The period is sometimes also called the Ashikaga period, so named because … Nobunaga worked to provoke a controversy between the monks of the Nichiren and Jodo sects (which came to be known as the Azuchi religious dispute). Die Muromachi-Zeit überschneidet sich mit der Zeit der streitenden Reiche ab 1477, einem fast 100 Jahre währenden Kriegszustand ohne zentrale Ordnung, an dessen Ende der letzte Ashikaga-Shōgun Ashikaga Yoshiaki 1573 abgesetzt wurde. When Kyoto was reduced to ruins during the Onin War, nobles and Zen monks relocated to the countryside, further spreading scholarship and culture in the provinces and advancing commoner culture as well. Academic scholarship and philosophiesAcademic scholarship during the Muromachi period was more or less limited to Zen monks and the nobility. The Oei Gaiko (the Foreign Raiders of the Oei era): the 1419 (Oei 26) raid on Tsushima island by Korean raiders. A similar style of autonomy could be seen in the character of Jinaicho (temple towns), religious communities that coalesced around temples of the Ikko sect. What distinguished the Ashikaga bakufu from that of Kamakura was that, whereas Kamakura had existed in equilibrium with the Kyōto court, Ashikaga took over the remnants of the imperial … The power and influence of ethnic Japanese (wajin) in Ezo (modern-day Hokkaido) began to spread, leading to a clash with the native inhabitants, the Ainu people. The ensuing period of Ashikaga rule (1336-1573) was called Muromachi for the district in which its headquarters were in Kyōto after the third shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu established his residence in 1378. But the new Shogun, Yoshihisa, died of illness while still young, and his retired father Yoshimasa devoted his remaining years to construction projects at Jisho-ji Temple, notably the building known as Ginkaku (the Silver Pavilion), focusing his attention entirely on the world of artistic endeavor (and indeed, Yoshimasa's patronage of the arts became the foundation of the flourishing artistic culture of the Higashiyama area, and no one can deny he had a profound influence on later developments in Japanese culture. But in 1379, the Shiba clan launched a coup d'etat, which came to be called the Koryaku Coup, and as a result Yoriyuki HOSOKAWA lost his influence, replaced as Kanrei by Yoshimasa SHIBA. These measures were in response to the discontent felt by many warriors toward the policies, which heavily favored the nobility, enacted by Yoshimitsu in his final years. Erst im Jahr 1392 endete dieses Schisma mit der Aufgabe von Go-Daigos Nachfolger. Das entspricht etwa 0,29 Prozent aller Seitenbesuche. But as a result of this series of internal squabbles, the bakufu itself had fallen into decline, and was now capable of exerting control only over the area immediately surrounding Kyoto, transforming into an institution that just barely managed to take the place of the shugo and survive as the titular authority over the Sengoku-period daimyo who each struggled to defend his authority over his own territory. bis 784), geprägt durch die Ausbildung des ersten Staatsbuddhismus und die sogenannten sechs Nara-Schulen, (2) die Heian-Zeit (7941185), geprägt durch den Aufstieg der Shingon- un… With this coup, in which the Kanrei, a retainer of the Shogun, deposed the Shogun, Masamoto managed to create a hereditary monopoly over the position of Kanrei for his Keicho branch of the Hosokawa clan, and moreover arrogated to himself the right to depose and appoint the Shogun, but such a state of affairs did not continue for long. Der Konflikt war aber noch nicht beendet. Products included everyday items, farming tools, textiles, and paper. The daimyo did not in fact withdraw their soldiers until successive uprisings and unrest broke out in their home territories due to war weariness from the cost of having to support a war for so long. Although Takauji took the title of shogun for himself and his heirs, complete control o After Godaigo's death (in 1339) the Southern Court's power and influence waned, but internecine strife within the Ashikaga family led to the Kanno Disturbance, which eventually widened in scope to engulf the entire country, and this brought the Southern Court a reprieve, revitalizing it. More articles on this topic; C O N T E N T S: KEY TOPICS. Furthermore, shugo daimyo began establishing and building castle towns. As is well-known by now, Wikipedia entries can vary in quality from uninformed amateurish efforts to polished professional pieces. 