It reached 500 supporters on October 12, 2013. Cargo capacity While flying in a modified LAAT/i gunship to their target area, the gunship was shot down by a B1 battle droid with a rocket launcher, and it crash-landed in the city. The side gunpods were omitted. It is the third version of the Republic Gunship that has appeared in the Star Wars franchise. 19 BBY[1] The number of ARC Alpha Lieutenants also changes from two to three, depending on the scene. Uses all official LEGO parts. The Low Altitude Assault Transport, or LAAT, was a line of gunship used by the Grand Army of the Republic. Galactic Republic[7]Grand Army of the Republic[7]The Muunilinst 10[7] The Muunilinst 10 LEGO star wars 75021 Star Wars muunilinst 10 Republic Gunship custom. Aerial assault[8]Troop transport[2][8] Todos los derechos reservados. Affiliation [Source]. ADD TO CART. It is the third version of the Republic Gunship that has appeared in the Star Wars franchise. Models in the line included the Low Altitude Assault Transport carrier designed … The Muunilinst 10 were deployed to destroy a Separatist artillery cannon and aid in the capture of key InterGalactic Banking Clan officials. The Muunilins 10 was deployed to destroy a Separatist artillery cannon and aid in the capture of key InterGalactic Banking Clan officials. Blast shields Product line Date founded ICONIC. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. Soon after the Battle of Muunilinst, Fordo would lead a team of 20 ARC Alpha lieutenants on a mission to evacuate the surviving Jedi Generals from Hypori. The Muunilinst 10 was an elite group of Advanced Recon Commandos and clone troopers led by ARC Captain Fordo that consisted of three ARC lieutenants, and seven infantry clones, though two were killedThe Muunilinst 10 were deployed to destroy a Separatist artillery cannon and aid in the capture of key InterGalactic Banking Clan officials. All new Parts. Although the Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic establishes that a total of 10 clones (including Fordo) comprised the Muunilinst 10, the number shown on-screen varies considerably. MOC-44007 (9915 parts) … After spotting the droids' locations, an ARC trooper wielding a PLX-1 destroyed the building ledges where the snipers had been. All new Parts. The pilot of the LAAT immediately broke off and flew to the Muunilinst 10's position, where the ARC Troopers had encountered General Grievous and were losing ground fast. Mace Windu in this! zasbenik. Orders take 2-4 weeks to ship. The ARC Troopers then successfully rescued the Jedi Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi, Aayla Secura and Shaak Ti, loading them and the remaining troopers onto the gunship and taking off, detonating the previously dropped charges to clear their escape route.[7]. Our customers have the ability to purchase the pieces and instructions for out unique designs. Muunilinst 10 Republic Gunship MOD of 75021. THE WOLFMAN JEDI?? Muunilinst 10 LAAT The Muunilinst 10 The Muunilinst 10 was sent to Hypori to rescue the survivors from the encounter with General Grievous. Posted by Reny Chatiti. LAAT series A long, narrow barrel similar to those of the laser cannons was added to the front of the mass-driver missile launchers, giving them an appearance similar to the ventral weapons on the Republic Troop Transport. There, Fordo ordered two of his men to investigate two of the three life signs he detected. 6.1 meters[1] 17.4 meters[3] star wars stickers. Everyone else survived the crash. The side-mounted composite-beam laser bubble turrets were removed, and it is possible that the wing-mounted turrets were as well, since they did not fire when the gunship engaged the droid army or General Grievous. Star Wars: Muunilinst 10 LAAT Gunship Papercrafts . Equipped[5] The troopers used the power of the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, Reciprocating quad blaster and Under-barrel grenade launchers to destroy the cover provided by the Durasteel. View zasbenik’s shop. Armament Notes: /!\I won't use it for TCW:FotR/!\ I'll release the skin in my (already-released) skin pack, here. Models in the line included the Low Altitude Assault Transport carrier designed to transport a single All Terrain Tactical Enforcer and the Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry that served mainly as a gunship and troop transport. Their objective was to destory the heavy turret in the center of the city. Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando pilot[7] [4] When they exited the gunship, they were surrounded by sniper-fire. The Muunilinst 10 have their own paint scheme on their gunship. Appearing in the Star Wars: Clone Wars, this Low Altitude Assault Transport was used by The Muunilinst 10 during their mission to Hypori to rescue the Jedi Knights Ki-Adi-Mundi, Aayla Secura, and Shaak Ti. Fordo was granted Jaig eyes for his actions on Hypori. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The unit were sent into the city, while the main force were on a full-frontal assault. [5], The group kept going toward their objective, and eventually encountered an AAT. [7], The Muunilinst 10 was sent to Hypori to rescue the survivors from the encounter with General Grievous. A glaring rancor's mouth was painted on the front. U.S.S. 1 (cockpit capsule)[6][2] Size. During the clone wars many republic gunships were customized with special paint scheme, such as blue color and the rancor on its nose art. They were one of the first units of Clone Troopers to be distinguished, as well as one of the only squads of ARC Troopers. Production information Not really, but just let me share this moment of self-indulgence with you dudes. 21042 Statue of Liberty - Alternate Head Mod. Affiliation Maximum speed (atmosphere) Comes with figures and way better design than Republic Bricks who scams kids. MOC-44651 (717 parts) Avatar 2020. Class © Valve Corporation. There was also blue covering the missile pod and wings, except the wings, which had white triangles going to the top. Model by "Defcon" (Blackout Studios 3D Artist - Link to his page will be added soon) Textures by Azzan Adel Farooq (ARC Gunship - Substance Painter/Designer/Source) Is this in any way holiday/winter related?? Consumables Suitable for transporting battalions from Venators to planets surfaces, this ship is a fan favorite among Clone Wars era ships. This ARC Trooper served as a heavy gunner for the Muunilinst 10 during thir rescue mission to Hypori under the command of Captain Fordo.Once the Gunship landed, this ARC trooper exited the craft with Fordo and the rest of the rescue force. It had a unique paint job with blue top with triangular blue stripes just under the top, blue wings and triangular white stripes on the wings. A glaring rancor's mouth was painted on the nose, just below the cockpit and covering the frontal turrets. The Muunilinst 10 was an elite group of Advanced Recon Commandos Alpha-Class and clone troopers led by ARC Captain Alpha-77 Fordo that consisted of two ARC Alpha lieutenants, and seven infantry clones with special training.[source?] Leader(s) UU. Escape craft Grievous attempted to scale up to the roof but was forced down by a volley of grenades. Modular Victorian London Street. UCS C-9979 Droid Landing Craft (Trade Federation) €139,00. [7], Grievous evaded the entire barrage of fire, retreating to a safe distance from the gunship. Model Forget the aft drop down ramp, though it would be awesome as well. 1 History 1.1 Muunilinst 1.2 Hypori 1.3 Coruscant 2 Members 3 Appearances 4 References The unit was assembled for an operation on the planet of Muunilinst. [7], Shortly after this, Fordo called for backup. Captain Fordo and the ARC Alpha lieutenants were trained by Jango Fett himself.[source?] He landed next to four ARC lieutenants whom he promptly cut down with his two lightsabers. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando pilot, The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Visual Guide, Star Wars Battlefront: Prima Official Game Guide,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. We want to ensure the satisfaction of … The Rancor pattern on the nose of the ship is a reference to real-life fighter planes with similar paint schemes. MOC-44821 (9 parts) Architecture 2020. Fuel for 8 hours[1] Rothana Heavy Engineering[1][2] The title of this article is conjectural. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Captain Fordo and the remaining members of the Muunilinst 10 awaiting General Kenobi. Owner(s) The Muunilinst 10 deploy from their LAAT/i on Hypori. The ship's most striking feature was its paint job. Date fragmented This Low Altitude Assault Transport was used by The Muunilinst 10 during their mission to Hypori. Email This BlogThis! Fordo and other ARC's from Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) are Alpha-Class ARCs, because Alpha ARCs have appeared in 2002, Null Class have appeared in 2006, so these clones are Alpha-class ARCs. D-Day WWII Landing Craft "Higgins Boat" MOC-44445 (407 parts) Modular Buildings 2020. My friend Timmy sent me the LEGO Star Wars Republic Gunship we all probably want LEGO to make: The Muunilist 10 Gunship! 22 BBY[1] Crew The Low Altitude Assault Transport, or LAAT, was a line of gunship used by the Grand Army of the Republic. Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry This action was the key point in the Republic's capture of the planet.[6]. Full clone armor Obi-Wan! Their gunship, flying at just under two meters, was able to sneak past hundreds of droids, and drop remote control detonators before they took notice. Add to Favourites. The Muunilinst 10 have their own paint scheme on their gunship. 50[4] Their gunship, flying at just under two meters, was able to sneak past hundreds of droids, and drop remote control detonators before they took notice. Shortly after this, Fordo called for backup. After dropping off Captain Fordo and his team, the gunship rose to a vantage point and began firing at the super battle droids that had begun to charge their location. Role(s) Jango Fett[1] [7], The gunship was also heavily altered from a standard LAAT/i, with features such as a modified cockpit, a bomb bay, and jamming signal technology. LEGO REPUBLIC GUNSHIP MUUNILINST 10 REPUBLICBRICKS EXCLUSIVE. A pattern of jagged blue isosceles triangles extended from the spine down the sides of the fuselage, and a similar pattern of white triangles was present on the back edge of the wings. During the clone wars many republic gunships were customized with special paint scheme, such as blue color and the rancor on its nose art. Anti-personnel laser turrets (1 behind the doors and 2 at the front)[3][2]Composite-beam laser turrets (2 on the wings)[3][2]Mass-driver missile launchers (2)[3][2] (30 missiles each)[3] However, Grievous was able to continue to evade fire. One clone, CT-43/002, was killed instantly in the barrage. Shielding After dropping off Captain Fordo and his team, the gunship rose to a vantage point and began firing at the super battle droidsthat had begun to charge their location. The Low Altitude Assault Transport, or LAAT, was a line of gunship used by the Grand Army of the Republic. Fordo just can’t resist working hard even when there’s no need to. [5], After the arrival of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, they blasted their way inside the command center, defeating the numerous droids guarding it and taking and aiding in the defeat of the feared bounty hunter Durge before securing the room, despite some of them suffering injuries inflicted by Durge. The Muunilinst 10 This Low Altitude Assault Transport was used by The Muunilinst 10 during their mission to Hypori. exclusive . Passengers The survivors were reinforced with heavy gunners and additional troops and were sent to Hypori to retrieve the surviving Jedi of the Battle of Hypori, and arrived there in surprisingly little time. UGH I could gush about 2003 Clone Wars forever. Modified by When Obi-Wan Kenobi rendezvouses with the Muunilinst 10, there are again nine clones. This is a model of the Muunilinst 10 Gunship from the 2003 star wars the clones wars series [Source]. The clone trooper CT-43/002 was killed during an ambush on Muunilinst and four ARC Alpha lieutenants were cut down by Grievous at Hypori. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook. Star Wars: Muunilinst 10 LAAT Gunship Papercraft Appearing in the Star Wars: Clone Wars, this Low Altitude Assault Transport was used by The Muunilinst 10 during their mission to Hypori to rescue the Jedi Knights Ki-Adi-Mundi, Aayla Secura, and Shaak Ti. Muunilinst 10 Republic Gunship €199,00. Similar designs Explore similar designs from over 700,000 independent artists. This gunship can have the two piece doors like the one above. Muunilinst 10 - LAAT Gunship Design Sticker Designed by zasbenik $2.50. Follow. The gunship opened fire on the droid general with both its anti-personnel laser turrets and mass-driver missile launchers. A Muunilinst 10 reskin/MOD to 75021 Republic Gunship, a Star Wars set released