They obviously made some bad decisions and theres repurcussions for your poor decisions, thats not Kirstens fault, you mad that decisions, not Kirsten. She was tried, convicted, and sentenced to a max of nine years, but onlyserved seven years of her time before she was released on parole, to which theCostas family, who eventually relocated to Hawaii,vehemently objected. Kirsten was more popular she was up there high She had it all, and some were jealous of her popularity. Note: This article may feature affiliate links, and purchases made may earn us a commission at no extra cost to you. Im embarrassed for her. 0 Review . I read a lot of these Articles,and her BFF said the exact same thing on one interview. Also McDonald I heard of her on these sites. It also tends to victimize blonds! Nope! People in Orinda arent worried about this so much anymore, for all over the World were in times of need and Sorrow. If every teen girl was to be murdered due to bullying and being Stuck up, and also Loose with boys then we wouldnt have any teen,girls at all. Can you give examples of Kirsten degrading others and thinking she is better than everyone? Bernadette lived in a wealthier area than Kirsten. Was Bernadette fragile when she watched as two innocent girls were accused of Kirstens murder by the Orinda community? If the person that Tori spelling played in that movie Was indeed Kristen Costas attitude toward other students then anybody couldve seen this coming. I think she wanted to be part of the elite click. Like Missy Availa saying she was roughish and wild and Loose, didnt give Karen Severson and Laura Doyle any right to murder her either. Never wished Kirstens unfortunate death, she may of been misunderstood, but she never talked to me, neither did Bernadette. I have never seen Kirsten insult anyone, (I knew her), she was friendly towards everybody, Berns BFF May say it differently, cause Bernadette just took things way to Serious, and like I said she took things way to Personal to where it became Personal. Neither does a lot of former classmates. You took the life away from this poor girl and her family. I dont believe Kirsten was a Bully. Teenage years are hard on all of us. It was full of middle class and upper- middle class families. It gave me the creeps. She should of just left Kirsten alone and went on with other things, Kirsten wouldnt of gave her any thought otherwise, but she was just obsessed with Kirsten and Kirsten liking her, that was the main focus in her life, and it took Kirstens unfortunately. Age Wiki & More Information On We Met In Virtual Reality Cast, Joe Lycett Sister Beth Lycett Make Clothes For His TV Appearances, Nany Gonzalez Before And After Veneers Transformation Is Astonishing, What Is Bling Empires Blake Abbie Family Net Worth 2023, Michael Chernus And Wife Emily Simoness Made Their Best Decisions In 2015. Its about time on other sites told all about Kirsten and how much fun loving she was. Your lack of self awareness is both amusing and perplexing. I think Kristen called Bernadette out on being a lesbian. The Homecoming Court was as popular (if not more) popular than Kirsten. I pray Bernadette is repayed and rewarded by the Blessed Trinity for the horrendous act towards the Costas. I saw the film Death of a Cheerleader this January, 2021. She was given birth in a luxurious home by her parents, Arthur and Berit Costas, and she had a brother named Peter who was raised in the unremarkable suburb of Orinda in the state of California. People are going by that. with this Virus going around. She looks like she would have lit up a room. The case is ancient history so why is it constantly being rehashed over and over. I knew there were girls who didnt like Kirsten not sure why, we all cant get along with everybody. Im not saying that she should have been killed, but sometimes bad behavior has a terrible outcome which is why we all need to teach our children to respect the feelings of others. Seems like alot of a holes justifying others that are a holes sorry no justification theres no reason to act like an a hole young or old, you treat all ppl with respect and the way you yourself would like to be treated dont need parents or Bible school to learn morality, any person who trust to justify any bad behavior has no morality or class in my opinion, and theres a post somewhere that says girls went along with bullying so they werent the ones being bullied lol, what a sad excuse thats called being a coward and a follower and has nothing to do with popularity depending on what ones warped definition is of popularity its not how a person looks or what they have or how they act but how they are perceived by what they do by inspiring ppl its being admirable and nothing is admirable about acting like trash talking scans that need to put others down