Promise. Others may be offering you help, or there may be an alternative solution you havent yet fully explored. When reversed, it is a Minor Arcana card of self-belief, ignoring criticism, standing up to abuse and taking back control. Freedom doesnt come with passivity. It may have taken a while, but you have finally found release from your anxiety about your career. The number Eight in the Tarot deck describes boundaries, limitations and situations that are inherently intractable. With time you will be able to remove the bandage around your eyes and see new abilities and talents in yourself, which were previously hidden from you by your self-doubt. When upright meanings are negative, it doesnt always mean that reversed meanings are positive, so be aware that though youre through the toughest struggles, it isnt smooth sailing just quite yet. Dont force anything or demand any old repayments because this will only backfire, instead be gentle and calm about it. You lack drive for your daily tasks and threaten to slide into depression. The Eight of Swords shows you in a Tarot reading that your self-doubt prevents you from achieving your desires and goals in life and instead hinders you in many areas of life. Our tarot workbook guides you to your own unique understanding of the tarot. .css-4xjy6g{display:block;font-family:RundDisplay,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:0.01em;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-4xjy6g:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.9375rem;margin-top:1.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1.25rem;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.625rem;line-height:1.2;}}These Retro Fridges Are So! Regarding health issues, the Eight of Swords Reversed encourages you to look at diseases from a different perspective. That way, when you read the details that follow, you will be able to fully relate. Eight of Swords This card often appears to let you know that you are your own worst enemy. Think of the swords as your friends and they are there to help. Labyrinthos is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. Create a deep and personal connection with the cards. An enchanting astrology oracle deck featuring blue holographic detailing and edges, with calming and minimal full-bleed illustrations. They teach us how valuable our health is and that we should be grateful for it every day. In order to make changes, you must be the one to take action and control. When the Eight of Swords appears in a Tarot reading, it comes as a warning that your thoughts and beliefs are no longer serving you. Through this, you will automatically deal with your own weaknesses and mistakes. The woman has a bandage around her eyes preventing her from seeing where she is or could go. The Eight of Swords is one of the most important cards of the Minor Arcana. Eight of Swords. Everything may seem impossible or too much to cope with, but remember, all you have to do is persevere and youll eventually break free. You can do more than you think you can. 2023 Biddy Tarot. Keywords for the Queen of Swords Matriarch, perception, female intuition, first impressions Other associations of the Queen of Swords Element: Air As a Yes or No question: Yes I - Ace of Swords II - Two of Swords III - Three of Swords 2023 Ingenio, LLC. It can also signify successful treatment of eye issues. Eight of swords remind you of good things that you have to do and reach your destination at the right time. Or you might conclude you are too old to lose weight, leaving you unhappy with your body and your health. Another aspect of the Eight of Swords Reversed is that you should not make your happiness dependent only on the extent of your wealth. The Eight of Pentacles reversed means something has either gone too far or isn't going far enough. You remember the struggles it took to get you to where you are now, it was certainly painful. You are ready or almost ready to move beyond your fears. Then you will be more motivated to work. A good way to get a new perspective is to use your intuition and spontaneously write down all the solutions that come to your mind, even if they seem silly or unrealistic at first. At her feet, a small river meanders, representing her intuition and allowing the woman a way out of her precarious situation if she finds the courage to follow her inner voice. On the Eight of Swords is a woman who is tied up and blindfolded. Seeing the Eight of Swords in the future position warns you that current comforts may become tomorrows ties that bind. Companion to the Seventh Sphere Lenormand deck. Thus you can free yourself from restrictive thoughts and look forward again. The problem comes with giving up. You may feel trapped in your job or your relationship and see no other way out but to just hang on and keep going. Look to supporting cards to confirm which meaning applies. Therefore, consider every loss or setback as a new beginning for your life. There are eight swords placed strategically around her in a way that restricts her movement as though she is in some kind of trap or jail. This card also represents consequences and judgement which may take the form of trial by jury, imprisonment and punishment. If the woman were to take off . By fomenting self-doubt in yourself and having little confidence in yourself, you will have great difficulty in realizing your desires in life. Below, you will find details of the card meanings of The Eight of Swords tarot card. This often doesnt yield results. The universe is organized in an epic manner and the Tarots intricacy delivers this energy. How strong this message is depends on the surrounding Cards in the Reading, the Querant and the Question. The Eight of Swords. She merely needs to remove the blindfold and free herself from the self-imposed bindings that hold her back. That exhaustion can come from the fact that you have many quarrels among yourselves, which cost a lot of energy. You already have the resources you need, but it is up to you to use those resources in a way that serves you. We deny ourselves possibilities when we are too scared of doing the hard work of communicating our boundaries or standing up for ourselves. Upright Nine of Swords Meaning. Be open to alternative ideas and ways of thinking in the future. There is simplicity in