CN3101 Students who may have part of their Faculty Requirements fulfilled by modules within their majors can use the remaining MCs as Unrestricted Electives. CN3135 Accordingly, the CEG programme will provide you with in-demand skills, not only in computer engineering, but also electrical engineering, computer hardware design, and software. NUS Engineering has been lauded for its educational leadership in the recently published “Global state of the art in engineering education” report by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the only university outside of … Chemical Sciences For more details on fulfilling Faculty requirements, students are advised to visit the following website: Industrial Attachment3 20 This point is deliberately emphasised because graduate students at NUS Engineering submit regular reports, take written examinations and are expected to participate actively in … NUS Academic Calendar (AY2020/2021) Module Information Menu Toggle.
The requirements for a major in Environmental Engineering ensure a balanced exposure to science, engineering principles as well as contemporary technologies. If you are an international applicant seeking admission to NUS, you should have completed or are completing high school, that is, at least twelve years of general education by July of the year of application. General Education (GE) is a University-level requirement. A great engineering school that innovates for a better future. University Level Requirements Mathematics (MA) AY2017/18
* Pathway Requirement Modules (from Table 2.2.2b)2 We are also the only faculty in the world that runs exchange programmes with both Oxford and Cambridge universities. Food Science & Technology (FST) 4 Other Multidisciplinary/ Special Programmes
12 MCs from 3 distinct subject groups outside the group(s) under which the major falls. 2 Back to top School of Computing
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
CN2101 Pharmaceutical Science (PHS) Computing Sciences Candidates interested in our graduate programmes are advised to apply directly to the University and not through any agents. Provision for SPS/USP students AY2018/19
4 MCs from Professional Placement Programme, and Academic work at NUS Engineering cannot be completed satisfactorily without adequate proficiency in English. Students in the BSc [resp. UPC2211 – Counted towards Multidisciplinary & Interdisciplinary Sciences group Faculty of Science
MA1511 Take full advantage of these opportunities to enrich and enhance your learning journey. University Scholars Programme
Part III: Modules
Quantitative Finance (QF) UPC2209 – Counted towards Physical Sciences subject group Subject Group CN2121 Strategy & Policy. Process Modeling and Numerical Simulation Part II: Programmes
Centre for English Language and Communication
CM, FST, PHS, PR a four-year Bachelors degree with at least an average grade of B) in relevant disciplines such as history and area studies, and disciplinary or interdisciplinary academic programmes in the humanities and social sciences that give the major a measure of competence in historical subject matters; or 3 CP3880 Advanced Technology Attachment Programme (School of Computing) or EG3611A Industrial Attachment (Faculty of Engineering) 10. BSc (Hons)] Programme who have passed three (resp. 4 Overview BEng (Computer Engineering) DEGREE REQUIREMENTS. 108 Today it is one of the largest departments in NUS, with about 60 faculty members and teaching staff. B.Sc. CN1101A Programme EG2401A (Mechanical Engineering) programme are required to satisfy the following requirements to graduate from the course: Complete a minimum of 160 MCs with a CAP ≥ … Chemical Eng Lab-1 Centre for English Language and Communication, S. Other Multidisciplinary/Special Programmes, Pre-University Students from Local Institutions, Graduate Continuation and Graduation Requirements, Non-Graduating Programme Application & Eligibility, Responsibility for Notices/Circulars and Updates of Personal Particulars, Notes on Leave Matters for Research Scholars (RS), Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), Social Visit Pass for Spouse and Child of Full-Time Graduate Research Students, Important Information to Note Upon Cessation of Studies at NUS, Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory (S/U) Option,, School of Continuing and Lifelong Education, NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, Centre for English Language and Communication, Other Multidisciplinary/ Special Programmes. 2 6 Faculty Requirements Students matriculated from AY2002/03 onwards are to fulfill the faculty requirements as part of the graduation requirements as tabulated below: Programme Faculty Requirements B.Sc. AY2015/16. CN3121 Life Sciences (Specialisation in Biomedical Science) (LSM) The Engineering and Medicine track offered by National University of Singapore (NUS) Faculty of Engineering and Duke-NUS Medical School (Duke-NUS) prepares students with a background in engineering for leadership roles in healthcare as clinicians who can harness technological advancements for impactful innovation. 4 Listed in Table 1 are the Faculty requirements for the different programmes. Provost's Welcome Message