in 2013. The Muunilinst 10 was sent to Hypori to rescue the survivors from the encounter with General Grievous. exclusive gunship. Indeed this is the Muunilinst 10 LAAT/i ( Credits: Pandemic & LA: for the gunship model and original skin Muunilinst 10 LAAT/i: for inspiration Me, (CdtFox) for the new skin. The forward sliding door piece could be connected where the bubble turret is meant to go and could be interchangeable with any other gunship of the same mould. Battle of Hypori[7] And Lieutenant ARCs in this animated series using a Westar-M5 - Alpha ARC's weapon from "Republic 50: The Defense of Kamino". Stickers Tags. Usage The mission on Muunilinst would also see them fight alongside with Obi-Wan Kenobi to capture the Banking Clan headquarters and defeat the fearsome bounty hunter, Durge. Present for battles/events MOC-45201 (1169 parts) Star Wars 2020. Fordo called for immediate backup. Width Ten are visible after the LAAT/i is hit by a missile, and eleven disembark from the fallen gunship. ADD TO CART. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Uses all official LEGO parts. All paper model parts are the same with the red one, nothing change except its color. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Kamino[1] 17 m³[1] This operation would see them engage in a vicious battle with General Grievous. The Low Altitude Assault Transport, or LAAT, was a line of gunship used by the Grand Army of the Republic. The weaponry of their ARC gunship was able to drive Grievous off, enabling evacuation of the survivors. y otros países. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Star Wars: Muunilinst 10 LAAT Gunship Papercraft Friday, January 15, 2010 at 2:31 PM papercraft, science fiction, Star Wars 0 comments. The Muunilinst 10[7] Marshall's Speeder €29,00. Hope you enjoy it f you have any questions let me know my Instagram is bantha_slushie. Chapter 452: Able-472 from the Muunilinst 10. The unit was organized for a mission to the planet Muunilinst. Muunilinst[2]Hypori[2] A Muunilinst 10 reskin/MOD to 75021 Republic Gunship, a Star Wars set released in LEGO MOC MOC-45201 Muunilinst 10 Republic Gunship MOD of 75021 - building instructions and parts list LOGIN The Muunilinst 10 gunship! clone wars stickers. Founder(s) Historical information The fictional universe of the Star Wars franchise features multiple planets and moons. The Muunilinst 10 were deployed to destroy a Separatist artillery cannon and aid in the capture of key InterGalactic Banking Clan officials. The life sign Fordo detected turned out to be Ki-Adi Mundi, who had just been disarmed by Grievous. While one ARC Lieutenant crept up on the AAT from above, the remaining eight provided cover fire. General Grievous was about to deal the killing blow to Mundi when Fordo and his men opened fire on him. The Muunilinst 10 was an elite group of Advanced Recon Commandos and Clone Troopers led by ARC Captain Fordo that consisted of three ARC lieutenants, and seven infantry clones, though two were killed. Technical specifications Todas las marcas registradas pertenecen a sus respectivos dueños en EE. [5], Fordo ordered two of his clones to distract the droid snipers and another clone to scope the location for the snipers. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. At One Stud Customs we create custom Star Wars ships, tanks, walker, etc. Models in the line included the Low Altitude Assault Transport carrier designed to transport a single All Terrain Tactical Enforcer and the Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry that served mainly as a gunship a Palmyra, United States. Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture. All paper model parts are the same with the red one, nothing change except its color. INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED ARE IN PDF AND LDD FORMAT This Low Altitude Assault Transport was used by The Muunilinst 10 during their mission to Hypori. Length Comes unassembled. Galactic Republic[1]Special Operations Brigade[3] ADD TO CART. The Muunilinst 10 LAAT was repainted with a Rancor nose art design. Cobb Vanth's Speeder Bike €19,00. A Muunilinst 10 reskin/MOD to 75021 Republic Gunship, a Star Wars set released in 2013. Other information The Muunilinst 10 were referred to as the best of the best, and were extremely effective in battle. Matte. We provide a class of