Whether you're living with cancer or looking at a possible diagnosis, standing by for test results can be overwhelming and stressful. Meals for the family are tremendously helpful, so is offering to take their kids to events, school, or have them over for sleepovers, she said. Compassionate God, I commit myself and the tests my doctor recommended I do to your loving hands. But, on the bright side, here are some of the lovely things I've heard in the past few weeks, all of which would be AWESOME things to say to someone who is anxiously waiting for test results: "YOU WILL BE FINE." "Call me if you need ANYTHING." "I think we need to fill up that empty wine glass of yours stat!" "Can I do anything for you?" Whatever the tests outcome, we will pray it to God together. Read our. Immediately upon leaving the mobile scan machine, it was once again 2009 and I was walking out of my first CT scan trying to read the faces of the technicians who had monitored the process. 6. There was a strange silence between us as if the celebration of life had been rained on by the unnecessary struggle with uncertainty over the last four days. When you follow your own agenda doing the things that are most important to you personally and professionally thats when you feel on top of things, energised and can be more present in the moment., To receive life-changing news is similar to grief, psychologist Julie Scheiner says. If youve ever been sent home from the doctors clinic with the words Well have your results in a week, youll know the next seven days can feel like an eternity. You may cry for no reason and not feel like doing much of anything. People say, Suck it up . Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. Thank you also for the confirmation of sound health (or divine healing); blessed be your holy name, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Cut out caffeine as it overstimulates the nervous system and can increase panic, nutritionist Rosie Mansfield says. Youve managed to get away from the all-consuming and worrisome feelings you had at home. Part of HuffPost Wellness. You can also encourage your friend with comforting words like: I will be right here for you, regardless of what the test results reveal. Breast cancer survivor Elissa Ashwood coped with her diagnosis by breaking it down into chapters. Synonyms of waiting waiting 1 of 2 noun Definition of waiting as in delay Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance delay hesitation procrastination indecision pause hawing faltering wavering wobbling second thought doubt uncertainty vacillation hesitancy wabbling consideration irresolution hesitance fence-sitting indecisiveness incertitude deliberation I pray that the medical test results I expect will bring tears of joy down my cheeks. Amen! Through them, may I receive a mind-blowing testimony in Jesus Mighty Name. If you're tested during or after your appointment, ask: You can then contact your insurance provider to get a clearer understanding of their policies. When you are told you cannot get an appointment with a specialist for three months, that the results of a specialized test takes six weeks, or that after seeing four doctors they still dont know whats wrong with you, you may feel very frustrated. It was dj vu all over again, including the numbness in my toes a sure sign that my brain was calling on all blood cells. However, we sometimes blow fears out of proportion, so its important to put worries back into perspective. She recommends this visualisation technique: Picture the worst-case scenario as if youre watching it on a movie screen, then shrink the picture until its tiny. It was so great to have someone simply hang out and spend time with me at home, she recalled. Uncertainty is not easy to handle and some are more difficult to handle than others. Waiting for the results of a medical test, or for a diagnosis, can be agonizing. In addition, may my blood count come out normal or be in a range with a straightforward course of action. But try to suppress that natural inclination when speaking to a loved one dealing with a diagnosis. When someone you love falls ill, gets in an accident or receives a scary health diagnosis, its never easy. Our Father in Heaven, thank you because you have blessed the health sector with incredible technology. May this good news be so amazing that it will be like music to my ears. However, sometimes a face-to-face visit is warranted. Mainly so that God will imbue them with the wisdom and grace they need to do the right thing. Father in Heaven, thank you so much for giving me the strength to undergo the necessary tests and the patience to wait for the outcome. We have collected a lot of medical information. Marley Hall is a writer and fact checker who is certified in clinical and translational research. In order for this feeling to go away, it needs the neurotransmitter GABA to essentially "hush" these excited neurons. How long does it take to get the test results? "Never rush into a relationship. You probably don't need one for preventive tests or if your condition is well controlled. C | document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2012-2023 On Secret Hunt - All Rights Reserved Most insurers don't want to pay for unnecessary appointments. Although each person with cancer is different, here are some general suggestions for showing support: Dont say I know how you feel because you cant possibly know. Therefore, I ask that you bless me with the fruits of my labor. Send them soothing Scriptures to alleviate their anxious feelings and replace them with peace and calmness. Its either because of their insecure nature or their fear of rejection. When You Need an Appointment Healthcare providers order lab tests for four main reasons: To diagnose a condition To see if a treatment is effective To track the progression of a chronic illness To check for a recurrence of a treated condition The test results may be simple and straightforwardsay, positive or negative. If any foreign material is discovered in the test results, remove them with your miraculous hands. Whoever said there's no way to make time stand still clearly never had to endure the excruciating wait for scan results. They may intervene if follow-up requests seem excessive or inappropriate. Higher levels of cortisol would indicate higher levels of stress. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Its human nature to focus on yourself, Winawer said. What to say to a friend who has received bad news? If this includes you, then you may enjoy some of the memes about waiting for test results weve gathered below. Just saying . This anger is often directed at the medical system that is making you wait for your diagnosis. Try authentic and empathetic statements, like Im not sure what to do to help, but I care about you, or Im feeling upset too, but want to do my best to help, Moyer suggested. Many health conditions are invisible on the outside, so commenting on someones appearance can feel dismissive or hurtful. Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! Have you ever had a chance encounter with a stranger who showed you some unexpected kindness or help at a moment when you really needed it? Even before the pandemic, plenty of studies have found that waiting for medical test results can cause . Genesis 8:10-12. . Its vital to seek help and not suffer in silence.. Prayer for a Good Result God my Healer, as I'm awaiting the results of this lab work, I ask in the Name of Jesus that I receive a positive report. If results are concerning, they may call you or have a receptionist call to schedule an appointment. So make a 10-minute appointment with yourself and let yourself worry away. Holy God, you know how I have been feeling for some time now. . It seems reasonable to me to be feeling sad. Often, routine blood or imaging tests are part of preventive care. 15 Effective Prayers for Guilty Conscience. F | Dont Make promises to whatever higher power you believe is in charge of the universe that you will make wholesale changes to your life in return for a good test result. I need strength as I head to the hospital today. Sometimes it can be satisfying to take charge of a situation, solve a problem, and move forward. Many healthcare providers use online medical chart systems. Heck, even tell the person you arent sure what to say, but you just want to say something and let them know you are there for them. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Lord, I ask that you give me peace during this waiting time. Were looking to feature moments in which someone interrupted their busy life to lend a hand to someone they didnt know. Gracious God, I will not fail to ask for your abiding presence. I decree that the laboratory technicians and scientists will not work in error as they handle my urine and blood samples in the name of Jesus. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Telehealth appointments may be a good compromise between delivering results in person versus a phone call, letter, or secure message. Sometimes a consult with a pain doctor is needed to help manage pain. Even if you have had surgery in the past, 'I know how you feel' isn't the best phrase to use in your conversation with someone about to go to surgery. You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! If a healthcare provider asks you to schedule an appointment to go over test results and it doesn't seem necessary, ask why. Be kind to yourself and don't blame yourself for having your feelings. They can do so as long they verify it's you. Lord, I ask for your guidance as I receive my MRI results today. May they vanish from my body and bloodstream without any trace in the mighty name of Jesus. I am grateful that you allowed me to lean on you when I was most vulnerable and anxious. Instead, a more helpful thing to say would be something like Ill be here for you, no matter what the test results reveal. In many cases, people want to talk about anything but the upcoming test results, so dont be afraid to steer the conversation toward a favorite or lighter topic. Get off your butt and put your body in motion. You may feel flooded with feelings of anxiety, dread, guilt and worry. Some people look for more information about cancer during this time. But waiting for diagnosis delays that process since you don't even know what you can do to solve the problem. In Jesus name, I reject every evil manipulation regarding my health. N | Cancerians are emotional souls but they are extremely private about feelings. Basically, waiting is not fun. Pray for grace to handle the outcome with faith and strength, regardless of what it will be. 2023 MJH Life Sciences and CURE - Oncology & Cancer News for Patients & Caregivers. Trisha Torrey is a patient empowerment and advocacy consultant. Yes, it does! If youre stuck in a hospital waiting room, it can be tempting to indulge in junk food from the vending machine, but a healthy diet can lower anxiety levels. People with serious health issues on their minds may feel unable to make simple decisions, even decisions as simple as what outfit to wear. Ask what kind of friend the person needs you to be. News of a new diagnosis should usually be given face-to-face. they changed their minds and began to say that he was a god. When the word finally came that the scan showed no changes, aka, you get to live a little longer, I was literally stunned by relief. They're an easy way to view detailed test results as soon as theyre available. It's normal to have a range of emotions when you're waiting for a diagnosis. Assist me in being patient and calm during this period of waiting. Matthew 15:22-29 tells us healing is the childrens bread. Sending you lots of feel-better hugs. So do something for . A pat on the back, 'thinking of you', grin of support. Increased optimism while we are waiting for important news can decrease our stress. What to Say to Someone With Cancer. Many people may feel angry at times while waiting for an answer. Check out the dos and donts below: No matter what, it is better to say something than nothing, said Ron Blake, a sexual assault