There were four social classes in Elizabethan England. Linen obtained from the flax plant was comfortable and could be laundered easily. I also find the portrait of a younger Elizabeth to be very interesting. What did Merchants wear in the Elizabethan era. The religious divide was between the Catholic and Protestant religions. Controlling Fashion Elizabeth was the last monarch to impose sumptuary laws notably in 1559 and 1597 CE to curb extravagant spending on clothing and ensure the . Children were dressed as adults for special occasions and in portraits. The blue colour was normally worn by those persons who worked as servants. Elizabethan Fashion. She left detailed records of her sense of style in wardrobe accounts that included information on textiles, where they were bought, and how much they cost. The half-moon or crescent-shaped style was a glorified head-band with a veil attached at the rear. Along with distinctive colours, decorations on the clothes were used to define the status of the people. Elizabeth I worked to repair the religious tensions by establishing the Act of Uniformity, a prayer book. Elizabethan Era Clothing The Elizabethan era was an extraordinarily fashion era for both man and . As per the Bible, it represents the season of Epiphany. Swanson 22-02-1016 Fashion in Shakespeare's Time Elizabethan Era (1558-1603) Elizabethan Era Clothing The Elizabethan era was an extraordinarily fashion era for both man and women, a time when everything was changing from the fifteenth century simple dress to extravagant and dramatic styles which we call Elizabethan fashion. Middle-class clothing in the Elizabethan era Middle-Class Clothing. Poorer people use rough cotton fabrics for their clothing. This colour was regarded as a sign of Courage. So, they used fabrics that were cheap and were easy to maintain. The act required anyone holding a position in public office to pledge allegiance to the monarchy as head of church and state. The gentry class hoped to move into nobility. Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Ann Boleyn and became one of the world's most famous monarchs. The red colour was also for courageous men. In the Elizabethan times, Gold colour represented richness or wealth. Under the reign of Elizabeth I, Catholics were not persecuted for their religion, but were executed after expressing support for the Spanish. The upper classes wore garments made of silk, satin, velvet, damask, and taffeta, in addition to wool and linen. MAC Store Makeovers: What to Expect at Your Appointment, For makeup devotees, there is perhaps no place more addictive than the MAC makeup store. Aisha graduated from Saint Leo University with a Doctorate of Business Administration. ;]3-YA'_. Front laced bodices (so popular with Renaissance Fair attendees) were worn by working and common women. An example of damask - Italian, 14th century. A lower-class woman might wear a padded roll for fashion as well as convenience. Clothing In The Elizabethan Era. Any woman wearing standard-processed linen or cotton in hot weather can run, Best Noncomedogenic Blush for Acne Prone Skin, While there are a number of concealers, foundations, and powders specially formulated for acne, there are few blushers that are specifically designed with blemishes in mind. I thought damask was one color too, but the one color seems, from reading, to be a more modern concept. Upper class fashion generally used velvets, satin, furs, silks, lace, cottons, and taffeta. ( Mrs. Nevill Johnson, May 1903 "The Connoisseur an Illustrated Magazine for Collectors"). These laws were exclusively called the Sumptuary Laws for clothing during the Elizabethan era. A caul was an attractive hair net or snood, worn simply or festooned with decorations such as pearls or beads. These were specifically imported from India and were thus expensive. False sleeves created an elegant style when elongated at the back to drape down to the floor. The Elizabethan period in costume design refers to that time encompassed by the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (from 1558-1603) during the Renaissance. The main objective of the selective dress code was to differentiate the people as per their ranks and positions as per the English Law. To establish and maintain order, Elizabeth I declared adherence to a social structure. A bodice is a close-fitting garment for the upper body. Reference: The middle class men were almost exactly like the women. Elizabethan literature, body of works written during the reign of Elizabeth I of England (1558-1603), probably the most splendid age in the history of English literature, during which such writers as Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser, Roger Ascham, Richard Hooker, Christopher Marlowe, and William Shakespeare flourished. The pink colour was made from the Madder roots. The arts, religion, and clothing helped create the unique culture of the Elizabethan Era. Similarities exist among the various social classes. Working women and commoners would have been unable to function with such restriction. The dress and clothing of Elizabethan women was a series of different layers. Middle Class breeches would be made out of a finer wool. However, few detailed portraits or records of the clothing of the poor remain. Elizabethan Era. Our costumes were simple: we were 'commoners.' There was, however, no compulsory national system of education, no fixed curriculum, and still only a small number of children . Question: Were there any strict rules about clothing in Elizabethan England? Click here to know. The Crimson colour was obtained from expensive kermes and cochineal dye. On top of this, a woman wore a bodice, several layers of petticoats (or skirts), and a cloak. There was a fear