This means forfeiting an early military advantage, but for the purposes of this guide, I'm assuming there's nothing immediately within reach that you must seize. all other cultures are grossly inferior. Look at the taxes. A sequel, Crusader Kings III, was released on September 1, 2020. You can have all the technological advancement and vast expanses of land you want, but it's worth exactly nothing if you can't develop it beyond its basic structures. If you're joining a defence against a holy war, great. After using this command, character IDs will be shown in the tooltips of characters when you … Hopefully profits will be better than that, but that demonstrates the principle. If we add another month and take 16 holdings, I take home 100 gold. Churches are even more reluctant, and other baronies net you nothing at all. True, but wait a second and consider; who owns your cities? 1 Latest & Greatest 2 Crusader Kings II Wiki 3 NewsNews 4 How to Browse this Wiki 5 Please Contribute Your Knowledge Crusader Kings II game manuals, walk throughs, strategy guides, game mechanics, tips and explanations. Legacy of Rome is only £4 / $5 /€5, and retinues are such an essential element of late game CK2 that you’re basically handicapping yourself by not having access to them. You begin with a Regiment Limit which is how many different units you can hire. To open the console in Crusader Kings 2, press the ` (grave) key on your keyboard. Retinues, warfare, statecraft and more! The first thing you need to check is whether your army is strong enough. Removed Founder of the Republic from the mod. Courtiers net you 10 gold, minor vassals get you 25, counts net you 70, dukes 145 and kings net you a whopping 225 gold! At the same time, having longbow retinues kept our periods of weakness less dramatic. On a final note, remember that retaking an allied castle yields you no loot. It is not a bad decision to feudalism, but it's just not fun anymore. Which are pretty much the only factions to use retinues effectively, in my experience. I eventually came to the realization that much of CK2’s DLC serves to open doors to where you eventually want to be. ;). By looting a series of holdings, partly cities, an then sprinting can steal a sizeable chunk of money at the cost of a rival kingdom. All I could find was that I need the Legacy of Rome DLC for retinues, but I don't so why does it say I have them? 2.7.2: The extra money you get can be used to more aggressively build troop structures in your holdings to make up for the smaller levies from your mayor/bishop vassals. So you basically get free retinue points from the palace and the palace is also free. Decreasing the levies demanded of cities and bishoprics can go a long way to counteracting the negative effects of higher taxes. But generally, you want to go for economic upgrades. If you're going to get bloodied the moment you arrive, then you may want to stay at home, unless you're lucky enough to capture someone important (see Ransom, Ransom, Ransom! 2) How strong are the defences, and what is behind them? Crusader Kings II Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I'm not disagreeing with the usefulness of the palace. It's one of the few retinue types that's 1:1 as far as troop count to retinue cap usage, meaning that they were a serious deterrant to rebels. Some will yield less than 10. Taxing your minor vassals also makes it a lot more worthwhile upgrading your cities and churches, and allows you to realize the full potential income of your held counties. If in the same operation I get mauled badly and only take six holdings, and return a month sooner, due to misjudging the strength of the defenders, then I've lost 30 gold. Crusader Kings II is a grand strategy game set in the Middle Ages, developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive as a sequel to Crusader Kings.The game was released on February 14, 2012. Rewrote all retinues from scratch to get them working; Rebalanced a few retinues; Mod is now standalone, no longer overwriting any files from the main mod. If you have a personal army of 2,000, and your total army is 12,000, then if that 2,000 man army costs you 4 gold per month, then your total army probably costs the kingdom 20 gold a month. All you need is the legacy of rome DLC activated, you can make retinues with counts. Not knowing what it was I still finished it and now I seek answers. And probably increasing possible retinue size? Beyond that, you need money for other purposes. I saw that one of the benefits of this was I got some retinues. Paradox may be greedy because of other reasons but certainly not because or retinues or the palace. A crazy card, not really in the feeling that the CK2 Generator mod will be temperamental, but that it'beds intentionally unpredictable. In vanilla CK2, there’s still a fair bit of passing time on speed 5 as you wait for things to happen; a claim to fabricate, an assassination plot to fire, or another character to simply die so you can inherit that land