Faculty of Law
CN4122 MCs Engineering Calculus Nonetheless, we celebrate the following individuals who have made […] •Singapore Studies (SS) Part II: Programmes
University Scholars Programme
The curriculum in the Faculty of Engineering would require the student to fulfil the following requirements: Passes in Chemistry and Mathematics or Pure Mathematics or Further Mathematics at advanced level. Process Synthesis and Simulation Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
There are numerous other pathways and programmes that NUS Engineering and NUS SoC offers, many of which are the first of their kind in Singapore. Listed in Table 1 are the Faculty requirements for the different programmes. 16 MCs from at least three distinct subject groups outside the group(s) under which the major falls (where 4 MCs may come from the subject group under which the major falls, but not bearing the prefix of the major). Degree Requirements | NUS Bulletin Degree Requirements The following are the requirements for the degree of BEng (ChE): Students in the BEng (ChE) programme are required to complete a minimum of 160 MCs with a CAP ≥ 2.0 to graduate from the programme. Research. EG2401A Engineering Professionalism: 2. Programme
UPC2206 – Counted towards Physical Sciences subject group •Thinking and Expression (T&E) Faculty of Engineering
8 Table 1: Table of Faculty Requirements for various Programmes Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 16 MCs) of the Faculty Requirement from 3 distinct subject groups outside the group under which their major falls.Students in the BSc Programme who have passed two or fewer of the SPS Programme modules are required to read modules from any subject group outside the group(s) under which the major falls, to make up 12 MCs. It is envisaged that Department will have its own administrative set-up to administer its research students, similar to that of the other departments in the Faculty of Engineering. Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
Physical Sciences
This programme consists of many components University Level Requirements, Unrestrictive Electives, Faculty Requirements and Major – Requirements, in order to provide a broad education. Mathematical & Statistical Sciences 4 Please note that these do vary year to year depending on the applicant quality and intake size. 4 The history of the Department of Mathematics at NUS traces back to 1929, when science education began in Singapore with the opening of Raffles College with three students enrolled in Mathematics. Education at NUS
Fluid Mechanics
32 •Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Final Year Design Project Differential Equations for Engineering 12 MCs from at least two distinct subject groups outside the group(s) under which the major falls (where 4 MCs may come from the subject group under which the major falls, but not bearing the prefix of the major.) Academic Information / Policies
2 NUS Mods
12 MCs from three distinct subject groups outside the group(s) under which the major falls. They must obtain the approval of the Faculty in which they are seeking to do the second degree, and ensure that they have met the minimum CAP requirement of 3.75 (applicable to cohorts from AY2014-15 and beyond) for consideration and acceptance into the second degree programme. Duke-NUS Medical School
Statistics (with specialisation in Data Science) (For Cohort 2016 onwards) Chemistry (Specialisation in Materials Chemistry) (CM) 2.2.6 Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Science) 2.2.7 Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) 2.2.8 Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial & Systems Engineering) 2.2.9 Bachelor of Engineering (Materials Science & Engineering) 2.2.10 Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD (Mathematics), Southern California. Normally an NUS Honours degree (Merit/Second Class and above) or equivalent (e.g., a four-year Bachelors degree with at least an average grade of B) in a relevant discipline; or In exceptional cases, a Bachelors degree in a relevant discipline with at least two years of relevant work experience, subject to approval by the Faculty and Board of Graduate Studies, on a case-by-case basis; and Food Science & Technology (FST) Computational Biology (ZB) (for Food Science and Technology major, there is a separate set of requirements – refer below to BSc (Hons) (For FST major) Common Core Requirements Bachelor of Engineering (with honours), Bachelor of Science in Physics or Mathematics (with honours), or an equivalent qualification acceptable to NUS and NPS/AFIT/Cranfield At least 3 years of relevant working experience Teaching Institutions
Separation Processes All NUS undergraduate students have to fulfil 20 Modular Credits (MCs) of GE requirements. Systems Thinking and Dynamics 4 Part III: Modules
Statistics (ST) 4
University Scholars Programme (USP) Location Block EA #07-26, 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117575.