survivor who has experienced post-traumatic stress disorder. A note to remind you that I love youand I hate that you're sick. Father God, I come before you asking for good results for the urinalysis I had undergone. Even if it was offered in all sincerity, it can still feel weird to call someone and say, "remember when you offered to help?" Instead, offer precise ways that you can be of assistance. Thank you for helping me complete the process successfully. A healthcare provider may also call to assure you everything is okay or discuss any needed follow-up tests. T | ~ Isaiah 26:3. Therefore, I ask that you calm my nerves and overwhelm me with your peace throughout this standard procedure. A note to remind you that I love youand I hate that youre sick. what to say to someone waiting for medical results Lord Jesus, thank you for allowing me to get this blood work done. Trisha Torrey is a patient empowerment and advocacy consultant. Remember that your feelings are normal Waiting for imaging test results can be a significant and stressful experience. V | Father God, I come before you asking for good results for the urinalysis I had undergone. Stress can lead to comfort eating as adrenaline causes blood sugar surges that make us crave sweetness. Cortisol is a hormone that is released by the adrenal glands when one is under stress. G | Entrust your prayer intentions to our network of monasteries. , Ask permission. She has written several books about patient advocacy and how to best navigate the healthcare system. One of the best things you can say is, Just tell me if you want me to leave or stop askingyou cant offend me! Winawer suggested. Remember, it's harder for bad news to hit a moving target. James 1:5 NIV If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. . Most importantly, I ask that you assist me in relying on you during this stressful time. Amen Lord, Jehovah, God of Healing, we come to you today, to lift up a dear one who needs You. This is a real game-changer. Ruth 3:18 - Then she said, "Wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out; for the man will not rest until he has settled it today." . Hence, every believer can lay claim to divine healing at any point in time and have it. God Works While We Wait Something actually happens while nothing is happening. By Trisha Torrey If this is something you or a loved one is experiencing, consider . Did you know prayer works in everything we do? And because you did not allow me to spend my money running further medical tests or buying drugs to manage an ailment. 1. For diseases that can relapse, such as cancer and some autoimmune diseases, regular visits may help identify and treat a relapse early. While it's true that emailing you results could violate HIPAA laws, practices can send electronic messages (or post results to a patient portal) if they have a secure means of doing so. 1. Im super excited youre here! Youve been going through a really tough time. J | A cortisol blood test is one of the most commonly used blood tests. 2023 MJH Life Sciences and CURE - Oncology & Cancer News for Patients & Caregivers. Follow-up appointments for going over test results are appropriate if you're just being diagnosed, monitoring treatment effectiveness, or trying to manage chronic illness. Mighty God, I ask that you help me as I await my test result. Try viewing your time waiting for results as an exercise to practice being patient. It is always okay to ask your healthcare provider about treatment guidelines or why a test or appointment is being recommended. Waiting for the results of biopsy testing, scans, or lab tests can understandably weigh heavily on your mind. Whatever youre feeling is okay. Psalm 23:4 NIV Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Just because a result is normal doesn't mean that the visit is unwarranted. Ask God for divine financial provision so that you can take care of the costs of all the recommended tests. . Also, provide my doctors with all the information they need to resolve every issue I complained about finally. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Don't wait. In fact, according to the charity Breast Cancer Now, some people say waiting for test results is the most worrying part of the entire process, regardless of the outcome. Paying more attention to the present moment - to the way you feel, your thoughts and to the world around you - can improve your mental well-being and help alleviate worries. What do you say to someone waiting for medical results? I reject every conspiracy of darkness to make me shed bitter tears concerning my health in the name of Jesus Christ. Dear Lord, thank you also because I will enjoy many more years in good health. Nancy Irwin, a therapist and clinical hypnotist, has six suggestions for people who are waiting for test results to come back. what to say to someone waiting for medical results . If a friend or family member reaches out to you while they wait, you may find yourself at a loss for words. Not everyone is comfortable reaching out when they could use some help, Pandapas said. Chronic conditions that are well managed shouldn't require many appointments, either. "Waiting is not the problem, worry is," said Paula H. Finestone, PhD, a clinical psychologist at Fox Chase Cancer Center. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. We are all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. "You are a bright and shining light in the world! Sometimes this frustration can erupt. May nothing arise from the diagnosis that will give me, my doctors, and my family any concern. That's true when you're first being diagnosed with something or managing a chronic illness. ~Psalm 94:19. First, you have the right to see the results of every test you undergo. what to say to someone waiting for medical results. Spending time with them doing normal activities watching TV shows, taking a yoga class, walking the dog and having conversations that dont involve their condition can be a much-needed respite. You may not need an appointment for routine labs or images that are part of preventive care. Get off your butt and put your body in motion. May the MRI be successful. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. They can also leave a voicemail message requesting you return the call.. It's also an opportunity to discuss starting treatment. review your medical insurance and other financial resources. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls; for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. That's especially true if you're going through the diagnostic process or it's a follow-up for a treated condition. Everyone is so different and a one caring response is not easy. A 2013 US study found that Googling symptoms can trigger worries about medical bills, job loss and disability before a diagnosis is even made. Focus on positives Sitting in silence may just be what the other person needs. I have provided some for you. Tue 28 Feb 2023 19.01 EST. Yet when the danger we are considering comes from our thoughts, rather than an acute and readily apparent danger in our midst (such as a lion attacking) the reaction can lead to further anxiety and stress, causing physical responses such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and more. In fact, it may be the hardest thing youll ever have to face. Ultimately, your greatest weapon against waiting-time anxiety is distraction. Mark 4:40 NIV He said to them, Why are you so afraid? Winawer suggested. A lover of hip hop music, hot sauce and kimchi, she lives in Maryland with her husband, two dogs, cat and feisty 2-year-old daughter. How do you comfort someone waiting for their results? Her work has been published in medical journals in the field of surgery, and she has received numerous awards for publication in education. You may feel uneasy and apprehensive. Dont Waste any time trying to feel where in the body your cancer has mostly likely returned. O | 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. R | If the office says they can't deliver results by phone because it violates HIPAA privacy laws, they're wrong. Quotations About Waiting For Someone. . Double-check that the imaging center or lab has your providers correct information on file. We spoke with people on both sides of the diagnosis doctors, psychologists and people who have been through their own health scares for their best advice on how you can help make a difficult time a little easier. May the images that will be revealed provide the doctors the insight they need to treat me effectively to bring about my bodys recovery. Also, stay with me as I await the results, which I do not doubt will be good ones. "Never rush in love for it never runs out. If this is something you or a loved one is experiencing, consider praying this short prayer adapted from Our Catholic Prayers, for the grace to trust God no matter the outcome: Articles like these are sponsored free for every Catholic through the support of generous readers just like you. Its okay if youre not sure what to say, but do acknowledge the situation. And you might have to deal with symptomssuch as dizziness, nausea, or painwhile you're waiting for an answer. The longer you have to wait, the more you may have ups and downs, and the more intense your feelings may become. What do you say to someone who is nervous about surgery? Just wanted to send my love, along with my wishes for a speedy recovery. For example, if you have prediabetes or hypertension (high blood pressure), you may not need treatment right away. You may feel shocked, scared, concerned or uncertain on behalf of your loved one, said Anne Moyer, an associate professor of psychology at Stony Brook University. Ask God for the courage to go through the rigorous procedures involved with medical tests. Read and meditate on these Scriptures while waiting for test results and watch God fill your heart with peace instead of the usual anxious thoughts following a medical test. You may have trouble sleeping at night, find yourself being nervous, or be preoccupied with thinking about the diagnosis. Remember when you went in for a biopsy, CT scan or blood work a few days ago, and your doctor said shed call back with the test results, but she didnt? Or you may be tested during or after your appointment and get the results later. Getting a diagnosis can involve waiting to see a specialist, waiting for a test to be scheduled, or waiting for lab results to come back. Want to see fewer ads on Aleteia? This wait can make you feel numb or it can make you feel like the Tasmanian Devil is living inside your head, running in 100 directions at once, wreaking havoc in your mind. Sending you a note to let you know that I am thinking of you. You may feel impatient with the line to get out of the parking ramp at the store. While there may not be a set formula for how to deal, there are some key points to keep in mind when providing support to a loved one. You're not facing cancer alone." "I am praying for you." "Go to MD Anderson. 65. When you're waiting for medical test results or a potential diagnosis for yourself or your baby, time seems to come to a grinding halt. Pray effective prayers for good medical tests and favorable results. Worrying is part of our survival mechanism, clinical hypnotherapist Dr Tracie OKeefe says. In such cases, the medical professional has no right to withhold them from you or require you to pay for a visit in order to get them. Here's what they recommend. 3. "Let's plan a girls' night after you recover from your surgery!" The obvious assumption is that things will go well when you say you are eager to make plans with someone after surgery. If he has to make a choice, may he make it now. It depends on your age, health, and the type and stage of your cancer. Everyone will deal with their illness or condition differently. "'He's the same little boy you've loved . Diagnose diseases and conditions such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, anemia (uh-NEE-me-eh), and coronary heart disease. Feel the feelings Let them out, give your anxiety, your worry your darkest fears a voice.