Dunno if he got pissed because I was living my life like he never existed anymore.or maybe because he thinks I blocked him in fb because i did deactivate my fb or yes the one you wrote the part that says that maybe he is trying to get a reaction from me because he is super manipulative. I Started Thinking About Him Less. I for my part am feeling like I’m on a good way and your words just helped me understand the last struggle that this relationship has thrown in my way. It has been around 2 months NC now, and she unfriended me a few days after NC. Did it happen quickly? I freaked out, called him on his bullshit and the relationship ended with him telling me I was the “first woman he’d opened up to in 10 years, and this is what he gets” crap. All im doing is looking at a what a good time hes having and it hurts like hell. Keep coming back here to the blog. I don’t disagree with your article, and I’m sure it doesn’t matter much to my ex anyways. Why Did My Ex Block Me? I’m happy it helped!! I am so happy to help ???? Last time we had a huge fight and he told me the reason he deleted me was because “I post too many stories and they’re pointless” then he ended up adding me again because I wasn’t ok with that. So I felt the best thing for both of us, was to unfriend her and block her. I guess I’m kind of confused since now he is telling people stupid lame excuses to why he broke up with me too and it hurts, Thanks for reading I’m so sorry that you are going through this. Over and above anything else, we were business contacts and supporters and I have given him countless hours of help and advice over the years – he’s even taken some of my business ideas and passed them off as his own, and I just let it slide… I thought that open business support was the one thing I could rely on from him too, and it seems I was wrong. I’m really kicking myself for that, wish I hadn’t done it even though it’s a very minor act. I gave a lot to try and maintain the LDR I had with my ex. I blocked him from Insta and he flipped out about that but he thinks he has the right to delete me of snap. I wish that I could answer but I have too much to say to type it all out, not enough hands to type or hours in the day. As a relationship coach, more and more of my clients face the dreaded Block on Facebook, and immediately become determined to get unblocked and back in the lives of their exes. I know I’m not alone in this. And after we got into a arguement (few days before a proper breakup)he was with this girl from his uni class where they went for a walk or something and she posted his picture in fb. I’m so happy that the post helped! I do offer one-on-one coaching if you are interested. You do want to improve as a person, right? He decided he can’t do we break up. I think he has gone a little mad and upset (pretty normal in that situation). I ignored it again. Honestly”. I’m so happy that the post helped!! My ex of three years broke up with me completely unexpectedly after I caught him messaging a girl (claimed nothing really happened). I didn't initiate contact; I didn't respond to any, either. Thank you for this positive post! After he cut off all our means of communication, no communication for 16 days, he messaged me again. Although this is very hard for me, I want to understand why he hasn’t unfollowed me? But him unfriending me takes away the last fantasy I have, and that makes me more mad than sad! Then later I saw in his friend’s insta that him, his friend, the girl his friend is trying to get with and also the girl he went for a walk with were all going for a road trip. Enter radio silence. Thank you for sharing. I dont want to appear to be the immature one but i think i will feel more in control if i defriend him first although he probably doesnt give a sh&t . Recently I found out shockingly that my ex from 6 years ago unfriended me after barely any contact for almost 3 years. I just honestly want a break in general as I really do not want to be a spectator of her life anymore because what she posts does hurt me still (sayings/quotes/love songs/implying she is with other women etc. Because he is trying to move on with his life, that in NO way means that he is rejecting you or that you’re not good enough. Fast forward 9 months and he recently unfriended me on facebook. What do I need? I broke up with my boyfrien after spending 4 months together.. becayse he was so emotionally UNAVAILABLE . Your advice is amazing and you’re always so spot on so hopefully you have some insight for me xoxo, Thank you so much :)) I think that that’s a good sign that he still wants to know: 1) what’s going on in your life 2) wants to come across as “mature” 3) still cares and misses you. I do offer coaching if you’re interested. I know for a fact that I got a great closure from my side so I can happily move on but I can’t still help but feel affected by it. I would also need more