Unlike liver German Shepherds, where liver-colored gene blocks out the black-colored gene completely (making all marking look brown, not black), the blue gene only partially blocks out the black coloring – which allows for pale black (called “blue”) markings. However, in 1968, following Germany’s lead, the white German Shepherd was disqualified from the conformation show ring in America when AKC accepted the change in the breed standard from the German Shepherd Dog Club of America listing white as a disqualifying fault. Does this override? The masks can range from minimal to the entire face as seen in the right-hand picture below. Unfortunately, I had little luck finding reliable information on golden or fawn German Shepherds. The patterns look similar to a panda which is why they are called “Panda Shepherd”. Check out everything I’ve learned about German Shepherd Puppy Training. The blue coloring is also associated with potential health issues (like the blue French Bulldog) but there is not proof that blue German Shepherds have any additional or unique health concerns from other German Shepherd colors. German Shepherd dogs with the steel blue color variation appear to be in a league of their own. It’s the classic coloring most people associate with German Shepherds. It is our priority to be breeding top quality, well rounded German Shepherds from health tested and titled pedigrees. If you know the answer, let me know! The color of the eyes is just like you have guessed, blue. Albino? However, they may also have yellow or amber eyes. CKC & UKC). See more of Mack on Instagram @mackaronipupSee more of Ronin on Instagram @specialkay1a. I would also like to see pics. Genetics – Black is recessive to other major color genes. Featuring a blue pigmentation, this coat is seen as a fashion choice, and … amber or yellow eys are does look alot better than the dark eys in nature wolfs and other predators alsom have light eys not those dark brown ones. German Shepherd Coat Types German shepherds have a double coat in medium length. The rest of them can have chocolate brown, honey-colored, or blue eyes. I have read that they are a disqualification, however, I have also read that the eyes should blend with the coat. Apollo is ASDR Registered Toy Austrailian Shepherd. For this reason, breeders are less likely to intentionally breed black & silver GSDs. which, his do perfectly. However, as I am not a German Shepherd genetics expert and I expect neither are you, I will keep this is simple as I can. Many Shepherds also have distinctive facial markings called masks. However, their tan fur is so light it looks like cream. elevage de timber shepherd … Saddle back Shepherds have less black on their back and tan hips – giving them the appears of wearing a saddle. A German Shepherd’s nose should be black according to the breed standard. Required fields are marked *. Genetic problems appearing in the German Shepherd Dog were increasingly blamed on the white German Shepherd, and Germany began a campaign to outlaw the white color. At first, I thought “serious faults” or “disqualified” meant these colors can not register as a purebred German Shepherd Dog, but that is not correct. As the puppies grow, they’re going to grow new hair and the color will change at the mark of 6 months, 18 months, and finally when the puppy is two years old. The colors can vary from lighter greys to darker tan or red. Their guard coat or outer coat can have long, medium, or short guard hairs. White German Shepherds are unique as their gene masks all colors instead of producing a specific color – making them white. Red and black German Shepherds are prominent in the German Show lines, and some people mistake them for liver dogs. Would love to see them. Dogs. Although this is an unsupported, outdated theory, reputable breeders still mostly avoid breeding liver German Shepherds. Black german shepherd with golden eyes. These dogs may have coats that are black over silver or gray over the silver. Others suggest this color is a cream/tan sable or even a very diluted red sable. Color – A white German Shepherd is… you guessed it – white. However, I won’t go too far down that rabit hole. The AKC considers the diluted liver-coloring to be a “serious fault”, but that does not mean “disqualified”. Although not preferred, lighter-colored German Shepherds are not actually disqualified from competitive shows. ← Back to German Shepherd Dog; Search forums; 1; 2; Next » by Binabinabina on 27 May 2012 - 05:05 I have a sable male who was sired by my DDR male who has med. Blue German Shepherds whether steel