that the lower classes, particularly the merchant classes were dressing above their station. Just like the nobility, lower class people were restricted in their clothing. In the late 16th century, from 1558 to 1603, the people of England lived under the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and watched as the kingdom grew and expanded. While low necklines were popular at the beginning and toward the end of Elizabeth's reign, necklines were high in the middle years. The thick makeup was also supposed to hide the effects of aging. There were no specific fashion trends for merchants or businesses. During the Elizabethan era, fashion expressed who you were, what family or rank you are. Similarly, the poor people were permitted the use of Red colour. People of the Lower Classes wore clothing generally made of wool linen and sheepskin. Nobility was at the top of the social pyramid and was born into noble families or granted nobility through an act of a royal decree. Common women and country women often wore a chin cloth to protect their faces and skin from the sun and wind. Clothing in the Elizabethan Era The Middle Class Fashion for Men. They were rich and powerful and were the smallest of all the social classes. Here are more details about the meaning of colour Crimson. (LogOut/ Social Classes of the elizabethan era. The yellow colour was worn on Easter. History of Britain from Roman times to Restoration era. As leaders in society, the monarchy determined how humans should behave and punished individuals who misbehaved. New styles were brought in from other countries. That was only to be worn by royalty. Law mandated what the nobility could wear. The Elizabethan Era was a time when the culture was re-innovated. <> Adding more to the legal orders, rules were specified for clothing as per the ranks of the gentlemen. The only section of the society permitted to wear Gold were the Royals like the Kings and the Queens and the Nobles. Linen fabrics after repeated washes became soft and breathed easily. To become a member of the noble class, an individual required a birthright or a grant from the monarchy. Aristocratic women wore sleeves to their bodice if it were worn as an outer garment. By Staff Writer Last Updated April 04, 2020. The poor received assistance from the government to help improve their quality of life. These look like brocades to me. Laws were enforced to ensure respect for social classes, and punishment for treason was swift. Unique Taipei City clothing by independent designers from around the world. Queen Elizabeth I maintained order by establishing and enforcing a social class system. Layers were needed for comfort in the chilly, damp climate of Elizabethan England. That is why today, diamonds are more expensive than pearls. Since these standards are for the 1570s, codpieces are going out of fashion . Red colour, like Brown and Orange, was obtained from the Madder root that was easily available. During the reign of Elizabeth I, the idea of starching ruffs was introduced by the wife of a Flemish coachman. Guess I wont be wearing any clothes trimmed with ermine anytime soon. The 1574 Statutes of Apparel were written into law to curtail extravagance, protect wealth, and simplify the ability to make appropriate distinctions between various social classes. Refusing to take an oath resulted in a charge of treason, punishable by death. As a noble, members could only be tried and sentenced by other members of nobility status. Embroideries with gold and silver and ribbon guarding were quite popular fashion trends among the nobles. The English people had more time and money in their hands to purchase luxuries and pursuit leisure activities, and gradually, this was the . People from the lower class consisted of the commoners, peasants, servants, and beggars. Give your favorite scarf a totally new look and vamp up your cold-weather style. The Elizabethan lower class wore clothing made mainly of wool, cotton, linen, and sheepskin. The wheel farthingale produced the exaggerated, huge skirt pictured below. Silk brocade was another common fabric in period dressing and involved intricate thread work or prints. Materials: Women in this class were able to wear luxurious fabrics and furs, such as silk, sable, velvet and satin. Elizabeth Tudor, daughter of Henry VIII and Ann Boleyn ascended to the throne of England after the death of her half-sister Mary (daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon). This is because the weather in England during that period was cool and wet. Purple silk could only be worn by the royal family. Bodices were fastened by lacing or with hook and eye. Women also wore pillbox hats, flat hats (like a beret), and small brimmed hats similar to men's hats. Clothing allowed for Men in Elizabethan era. . Her mother, Henrietta Hawes, shaped , Fashion Hi Christina Elizabethan era upper class clothing Adding more to the legal orders rules were specified for clothing as per the ranks of the gentlemen. Adding more to the interesting facts, there were several layers of clothing for undergarments and over clothes such as coats and jackets which were compulsory for the men to wear. The wide, cuffed trumpet shaped sleeves of the 1540s1550s gave way to a narrower Spanish style sleeve. Pieces of under- and overclothes were usually interchangeable, allowing a lady to wear one type of sleeves one day and a different type the next, while perhaps wearing the same forepart. They may be Venetian hose; trousers cut full and gathered or pleated at . The luxurious fashions depicted in Elizabethan artwork most often reflect the clothing worn by royalty, the nobility, and the elite. As in the Middle Ages, the fabrics used to create garments of the Elizabethans were