you want. Once you've done that, you can start upgrading your other buildings. Befriend Your Vassals, And Only Then Jack Up Your Taxation. A purchased regiment starts out with a single man and gradually reinforces up to full capacity. Somebody created a false claim to my Duchy. All rights reserved. no. Often this can be enough to pay for construction... or to bump off someone you don't like. And it can cut your vassals down to size too, if you're having problems with them. Send commands by typing them into the console and hitting ENTER on your keyboard. A rich king can assassinate his foes and placate vassals where a poor king cannot. Once you've done that, move on to your churches. Also, it means you're left with territory you may not want, which can be taken from you at great expense later as all that money you sacked is taken back. If the retinue takes casualties, each regiment will reinforce continually until they are back to full strength. I've tried very hard to get retinues working well for other factions in the game, from Nightswatch to the Free Companies, or Household Knights, and the AI just doesn't use them well, or even recruit them a lot of the times. How To Gain Piety Ck2 Mods This can become fairly lucrative for gold and piety if you have got a good skirmish retinue, obtain raided a great deal, and make use of … Raise city taxes first (ensuring your mayors like you of course) as these give you the most income, then get your churches paying you money. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. For nomads, Horde Troops are the replacement for Retinues.Horde troops require manpower and wealth/prestige/piety to recruit and maintain. In practice, this means making the base game more challenging without straying too far from what makes it enjoyable. The reason it is important to get all your economic building done early is because the longer you have these structures, the more money you will get by end game. Is the palace fixed now? Now, how to get rich... Kings who want an army and money to pay for it know that the money comes first. Thanks, very interesting read! It's a gamble, but take it into account during your raids and warfare in general. A few may yield riches later on, but this is likely to start happening when castles develop and raiding becomes more expensive. Having a strong economy means that you can be fielding vast and varied armies, supported by mercenaries if necessary, that will be capable of taking on the forces of much larger nations and winning through concentration of might. It's an irregular source of income, but you can make a fortune off of it, particularly if you're lucky enough to capture a major figure. Well, the Palace is free ONCE YOU BUILD IT. Therefore, you need to ensure that your vassals opinions towards you are at least positive before you move towards higher taxation. If there are only a few decades left in the game, I might benefit more from that last barracks upgrade to squeeze out some more soldiers for that final push for prestige. As in the Great Works update was not locked behind DLC. 2. You can also click on the little graphs chart on the bottom of the screen and get a review of the enemies resources army size, etc. If, on the other hand, your goal is to build a mighty kingdom overall, then bleeding your vassals dry is counter-productive; they will not be able to build as much and the benefit to your demesne/ability to gift money will not counter the deleterious effect upon your vassals. If you get married your king can recieve a sizeable payment in wedding dues, or a sizeable prestige boost if he declines. Exactly. When you hire them they begin with only 5 men and slowly reinforce to full strength. However, while this nets you more money, it weakens them and reduces their opinion of you, and unlike your minor vassals, your realm vassals can do you serious harm, and are also likely where the majority of your soldiers come from if you are a major kingdom. Beyond that, money is also what allows you to recognise your military potential. This will give you a considerable second source of income that will rival your direct holdings at times where your mayors like you and are willing to shell out. It's unreliable, but it's there. Before version 3.0 tribals couldn’t field large retinues, but Holy Fury removed event spawned troops (decision to spawn 2500 troops for 500 prestige) and gave tribals some retinue cap in tribal buildings. You will also be able to afford stronger holdings, and more holdings, making you more resilient on the defence as well. Go for the cities first, get the ports and the taxation buildings upgraded as far as you can. I, however, prefer destroying enemy armies in skirmish, not in melee. Raising taxes on your vassals will increase your potential income, but vassals will only forward you the money if they actually like you enough to do so. Finally, as in real life, those who have money have more opportunities to make more. You may be able to pay for the war handily, and the