Khalid Ibn Waleed He was known as the sword of Allah and was undefeated in battle. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Umar (RA) like others present there were not expecting the Prophet to die and simply considering this that the Prophet (SAW) is going through sick period and will get better soon. He had a raw talent of articulation, when he talked, people were spell-bound. Rashidun, (Arabic: "Rightly Guided," or "Perfect"), the first four caliphs of the Islamic community, known in Muslim history as the orthodox or patriarchal caliphs: Ab Bakr (reigned 632-634), Umar (reigned 634-644), Uthmn (reigned 644-656), and Al (reigned 656-661). May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies. Recite all the Masnoon Duas before and after actions. Can anyone think that this would be given to one who does not deserve that bounty? Hence he was straightforward and clear. [33:12] The hypocrites and those with doubts in their hearts said, "What GOD and His messenger promised us was no more than an illusion! He said then "Fast, then break your fast. GOD does not guide the wicked people. The Quran which is the ultimate truth described some of those who witnessed the Prophet Muhammed , i.e. The most famous distribution of the Sahaba has been done by Hakim An Nisabori (a great scholar of Hadith) in his book "Ma'arifatu ulum al Hadith". Sumayyabint Khayyat She was the first martyr to die for Islam. [9:75] Some of them even pledged: "If GOD showered us with His grace, we would be charitable, and would lead a righteous life. He mentioned that particular night was dark and terrifying, the wind blew so strongly that it could uproot mountains. Moreover, Abu Hurairah was a frequent worshipper; he used to take turns praying at nights. Wiping his nose with one of them, he said, "Wow! Most abominable in the sight of GOD is that you say what you do not do. Abu Sufyan told his troops to ask the name of the person sitting next to each soldier. A non Hufaz should recite 1 Juz of Quran a day and the Hufaz should recite 3 Juz daily. Talha Ibn Ubaidullah He was known as the living martyr due the number of injuries he sustained at Uhud. They should not be like the followers of previous scriptures whose hearts became hardened with time and, consequently, many of them turned wicked. While some (minority) of the "Sahaba" were honored in the Quran for their stand beside the Prophet Muhammed and their supporting of him, the majority were not that fortunate, and they were given the right description by God Almighty in the Quran. Some of them said: Come close and let the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) write for you a document after which you will not go astray. Pay heed unto God, and pay heed unto the Apostle and unto those from among you [76] who have been entrusted with authority; and if you are at variance over any matter, refer it unto God and the Apostle, [77] if you [truly] believe in God and the Last Day. I will be told that "You do not know what they invented after you. ", The definition of Al-Tabaey Saeed Ibn Al-Musayeb; "Only those who accompanied the Prophet Muhammed for a year or two and fought with him in a battle or two should be considered Sahaba" This is a definition accepted and encouraged by people like Imam Al-Ghazali. Therefore, the expedition came to be known as Al Khabat (The Struggle). Islam Hashtag is an affiliate of amazon and Other Websites. Yakeen of the Kalimah La ILaha ILLaLLah, Muhammadur Rasulullah Purpose/Maksad . The most widespread definition of a companion is someone who met Muhammad, believed in him, and died a Muslim. Their only goal was to accomplish what their Prophet had asked of them. With the 2210 hadiths she reported, she is fourth in rank among the seven Sahaba who reported the most hadiths. The most famous distribution of the Sahaba has been done by Hakim An Nisabori (a great scholar of Hadith) in his book Maarifatu ulum al Hadith". [49:17] They act as if they are doing you a favor by embracing Submission! When the news reached Prophet Muhammad , he demanded that the blood money be paid but Hudhaifa (May Allah be pleased with him) humbly refused and distributed it as alms among Muslims. [1] "Al-aba" is definite plural; the indefinite singular is masculine (abiyy), feminine (abiyyah). The people in the house disagreed, and they argued. However, his stay in Madinah was brief. See 25:30. We will double the retribution for them, then they end up committed to a terrible retribution. The Sahaabah (r.a.a.) See 9:101. Al-Suyuti recognized eleven levels of companionship. Anyone who turns back on his heels, does not hurt GOD in the least. Those who saw him but held off believing in him until after his passing are not considered ahbah but tbin. It is because of their efforts that the Islamic traditions have been preserved and handed down generation after generation without any fabrication. GOD does not guide the wicked people. One day he returned to Makkah from one of his trading journeys. Abdullah Ibn Abbas He was the younger brother of Fadhl and is known as the greatest authority on Tafseer. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. References given at the end of Hadith below. 