blue or powder blue will also have light eyes, they usually stay bright blue till about 6-12 weeks of age then they go through varying shades of green and yellow, usually ending up yellow/amber or a light shade of brown. Just know this is a very watered-down version of German Shepherd Dog color genetics. Commonly Found – Liver-colored GSDs are fairly uncommon. You can register a blue German Shepherd. I repeat though, it is not a disqualifying fault. After she chased the male German shepherd away she approached the handler with a wiggly body and soft eyes. "Most of the black German Shepherds I've seen have yellow/gold/amber colored eyes." He also has amber eyes and either brown or pink lips. It's just less noticable when the coat is light. Sometimes they might be even more special and have one blue and one brown eye which is called particolored. Imagine my surprise when I found out German Shepherds actually come in various colors, shades, and patterns. Each German Shepherd parent gives their puppy one color gene. All German Shepherds carry the black gene, but it isn’t typical for their children to stay black after 8 months. The lack of a mask or saddle pattern attributes even further to their wolf-like appearance. Thus, breeders are less likely to breed black & cream German Shepherds intentionally. Light eyes are always a fault no matter the coat color. The blue color of the eyes is a result of a recessive gene. Their large pointy ears are even more alert and can hear the slightest sound. Check out the picture on the left to get an idea of which gene pairings will make what color German Shepherd. Color – Unlike their sable relatives, Black & tan German Shepherds have distinct color patterns. Commonly Found – Read a few articles on Black German Shepherds and you will hear two conflicting claims – “Rare” vs “Not-Rare”. These two genes can be paired together in three ways: The color of your German Shepherd depends on how their genes are paired. Genetics – The sable gene is the most dominant German Shepherd color gene. See more of Jager on Instagram @Jager.bluegsdSee more of Dexter on Instagram @dexter_thebluegsd. They will have black lips, eyelids, noses, the pads of their feet, and dark eyes- which debunks the belief that they are albino. We make sure our dogs are as active as can be and are living a happy life. Le Pacte des Loups, Timber Shepherd & Nordic Timber. Commonly Found – Panda Shepherds are rare. The red is just a darker pigmentation of tan. brown eyes. Therefore, a liver dog has a liver, brown, or reddish nose, and a blue dog would have a gray nose. #smallpuppyimages Although it’s since been proven that Panda shepherds do not contain the faulty white gene, AKC still does not consider the Panda Shepherd a qualified German Shepherd Dog for show. Germanshepherdfurlife.com’s content is not a substitute for veterinary care/guidance or professional dog training. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. brown eyes. Perfect as an unforgettable gift to any owner or lover of the noble German Shepherd breed, for your little one to cuddle with, or simply the true Vintage Douglas Collector. Some whiter German shepherds are also born with blue eyes but this is quite rare. However, a black GS can have blue eyes at the time of birth. Color – Black German Shepherds are black. Before I knew anything about the German Shepherd breed, I assumed they only had three colors – black, sable, and tan & black. This color is usually sable and looks very similar to a grey wolf. Feb 13, 2015 - elevage de timber shepherd et nordic timber en normandie. Is donating a Puppy/Dog to a disabled person Tax Deductible? Crate Training a Puppy – What You Need to Know, Outward Hound Tail Teaser Review – The Best Toy For Your New Puppy, How to Crate Train a Puppy – The Ultimate Guide, German Shepherd Chewing – How to Save Your Stuff, German Shepherd Potty Training – What You Need to Know, German Shepherd Colors – A Complete Guide With The Best Pictures, How to Introduce Your German Shepherd and Cat – 8 Steps to Living in Peace, Dog Scared of Vacuum? However, it seems to be a washed-out version of “tan”. Oh, and plenty of pictures. The chest is large and flat rather than barrel-shaped. Fur color or markings alone do not affect a German Shepherd’s temperament or health. See more of Trevor on Instagram @pudel_and.the_hund. Surprisingly, what actually disqualifies a liver German Shepherd from competing is the predominantly black parts of a GSD are diluted brown – specifically their nose. See more of Duke on Instagram @dukee.the.gsd. Unlike black German Shepherds, whose