to feel better about themselves thats just lowlives that probably pick on the handicaps as well real big of them, thats no one by definition that I popular some ppl must have thier definition all messed up and who says theyre popular anyway them lol Im sure every group thought they were the special ones, but by lowering ones level to picking on other ppl harassing demeaning and taunting them eventually theyre going to come across the wrong ppl who dont take that bs, and Im not justifying murder but it takes more than a bad comment on a pair of boots to push someone to that point, Im sure she didnt share all of the abuse she was subjected to, but I definitely compare scum that target other ppl to feel better about themselves like the leader of the holocaust and if thousands or plausibly millions werent followers of some psycho with an inflated ego than millions of ppl would have never been tortured or murdered all because scum bags like the ones that come up with excuses for bad behavior cant stand up for whats right because theyre pathetic loosers that are too afraid to stand up for whats right and they ate no better those ppl who did nothing and followed hitler were all conspirators and complicit and there are a multitude of cases just like that which is why ppl need to stop with there warped sense of wanting to belong to some misfit group that is the furthered thing from what is popular is really all about. I hear a lot of them still get together on Occasions, and others have moved on. Bernadette was and most likely still is a highly disturbed individual. Bernadette fit in fine and lived in a lovely area. B was a Psycho and always will be. She should of just beat her up, that would of stopped her. The costas still have to deal with pain and grief and it doesnt matter if she was angry nobody thought about kirsten or her family by letting bernadette get a slap on the wrist! You cant try a 15yr old as an adult now. The bullying, the lies, the jealousy and competition is so toxic and they will murder your soul. The Angela Delvecchio character played by Kellie Martin is actually the opposite of Bernadette Protti - who was older, taller and blonde - while Kirsten Costas, played by Tori Spelling - was only 15, shorter and dark-haired. I was wondering why she was so pro-Bernadette. I certainly dont condone murder under any circumstances even if someone is being bullied but I certainly think it is a terrible thing to actually do a movie that is based on true events without any detail to the accuracy of the characters. Whos to say she hasnt Murdered again, if so, she Covered her tracks better, and probaly let an innocent person take the blame and maybe jailed for it. That Movie was nothing like the real Kirsten. Bernadette was to in a (round about way) She wasnt as popular as Kirsten, she desired to have the things Kirsten had. As I also wrote to you in a previous comment, judging from your malicious, reprehensible comments and utter ignorance and delusion, your moral fiber is rotten to the core, and I pity any child subjected to your skewed guidance as their moral fiber will no doubt succumb to decay. Basically ,she liked everybody. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Maybe it wasnt a big national story at the time, and was more of a California Bay area story (Im from Illinois). Everyone loved my friends because they were funny and not rich. Love your integrity on all this. Bernadette made a horrible decision by ending a girls life, if she left her alone, B wouldnt be in the mess she got herself in, she kept pushing for her friendship. We arent all made to be popular. Everybody who knew her just loved her well most everybody. Sticking up for a Murderer youre Pathetic. If not, I doubt she worries about the past. In another one of your comments your wrote Well said Sarah. It shows what a shallow, loser, she was. Stuck up she was, no Bully. I dont think she suffers from depression, but she is wanting to isolate from the World. No one really cares why. Kristen was a total bully, just horrible. Self Absorbed yes. She was friends with my sister, came around our house a few times. Even if her friend was bullying dont give right to take life. Look inwards and think with consideration before you speak. Now that you know, have fun looking around! They were stuck up I didnt hate them, maybe they were misunderstood. Attractive and hard-working, they fit easily into their new neighborhood. She was always listening to music, making phone calls, dancing. After being set free, Bernadette went through the legal process of changing her name to Jeannette Butler. Her BFF I think is also real sick, shes down to nothing. These 15 vintage Halloween cards for kids were super cute ways to say boo! I was there too. [citation needed]. Being disgusted that the murderer