this card that underscores getting things done. Shows Treachery or Deceit in the past, and will be explained by the neighbouring cards. There are few classic "good" combinations. And P.S. Theres something you need to get off your chest about your well-being. Draw your Daily Tarot Card now for free! 63. A woman in a flowing robe is blindfolded and her torso bound. In a career Tarot reading, the Eight of Swords suggests that you are feeling trapped in your career or current position. As you take off the blindfold, take a long clear look at your romantic life. Understanding self-awareness can open your eyes to seeing how your behavior affects everyone else as well as yourself. This feeling of helplessness that you have, the feeling that you have no agency in your life, has played a major role in making your situationworse. Money comes and goes. However, on the other extreme, it can also represent severe depression and feeling like suicide is the only way out. Learn about the 78 cards and elements. You made it through a difficult time, and you are more open to change and self-acceptance. Sometimes we truly are our own worst enemies, but when we acknowledge the ways were restricting our own power, we can shift our perspectives in order to be more proactive, positive, and empowered. Eight of Swords Reversed The dreaded "trapped!" card. You believe your options are limited with no clear path out. However, the overall theme of this card is that you are the one keeping yourself in this situation through negative thinking and allowing yourself to be paralysed by fear. The person does not let himself be chained by ineffective ways of thinking but gives his thoughts free space. By realizing that the shackles created by self-doubt and fear only come from your mind and your thoughts, you can just as easily get rid of them if you change your inner attitude accordingly. The reversed 8 of Swords can signal that your anxieties about money have either lessened, or intensified. 57. Another meaning of the Eight of Swords is that you are very confused because of your ambivalent feelings towards someone. Eight of Swords Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: In a general context, the Eight of Swords can represent feeling trapped, confined, restricted or backed into a corner or having your hands tied. Professionally, the Eight of Swords reveals that you feel trapped and constricted in your current job. You can do this with a free tarot readingfrom our experienced, highly-recommended experts atKeenandPsychic Source. It signifies relieving pressure, releasing anxiety and facing fears and truths. When the Eight of Swords is dealt out into the present position during your Tarot reading, it is at its strongest. Only you can free yourself from these chains. A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. Thereby you neglect many aspects which are very relevant to you. For your finances, the Eight of Swords means that you have lost track of your income and expenses. Furthermore, the card represents a freedom-loving character. He has little confidence in himself, which causes him to fall far short of his actual potential and remain in place. Alternatively, it can be an indication that your anxiety around dating has reached such an extreme that it is paralysing when it comes to finding a partner. Working just for the money will not make you happy in the long run. There are resources you can use at this time. When reversed, it is a Minor Arcana card of self-belief, ignoring criticism, standing up to abuse and taking back control. The womans inner strength has caused the king of the beasts to lovingly submit. Through a new perspective on past challenges, you can gain valuable insights. That means that you are constantly worried about not having enough money for necessary purchases. Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck (coming soon!). She is standing, not tied to anything and not tied up by anyone. Dont get caught up in dogma, but look at everything from an outside perspective. These Retro Fridges Are So! Just follow your gut feeling and trust your intuition. Talk to a mental health professional or confide in family and friends. Are you a talented writer? Counteract this in time by structuring a fixed daily routine for yourself. Dont act rashly by any means, you might be able to gently sort out any of your problems by thinking about them first, and acting gently. If it's nothing to do with you, follow your own feelings. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual , 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. General: In general, the Reversed 8 of Swords tells . Often our harsh words or attitude will cut us off from other people. It signifies fear, terror, anxiety and psychological issues. When you find that, you will be ready to welcome the right kind of partner into your life. By standing up for yourself and not letting constrict yourself any further, you will take the first step towards more freedom and your partner will have to adapt to the new situation. Do not dwell too much on yesterday, but look ahead. Dont second-guess yourself! If the circumstances require an apology, do so in order to fully move on. Do you want to know what your destiny has in store for you? Ace of Swords.-- . Spirituality and Mentality The Eight of Swords tarot card in spirituality can remind you to think about the relations in life. You can choose to change your direction whenever you want, if you will it to be so. This is a card that is confronting you with the stagnant aspects of your current situation. In the extreme negative, it can indicate an abusive relationship as it represents being victimised and feeling powerless and hopeless. As we search and seek and gain desire for things to be a certain way, we often ignore boundaries. Often, Tarot readers will tell a person receiving this card during a reading that the Eight of Swords in the present position represents denial. This card also represents consequences and judgement which may take the form of trial by jury, imprisonment and punishment. This is a card that demands you investigate your status as a victim and acknowledge your own role in any possible downfalls that may be occurring around you. If youve recently purchased something expensive, you might be keeping it in good