'Abd al-Muttalib, Ubayd Allah b. al-Abbas b. Abd al-Muttalib, Umm Kulthum Daughter of Prophet Muhammad (s), Al-Mughira b. al-Harith b. Abd al-Muttalib, Righteousness of the Companions of the Prophet (s),, Articles with quality and priority assessment, Articles with no priority and b grade quality. Upon Umar's questioning about why he had not kept any furniture in his house? I will say' " To destruction, destruction to those who changed things after me", Al-Aala Ibn Al Musayeb said his father said, "I met Al Baraa Ibn Azib and told him, "Good for you that you accompanied the Prophet and declared allegiance to him under the tree." Ruqayya She was married to Uthman Ibn Affan and passed away around the same time as the Battle of Badr. They have rebelled even though GOD and His messenger have showered them with His grace and provisions. Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf He was the wealthiest Sahabi and was extremely generous. [57:16] Is it not time for those who believed to open up their hearts for GOD's message, and the truth that is revealed herein? In their minds there is a disease. Also killed by Abu Jahl. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (6932) and Muslim (1637), Aslm brother, this is really awesome!! Hussain Ibn Ali He was known for his courage in standing upfor what he believed in. see 43:78 The others could not get over their idol-worship and stayed with the hypocrites and these were the majority, as God told us in 43:78. When this sahabi was appointed as the governor of Madaa'in, people came out in great numbers to greet him and were immensely astonished to find such a humble and graceful ruler. Dua. GOD will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection. Stay updated with our weekly newsletters! To witness the political corruption of Bukhary in reporting hadiths that would serve his views and please his masters (Abbasyeen then) is to witness the corruption that God described 6:112-113 in action. And to Panama, look at these qualities, honesty, trustworthiness, truthfulness, these were qualities, not only of Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, he had them of the highest degree, like I said, that degree was absolutely rare at the time, which means, you know, if someone came to you, you were honest, then they spoke to you about something The most famous of the Sahaba who has cited an approximate of 5300 traditions from Prophet Muhammad is Abu Hurairah. God in the Quran told us about those who believe, then disbelieve then believe again then disbelieve, see 4:137, which reminds us that once you blessed with becoming a believer, there is not a guarantee that you stay a believer. Just as there are many verses and ahaadeeth which speak of their virtue and high status, so too there are texts which state the reasons why they deserved this high status, such as the verse in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah. The news of his death saddened Umar (May Allah be Pleased with Him) who was Ameer ul Mu'mineen at the time. The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s), or aba(Arabic:), are the title of those Muslims who met the Prophet (s)and believed in him until their demise. He believes in GOD, and trusts the believers. And when they speak, you may listen to their eloquence. That, by Allaah, is a mighty testimony from the Lord of mankind, which no human being can attain after the cessation of the Revelation. They said, "Let us not mobilize in this heat!" This is the same example as in the Torah. A Sahabi is one who has met Prophet Muhammad , believed in what he preached and died as a Muslim. Paradise). Continue with Recommended Cookies. Al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Kifaayah (49): Even if there was nothing narrated from Allaah or His Messenger about them, the things that they did such as migrating (hijrah), engaging in jihad, supporting (the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and Islam), expending their lives and their wealth, killing their fathers and sons (in jihad), sincerely following the deen, believing strongly and with certainty, is definitive proof of their good character and sincerity, and shows that they are superior to all those sincere people of good character who come after them, for all time. She also passed away during the Prophets lifetime. It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Do not revile my companions, for by the One in Whose hand is my soul, if one of you were to spend the equivalent of Uhud in gold, it would not amount to a mudd of one of them, or half of that. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3673) and Muslim (2540). The companions of Prophet Muhammad endured extreme hunger, cold and heat. Fathima She is the leader of the women of Paradise. faces they bear the marks of their prostrations. Thus he was called "Father of the kitten". His corrupted definition of the word Sahaba definitely played a role in the collection of Hadiths form such FAKED Sahaba. Indeed, it is the devil's wish to lead them far astray. [9:97] The Aarabs are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy, and the most likely to ignore the laws that GOD has revealed to His messenger. Get your spiritual pick-me-up and exclusive news right in your mailbox. I dont have space and time here to explain the whole incident. Their whole lives were spent for the sake of Allaah and what book is big enough to contain the lives of hundreds of the Sahaabah who filled the world with goodness and righteousness? [48:11] The sedentary Aarabs who stay behind will say, "We have been preoccupied with our money and our families, so ask forgiveness for us!" He even joined him on his journeys and expeditions. Look at the following hadith mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim . Maymuna Bint Al-Harith She was the last woman that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) married. Earn what is halal and rightfully yours and do not earn sin. Allaah is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. The best are those who take from this and that.". Hence, they admit to this list only those individuals who had substantial contact with Muhammad, lived with him, and took part in his campaigns and efforts at proselytizing. In fact, they gave up what Brief Mozakera of 6-qualities/Sifat of Sahabah Radiallahu anhum. The story of Treaty of Hudaybiyah :Surah Al Fath lessons. [15] In other words, companion is used to refer to sahaba of the prophet who were in a long-term relationship with him and support him in an essential event up to their death.