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Roosevelt High School. /* GroupEnd */ var rules = document.createTextNode(dynStyles); break; font-size: 28px; $('#sw-mystart-account').keydown(function (e) { .sp.column.two .ui-widget-header p a, hpcsd.org. e.preventDefault(); $(this).val(""); padding-right: 30px; if($(window).scrollTop() >= scrollHeight) { #gb-channel-list-outer[data-channel-text-color="grey;white"] li.sw-channel-item:hover > a, #gb-channel-list-outer[data-channel-text-color="grey"] li.sw-channel-item:hover > a { } searchText(); $(".sw-dropdown-list li:first-child a", this).focus(); display: table-cell; display: block; } div#ui-mypasskey-overlay { /* GroupBegin Region Colors */ if($(dropdownParent).hasClass("branded")){ font: 600 14px/1 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif; /*$(".sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist").unbind("hover"); overflow: hidden; e.preventDefault(); padding: 0px 15px 30px 15px; box-sizing: border-box; } $(this).parent('li').next('li').find('a').first().focus(); } As a convenience to our taxpayers in Clinton, Pleasant Valley and Rhinebeck, the Hyde Park Central School District offers the option of paying school taxes online. var top_level_nav = $('.sw-mystart-nav'); padding: 0px; color: #FFF; }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o), #sw-mystart-inner[data-mystart-dropdown-text-color="white;grey"] .sw-mystart-dropdown .sw-dropdown-list li a, #sw-mystart-inner[data-mystart-dropdown-text-color="white"] .sw-mystart-dropdown .sw-dropdown-list li a { text-align: left; Welcome. } .hp.column.two { color: #FFFFFF; // CONSUME RIGHT AND DOWN ARROWS width: 100%; // ********** BODY ********** // "thumbnails" : false, } } // FOCUS LAST ITEM ["Student Program/4.png", "Food Service", "/Page/388", "_self"], } else { .gb-sitemap.cs-button { if (e.keyCode == 9) { // FOCUS DROPDOWN BUTTON $("html, body").animate({ display: none; SetCookie('SWScreenWidth', screen.width); .sw-mystart-button:hover, #sw-mystart-account:hover { -o-transition: all .2s linear 0s; } } var found = false; $(thisArticleImg).wrap(""); right: 0px; // school dropdown $("html, body").animate({ height: auto; } $(systemDropdown).remove(); } box-sizing: border-box; } else { // CONSUME HOME KEY color: #004500; width: 100%; } else { } padding: 0px 20px; "bulletControls" : "no", ["Kurdish", "Kurd", "ku"], // FOCUS FIRST ITEM Posted 8:10:41 AM. } float: right; [data-font-family="Neuton"] .gb.footer p { "fullScreenBreakpoints" : [960], // NUMERICAL - [960, 768, 640, 480, 320] #cs-sw-footer .cs-sw-footer-logo { // If the user tabs out of the navigation hide all menus } color: #2A2B2C; font: 600 14px 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif; } padding: 2px 30px 11px 20px; openNavCallback(e, this); "accordionBreakpoints" : [768, 640, 480, 320] } Employment. margin-top: 0px; border-bottom: 0 solid transparent; } "onTransitionStart" : function() { }, "mobileDescriptionContainer": [768, 640, 480, 320], // [960, 768, 640, 480, 320] break; } Hyde Park Central School District is a public school district located in HYDE PARK, NY. } case csKeyCodes.down: position: relative; li.sw-channel-item > a span { // CHECK FOR IE AND SET IE VARIABLES if ($(this).parent('li').prev('li').length == 0) { padding: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: center; If you use assistive technology and have trouble accessing information on our website, please contact the Hyde Park Schools Webmaster at the following e-mail address: helpdesk@hpcsd.org. color: #2a2b2c; } else if (e.keyCode == 40) { //key down padding: 15px 0px; background: #006000; $(".sw-dropdown-list li a", this).attr("tabindex","-1"); -webkit-filter: brightness(0) invert(1); font-family: 'atlas'; if($(this).parent().is(":last-child")) { }); width: 47%; case csKeyCodes.enter: $(".goog-logo-link").focus(); margin: 0; hideMyStartBarMenu(); Translate . -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; } $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); } color: #2a2b2c; } else { background: none; "captions" : "yes", case KeyCodes.up: color: #FFFFFF; var srcSplit = logoSrc.split("/"); /* GroupEnd */ } position: relative; } ["Serbian", "", "sr"], $('ul.sw-dropdown-list').blur(function () { }); padding: 0; Calendar; border: none; var links = $(top_level_links).parent('li').find('ul').find('a'); } dynamicContent(); a { } } Teacher Aide (Former Employee) - Hyde Park, NY - October 27, 2022. $("#sw-myaccount").text("User Options"); } /* GroupBegin Subpage */ $(".sp-breadcrumbs.false").remove(); display: none; } margin: 0; $("#sw-content-container10.ui-hp").html("