condition but remember, its there to be used. Often we realize what our heart really beats for only after a few years of professional life. . Past You might feel trapped in the past but youre away from that now and experiencing a new level of freedom. You might want to have more time for yourself and meet friends without your partner. If only she could take the blindfold off, she would see that she could simply just walk out of this situation. No matter how deeply dear an idea or philosophy may be to you, other people who see it differently are entitled to their own opinion. It is not as clear-cut as you would like, making the decision very difficult. You may feel powerless because, in yourmind, youfeel that changing the situation might be beyond you. The water pooled at her feet suggests that her intuition might see what her eyes cannot. You are now trapped between a rock and a hard place, with no resolution available. Getting the reversed Eight of Swords is a good sign, since it shows maturity and self-acceptance, and a recognition of one's own power and responsibility - especially after a long struggle of doubt. She doesnt know what to do, but inaction also isnt a good choice. Many eights in a reading suggest a strong, positive change in your life. Where others may try to establish an intimacy that you neither want nor should allow, you must enforce boundaries. However, on the other extreme, it can also represent severe depression and feeling like suicide is the only way out. Eight of Swords Reversed Meaning. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. It can also represent judgement and consequences so if there has been any cheating in the relationship, this card sees the betrayal coming to light. This card is the foundation of the other cards bearing an eight that follow it. For a thought experiment regarding your everyday life, you can treat yourself as an observer. How did you get here??? As such, it can also indicate that severe depression will have a negative effect on your relationship or, if you are in an abusive relationship, that your partners controlling behaviour will escalate to extremes. Other than those two, the Eight of Swords brings out the worst entropy-like energy from Major Arcana cards. In a general context, the Eight of Swords reversed can represent release, freedom, escape and finding solutions and options. The thing to do is to simply walk away, to anywhere else, as a way to establish good boundaries. Youre never alone, even if you think you are; the woman is blindfolded but not gagged. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. The swords depicted in the card are surrounding you but you can take the blindfold off and walk away at any time! Don't expect any arguments or gossip now or in the near future. Be open to alternative ideas and change your perspective. Your thoughts are the cornerstone of your actions, so pay attention to what you think. Such a prison in a relationship only works if you put up with this shackling of your freedom. The picture looks bleak and yet a closer look reveals that it might not be as bad as it seems at first glance. . Reflect on what worked in the past and changed your perspective and approach. Another aspect of Eight of Swords Reversed for your profession is that you should use the freedom to follow your dream job. If you as a couple dare to say uncomfortable things to each other, which nevertheless contribute to a solution to a problem, your relationship will consist of mutual care and honesty. The Eight of Swords Tarot card also reveals that you are currently confused and do not know how to move forward in a critical life situation. Tarot cards are organized by suits, as well as by numerical order. Introduction: When the reversed 8 of Swords appears, you may be about ready to take some important steps and changes in your life, after having made some careful assessments. The Eight of Swords reversed is your cosmic reminder that you are the author of your own story and the creator of your own reality. However, the overall theme of this card is that you are the one keeping yourself in this situation through negative thinking and allowing yourself to be paralysed by fear. Do you want to know how your professional situation develops? The more you think about the situation, the more you feel stuck and without any options. Are you, or your partner currently happy? Your thoughts are the cornerstone of your actions, so pay attention to what you think. Deuce of Swords.--Friendship, Valour, Firmness, Courage; R. False Friends, Treachery, Lies. The Eight of Swords shows a woman bound and blindfolded. It signifies a strong level of energy which states that different aspects of your life will be trailblazing. Sometimes, this card can also suggest that you may be dealing with office politics that have left you defeated; perhaps colleagues have been spreading gossip. It might not be as bad as you think. We would recommendspeaking to a live Tarot reader to get the best understanding of The Eight of Swords in relation to your life. You have found a common path in life, which you follow together, whereby no mountain is too high and no water is too deep for you. The Eight of Swords is a very powerful Card and when it appears in a Reading. You might be being ridiculed and feeling ostracised by your so-called friends. Draw your Destiny Tarot Card now for free! Its okay, weve all been there! Eight swords surround her, seemingly trapping her in place, a symbol of the limiting thoughts, beliefs and mindset that prevent her from moving forward in her life. Present Life isnt at all without struggle or pain. It shows a fear of failure as well as sheer bad luck. You may think that you are not lovable enough. Read below to see the boundaries that each one of these eights signifies when it appears in your Tarot reading. If youre single, are you happy? Your willpower is more than you think it is. Look to supporting cards to confirm which meaning applies.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thetarotguide_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-banner-1-0'); In a career Tarot reading, the Eight of Swords reversed can indicate that you may have learned to release you stress, anxiety and fear in relation to work and you should be having a much easier time in work.