[14]. 'Ubayd Allah b. May Allah accept it from us and benefit you through our articles and resources. Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan He was the first Muslim king and founder of the Umayyad Dynasty. A person who converts to Islam after being a Sahaba and then becomes a Believer again after the demise of Muhammad is a Sahaba. [8:27-28] "O you who believe, do not betray GOD and the messenger, and do not betray those who trust you, now that you know. You see them bowing and prostrating, as they seek GOD's blessings and approval. The number of Sahaba is counted more than a hundred-thousand individuals. QURAN IS VERY CLEAR about what happened to these "Sahaba" after Muhammed's death: [3:144] "Muhammad was no more than a messenger like the messengers before him. Unless you mobilize, He will commit you to painful retribution and substitute other people in your place; you can never hurt Him in the least. The companions of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) were the best of this ummah, the most righteous of heart and the deepest in knowledge and the most straightforward, people whom Allaah chose to accompany His Prophet and establish His religion. The Shia claim that Muhammad announced his successor during his lifetime at Dawat Zul Asheera[20] then many times during his prophethood and finally at the event of Ghadir Khumm. We have chosen a few of the Sahabah and mentioned some events from their blessed lives for the purpose of encouragement and cultivation of Islamic teachings in our everyday lives. in the Gospel is like plants that grow taller and stronger, and please the farmers. Rather, when the dates finished they would crush withered leaves and swallow them with water to satisfy their hunger. The idolatry with these "Sahabas" that we witness among the traditional Muslims is just another reflection of their distance from the book of God, the ultimate truth, the Quran. When one of the Sahaabah sinned by telling Quraysh that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was coming with the army during the year of the Conquest, and Umar ibn al-Khattaab wanted to execute him, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: He was present at Badr, and you do not know, perhaps Allaah looked upon the people of Badr and said: Do what you wish, for I have forgiven you. Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim (2494). "Allah looked into the hearts of His slaves, and He saw that the heart of Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the best of people's hearts, so He chose him for Himself and sent him with His message. GOD is fully aware of all your works. April 7, 2021 4681 1 To be accepted by Allah Ta'ala, Allah Ta'ala does not look at one's color, shape, wealth, or riches; rather Allah Ta'ala sees one's Sifat or qualities. Consequently, GOD augments their disease. During the battle of Uhud, he sensed the potential threat to the Prophet's life. While this reflects their uncalled for attachment to human beings like them, it also exposes a disbelief in the Quran that taught us that some of the Prophet's companions were good and some were bad. The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s), or aba (Arabic: ), are the title of those Muslims who met the Prophet (s) and believed in him until their demise. (They shall be) among the dwellers of Paradise ___ a promise of truth, which they have been promised. While paying the due respect to all the great Sahabas who carried the banner of Islam (Submission) at its birth we cannot agree with the what the traditional Muslims teach about all the sahabas being good. The corrupted scholars and their blind followers disregarded what God said in the Quran and uphold these fabricated hadiths. Ikrimah Ibn Abi Hakam He was the son of Abu Jahl, and died a martyr at Yarmook. Companion, disciple, scribe or family members of prophet Muhammad, "Sahabi" redirects here. So whatever the Muslims think is good, is good before Allaah, and whatever they think is bad, is bad before Allaah. That belief must be manifested in our actions and to follow the Sahaba also means to possess their other characteristics, some of which have been identified by our scholars as: The full acceptance of the Revelation Studying these definitions will clarify for us the position of many people like Imam Al-Bukhary who used his definition of the word Sahaba to accept many of the false and fabricated Hadiths that were included in his book, Sahih Al-Bukhary. Quran has told us enough about the so called "Sahaba" , how they disagreed with each other after the death of the Prophet Muhammed, divided themselves into sects, cursed each other, and fought each other until thousands of innocent Muslims died in their battles. If we were to list the attitudes with which they supported the deen and the righteous deeds by means of which they deserved that high status, we would fill volumes. When they are told, "Come to what GOD has revealed, and to the messenger," you see the hypocrites shunning you completely. The sahabah (; lit.