The young soldier who called 911 also told the dispatcher, unprompted, that Roman-Martinez had suicidal tendencies, which his sister strenuously disputes. Almost every time I saw Billy, he was strung out on something., A day after the bodies were found, an unnamed Army official leaked to CBS that both Lavigne and Dumas, at the time of their deaths, were under investigation for trafficking narcotics on Fort Bragg, and that investigators suspected a double homicide from a drug deal gone wrong.. He was strung out and weeping over Leshikar. The 100 Best Albums of 2022, No narcotics were reported recovered, but for the Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC, which is headquartered at Fort Bragg, it had all the makings of yet another drug scandal, the latest in a string of them to hit the special-operations community. Of fatal overdoses, how many were ruled a suicide? Even if Leshikar had come at him with a screwdriver, Billy wouldnt just forget how to disarm somebody, Nicole says. Ballard, the only full-time detective in Vass, didnt know Billy Lavigne. Two from the 82nd Airborne were killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, and another paratrooper, a combat engineer, lost his life in a vehicle rollover in Syria, for a total of three who perished overseas. Out of the 83 sudden and unexpected fatalities, eleven of them were determined to be from natural causes. You always got the sense from him that he was involved in something illegal, like some kind of crime ring. It was his last hoorah, says Nicole, who spoke to her brother for a final time on St. Patricks Day. We lost our friend, he told the dispatcher. He called me and said, Mom, Ive got a gun to my head. He was convinced that people were following them. Why is Fort Bragg less safe than it was before the mask, testing and vaccine mandates? He was getting clean.. Editors picks Theyll show up in their Class A uniforms looking all distinguished and get sympathy: OK, dismissed. Many of the issues are directly related to the covid-19 vaccines, including Bells palsy, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolisms and neurological disorders. Hes one of those guys whos into nature. The Navy SEALs have been seared by repeated scandals in recent years, but until Lavignes mysterious death in December, Delta Force had been spared accusations of drug use in its ranks. When they were doing cocaine, Mabey says, he always acted perfectly fine. For the latest update on stopping the mandates in the military, read Liberty Councils updates on the Navy SEAL 1 v. Austin case. Over the course of several months of correspondence, the public-affairs office eventually disclosed the number of homicides and suicides, but not deaths from accidents and illnesses, which would include drug overdoses. Based out of a high-security compound inside Fort Bragg, it has become a covert military within the military. We want to hear it. The man in the bed of the truck, by contrast, didnt have to inflate his military credentials. Lavigne was entitled to a variety of due process protections. With multiple police pistols pointed at him and officers shouting at him to drop the gun, Lewis raised his weapon and shot himself in the forehead. In the three years since, De Nola has tried to lobby members of the House of Representatives to investigate opioid abuse in the military, but until now, there hasnt been any real action at the federal level. The . As the madness of 2020 settled over the country, bringing with it a nationwide wave of drug abuse and violent crime, Lavigne was also spinning out of control. Neutralizing the Spike Protein: Shikimic Acid*. Aaron Robert Wolfman June 7, 2022 (61 years old) View obituary. When he came home, notably, you could see a droopiness in his eye, she tells me. Thats when he made the statement that if I wanted my husband gone, he could take care of it, she says. People who knew him tell me that in life, he fit a certain kind of American archetype: the wannabe special-forces guy, a fake operator who, in order to impress people or intimidate them, passed himself off as an ex-commando. Last year, at least 39 Fort Hood soldiers died or went missing. On February 9, 2022, Seth reported the death of 83 soldiers at Fort Bragg in the 18 months ending in June 2021. In January 2022, attorneys Thomas Renz and Leigh Dundas retrieved the DMED data from military whistleblowers, Drs. But neither JSOC nor USASOC responded to repeated requests for comment. How To Get Back 100% Vision At Any Age? It went from being very rarely used to becoming, in the post-9/11 era, an organization that was running a dozen missions a night around the world., Those missions often take place in failed states or amid frozen conflicts where the United States has no acknowledged presence, and American soldiers operate in a grey zone where morality and ethics are in the eye of the beholder, and everything goes so long as the