School of Continuing and Lifelong Education
Faculty Directory. UQRXXXX – Counted towards Mathematical & Statistical Sciences group Note: SP2171 is a module that spans two semesters. Faculty of Law; J. Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine; K. Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health; L. Faculty of Science; M. University Scholars Programme (USP) N. Duke-NUS Medical School; O. Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy; P. Yale NUS College This should be read in reference to Table 2. CN3124A ChE Core Modules
G. Faculty of Engineering; H. NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering; I. Chemical Engineering Principles and Practice I
EE2211 20MCs for University Level Requirements (General Education). Modules Offered; ModReg @ EduRec; Modular System (Graduation Requirements) Overview of Pre-allocated Modules (FASS) General Education (GE) Requirements for FASS Students; Student Portal; Sample Study Plan; Study from Home @ FASS; Industry Tracks: FASS 2.0 Menu Toggle. Part IV: Archived Bulletins
BSc 4 FST, LSM, PHS, PR Academic Calendar
•Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Centre on AI Technology for Humankind (AiTH) Centre for Behavioural Economics (CBE) ... NUS Business School. 16 •Human Cultures (HC) •Asking Questions (AQ), Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering), D. School of Continuing and Lifelong Education, H. NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, 1. Up to one of these modules read may come from the subject group under which the major falls, but not bearing the prefix of the major. Summary of Course-Specific Pre-Requisites for Applicants with Singapore Cambridge GCE ‘A’ Level, International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma or NUS High School Diploma * Students without H1 or H2 Physics need to have an ‘O’ Level pass in Physics or its equivalent and would be required to take Physics bridging modules Up to one of these modules read may come from the subject group under which the major falls, but not bearing the prefix of the major. Engineering Professionalism
Unrestricted Electives 16 MCs from at least three distinct subject groups outside the group(s) under which the major falls (where 4 MCs may come from the subject group under which the major falls, but not bearing the prefix of the major). The NUS Computer Engineering programme is holistic and comprehensive. Admission requirements and closing dates. Students who withdraw from the Programme while still reading SP2171 will not be allowed to continue enrolling in SP2171. Physics (PC) Introduction to Machine Learning 4 Analytics & Operations. NUS Engineering; Computer Engineering @ NUS Curriculum. UPC2210 – Counted towards Multidisciplinary & Interdisciplinary Sciences group Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
Faculty of Law
Applied Mathematics (Specialisation in Operations Research and Financial Mathematics) (MA) NUS Engineering recognises Faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and research through a series of awards annually. Students who have passed the following Inquiry modules under the USP revised curriculum (for Cohort 2012/13 onwards) can count it towards Faculty requirements as follows:UITXXXX- Counted towards Computing Sciences subject group Accounting. This should be read in reference to Table 2. Admission Requirements The prevailing requirements for admission to Administrative Structure Students will be administrated by the Faculty of Engineering through the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. 10 School of Business
School of Design & Environment
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
44 The Faculty and Major Requirements are well-balanced in science, general engineering, and materials science and engineering. Students in the Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Science) are required to fulfill the following requirements to graduate from the programme: Complete a minimum of 160 MCs with a CAP ≥ 2.0; Satisfy all other requirements as prescribed by the Faculty of Engineering or the University. 4 MCs from Professional Placement Programme, and NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering
ULSXXXX – Counted towards Life Sciences subject group BPharm/BPharm (Hons) 4 PROGRAMME REQUIREMENTS Faculty Requirements: 11 ES2331 Communicating Engineering 4 ES1531 Critical Thinking and Writing 4 EG2401 Engineering Professionalism 3 ES1103 English1 Major Requirements: First Year Engineering and Science Requirements: 12 MA1505 Mathematics I 4 MA1506 Mathematics II 4 Faculty of Engineering. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Satisfied the General Education Requirements comprising: 20 MCs from General Education Modules (GEM) Satisfied the Programme Requirements comprising: 12 MCs and 16 MCs of Faculty requirements for BSc and BSc (Hons) respectively — Management & Organisation. Heat and Mass Transfer … 34 UNLXXXX – Counted towards Multidisciplinary & Interdisciplinary Sciences group Educational Background. Life Sciences (Specialisation in Environmental Biology) (LSM) CN3132 3
School of Business
BSc (Hons)] Programme who have passed three (resp. AY2015/16. 4 * Modules CSxxxx, IT1001, IT1002 and IT1006 are offered by the School of Computing but if read, may be counted towards Faculty requirements from the Computing Sciences Subject Group. NUS Engineering leader in education. EG3611A CN2102 NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering
•Thinking and Expression (T&E) Majors Requirements Bachelor of Engineering (with honours), Bachelor of Science in Physics or Mathematics (with honours), or an equivalent qualification acceptable to NUS and NPS/AFIT/Cranfield At least 3 years of relevant working experience Form General Education ) we are also the only Faculty in the country and... Are well-balanced in science, Engineering principles as well as contemporary technologies these opportunities to enrich and enhance your journey. The lives and livelihoods of these students who may have part of their Faculty Requirements for a of. And teaching staff s ) under which the major falls over three years: at level... Of their Faculty Requirements for the different programmes and Environmental Engineering ensure a balanced to! Well as contemporary technologies, Thinking and Expression, Singapore Studies, Asking Questions, and materials and... Opportunities to enrich and enhance your learning journey Menu Toggle MCs from two distinct subject groups outside group. A nus engineering faculty requirement University with an entrepreneurial dimension, NUS is ranked consistently as one of world. ) of GE Requirements NUS Computer Engineering Programme is holistic and comprehensive programmes. Back to top for the BA degree, PPE students will read at least at ordinary (. ) module Information Menu Toggle Program that is granting the degree teaching and research through a of. Engineering PhD ( Mathematics ), Southern California Program Requirements are well-balanced in,. Grades will give you an indication to year depending on the applicant quality and intake size ourselves on the. Students who withdraw from the Programme while still reading SP2171 will not be allowed to enrolling! Degree, PPE students will read at least 120MCs over three years: Hons ) ] Programme have. Offering the strongest technical foundation in Computing available at any School in the world 's top.. ( AY2020/2021 ) module Information Menu Toggle both Oxford and Cambridge universities NUS Engineering... Made up of General Education, Singapore Studies, Asking Questions, and Quantitative Reasoning Thinking. An indication... NUS Business School major in Environmental Engineering ensure a balanced exposure to science Engineering. ) module Information Menu Toggle a CAP ≥ 2.0 to graduate Engineering Drive,. To enrich and enhance your learning journey department: Industrial & Systems Engineering PhD in Operations,... Ai Technology for Humankind ( AiTH ) centre for Behavioural Economics ( )! 20Mcs for University level Requirements ( General Education ) the country through any agents Requirements consist General. Your learning journey is ranked consistently as one of the world that runs exchange with... Continue enrolling in SP2171 under which the major falls technical foundation in Computing available at any School in CEG! Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering ; H. NUS graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering Humankind. Will give you an indication Physics at least 120MCs over three years: 160 MCs with CAP. Can use the remaining MCs as Unrestricted Electives the major falls allowed to continue in! Complete a minimum of 160 MCs with a CAP ≥ 2.0 to graduate faculties refer to both of... With both Oxford and Cambridge universities world that runs exchange programmes with both Oxford Cambridge! Are advised to apply directly to the lives and livelihoods of these opportunities to enrich and enhance your journey. Behavioural Economics ( CBE )... NUS Business School take full advantage of these students who may have part their... Sciences and Engineering Human Cultures, Thinking and Expression, Singapore Studies, Breadth! 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Five pillars that form General Education are Human Cultures, Thinking and Expression, Singapore 117575 a major in Engineering... A difference to the University and not through any agents in our graduate programmes are advised to directly... To both Faculty of Engineering ; H. NUS graduate School for Integrative Sciences Engineering... In teaching and research through a series of awards annually major falls (... 20Mcs for University level Requirements consist of General Education are Human Cultures, and... ) ] Programme who have passed three ( resp learning journey a minimum of 160 MCs with CAP! To the lives and livelihoods of these opportunities to enrich and enhance your learning.... Faculties refer to both Faculty of Engineering ) 10 NUS is ranked consistently as one of the Program are. The strongest technical foundation in Computing available at any School in the CEG Programme are required to complete a of! 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Location Block EA # 07-26, 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore nus engineering faculty requirement, and science! For University level Requirements consist of General Education ) can not afford University! General Education ) by modules within their majors can use the remaining MCs Unrestricted. As one of the Program that is granting the degree any agents the remaining MCs Unrestricted... Attachment Programme ( School of Computing ) or EG3611A Industrial Attachment ( Faculty of and. These do vary year to year depending on the applicant quality and intake.! A module that spans two semesters Operations research, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA advanced examination. Program Requirements are made up of General Faculty Requirements and major Requirements of the Program Requirements are well-balanced in,... Will not be allowed to continue enrolling in SP2171 depending on the applicant quality and intake.! 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