monthly cost to yourself may well be outweighed by the loot you get, but consider the expense to your vassals. It's less than a month until the longships land to bring us The Old Gods, the pagan-focused expansion for Crusader Kings II. That means that you need to have stolen more than 20 gold per month, over the course of the war, to have made things worthwhile for the kingdom. Of course if you only have a few cities to take you may be able to get away with less, but if you're trying to sack multiple provinces then you need this kind of advantage and you need to maintain it. 1) How much will this cost me personally, and how much will it cost my kingdom overall? In my England campaign (I'm pretty new to the game) I decided to build a palace. Even if you don't want kids, marry some elderly spinster or celibate figure if you've got all the heirs you need and get that money. there is nothing to expand upon. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). If you've brought a navy into things, which you probably will have to for speed of deployment, that raises your costs even more. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. If you have a small but advanced realm, and you are fighting someone who is spread across a vast distance, you will be able to raise and concentrate armies quicker. the other cultures are best off copying the english and producing a retinue with a 1:1 ratio of skirmisher retinues to defensive retinues. You generally want to be attacking with at least 15 times the force of the defenders in sieges. Unfortunately the enemy has already taken everything there is to steal! Ill do it in number format to make it easy to read. If you're really well established consider replacing the Pope with one of your vassals and watch as the collective wealth of Europe pours into your coffers each month! Taxation works via two mechanics; laws and opinion. Should now be able to be upgraded. Military window (F6) - Retinues tab (disabled until you get Legacy of Rome). While not directly providing money to you unless you raise taxes on your vassals, which angers your counts and dukes, it will allow them to develop their own lands, providing you with extra soldiers and increasing the rate of development of your kingdom. Cities seem to bring in the most, yes? Raiding is in its heyday in the early game where castles remain underdeveloped and strong armies can knock them down one after another. Also, horde troops reinforce at a faster rate than retinues (10% maximum). 2. half reinforcement rate: 1.2% per month. Now in my family member section, I have a fake son who is my direct heir to my entire holdings. At some point while playing Crusader Kings 3, you'll want to switch from Tribal to Feudal government. It's particularly valuable if you don't have a whole lot of counties to work with in the first place, as the greater concentration of wealth allows accelerated development. This will give you a considerable second source of income that will rival your direct holdings at times where your mayors like you and are willing to shell out. If military might is the power tool with which you carve out your kingdom, then money is the fuel with which that tool is driven. Go for the cities first, get the ports and the taxation buildings upgraded as far as you can. I never seem to be able to get retinues in CK2 [Help] ... Crusader Kings II is an historical grand strategy video game for PC and Mac published by Paradox Interactive. Remember that even the richest cities are unlikely to yield more than 20 gold after being taken. Don't neglect Catholicism as a huge moneymaker. Some say the best horde is pure Heavy Cavalry. So upgrade your primary holdings first; get the castle village built up to a castle city before you build anything else. Secondly, you need to consider, when looking to attack, who you are attacking and also what your excuse is. Taking into account reduced costs from attrition, your expenses may fall, but plan ahead. 1. for more details). In catholic kingdoms, religious vassals (e.g. Even when set to their minimum levels, you'll still get some troops from your mayors and bishops...and decent amounts of them if they like you. Removed Naathi Culture Retinues 2.7.1: Hotfix for Trade Post retinue building. This is not the same as the number of men in the units though. If you can't open the console, or need help using it, see our CK2 console help page.. To find character IDs, … There still needs to be an element of common sense applied however. In Crusader Kings II, most of your military is based around levies. How much will it cost me to get there, how much will I get when I arrive, how long will I be in the field, and how long will it take me to get home. Learn how to play, share how to win. Any less than a ten to one advantage and your army will be mauled. Based on the response I've gotten so far I thought you do need the DLC to access the retinues. Otherwise, although your taxes on paper should be higher, your actual income may actually be reduced, because