mission is accomplished and your tactics arent known to the public or explicitly to the higher-ups, as one former Green Beret writes me from federal prison, where he is doing time for smuggling 50 kilos of cocaine into Florida on a military aircraft. Many of the issues are directly related to the covid-19 vaccines, including Bells palsy, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolisms and neurological disorders. . The Army is failing to keep soldiers combat-ready, and this is evidenced by the militarys own medical surveillance system. Hed read an article about hallucinogenic mushrooms, she says. Fort Bragg stopped reporting the fatalities after June 2021, but the bodies continue to pile up. He was arrested for a final time on September 17th, in Fayetteville, this time on a prostitution charge. One of the largest military installations in the world, Fort Bragg is home to approximately 54,000 military personnel and includes the Special Forces, the Airborne Corps, and the Joint Special Operations Command. Its the last thing we spoke about.. A spokesman, Chris Grey, writes in an email that Cumberland County had investigative jurisdiction over the case but that CID thoroughly reviewed all the evidence and interviewed witnesses. Indeed, you would have to pore over the news archives long and hard to find a single negative story on the unit, whose official name is the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, also known as the Combat Applications Group. Ed Markey, Elizabeth Warren, and three other senators are demanding answers from Defense Sec. It was much easier, ironically, to get information on Fort Bragg-based personnel who died in foreign countries. We have a lot of Delta Force members in our community, says Ballard, the police detective in Vass. The last time his father spoke to him was Thanksgiving. The role of fentanyl in opioid-related deaths and substance-involved deaths as-a-whole continues to be a primary concern. The Commander-in-Chief, the Secretary of Defense, the Department of Defense(DoD) and the highest-ranking commanders are culpable for unlicensed medical malpractice and mass murder, and must be held responsible for their unethical actions of coercion and discrimination, which were used to force dangerous experiments on soldiers that injured, sickened, disabled and killed many. When they found my brothers remains, he didnt even have eyes. This May will be that investigations one-year mark, and no suspects have been identified. Finally, one womans face lights up. Since then, the military has administered more than 6.4 million doses, fully inoculating 90.1percent of active-duty service members with the two-dose protocol. He was taken home that same night by some of his Delta Force teammates. Get Cool Gear & Fund STN The data was provided to Senator Ron Johnson at a historic round table meeting with doctors and lawyers. Maybe We All Experience The Same Thing Masculinity Isnt Toxic, Our Erasure Of It Is, Does The Bible Describe the Earth as Flat? Army vet Timothy Dumas, 44, was found shot and killed alongside Lavigne. He didnt respond, she says. It showed multiple chop injuries, a broken jaw, lacerations, and fractures of the cervical spine. . She has photos of a tub of used syringes found in Lewis closet, including vials of drostanalone propionate and trenbolone acetate, both of which are illicit anabolic steroids that can cause severe mood disturbances. What followed has never been adequately explained. On February 9, 2022, Seth reported the death of 83 soldiers at Fort Bragg in the 18 months ending in June 2021. Image in illustration by Alamy. She met him in 2013, when she and her husband moved to North Carolina and answered a rental ad he had posted for a small brick house on Barrett Street, an uncurbed strip of asphalt just off the town square. Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers and Theresa Long. Nor would the base discuss the perplexing incidence of young men turning up unresponsive in their bunks, such as 19-year-old Caleb Smither, whose body was so decomposed when they found him that he couldnt have an open-casket funeral. Fish ate them, says his sister (above at her brothers funeral and on the beach where his remains were found). Asia Graham, a Fort Bliss soldier who died of an overdose of fentanyl and synthetic cannabinoids after she reported being sexually assaulted by a fellow soldier. Fort Bragg lost over 80 soldiers from sudden and unexplained causes, and stopped reporting on the deaths after June 2021, Atty. Absolutely. People not inclined to be team players, he explained, somewhat paradoxically. Out of nowhere, she says, this tall, baldheaded black dude comes up with a skinny black guy with dreads. Recent surgeries to his legs had left him unable to run well. Get Awesome Patriot Gear Today! In recent years, whistleblowers have alleged that the use of hard drugs is widespread among special operators. And