710 – HandicraftsAs farmers made progress towards political independence, artisans also were freed from the control of the imperial court--which had dominated their livelihoods until this point--and achieved independence, leading to the general proliferation of handicrafts and the establishment of markets. But eventually, Nobunaga, who aimed to create a new system of government consistent with his motto of 'Tenka fubu' (warriors rule all under heaven), and Yoshiaki, who was trying to revitalize the old system of Shogun and bakufu, were bound to become enemies, and in 1573 Yoshiaki was driven out of Kyoto by Nobunaga, and with this, the bakufu system was dismantled and absorbed into a new governmental system created by Nobunaga. Not one of the religions is dominant, and each is affected by the others. Die nachfolgenden Ashikaga-Shōgune büßten beständig Macht ein. TransportationDue to the dissemination of the money-based economy and (economic) growth among the commoners, provincial cities also began to develop, and the highways were maintained to boost circulation of goods and trade in remote areas and facilitate the collection of the annual taxes, which led to lively cultural exchanges in rural culture. Yet despite the enormous size of the armies involved, morale among the various participating daimyo was low; this wasn't to say that they weren't hoping to be rewarded if their side was victorious, but as a result of this situation, inconclusive and intermittent fighting ravaged the capital for the next eleven years. The Ouchi clan as well as the merchants of Sakai and Nara began to produce their own unique publications. The Muromachi period (1336-1573) is a period of Japanese history spanning the length of time the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) was in existence. "The Gozan temples enjoyed the patronage of the bakufu, and in fact served as advisors and diplomats for Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA in the trade between Japan and Ming China. Original language: English: Pages (from-to) 131-150: Number of pages: 20: Journal: Japanese Journal of Religious Studies: Volume: 40: Issue number: 1: Publication status: Published - 2013 … Overview of the Muromachi periodIn the broadest sense, the term "Muromachi period" refers to the 235-year span during which the country was at least nominally ruled by an Ashikaga Shogun, beginning when Takauji ASHIKAGA enacted the Kenmu Code in 1336 before formally creating the bakufu in Kyoto in 1338, and ending when Nobunaga ODA exiled the fifteenth Shogun, Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA, in 1573; however, both the early and late stages of the Muromachi period can also be classified as the Northern and Southern Courts (Nanbokucho) (Japan) and Sengoku periods, respectively, so many favor a narrower definition of the Muromachi period, in which it is limited to the span from the unification of the two courts (in 1392) until the outbreak of the Meio Coup (in 1492, or alternatively the outbreak of the Onin War in 1467). 1333 eroberte Ashikaga Takauji Kyōto, eine von Nitta Yoshisada angeführte Armee eroberte Kamakura und vernichtete die Familie der Hōjō. Als Go-Daigo 1332 aus der Haft auf Oki freikam, waren diese Verbände bereit, ihn zu unterstützen. In 1536 the Nichiren sect came into conflict with Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Commerce and tradeIncreased agricultural production and the growing independence of artisans caused markets to spring up and expand in places ideally situated for commerce between or within cities. Dieser Zustand dauerte bis 1392 an. 1573 – HISTORICAL SETTING The new and reformed Buddhist sects of the prior Kamakura period consolidated their gains, and Buddhism for the commoner thereafter remained a regular feature of Japan’s religious landscape. During the Kamakura period the aristocracy accepted the bitter pill of distant shogunal rule, but the Ashikaga presence in Kyōto placed those who were perceived as boorish upstarts at the helm of cultural arbitration. Dieser Konflikt, auch der Kampf zwischen Nord- und Südhof genannt, spaltete die kaiserliche Dynastie in zwei Linien. Chinese concepts of religion differ from concepts in Judaism and Christianity, says scholar Julia Ching, which were "religions of the fathers", that is, patriarchal religions, whereas Chinese religion was not only "a patriarchal religion but also an ancestral religion". Thereafter, while in Yoshimitsu's time the country was pacified, following the Onin War the entire country became engulfed in strife (the Sengoku period) and as the shoen-koryo system fell apart, a new system came into existence to replace it. Universität Wien, seit 2001 Diese Seite wurde am 8. But his mercilessly political stance caused a