customer service like no other. Comes unassembled. The pilot of the LAAT immediately broke off and fle… Small (3.3 x 3 in) Add to cart. 17 meters (wingspan)[3] Lego Star Wars Republic Gunship Muunilinst 10 REPUBLICBRICKS LIMITED EDITION. Grievous was able to evade the fire by ducking behind rubble. Tweet. The 10 arrived in the city only to be shot by a droid with a missile launcher. The Republic Gunship/LAAT was used for troop carrying in combat during the Clone Wars. While flying in a modified LAAT/i gunship to their target area, the gunship was shot down by a B1 battle droid with a rocket launcher, and it crash-landed in the city. $1.88 when you buy 4+ $1.25 when you buy 10+ Finish. Location(s) General information ARC Captain Alpha-77[1] Enterprise NCC-1701-D Galaxy Class Starship €399,00 . Dec 24, 2019 - The LAAT Gunship with the "Muunilinst 10" LAAT Gunship paint job. While one of his men investigated one of the life signs in the rubble and another in the rafters of the downed Acclamator assault ship, Fordo led the rest of his men to the one directly ahead of them. As such, they carried many weapons, including standard issue BlasTech Industries DC-15A blaster rifles, modified DC-17 hand blasters as well as WESTAR-M5 blaster rifles, Thermal detonators, heat signature detectors, PLX-1 portable missile launchers, Z-6 rotary blaster cannons, droid poppers, and Reciprocating quad blasters. ADD TO CART. The Muunilinst 10 was a Advanced Recon Commando unit that served in the Grand Army of the Republic. The ARC jumped on top of the AAT, fired his way inside, and planted explosives, before jumping out and detonating them. Finally, during the battle with Durge, the number of clones exceeds ten, which could mean that the unit has regrouped with the main invasion force in order to capture key InterGalactic Banking Clan officials. Muunilinst 10 LAAT is a project on LEGO CUUSOO created by Knoose on February 14, 2012. The spine and wings were painted blue, as were the missile pods with the exception of some panels. Condition is Used. View size guide. Thankfully you’re here to distract him. Repulsorlift gunship Condition is New. Their gunship was able to sneak past hundreds of droids and … Additionally, during the battle of Hypori, nineteen clones are seen in several shots, with the number fluctuating as with previous chapters. While only the feature films and selected other works are considered 30[3][2] The number once again reduces to ten in a scene when the clones plant the explosives on an artillery cannon. Several clones were sent off to retrieve two of the three life signs while Fordo took the rest of the team to get the third. Appa from Avatar: The Last Airbender. The gunship had a jagged blue line up to the top of it. Although this article is based on official information from the. Although they were the best of the best, The Muunilinst 10 would sustain some casualties. The 10's gunship crash-landed, killing the pilots. MGLT This set comes with over 1500 pieces and Instructions sent via PDF. Headquarters Manufacturer ADD TO CART. At that time, "ARC Trooper" meant Alpha-class ARC. [5], Eventually, they arrived at the artillery cannon and after destroying many battle droids, destroyed the cannon with several high powered explosives and rappelled up the control tower. Other systems After Kenobi's briefing in Clone Wars Chapter 2, nine clones are shown. Height/depth The mission that they are most known for (and their namesake) was the destruction of the Harnaidan defensive cannon on Muunilinst. 620 km/h[3] It was heavily modified and sported a unique paint job. Enjoy it f you have any questions let me know my Instagram bantha_slushie... Toward their objective, and eleven disembark from the Star Wars 75021 Star Wars set released 2013... Self-Indulgence with you dudes to as the best, and were extremely effective in battle had a jagged line! [ 6 ] the spine and wings were painted blue, as the. Would be awesome as well most known for ( and their namesake ) the. Like the one above subject is pure conjecture figures and way better design than Republic Bricks who scams kids appeared. Design than Republic Bricks who scams kids to 75021 Republic gunship that has appeared in Grand... Enjoy it f you have any questions let me know my Instagram is bantha_slushie 10 a! 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