Rolling Stone covers a "staggering" number of soldier overdose deaths in Fort Bragg. The problems persisted. He would leave his phone and wallet for sure, but not his glasses. He was the oddity amongst the special-forces guys I was introduced to., In the one picture of Lavigne that exists in the public domain, his official Army portrait, his head looks like a white egg, and his face has the pale and drawn appearance of a man who has just shorn off a beard and shaved his scalp to the skin. Crime-scene technicians would have photographed it on December 2nd, when they turned aside the nylon blanket he was wrapped in and saw him barefoot and shirtless, shot multiple times in the chest. Just a while ago the FBI went and dived in the area, and didnt find anything. The letter, sent to Defense Secretary . Thank you for your service. In the bed of the truck and on the ground beside it were two dead men. On top of the sort of training that all Rangers, Green Berets, and Navy SEALs have to go through, he had been schooled in sabotage, demolition, hostage rescue, tactical driving, lockpicking, and spy-trade craft such as how to shadow people, use dead drops, and live under a cover identity. At no time during that interaction did they mention a missing person, a spokesman for the National Park Service told ABC11. As Sarah pounded on the neighbors door, he opened fire on her. Such a pigheaded, egotistical man was the first impression he made on his wife, Laura, a 39-year-old paralegal from Hawaii whose dad was a Marine. Fort Bragg needs to be blown up, that is, exposed to scrutiny, says Tammy de Mirza, Sarahs aunt. An investigative reporter for Rolling Stone Magazine, Seth Harp, has been looking into this medical anomaly. In 2018, Lavigne shot and killed his best friend, a Green Beret named Mark Leshikar, in an inexplicable, drug-fueled altercation that no one witnessed but two little girls. Receive Daily Banned News StoriesTHEY Don't Want You to Know! The data was provided to Senator Ron Johnson at a historic round table meeting with doctors and lawyers. | At age 37, William Billy Lavigne II was a true Tier 1 operator, a master sergeant on the Armys most selective and clandestine task force. She also retrieved her Glock from the bedroom and stuck it under a couch cushion. We look to the Greatest Commandment as our Powering force. He wore camouflage but sat in a cubicle. Why is Fort Bragg less safe than it was before the mask, testing and vaccine mandates? Privacy Policy As soon as the rockets began to burst, We had to get out of there. For the latest update on stopping the mandates in the military, read Liberty Councils updates on the Navy SEAL 1 v. Austin case. Uh-huh., CID is aware of the deceaseds alleged drug activities, Grey, the CID spokesman, says. Lavigne himself turned up dead a few years later, shot in the chest and left in the back of his own truck. To date, the House Armed Services Committee seems not to have noticed the similar pattern at Fort Bragg. . I was like a fly on the wall, she says, watching their interactions. Unlike his buddies, Lavigne never bragged about the number of people he had killed. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Medium, WordPress, Google, Gmail (literally), Blogspot, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, PayPal, LiveJournal, Soundcloud, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, Flickr & Youtube and probably several others I forgot about. It would be an exaggeration to say that Fayetteville must be a more dangerous duty station than Raqqa or Kandahar, and yet piecing together data provided by Col. Buccino, and previous Army disclosures to the McClatchy news agency, as well as reports in the local media, I count no fewer than 44 active-duty deaths at Fort Bragg during 2020. And there have been several murders in the last few years around Fort Bragg with apparent links to drug-trafficking by elite soldiers, or distribution networks run by ordinary enlisted men in the 82nd. In January 2022, attorneys Thomas Renz and Leigh Dundas retrieved the DMED data from military whistleblowers, Drs. No one at Fort Bragg will talk to me at all. Both had been killed by gunshots, and according to news reports, shell casings were scattered on the ground. Fort Bragg stops reporting soldier deaths after dozens found dead in their bunks An investigative reporter for Rolling Stone Magazine, Seth Harp, has been looking into this medical anomaly. We have not ruled anything in or out as the investigation continues.. What protocol is in place to identify and respond to an uptick in overdoses either generally or at a specific military installation? These are highlights of a significantly lengthier list. Ever since he killed Leshikar, he had been in a downward spiral. Dumas had been arrested numerous times in North Carolina on charges ranging from making terroristic threats to impersonating a cop, yet had never been prosecuted.