allowed two innocent girls to be accused of the murder? She didnt give examples because she wasnt bullied by Kirsten. Girls, women at any age can be so horrible. Bernadette was popular to, she was just wanting to be Kirsten, and Kirstens approval meant so much to us all, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette till that fateful night, She never cared either way, Bernadette took it so serious and it became (serious) and fatal. You guys are kidding yourselves. Some by the time theyre 18 depends on the maturity level theyre at. When they opened the door, they saw Kirsten and, behind her, another girl, who looked about fifteen, lurking out the path.. Stuck up she was, no Bully. But that has about a millionth of a percent chance of ever happening. Cause Bernadette was stuck up to, or thats how Bernadette appeared. Her parents were wealthy. Its best not to post comments at all on Bernadette anymore. I do believe she didnt like outcasts like Nancy and Joanna there. Kirsten was full of energy and life. You dont know whether or not Kirsten had to go without anything. Sad because K had it all as I saw it. Her family were upper-middle class, not multi millionaires. This poor girl never got to grow up and experience life all because some horrible, disturbed girl murdered her. Just hearsay. Too bad Bernadette WAS a pathetic psychopathic freak. Bernadette Protti aka Angela Delvecchio is in Portland, Oregon with her husband and child. Bernadette was a Snob also, she only wanted to hang with the incrowd, if you were nothing she didnt talk to you anymore than she had to. Word was that girls were safe because raping a girl is irresponsible and could get them fired because girls could get pregnant and priest need to bring money in, not pay out for 18 years. We all moved on, every time we rehash this, it just brings up the past to that very day. She never had words with Kirsten, just said Kirsten hardly talked to her, maybe once or twice in her entire life. She wanted to, but decided not to go through with it. There is no point in making stuff up. The boys at Miramonte liked Bernadettes childhood friend and Kirsten, none were interested in Bernadette. She couldnt give any more examples because there was no more examples which is why there is still no clear reason why she killed Kirsten. Bernadette planned everything down to the last detail, even telling Kirstens Mum to ask Kirsten not to tell anyone about the supposed dinner that night. Bernadette admitted to many friends she craved the wealthy life, and hated that her own parents (whom I feel sorry for) were so old. Yes Kirsten and them all thought they were better than a lot. She wasnt a fan of ( stupidity) by any means at all. Although the story below was published in, Newspaper headlines from the real-life Death of a Cheerleader story: The Kirsten Costas murder (1984). In your dreams Bernadette was better looking! Well said Sarah. Youve got to be kidding right?! Kirstens friends arent either (not one bit). Parents sign an agreement to spend $500 to pay for green and white uniforms and cheerleading camp. We need an Memorial Page set up for Kirsten. But I heard both sides on Kirsten, some say she was a hugging person who liked everyone, like in the Interview of a friend of hers mom said she was a loveable Puppy. I cant believe they made a movie that was so offensive to the real victim. Theyre not up with Morbid fascinations due to all the stuff that is going on Worldwide today. . She possesses plenty of power while also easily being one of the top pitchers in the game. Well she had her Spirits and was funny ( if not funnier) like that. Nurturers dont kill people. She talked to most people. While in Hockey and Baseball 2005, it is button-up from the top. for what i read the cheerleader was mean to bernadette protti,the cheerleader always thought she was prettier than bernadette and didnt want to be her friend.kirsten the cheerleader always hurt her feelings.have you seen the movie with tori spelling?death of the cheerleader. As for Kirsten making fun of outcasts, I agree every school has outcasts. She hasnt been there in awhile that I know of. You the one who told about the girls ran out of Miramonte as well. : Were you a perfect teen who got along with everyone and never said anything unkind to anyone ever? No right to murder. Finally, as an aside, I think some people need to learn the difference between fiction and reality. One was transferred there because of problems with boys. Who cares about that, that is no reason to be lured from your own home and murdered by a psycho. Much more middle class. Dont matter if Kirsten was a bully or the meanest girl ever, you haters on her leave her alone and let her Rest In Peace. She is still remembered for her heinous crime- murdering a young girl named Kirsten Marina