recessive gene creates the color black. It’s easy to mistake them for their black & cream relatives, but the color undertone is silver instead of yellow. To its credit, the AKC has not bowed to demands that it cease registering the white dog.” – White German Shepherd Dog Club International, Inc, See more of Panda on Instagram @panda_the_gsd. Before we move on, I think it’s important to say ALL German Shepherds are wonderful and lovely dogs no matter their color or markings. These popular dogs have a thick double coat. I found conflicting information showing a “golden” German Shepherds as a “fawn” shepherd. Although their coloring is absolutely gorgeous in my opinion, the diluted color is considered a serious fault by the AKC and their blue-colored noses disqualify them from shows. You need two liver German Shepherd parents or two parents with the liver-recessive gene to get the colors of a liver German Shepherd puppy. The black German Shepherd was a result of an accident. Commonly Found – Black & red German Shepherds are most often found in show-line dogs as opposed to the working-line dogs. Commonly Found – White German Shepherds are disqualified for AKC competition; however, they can still register as German Shepherd Dogs. Albino animals have red noses and pink eyes. The set of teeth is complete (42) and very strong; both scissors-shaped and pliers-shaped dentition are acceptable. White German Shepherd … White German Shepherd activists believe this to be discrimination based on outdated information, but have not yet been able to change the rules. I have read that they are a disqualification, however, I have also read that the eyes should blend with the coat. Not all kennel clubs have the same GSD breed standards. Swarovski faceted crystal German shepherd with amber eyes, made in 1999, discontinued since 2004. Genetics – Black & red German Shepherds are actually still genetically black & tan shepherds. Isabella dogs often have the same amber eyes as liver dogs. The last one is especially common with blue German Shepherds. Genetics – The Panda Shepherd is from one specific bloodline. He clear on full aussie panel except for … Genetics – The blue gene is also completely recessive. Got a new German Shepherd Puppy? May 15, 2012 - Blue/red sable German Shepherd dog with amber eyes Dominant genes always win in picking the color. These are German Shepherd with blue eyes but with the traditional marks and coats. Some German Shepherd professionals say they must be completely black, while most others allow for very minimal brown coloring on their toes or a white spot on the chest. The only shepherd color actually disqualified is white. Some kennel clubs do not accept a black GS with blue eyes. Take one look at this girl’s endearing face and we’re sure she’ll win you over too! Chances are, like heaven German Shepherd, you’ve rarely seen a Liver German Shepherd, as well as don’t understand a great deal concerning them either. 14-sep-2018 - Striking back German Shepherd dog with amber eyes. Albinoism is the result of a genetic fault that reduces or completely removes all color pigmentation. Usually, the tan fur areas include at least the legs, bellies, and necks. Blue and Liver GSDs (German Shepherd Dogs) have a lot more in common with each other in this regard than either of their Black GSD as well as White GSD equivalents. Color – Panda German Shepherds have a piebald coloring – meaning 35% of the fur is white and the rest is a mixture of black and brown. This will matter more when we get to other “black & x” colored German Shepherds. The muzzle of the Blue GSD is long and strong with a black nose. One charge against the white German Shepherd was that the color white was responsible for “fading color” or “washing out” of the darker dog’s color. If you want to know more about all the different types of genetic series that make up a German Shepherd’s coloring, I found Summervalley German Shepherds‘ article helpful. Color – Blue German Shepherds have blue/grey fur, blue-tinted noses, and commonly light blue, amber, or yellow eyes. I'm the breeder behind Amber Ice German Shepherds located in North Carolina. AKC – Recognized? Although not as common as their black & tan relatives, bicolored German Shepherds are still widely appreciated and admired for their beautiful markings. All of which are incredibly beautiful. Blue eyes are rare. Color – A golden German Shepherd is a completely tan shepherd with a black snout. Ergo: Most of the black GSDs in your area are poorly bred and should not be bred from, although they might retain enough GSD virtues to work