backlash among many, who harbored resentment against his 'reign of terror,' and in the end he was assassinated by Mitsusuke AKAMATSU (in the Kakitsu Rebellion), which led to a steep decline in shogunal power. The Muromachi period was thus a time of prolonged civil unrest, remarkable social fluidity, and creativity. Der Zusammenbruch dieser staatlichen Ordnung wurde ausgelöst durch den Versuch des Kaisers Go-Daigo, an die Macht zurückzukehren. Der Hofadel wurde erneut vom politischen Geschehen ausgeschlossen. Der Begriff „Muromachi“ wird in diesem Handbuch auf folgenden Seiten erwähnt: Artikelseiten. The Buddhist Soga clan took over the government in the 580s and controlled Japan from behind the scenes … Yoshimitsu 足利義満 (+1358 … However, the armed conflict that began in the Onin War spread out to more rural areas and continued even after the fighting petered out in the capital, and in Kanto, the Kyotoku Incident extended the bloodshed for almost ten additional years after the Onin War ended. Glossar:Muromachi. Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche. Yoshimitsu also formed an auxiliary military force, called the Hokoshu, and worked to provoke two influential shugo daimyo families, the Yamana clan in the Meitoku Rebellion and the Ouchi clan in the Oei Rebellion, successfully suppressing both, and thereby strengthened the power of the bakufu, managing to unify the Northern and Southern Courts and eventually superceding the emperor's authority. Amidismus: Der Buddhismus des Reinen Landes … For other uses, see Muromachi (disambiguation). In 1457, the Ainu tribes, led by the great Ainu chieftain Kosamaynu, rose in revolt, engaging in battle with the Kakizaki clan and with Nobuhiro TAKEDA. Nagayoshi (Chokei) MIYOSHI, Motonaga's son, raised an army along with his brothers to hunt down Harumoto, who was driven into exile, while the Shogun Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA was converted into a mere puppet. It was from this time that Japanese pirates, known as "Wako," in western Japan began raiding the coasts of Korea and China. Benannt ist die Muromachi-Zeit nach dem Stadtteil Muromachi in Kyōto. Yoshimasa was not fortunate enough to have any sons, so he adopted his younger brother Yoshimi ASHIKAGA and appointed him his heir, but when Tomiko gave birth to a son, Yoshihisa ASHIKAGA, two rival factions, the faction supporting Yoshimi and the one supporting Yoshihisa, came into conflict. Die Muromachi-Zeit (jap. Hiei, leading into the Tenbun Hokke no Ran (The Lotus War of the Tenbun era). 1185 – Examples of such checkpoints include Kyoto's seven barrier stations. The Muromachi Era, and more specifically the Higashiyama culture, saw an unparalleled artistic culmination that focused on … 'He also created the Kyogen, a type of dialogue-driven comedy. Moreover, this period witnessed, in terms of international history, the dawning of the age of exploration, which meant that Europeans, notably the Portuguese and the Spanish, began to be active in East Asia. Painting and sculptureIn terms of painting, the Higashiyama period saw the emergence of Sesshu, who surpassed monk-painters like Mincho, Josetsu, and Shubun and perfected the art of ink painting. So gab es zu dieser Zeit zwei Kaiser in Japan. Among the common people, otogizoshi (fairy-tales), collections of short tales, were available to be read, while Kyogen, kouta (ballads) and kowakamai (a type of dance) were all popular forms of entertainment for commoners. Ein großer Bürger-Krieg wütete in Japan zwischen 1467 to 1477, der Onin-Krieg . Hiei, representing the old guard of influential Buddhist temples, and also implemented the hanzei (half-tax). The Japanese contact with the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) began when China was renewed during the Muromachi period after the Chinese sought support in suppressing Japanese pirates in coastal areas of China. Thereafter, using the fact that Yoshiaki had never officially been dismissed from the post of Seii taishogun as a pretext, movements did arise in various provinces to restore the bakufu to power, but against the momentum of the new governmental structure created by Nobunaga and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, such efforts were entirely fruitless, and so the Muromachi bakufu--and the Muromachi period itself--is considered to have ended at the point Yoshiaki was driven from Kyoto. The Muromachi period brought several additions to the local attractions of Japan, the most important probably being the famous Kinkakuji, the Golden Temple, in Kyoto, ordered by the Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. Given the energy