    "); color: #fdd100; $(".sw-channel-item ul").stop(true, true); width: 95%; } padding-right: 15px; Board Members will be on site for conversations with our community members on school-related issues. font: 400 14px/18px 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif; if($(this).val() == "") { position: relative; e.preventDefault(); } e.stopImmediatePropagation(); This program is to recognize students for their outstanding effort in school. if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 7") > -1){ isMSIE7 = 1; } $("#sw-mystart-mypasskey").appendTo("#gb-channel-list"); padding: 16px 0px 10px 20px; // get on screen alerts "transitionType" : 'fade', // fade or slide #hp-slideshow div.ui-widget.app { border: none; var gbHeaderHeight = ($("#gb-header-outer").height()); padding: 0px 0px 13px 0px; } $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate").unbind("hover"); display: none; } } if(!$(thisDropdownParent).find(":focus").length && !$(thisDropdownParent).find("#google_translate_element").length) { clickablePhoto = "['overlay']"; This official posting of openings is in conformance with all New York State Laws, Local Laws and Labor Regulations. .ui-column-two-thirds.region { color: #2a2b2c; } Menu . } }); $("#sw-mystart-mypasskey").prependTo("#sw-mystart-right"); } hideMyStartBarMenu(); ["Malay", "Malay", "ms"], $("li.sw-channel-item").last().addClass("last"); } else if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) { //enter key $(".sw-mystart-button.home").hide(); width: 33%; .global-icon.first { -webkit-border-radius: 3px; if (isAnyActiveOSA == 'True') { } if($(".spn").length || $(".sp").length && $(".ui-widget.app.calendar").length) { "url": "/domain/38", .sw-mystart-dropdown .sw-dropdown-list li:hover { if($(".text:contains(' ')", this)) { height: auto; } else if (e.keyCode == 27 || e.keyCode == 37) { // escape key or key left color: #FFFFFF; padding: 0px 0px 13px 0px; } max-width: 1200px; $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.header-links .sw-dropdown").slideUp().attr("aria-hidden","true"); } } } },function(){ . BBHelpURL = ""; clearTimeout(dropdownTimer); z-index: 7001; } } e.preventDefault(); Sullivan BOCES Dr. Robert M. Dufour District Superintendent 15 Sullivan Avenue, Suite 1 Liberty, NY 12754 (845) 295-4015. $(".sw-calendar-block-time", this).before($(".sw-calendar-block-title",this)); } text-decoration: none; #cs-sw-footer-links a { // IS FIRST ITEM #spn-content .ui-widget-header h1, The New Hyde Park Road School Student Council came to hand out valentines, sing a song and spend time with seniors. -moz-box-sizing: border-box; // This is the first item $(this).attr('aria-haspopup', 'true'); position: relative; display: table; height: 14px; Lamoille North 2022-2023 Annual Meeting! font-size: 14px; }, if($("#sw-content-container10.region.ui-hp .ui-widget.app.gallery.json").length){ case KeyCodes.space: right: 45px; Home. Secretary to the Superintendent/District Clerk Support Hyde Park Donate. $("div#sw-mystart-search input#sw-search-input").focus(function() { #gb-channel-list-outer[data-channel-text-color="white;grey"] #rs-menu-btn:before, #gb-channel-list-outer[data-channel-text-color="white"] #rs-menu-btn:before { if(!$("#gb-channel-list #sw-mystart-mypasskey").length) { case KeyCodes.up: #sw-mystart-inner[data-mystart-text-color="white;grey"] .sw-mystart-dropdown, #sw-mystart-inner[data-mystart-text-color="white"] .sw-mystart-dropdown { } } cursor: pointer; } $(this).find('ul.sw-dropdown').css('display', 'block').attr('aria-hidden', 'false').find('a').attr('tabIndex', 0).last().focus(); }); color: #2a2b2c; $(this).parent('li').find('ul[aria-hidden=true]').attr('aria-hidden', 'false').addClass(settings.menuHoverClass).find('a').attr('tabIndex', 0).first().focus(); } -moz-transition: all .2s linear 0s; case KeyCodes.down: #sw-mystart-right { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); ["Latin", "Latinae", "la"], $(this).parent('li') // FOCUS DROPDOWN BUTTON } } $("#gb-logo").append('').removeClass("hidden"); "tabindex": "0" }); $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist .selector").removeAttr("aria-hidden").attr({ ["Myanmar", "", "my"], } dayWeek: "yes" // IS LAST ITEM School district financial transparency reports, which display per pupil expenditures for individual schools, as well as district averages, inform conversations within districts about whether equitable resources are being provided at the school level.