details. He hasn’t just suddenly morphed into Don Juan, The Ambassador of Respect. I have a question for you- my ex unfollowed me on Instagram a little less than a year ago and it was hurtful because I like to think we are still friends. Recently I found out shockingly that my ex from 6 years ago unfriended me after barely any contact for almost 3 years. Its ridiculous! I am still hurting and coping and should have never looked but this just made it so much worse. Or the 30th time? So it really puzzles me why he decided to unfriend me and why after so many years! I have been doing the NC for 26 days now and I am lil bit afraid my ex won’t contact me. For a few weeks after the break up I was posting photos of me with people, at events, at dinner etc. I can’t deny I’m hurt, or that I’ve effectively put my dating life on hold whilst ‘seeing’ him but this seemingly small action has been the catalyst I needed to finally cut the strings for good. With me and apparently even more in his current “happy” relationsh*t lol if you’re reading this, it’s ok. It’s better to let him go. Thanks for your love, for reading and for your understanding. I am so happy it helped! We are also super religious so I thought this was it. But thanks natasha. Your blog is so inspiring and is helping me to learn to be strong and confident again. Thank you for the advice and powerful words. This is why I can no longer give specific advice in the comments. Being unfriended can be pretty traumatic. We didn’t do a whole lot together besides lay in bed and watch tv. But the thing 3 weeks before we broke up we were so happy in Paris. But rest assured there was no poor-me public ranting about it. It’s common and normal to wonder why your ex blocked you. I unfollowed him from snapchat deleted hus number and messages three days after the breakup and stayed off contact since then. But what was done was done. And today I found out he unfollowed me within the last few days. Why did my ex "unfriend" me on Facebook instead of block me? I’m so happy to help ? But my god he was great in bed!! We started getting along fine. Reply Link. Looking at the evidence to understand the thinking of showrunners Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland. I feel so bad for her. Reading your blog just helped the last piece to click into place, and I’m so very grateful. How can you tell everyone that you won’t put up with disrespect, yet still have the room on your social media profiles (and in your heart), for anyone who consistently disrespected and took advantage of you? Not willing to talk to him ever again. I'm going through the exact situation. The thing is, if he does indeed miss you, he should do a lot more than continue to follow you and watch your snap stories. Your writing is beautiful and sarcastic at the same time. But I mean why wouldn't he delete you if you didn't respond to him. Sometime in July I started talking to this guy and he was really sweet! Additional Details He took down our pictures. If he has moved on and happy with his new relationship why would he feel the need to block me when nothing has occurred since May? I’m done with him.” Important: Whatever you say and do from now on will either make your ex feel respect and attraction for you, or turn her off the idea of being with you even more. im still on the process of moving on and healing natasha. You want to win, you want to be chosen and you may be a bit of a people pleaser too. Get Natasha’s 7 life-changing & Essential Boundaries straight to your inbox. Other readers are here to support you and I do offer one-on-one coaching if you are interested. Him unfollowing you is a good thing though. Any advice would be amazing, thank you! There are few worse feelings than when your ex deletes you from social media. I hope he will get his life together. You are loved, understood, backed, believed in and never, ever alone. If you’re the one that didn’t unfollow first, this is a huge blow to your ego. My ex broke up with me a week ago and he unfriended me the actual day we broke up. I think i don’t want to linger on to him, hoping that he will come back. I didn’t react, however, i did finally (after a few weeks) click on our messenger conversation (he sent two meaningless messages through there during nc) the day after he unfriended. he was the one who ended it, although we had a brilliant relationship at the beginning. Once or twice a … I saw this and got sick to my stomach. Again thank you for the words and you’re outlook on this situation!! I mean.. he is not following me but i continue to follow him… doesnt it look like i cant let go? Tweet. Should I unfollow him or just leave it as is. But one thing I had noticed was that he had left me on Snapchat and still actively watched my story. I know for a fact that I’m not holding any bad feelings for him. Firstly thank you so much for taking your time to read this. He had me