and vitality of the Northern and Southern Court period, the (Kitayama) culture during the reign of the third Shogun, Yoshimitsu, was centralized and authoritarian, influenced both by aristocratic and warrior culture and by Chinese culture, while by contrast, the (Higashiyama) culture during the reign of the eighth Shogun, Yoshimasa, was based in commoner culture and was heavily influenced by Zen Buddhism, for example in the twin aesthetic principles of wabi-sabi (the beauty and pathos of loneliness, simplicity, and imperfection). The Muromachi period (1336-1493) For those who’ve read through chapters 1 and 2, this is the chapter where you finally get to wabi-sabi, the origin of simple, minimal and quiet, traditional, Japanese aesthetics. In the end the sixth Shogun was chosen by lots: Gien, who was a child of Yoshimitsu that had joined the priesthood, returned to secular life and became Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA. Nara-Zeit – The Nichiren sect started to spread in urban areas while the monk Nisshin began proselytizing work in Kyoto, and the townspeople combined forces into large groups of believers and struggling with the secular Doikki (land-based bands of peasants). The period draws its name from the de facto imperial capital, Asuka, in the Kinai region. Cities during the Muromachi periodThe founding of and subsequent commerce at markets spurred cities to grow and develop. Hence, the Onin War ended without any sort of conclusive victory for either side; the only thing it had accomplished was the near-total destruction of the capital, Kyoto. Yoshimitsu wurde von den Kaisern der chinesischen Ming-Dynastie anerkannt, er errichtete Prachtbauten und führte das Leben eines Monarchen. History books written during the periodThe "Masukagami" is the last of the four "kagami" history books (books with the word "kagami," or "mirror," in the title), and covers the period from Emperor Go-Toba's enthronement to Emperor Go-Daigo's triumphant return to Kyoto from exile in 1333, focusing on trends within courtly society. Asuka-Zeit – The Muromachi age may well emerge in the eyes of historians as one of the most seminal periods in Japanese history. Hiei, was chosen by lot to become Shogun, powerful daimyo families like the Toki, Akamatsu, and Ouchi clans actively interfered in the shogunal succession, trying to shore up the shogunal authority. The proceedings, as edited for this volume, reveal this new interpretation of the Muromachi age (1334-1573), which was among the most neglected and misunderstood chapters in Japanese history. Die Reste kaiserlicher Verwaltung gingen im militärischen Verwaltungssystem des Bakufu auf. New agricultural techniques were gradually introduced to the Kanto from western Japan, including irrigation techniques that utilized the planting of two crops a year, oxen and horses to plow, and water wheels, as well as increased production and use of manure fertilizer, leading to improved crop production; moreover, more concentrated and diverse agricultural efforts were launched thanks to advances in agricultural technology, which led to the development of a system of villages that spurred the growth of self-reliance among farmers. Traveling peddlers were called "renjaku merchants" (so named for their use of renjaku, a wooden frame for carrying goods on one's back). Taking advantage of the fact that the capital, Kyoto, lay in ruins as a result of Onin War, culture began to spread out into the provinces, and even disseminated down to the commoners, who had been advancing socially thanks to the development and growth of soson (peasant villages) and new urban areas in the provinces. Die Geschehnisse der Jahre 1333 bis 1336 führten zum Untergang der Kamakura-Shōgune (Kemmu-Restauration) und zur Herrschaft der Familie Ashikaga. With the exception of soy sauce (which had not widely proliferated throughout western Japan until the early Edo period nor spread into Edo itself until the mid-Edo period), these were items that had been introduced from China and then disseminated thanks to the commercial and industrial growth seen during the Muromachi period. 1536 the Nichiren sect came into conflict with Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt such checkpoints include 's. Im Ōnin-Krieg ( 1467–1477 ) um die Macht kaiserliche Dynastie in zwei.! Ise Shrine and asserted the primacy of shintô kami over the Buddhas Beginn... Cities to grow and develop, the Soto school of Zen Buddhist with shoinzukuri-style architecture its fathers! Crown, color on silk, Muromachi jidai ; etwa 13361573 ), auch der Kampf Nord-. 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