the higher taxation irritates them. As such, the best raids are launched defensively against an opponent that is already embroiled. This is the one time where it might be worth going after enemy armies; one count could pay for your war! Always check your dungeons for people you can ransom. Take a look at your holdings, and the income from each. If a ruler cannot afford the (sometimes steep) cost, reinforcement can be halved or stopped completely on the retinue tab: 1. normal reinforcement rate: 2.5% per month. As such, if you are facing an opponent of near equal strength, you will lose. When you start the game, hold off building those military structures or their upgrades for the moment. Retinues The biggest change in Holy Fury DLC. If you can't open the console, or need help using it, see our CK2 console help page. Building: Once you have Red hand event completed, unique building is unlocked - Red hand training grounds, adding Alpha Futunari retinue to the list. All religion related retinues have horse archers and horse archers are bad. I only had about 5k troops in my levy, but the 25k retinues bolstered it considerably. This allows us to reach absurd retinue cap if we have many fully upgraded holdings. If you're willing to risk excommunication free investiture can bring in a very nice revenue stream, and will improve relations with your noble vassals as well (which will, in turn, increase the amount of tax they're willing to pay). I meant FREE in REAL LIFE. you only need to go to the military page and then there is a whole tab about retinues. Any plans to expand on it and cover the other cultures? This can escalate things up from battling against a small, seemingly isolated target to waging war against half of a particular religious world. Get a powerful economy working early in your demesne and more expensive economic structures become available for purchase without a prohibitive wait. Go to your army tab and click the tab titled 'retinue', you get a retinue of 500 men each time you click and you have to pay for them, each retinue costs a differing amount of retinue limit and cash depending on what type, the most expensive will typically be heavy cavalry retinues. Conquer the world as the Matriarchal Lolth religion or the Patriarchal Vhaeraun religion, or just enjoy equality with the Eilistraee religion. Your enemy will likely be tied down fighting on foreign soil, if his army hasn't already been destroyed. Get married! Be sure to send navies home when you don't need them, but have them ready to bring your men home again quickly so your soldiers aren't dawdling in enemy territory spending all your loot on women and wine. If, on the other hand, you're launching a holy war of your own, you're likely to attract the ire of other characters of that faith. To find character IDs, type the charinfo command into the console. If you were familiar with Retinues from CK2, they are more or less the same idea, with noticeable refinements. Here's how you make the decision to adopt Feudalism for your kingdom. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and India. How to get started 1. With the latest Holy Fury DLC, Paradox Interactive's 2012 grand strategy game, Crusader Kings 2, now has 15 major expansions, and for someone who's either just getting into the game today or wants to pick it back up, it can be terribly daunting to try and figure out which, if any, of those expansion packs is worth the money and which ones are just going to add features that you'll never use. I suggest we fully develop tribal counties before feudalism. Perhaps the most essential Crusader Kings 2 mod available for those after a challenge – CK2+ changes host of things about the base game with the aim of “deepening the CK2 experience”. I'll therefore be going into how levies work, and what you can do to get more. This, however, requires some planning. After this, you can consider taxing your major vassals and barons. I was trying to answer the "greedy Paradox" silliness. This guide is intended for semi experienced players who have a fair grasp on the game mechanics. Just suggestions, by the way. To get this horde, move your capital to South or Western Europe. bishops) will not pay taxes to you unless they like you more than the Pope. I might not even make the money back on that expensive final upgrade to my economy. As levies are core to your ability to defend yourself, understanding how to get as many as possible is important. You may want to consider upgrading your baronies as well. That's the maths you need to do. If you cannot pay your soldiers, they will, aside from any other penalties, not be as effective in combat, as their morale will be lower. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. , seemingly isolated target to waging war against half of a particular religious world realization much! 5 men and slowly reinforce to full strength you generally want to be gradually reinforces up to a castle before. 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