum of health care practices and health care consumer demands. Body language with discussion revealed Judge Hampel and Mr Scotter are known to each other while on several occasions judge Hampel had difficulty remembering Serenes name. The class action plaintiffs claim they were subjected to false imprisonment and assault during the forced lockdowns, which occurred after COVID-19 outbreaks at the social housing towers. 'We swear by the Southern Cross, to stand truly by each other, and fight to defend our rights and liberties'. Solicitor Serene Teffaha has been fighting against the government's removal of civil liberties under the guise of COVID for some time, recently filing a class action lawsuit against Melbourne's controversial public housing lockdown in an effort to stand up for the rights of more than 3,000 tenants.. Due to the large number of people engaged in these actions, the only form of contact will be via submitting our forms. Family courts offer or refer the public to a wide variety of services, including counseling, mediation, parenting classes, and social services.In recent times have seen many wrongs in the lower courts and family courts within Australia. March For Serene Teffaha 1,170 views Jul 4, 2021 March for the unfair treatment and license cancellation of the people's lawyer Serene Teffaha, corruption in the family law courts must end. I educate professionals and the general community on vaccination decisions in Australia. The real issue is that Serene Teffaha is too much of a threat for the Australian puppets of the global deep state pushing Chinese Communist Party-style lockdowns, destruction of small business in favour of global corporates, and mass harm of the population with experimental vaccines, that experts now say do not qualify as vaccines. Bookmark the permalink. Legal and Health Resources to fight against no jab no job, Recommended Independent Media News Partners, Click here to keep updated with the Covid 19 vaccine deaths and injuries, ANR Founder gives away his lifes work for only 2.5% donation, Original Source:, ANDREW TATE: A Medical Update Shows He May Possibly Have Cancer, Ukrainian Blogger Madyar Escaped from Artemovsk (Bakhmut) Ukrainian Armed Forces are Probably Preparing to Surrender the City, 6 Injections, Always Masked, and Pronouns in Bio. We dont agree with ad hoc raising of money and ad hoc legal strategies destined to fail. (LogOut/ Please share this article, to help defeat the draconian and unnecessary measures taken by the Victorian Government. But this person is charged with abduction. By watching this video you'll know about the immoral family court system in Australia. Serene Teffaha is strutting around and can easily become the biggest thorn-in-the-side Australia's courts have ever had. MELBOURNE-based human rights lawyer Serene Teffaha of AdvocateMe has warned Australians in a video message to wake up to their right to say no to rampant, insane and illegal COVID-19 testing being demanded by employers and others. Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination, German-US legal team about to launch COVID-19 lawsuits to expose Gates-Rockefeller plandemic blogfactory,, Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination | Cairns News | Wirral In It Together, Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination Cairns News Life, Death and all between. 10:21 Who is doing this type of corruption in the Australian family courts? Ms Teffaha agreed, but said other than those involved in the class action, she had no other clients because they had found alternative legal representation. This donkey drawn pandemic caravan has been observed making its way the hill for quite a while. Our legal eagles have advised her she has filed in the wrong court and is fighting in their system. It is just an outrage. Also driving the testing frenzy is health departments and the CSIRO finding COVID-19 in sewerage systems which in fact is unable to infect people. Great work, I hope more lawyers get behind you. I have been a holistic general medical practitioner for many years, graduating from Monash University Medical School, Melbourne, Australia. The. restraining Ms Teffaha from representing her own client. I am extremely passionate about informed consent and that no one should be forced into taking experimental vaccinations. I have no COVID symptoms. Report Businesss banning the unvaccinated to be sent legal warnings, Report Politicians,Influencers, Media Personalities, Celebrities and Employers to be sent legal warnings, Recommended Documentaries - Watch now Fall Of the Cabal, and the Last Europa and others. Were working to restore it. We realise that we need to spearhead actions against employers and businesses who are taking the law in their own hands and as unqualified individuals are now mandating medical interventions on their staff. I cant get her out. GG, He was probably trained by Bob Hawke in how to accumulate wealth without any visible signs of effort.Ed. Serene Teffaha has put out an impassioned message to Australians to say no to coerced and illegal COVID testing. To start learning about your choices in vaccination visit Vaccination Decisions (. Was he telling the truth? by GreatGameIndia, An Austrian parliamentary member exposed the defectiveness of the governments COVID-19 tests by demonstrating in the parliament how a glass of Coca Cola tested positive for COVID-19. Very happy to see youre back up and running! ( Employment Law, Family Law, Taxation Law & Student Protections, Disctinction), Advcaned Diploma of Nutritional Medicine ( Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, General, Distinction), If you're not automatically redirected, please click here. We are asking for pledges meaning that you will not transfer any money to us until we incur costs appropriately and proper invoicing has occurred. crew February 4, 2021 All, Arrest & Fines, Blogs, Lawyers, Mandates & Law, People, Petitions, Uncategorized, Vaccination. To start learning about your choices in vaccination visit Vaccination Decisions (, I have been a holistic general medical practitioner for many years, graduating from Monash University Medical School, Melbourne, Australia. the answer is back off and no!. Teffaha says her law firm is urging anyone facing undue pressure to get COVID tests to contact them, because the matter is becoming a hot topic. The Legal Fraternity are sitting there too gutless to help as their money. 14:28 Gag laws18:14 OutroWe hope you enjoyed this video. So which ones are best? General for their Australia under those Treasonous Constitutional definitional changes.