usefully. Not from America? Does this override? They also appear to be smaller in size as well. Markings range in size but are often categorized into two groups – blanket back or saddle back. If a German Shepherd puppy has even one sable gene, they will be sable. This darker tan color gene is called “int“. The spine is straight, strong in movement, with a short loin. Not only do they have very unique color genetics, but their white fur disqualifies them from AKC competitions. Health testing is very important. by Binabinabina on 27 May 2012 - 05:05. The “tan” coloring is actually broken down into three color-intensity levels. The blue fur can range from a light powdery blue to a steel blue. Depending on the pigment strength, the red fur can appear anywhere between a lighter strawberry blonde to a deep mahogany red. Lighter/paler colors is considered less desirable and some lighter colors are even considered a “serious fault” according to the AKC show standards. This crystal piece has always been stored in its original box, therefore it is in perfect condition. Genetics – I found very little information on the genetics of black & silver Shepherds. Some colors just do well in the show ring. The brown color is believed to have been caused by a recessive gene known as the B locus. Commonly, white German shepherds have dark brown eye color. Amber eyes set obliquely and short upright ears in a triangular shape are its characteristic features. Saved from bluebayshepherds.fr. Puppies sometimes have a white patch on their chest that will turn black as they age. Genetics – Black & tan is the second most dominant color gene. (Ex. Genetics – The liver color is another completely recessive gene. Photo about German Shepherd dog with sad eyes. The belly is strong and drawn in. I had so much fun learning about all the different colors of this breed that I decided to create a German Shepherd color guide – including a genetics summary, AKC approvals, and prevalence. However, Most of the German Shepherd Dogs have brown eyes. Black & tan German Shepherds are usually born with darker fur that slowly lightens as they age.1. Favori. Bicolor puppies are often born almost completely black but will likely have some brown coloring under their tail. The only color completely disqualified from the AKC show ring is white. She is expected to live between 10 to 14 years and falls into the breed groups herding and sporting. Fun Fact – President John F Kennedy’s family had a bicolored German Shepherd named Clipper while living in the White House. Enjoy. He is red Merle with copper/white markings, and has one blue eye and one amber eye with blue spec. The only way you can get the color of a recessive gene (such as all black) is if the puppy did not receive a more dominant gene from their parents. The piebald gene appears to be a dominant gene; however, having two piebald genes (Homozygous dominant) appears to be lethal – killing the embryo before it completely develops. During the 1960’s, with the white German Shepherd becoming ever more popular, friction developed between breeders of the white German Shepherd and the standard colored German Shepherd. My solid black female had light amber eyes until she was about a year old, and now they are nice and dark. which, his do perfectly. Blue eyes are the result of a mutation or recessive genes. Help, Pregnant female available from Iko Finkenschlag. Sable German Shepherd puppies change colors as they grow older. The primarily black coloring distinguishes bicolor German Shepherds from their black & tan relatives. Feb 13, 2015 - elevage de timber shepherd et nordic timber en normandie . If there’s one thing we just can’t resist, it’s sad puppy eyes and adorably oversized paws. The eyes of a wolf are yellowish or amber in color. Tails of wolves are straighter and their paws are bigger than of the German Shepherd Dogs. The fur starts out all a more cream color and grows into a dark golden color. Check out more about grey German Shepherds and their genetics here. Equally beautiful are German Shepherds warm amber or chocolate eyes. This means both parents need to give a black gene to the puppy for it to have black fur. Their rich, beautiful red coloring makes them a show favorite, but they also make for beautiful family pets. I think this depends on what you categorize a rare. You need both parents to be blue to guarantee a blue puppy and or both parents must carry the blue recessive gene. Portrait of a beautiful puppy. I found this article dense, but helpful for understanding the potential genetics for a black & silver German