on facebook even after this fight up until a week ago. It was almost as if it was out of the blue. You are not alone. I haven’t spoken to him in almost two months. xxx. Lol At first I was a bit shocked to see that. I can’t explain how accurate everything you write is. I would also need more details. I don’t care how old he is or how mature he seems or what degrees he has or how much volunteering he does or how often he visits his grandmother. The 13th came and went. Keep coming back here to the blog. I think he is being spiteful, but I don't know. This sounds like what I’m going through right now. I’ve been through a similar situation that inspired this post https://postmalesyndrome.com/social-media-and-relationships-5-red-flags/, Thanks for your love and support. I know I’ll hear from him again, he always comes back eventually, but this time I won’t be there to reply. My ex girlfriend and I had a bad breakup in which I kept constantly calling her and begging her to take me back and got into a bit of drama with her best friend who I never met the whole year of mine and my ex relationship. I’ve heard some people tell me my ex blocked my number because I cheated, and some others say my ex blocked me from his phone after I called 17 times last night. I don’t know what to do. But if he says he's still tight with his ex's parents—despite the fact that he "doesn't talk to my ex at all." It was insane. But he has always moved at warped speed. Dated a guy for over 3 years, we broke up and he started dating someone else within a week. Yup, big man here crying about it. Thanks Natasha, coaching would have been great but i leave on the other side of the world… can you just refer to what you wrote about how not to unfollow back even if you have 3 followers and if it doesnt appear pathetic to keep on following him when he unfollowed me? So I was thinking he was still stalking me. I do not want her to have the power – to think that she has gotten to me. We did however had a good conversation thereafter, sharing some of the great memories we have made and ended it like adults. Anonymous. Slowly? I will finish my master’s degree in a few weeks and have applied for the job of my dreams. Thx you for the love and for taking the time to share XOXO. Not that I care I guess. 'It is important to [see] women as equals, worthy of respect'. The kitchen got too hot. Why did she unfriend me and why would she unfriend and not just block? I hope that I was able to help a little and thanks so much for reading xoxoxoxo, Hi Natasha This is the second time I’m reading this and this time I just decided to tell you my story. I think he's just mad that you ignored him. But it wouldn’t be the whole truth … not entirely. A good month ago I started posting stories on facebook: he watched almost every single one of them – and then yesterday I’ve seen that he’s unfriended me. He broke me. . “I had an ex-boyfriend not only unfriend me, but block me! I sent him a msg where I basically got a closure for me as well. (I know it was too fast) our relationship was very serious from the beginning but he showed he had jealousy and controlling issues, he could be the sweetest and cheesiest guy but other times he could be like very cold with me, he fell into a depression after we got engaged and after 4 months decided that he wasn’t happy with me because I didn’t show him I could be his wife, I made a really big effort because he told me previously the things that he needed from me but still it wasn’t enough for him and we just broke up, we also had communication issues but I still get along with all his friends and family, they text me from time to time especially his mum, he wants to keep in touch with me and they have been so sweet but everyone but him wants to stay in touch and text me and after 4 months of our broken engagement he decided to unfollow me, I mean I find it very ridiculous since we are mature people that was going to get married and I get along with his family, but he was nasty he also unfollowed my family and friends… I feel so confused and hurt by him, he clearly wants to erase me from his life when I wasn’t even the one to initiate the break up. I could not handle coexisting with her right now the way she said she wanted me to ( she dumped me, but wanted to be friends.) I wouldn’t have (we are supposed to be more mature, right? I mean she could see (if she was not so absorbed in herself) that I have not even signed on for a week. If your ex broke up with you recently, then you are likely still recovering from the breakup by trying to build up your self-esteem. A couple months ago, I decided to unfriend my ex from Facebook. I will try to write more about this soon. trying to out fake her because she was posting the same and even dedicating songs to her new love interest (I mean victim – she is a narcissist at its truest form). The fiery love between Mathew and Noah can no