wool and linen. They wore a short top called chemise which would protect the lower clothes from sweat. They were poor and could not afford expensive fabrics and dyes. Expensive breeches were made of silk, stain, velvet, leather, and even delicate silks. Some of the hallmarks of how women dressed are divided according to class. For instance, the proclamation said that anyone below the rank of a knight would not wear these if made of silk. - Definition, Ideals & Thinkers, Enlightened Despots in France, Austria & Prussia: Reforms & Goals, The Causes of the French Revolution: Economic & Social Conditions, The Reign of Terror in the French Revolution: Definition, Summary & Timeline, Napoleon Bonaparte: Rise to Power and Early Reforms, The Fall of Napoleon & the Congress of Vienna: Definition & Results, Reform in Great Britain in the 1700s: History & Impact, The Estates General Meeting and the French Revolution, Who Discovered Cholera? The Sumptuary laws were also passed in 1571 during the Elizabethan period. The Justices, Master of the Rolls, sergeants at law, Barons of the Exchequer, Masters of the Chancery, physicians of the King, apprentices of law, mayors and other head officers of any towns corporate had the permission to cotton and taffeta but not silk, velvet or satin. The color and materials that were worn were not just a matter of choice. Clothing was a sign of status, it not only dictated wealth but also social status in the Elizabethan Class system. Also, with embellishment by rolls or wings at the armholes, the same bodice could appear quite different with detachable sleeves for variety. People of all position and rank were ordered to follow these rules. The law was aimed at correcting the Tudor system and avoiding punishing the poor. Chris has a master's degree in history and teaches at the University of Northern Colorado. Modesty of the woman was admired by many, however fashion was beginning to emulate a more seductive look during the later part of herreign. The pale face shows that a woman spends her time indoors or protected from sun and wind. Just like today, ladies' fashion trends had a big influence on what was considered stylish or acceptable. Fine needlework and embroidery also decorated upper class women's clothing. Dresses: Lower class women didn't have a slew of assistants to dress them and so their style of dress was simpler (as dictated by law). Silk taffeta was used mainly for garment lining, puffs, piping, underskirts and to give volume and depth to the gowns and shirts. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Women earned money by selling produce, eggs, butter, spun wool, and other items made or produced at home. The yeomanry worked to purchase, till, expand, and improve land to establish wealth. Fashions worn by the elite inspired the dress of lower classes and rural women, though the fabric, weave, and embellishments improved with economic status. Children's Fashion. Her family was decidedly upper-middle-class. The term, "Elizabethan Era" refers to the English history of Queen Elizabeth I's reign (1558-1603). The Statutes of Apparel were enforced by state-appointed justices and members of the clergy. This even extended to birth order. If you thought eighties fashion for women - the 1980s, that is - was opulent and full of accessories and sparkly jewels, this decade had nothing on the time period that defined Elizabethan fashion for women. For example, velvet doubles and hoses were allowed to the eldest son of a knight and not others. Blue was the most common color for the lower class because it was cheap. Essentially, respect flowed up the class system, while care flowed downward. They would wear many of the same fashions as the nobility but with less dear fabrics and simpler trims. succeed. Shoes of the Elizabethan period were generally blunt toed and flat, and made of leather or fabric. The fashionable elite used whalebone (baleen) stiffening, willow wood, or steel in their bodices. Besides the traditional option of private tuition, Elizabethan England (1558-1603 CE) offered formal education to those able to pay the necessary fees at preparatory schools, grammar schools, and universities. Explains that the elizabethan daily clothing was complicated and showed people's social class and financial standing. Hence, only the wealthy class wore Indigo coloured fabrics. Her powdery white face often gave off this pure and innocent beauty that was lightly dusted with pink blush. The difference seems, to me, to be that damask is reversible while brocade is not. Before beheading an individual, criminals were often tortured as a means of identifying any potential conspirators. Pink also stood for the Christian colour for 3rd Sunday of Advent. It was not that out of the blue dressing codes were asked to be followed by the men and women of the country; they had proper reasoning for it. For women, they would open up the front of the ruff to expose the neck and bosom. One earl was reported as spending half his annual income on clothing alone. the upper-class men and women were known to wear geometric patterns. All rights reserved. Under Elizabeth's rule, England enjoyed eternal peace and prosperity. The clothing worn by Elizabethans looks heavy and overdone to many of us today. Colors: A queen and her immediate family wore purple, but they were the only ones allowed to do so. Historians often . Later, a separate piece of detachable ruffle could be tied around the neck. Answer: The fashion designer as we understand the concept was not in evidence during the Elizabethan era. 277 lessons. Women commonly had basic medical skills, spun wool, and knit. The Spanish farthingale was introduced to England by Katharine of Aragon, the first wife of Henry VIII. By 1580, ruffs became so massive that they required a wire framework for support. Both genders had gloves on when they go out to protect their hands. They were poor and could not afford expensive . Art, architecture, food, clothing, and entertainment were all refreshed. Women wore their hair long when young and unmarried, often adding headbands or circlets of fresh flowers. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. . During those difficult times, the idea of freedom of religion was not on anyone's mind. The flattened bosom and stiffened upper torso restricted upper body movement, so it was limited to the idle elite. Young, unmarried women wore lower bodice necklines. The Elizabethan Era had laws about what the commons and nobility had to wear. The Lord Chancellor, President of The Privy Council, Treasurer and bearers of the Privy seal were allowed to velvet, satin, silk and fur for shades other than purple. Most of the people in the lower class wore clothes that were made of muslin and wool(cheap fabrics). These additional outfits pieces included stockings, codpieces, doublets, ruffs, hats and coats as well. The reason was that the dye from which the colour was obtained was very expensive and as such only the rich and wealthy could afford it. The material to make the colour included plants and dyes. People in the upperclass(Nibles/Royalty) were permitted to wear clothing made out of different types of expensive and rare materials such as fur, velvet, silk, lace. The choices are seemingly endless, making it seem like a daunting, How to Naturally Lighten Hair: 6 Easy Methods That Work, You can learn how to naturally lighten hair with some very easy home remedies! The Elizabethan Era was the rebirth of arts and culture. The dressing of the people during that era had a distinct fashion and was applied to all irrespective of the gender. For each question, choose the best answer. A cheap quality colour was derived from cheap dyes like Weld, a European plant. The Elizabethan age is considered to be a time of English renaissance that inspired national pride through classical ideals, international expansion, and naval triumph. Clothing styles were influenced by the Queen and Elizabeth herself is known as a great influence on fashion. Absolutism in France: Monarchy & Power | Louis XIV & the Age of Absolutism, Metaphor in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare: Act 1 | Examples & Analysis, Medieval Stocks & Pillory Overview & Examples | Stocks as Punishment, Victorian Era Social Classes in England | Upper, Middle, Working & Underclass. In Elizabethan family-based culture, the nuclear family, servants, and apprentices lived and worked in close proximity. Both genders had gloves on when they go out to protect their hands. It had more trim and would resemble the upper class styles. I agree with you about the amount of clothing required in the Elizabethan period as well, I dont know if I would be able to actually attend any social gatherings if it took that long to prepare myself and then remove all the garments later! Ive posted a photo below, of the list. The yeomanry lived a comfortable lifestyle but lacked long-term financial and economic stability. Answer: A pale face indicated high status. Clothing in the Elizabethan era was not limited to shirts and trousers of certain shades but there were additional pieces of apparel that had to be carried on every day and by everyone. The Sumptuary laws were also passed in 1571 during the Elizabethan period. Storage of food was still a problem and so fresh produce was grown at home or regularly acquired at local markets. People used more coarse wool for heavy coats, inner clothing, pants, capes, and jerkins. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Clothing store. Material & Fabrics used in Elizabethan Era Clothing. Preview site, 3 days ago They were poor and could not afford expensive fabrics and dyes. Regency Period Literature & Characteristics | When was the Regency Era? Middle-class clothing in the Elizabethan era Middle-Class Clothing. They also used cambric, which is a light-weight fabric and extremely durable. But in a time when women were subservient to men, a woman ruled a great and powerful nation. Those that disobeyed the Sumptuary Laws faced the possibility of fines, loss of property, title, and even life. View detail The Orange colour was derived from cheap dyes primarily made from Madder roots. . Taking a look at women's fashion history is an intriguing way to study how clothing has changed throughout the centuries. Finer linens were bleached in the sun, embroidered, or block printed. Doublet with sleeves. Silk was used to make gowns, doublets, and stockings. Their. Originating in Spain to create a dome-shaped skirt, a farthingale held skirt fabric away from the legs and offered ease of movement. Silk was the main fabric used for the rich. The ruff became more elaborate and eventually took on the gargantuan proportions that framed the face. Sometimes, men wore breeches made of finer wools than the lower classes and would also sport finer colors. Hallmarks of Elizabethan Fashion for Women . Queen Elizabeth I wearing a wheeled farthingal. Elizabethan eras middle class women could wear clothing made out of broadcloth, linen, and cotton as well as wearing a chemise to protect their clothing from sweat and other bodily oils. This colour also denoted jealousy, greed and treachery. People of middle-class position in the Elizabethan era generally wore cotton, linen, and broadcloth clothing. Like Red colour, it represents fire, authority and importance. 1 list. The Queen also had the authority to sentence the convicted to being burned at the stake. Slashing was an important trend in Renaissance fashion during the Tudor age.