Shepherd. Color – Black & cream German Shepherds look very similar to their black & tan relatives. Simply beautiful! Size & Weight : The Blue German Shepherd Size 24-26 inches (male) and 22-24 inches (female). Commonly Found – Black & silver German Shepherds are less common due to the fact that lighter-colored fur is considered undesirable or faulty to the AKC. Genetics – The liver color is another completely recessive gene. A blue-eyed German shepherd will normally darken to silver or amber color by the time they are around six months old. Yard dog on a chain. First one already sold! A few forums and articles suggest a fawn German Shepherd is a diluted liver shepherd or even a mixture of a diluted liver/blue Shepherd. The American Kennel Society (AKC) prizes darker, richer colors. Image of collar, eyes, devotion - 72153758 This recessive gene will actually affect the commonly black areas of a GSD – such as their black markings, nose, eye rims, nails, etc. Recessive genes will always lose to a more dominant gene, but they can be passed down to puppies. Yes they are a flaw, but they are not disqualifying. German Shepherd.. Temperament, health, and training should trump colors when choosing to invest in a German Shepherd. Commonly found – Although absolutely beautiful, the light cream color is considered a serious fault to the AKC. One of the most striking aspects of Huskies appearance is their icy blue eyes. Genetics – I was unable to find the actual genetics of a golden/fawn German Shepherd. Explore. Note – I struggled to find solid information about purebred Panda Shepherds. No. Genetics – The bicolor gene (at) is the second most recessive color gene of the 4 more common color/pattern genes mentioned above. Sable German Shepherds are often labeled by their dominant colors such as red sable, black sable, silver sable, grey sable, or tan sable. They do not have the white-color masking gene, but instead, seem to be the result of a unique mutation of the KIT gene. We don't cut corners here and give each of our dogs and breedings full attention. Your email address will not be published. Definitely a head-turner, this pretty lady flashes intense amber eyes that set off her striking facial mask and shiny golden coat. Both parents both must have the recessive white gene to possibly get a white German Shepherd and you will need two white German Shepherds parents to guaranteed a white German Shepherd puppy. Standard Colors of German Shepherds. Blanket back Shepherds have black fur covering their entire back and hips like a blanket. There are different variations to their coat coloring, though it’s usually either blue and sable, blue and tan, or even blue and black. Black & tans compete in shows as well. This is because they have perfected the art of staring livestock down and getting them to move in their chosen direction. All else equal it would mean the difference in finishing 1st in a show or somewhere behind, NOT disqualified. Liver German Shepherds are disqualified from competing in the AKC show ring. Admins Are Enforcing Rules for Entering Dogs in PDB. The four most common colors/patterns in order of their dominance are – Sable (aw); Black & Tan (as); Bi-Color (at); and Black (a). She was approached by a male German Shepherd who sniffed and lingered in her face, she corrected him with air snaps and chased him away. German Shepherd color genetics is a fairly complex topic. Omen von der Zenteiche 9 months old daughter . The first Panda Shepherd, Frankie, had two purebred parents – a black and a black & tan. German shepherds with black eyes and blue colored eyes are commonly known as black shepherds. There are other genetic series contributing to your German Shepherd’s color such as color intensity, nose/lip/eye color, face masking, white coloring, and patterns. Mammals. I have always loved his colour. Feb 13, 2015 - elevage de timber shepherd et nordic timber en normandie. It really changes the look of the Shepherd, doesn’t it? , coloration can range from dark mahogany color to lighter amber would mean the difference finishing! The breed standard she was about a year old, and training should trump colors choosing., doesn ’ t it have different colors and combinations of those but wolves only have camouflage to! Seems to be in a show favorite, but her engaging, sweet and personality!, then I can see how it would blend with the coat if., it seems to be in a German Shepherd color gene is the most... Off her Striking facial mask and shiny golden coat some kennel clubs do not affect a German Shepherd.... 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