longer be contained. I’ve just started reading your blog and I absolutely love it. Thank you so much for this post. I just found your blog and this article and I am so so thankful and feel so understood. I do want him back,but I’m afraid to see a post of his as it will likely be painful. That’s why I urge you not to block your ex and instead focus on your personal growth. You’re worried about how it will look to everyone on the outside and truthfully, it’s the last little connection that you have to him and if we’re going to get really real here, you want to see what he’s up to. We were determined to stay friends after the divorce but now I’m not so sure. Again, I don’t know details. Not even unfollowed! I wish I had the time to answer in the kind of depth that I would need to. He should win me back cause he’s the one who hurt me right? You don’t want to come across as the immature or the weak one and you don’t want him to feel like he won. (And I hadn't even made any move online to suggest how I felt or that anything had changed in my life.) Facebook. It was amazing and we both had great time. The couple times I did check, I found out he got engaged to a girl after 3 months of dating and “he’s happier than ever” and “it just feels right” with him changing his profile pic to him, her and her son. I did the same thing to a girl few days ago but she's not my girlfriend or anything. We seen each other at an event and we decide to make plans to go out the next day. BTW – he was mean and disrespectful to me in our last texts so i wrote to him a text saying that i trued to end things on a good level but it doesnt seem to work out so thank you for all the good things and that i thing he is an amazing person and that i genuinly widh him all the best. But just recently he began to message me again and disappeared on me AGAIN! Would love your thoughts, please comment. I just kept telling myself that just because they are getting married doesn’t mean it will be a happy marriage. Remain on your white horse and know that you are not alone – ever. When being blocked on facebook by your ex, the first thing to consider is what brought you here. I have a question though. You’re not alone xoxo. Our breakup wasnt ugly and we both got over it fast. I’m done with him.” Thank you for being a part of this tribe. I got engaged 8 months ago, my fiancée asked me to marry him after 6 months of being together. He’s hurt either by you or by having to see your photos. I know it sounds ridiculous and I should let this go but I still miss the fun times and him…I unfollowed him on everything social media related and he only unfollowed me on instagram last week…do I reach out to him or just let this one go…. I was going to unfriend him anyway, he just beat me to it, which is ok. I’m not like him, I needed more time. After 2 days of from adding me back, he unfriended me from all his social media again. I just found out he unfollowed me, about 2 weeks after the breakup. Hi Anon! I didn’t hear from her for two years, and we live in the same city. I know how it feels like it’s never going to get better, but it will! Additionally, my ex was still attracted (kissing/hugging/intimacy) to me when he broke up with me. When should i unfollow him? Recently I found out shockingly that my ex from 6 years ago unfriended me after barely any contact for almost 3 years. He even said himself he was like two people, and admitted that he wasn’t a nice person. I wish that I could answer but I have too much to say to type it all out and not enough hands to type or hours in the day. It will help. maybe I’m different, but I messaged my BF and explained why I unfriended him in a nice way.that ibwasnt unfriending him in real life, but seeing his pics was painful to me… ), and I told him that. Xxxx, Question.. Me again…………Everyone I talk to says to “unfriend and unfollow” my ex on Facebook. (And turns out my FB posts were public, so he saw them anyway. When I asked him about it (yeah I know – I shouldn’t have told him I noted, but I read your article too late!) A few days later I ask him to talk, not to get back in the relationship, but to end off on good terms. Sometimes an ex will unfollow you to: a) See how fast you notice and b) When you do notice, he wants to see the level to which you freak out. Was posting things to hurt me right so right about this soon for taking your time share. And would be happy to help further with this all about 18 months and Noah can no longer be.! Less drama for me to it determined to stay in NC having your own back not! Always checked my Instagram stories straight to your ego but already I feel so much worse give specific advice/answers the! Things, acted so aloof, and they him talked 3 years seen it coming, although my won. Very fast unfriend me and why after so many ways that he unfriended me from Instagram and.. 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