Costas in 1984. She was Bubbly and Gregarious, loved to have a great time. You knew both girls? And Im sure Ms.Stuff and D and Beauty and the Beast are probaly still today If they want to be. They were snooty and cocky but not mean. Kirsten didnt like (stupidity). Former Front Desk Associate at Planet Fitness. I can see Kirsten not wanting to be bothered with her. Every School has kids people dont like! The film is not a documentary but a fictional account of what happened, therefore the creators (writer Dan Bronson and director William A. Graham), although keeping the California setting, changed Kirsten Costas's name to Stacy Lockwood, played by Tori Spelling, and changed Bernadette Protti's name to Angela Delvecchio, who was played by Kellie Martin. If she does go back there its only to see her family who is still there, and she wont leave The Whole time shes there or contact a soul. This Mats person you sound just like what Bernies BFF said about Kirsten exactly. Tony's sister, Angela Delvecchio, is also quite an awesome player in these games. Im sorry but not sorry to be petty but Bernadette has a huge fg nose and hamster cheeks topped with a double chin. Society in the richest places raise their children to be obnoxious and unbearable little freaks who will at some point push a normal person to the brink,so whatever happens is something they are a part of as well as the person they have pushed. They still do Bernadette and always will, so she has to look over her head every second. She must have really had a low opinion of herself!! Shes pretty much out of the picture, her YouTube gets messages from (Kirsten from Heaven) thats sick whoevers doing that. Kirsten didnt really Bully Bernadette, some of the other girls there did Bully her a little. 1. Do you really think its acceptable to lure someone out of their house under false pretences and then expect a positive reaction if your lie is discovered? Kirsten wasnt Super Rich like Melrose Place, family was well off, so was Bernadettes. I didnt know Kirsten very well. I dont care how old your comment is, I just have to reply to that bullst. Heres how to party like its 1969, See some slimming and sexy 1960s stretch pants, Print Color Fun: Free coloring pages & more fun for kids, Quotes Quotes Quotes: 1000s of clever & inspiring quotations, Find answers to lifes little questions. I wasnt Popular and Kirsten liked me and was nice to me. Yes, I have seen the movie. If you were snubbed at Miramonte, maybe you caused your own reactions. Its all coming back to haunt her for what she did. I dont think she was any worse than any other teenage girl by any means. Bernadette was clearly very sick and disturbed, yet you appear to be minimizing or even excusing Kirstens murder by referring to Bernadette as a fragile human being, and writing Society in the richest places raise their children to be obnoxious and unbearable little freaks who will at some point push a normal person to the brink. The characters were loosely based on Kirsten and Bernadette. You are full of it. She had friends to, some were Bernadettes, and they dont care to hear from or about Bernadette anymore. Sounds like her parents Shouldve did some actual parenting and taught her how to have respect for other people. Those girls arent that way as I said, they still get together on Occasion and all and are fine Adult Women. I saw an interview with one of her classmates who described her as mean. Bernadette was described as homely. I wouldnt have either. That Bullying was a Copout. She was friendly and outgoing. Kirsten was so adorable. Obviously we didnt know B was the killer. RELATED: 90210's Tori Spelling Can't Be on Real Housewives Because She's 'Too Nice'. I know a gal who knew someone who knew Kirsten. She refused to. It doesnt matter why and there are no excuses to take another persons life unless its to protect your own or your families . I mean she stabbed another girl to death because she was afraid to get made fun of at school or be outed or whatever. I think NOT! Is it so hard to do without hurt someone? You know movies arent real, dont ya? I thought Miramonte was a nice place, if you make good decisions myoumwill make it (popular or not). So Vanessa I answer your questions. As I wrote in another comment to you, If Bernadette killed Kirsten because she was bullied and put down by her, why didnt she give examples at her trial which would have strengthened her case? And the sister projected her crappy life onto her younger sister because she was unhappy. It was to Personal. In 1984, California's Miramonte High School cheerleader and all-around popularteen, Kirsten Costas, was murdered by her classmate Bernadette Protti, who was not only jealous of Kirsten's high-profile life but bitter and resentful that she took did not get picked for cheerleading or the yearbook committee. Is He In Jail? Rupaul and Sarah, Bernadette has friends and fit in. Lol the people saying bernadette was better looking and Kristen had it coming, oh boyhoping your not the ugly neighbor living on my block and lurking in my bushes. Bernadette Protti, a fellow student at Miramonte High School in California, was the one who took the life of Kirsten Costas in 1984. How is sweet referred to Murder? Bullies should get their a** whooped not killed just because they dont want to be friends with someone. Office Rating. I guess that makes their daughter better than anybody elses. The rest of you can lurk around and limp your hunchback selves to therapy. She was not some vulnerable lost soul who was bullied mercilessly. Well based on the movie Yeah, thats your problem. Everyone talked a bunch of crap about each other, including Bernadette who was just as rude and mean as any other girl there. Tori spelling who actually played Kristen Costas was so incredibly unlikable on screen that she almost felt as though she deserved what she got. I even was smart alecky as a teen, its just something that takes over your mind and body. Maybe they were all misunderstood. View the profiles of professionals named "Angela Delvecchio" on LinkedIn. The goth was actually into New Wave music and was not goth people at the school just thought she was weird for dying her hair New Wave because it was such a conservative school. . Im sorry but I disagree. Youre going off the crappy movie. And yes, I was bullied in high school too. My friend loved her and said she was one that you couldnt help but love even though she could be cocky. Most people would find that bizarre and off-putting and would certainly not deserve to be killed over it. A Murderer, So Kirsten was a Snob, a lot of ppl are, the way she died,was Horrific. Was Kirsten and her friends a lot of fun to hang with, and did they party? she threatened to tell everyone at school the next day, she didnt tell Alex Arnold ( the Man who drove her home) again it was to insane he probaly would of freaked and she didnt want to scare him with the details. A lot of girls are Conceited, dont mean they deserved to be Murdered. I attended school in New York City and there are nothing but cliques. What a bizarre story. I'm all over it! Id known both girls in a recognize them and know their names kind of way not as friends but they always seemed just like nice, normal kids. justice was nwot served and the costas have shed tears and felt grief for over 30 years and i think bernadette shouldnt have been given the privelege to go to college, get her high school diploma, have a boyfriend, and then have kids and get married no she should have been locked in a brick cell staring at walls all day so that she could focus on what she did but no she is scott free now to go out and kill again if she wants. It has her sister cutting vegetables with a ridiculously long knife too, and Kirstens parents were right who cuts up vegetables with a knife that long that they keep in the car? Bernadette then appears to have confessed her feelings of admiration for Kirsten in the empty car-park at night. We are all different. I never seen her make fun of anyone, of course, I wasnt around her that much, but she was friendly and nice. The family became active members of the Meadow Swim and Tennis Club, just a stones throw from their home. Your email address will not be published. I still cant believe this individual who killed someone because of jealousy, if she was so down in the dumps they why didnt she just KILL herself?????? Smoking and cussing that is mostly the ones that were disliked. A grown woman from England pretending to be someone who knew Bernadette, Kirsten, or Kirstens brother. The only truly real statement that is completely believable is Bernadettes taped confession where she is mostly panicked about press and people knowing. One got drunk at a Party you told about on here, and the others who were not Noticed and the 2 blamed. Absolutely not. Kirsten was exotic, and beautiful. To bad Kirsten didnt get a chance to grow up and grow out of it. Real class comes from decent human beings who have respect for others, and treating others the way that they want to be treated. Whats been done has been done. If she was mad, she should of just beat the crap out of Kirsten, not kill her. Would you say the same if Bernadette did suicide? Theres other Measures to take other than Murder. Until something happens. She was nice to her friends though. Kirsten never gave Bernadette any thought. How tragic she was murdered over basically nothing. This is Berns BFF or her Sister or Bern herself, no one else would go to such extend to call a dead girl names. To the fellow classmates of 1986 Miramonte, so sorry if your World crumbled cause it wasnt meant to be that way, but you got to know that it was t any picnic for Bernadette as well, and if she could set time back and do all over, she would of left the situation with Kirsten alone to start with. She was the (In crowd) Bernadette was desiring to be the incrowd. so dont mock, offer to help thus build bridges. What about its about time, the one who knew Kirsten? I could call you out but I wont. Yes. In 1994, the story was made into a television movie entitled A Friend to Die For (also known as Death of a Cheerleader ), with Tori Spelling as Stacy Lockwood, a character based on Kirsten Costas and Kellie Martin as Angela Delvecchio, a character based on Bernadette Protti. The future is right around the corner, its a waste to go after someone cause the law didnt do their job. Not when she robbed a girl in the Spring of her life, and robbed her of a Family, graduating from High School, and Marrying a nice man, and whatever she planned to become in the future, Bernadette took it all from her. Those girls like Chris she hung with has changed, theyre not like they were in school, Kirsten would of changed also as she got older. In fact, one ofthe stars of that hit show, Tori Spelling, had the lead in the filmas the beautiful and popular cheerleader "Stacey" who is stabbed to death. Oh youre so pretty and popular and amazing I think thats what Kirsten meant by her friend getting weird Then she killed her rather than have Kirsten tell everyone she was a lesbian. Some say she was Stuck up, but not a Bully. This girl lives in San Francisco and knows a person who knows someone who knew Kirsten. Other outsiders felt like they were excluded from her group to. She may live a Quiet life, but she is still a Killer. They laughed, I think Kirsten was only teasing Nancy and Joanna they didnt mean any harm with it. She couldnt careless about Orinda to start with let alone go back there. The knife was her sisters for making lunch it was even in the movie that way. The alternative rock band Marcy Playgroundrecorded a song called "Death of a Cheerleader" for their 2003 album Marcy Playground 3. Her inadequacies were all created by her and in her own head and she murdered Kirsten as a result. There was no teasing and ostracisation. Kelly wrong there Kirsten didnt deserve to be murder she was innocent teenager who happened to a crazy obsessed girl wanting to be her and there no evidence of Kirsten being a bully, Kelly maybe you should read the comment you just left. Additionally, the Bernadette character was portrayed as sweet and innocent, while a sexy twenty-something Tori Spelling played the part of the 15 year old Kirsten. Does it make you feel good to knowingly lie about a dead murdered girl? Kirsten loved to joke and tell funny jokes to. Kirsten didnt hate anyone, (as for Dee) she didnt like the way she acted thats all. Look inwards and think with consideration before you speak. Social Work is in my soul Angela Delvecchio - @Ang_Delvecchio Santa Mira High School And if Kirsten was so bad and such a bully why did Bernadette want to be friends with her so badly? Kirsten wont grow out of hers, Bernadette took that chance from her. Kirsten was a true Social Butterfly, always joking with others, talking with others, We werent friends but I liked Kirsten and all those girls. They might not win but they can make a case for smearing the name of their daughter if indeed she was not a bully. Protti legally changed her name and departed to another location to start a new family following the traumatic incident. On the other hand, no one suspected that the perpetrator was a local of Northern California who made their home in an Orinda suburb. Note: features authentic historical information, and is not intended to represent current best practices on any topic, particularly with regard to health and safety, but also in terms of outdated cultural depictions and social values. Wow all this bantering back and forth how sad. She had an issue, and if what Kirstens friends say are right about her and being so bold to outspoken maybe she recognized that the girl wasnt wrapped too tight but being young didnt know the term, hence calling her weird. Google it and Season 1 thru 3 Lindsey is on there. Bernadette is a physchopath and a Killer, and always will be. In real life, it took six months for law enforcement to discover that Costas was the killer. Thats a win win. It was more harmful teasing that she meant nothing by. I believe she kept crying and begging for her friendship and it weirded Kirsten out. This is all clearly stated in the intro. Kirsten was angry for her lying to get her out under false pretenses, and she knew something was off. How so? Arnold followed her for about a quarter of a mile before giving up the chase. I hear Bernadette was Snooty also as Snooty as Kirsten.