Your IP: It also says that my people will become jealous of the Gentiles and their relationship with God. Click to reveal Yom Kippur 2021 falls on the night of September 15 until nightfall on September 16. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. And we can confirm this to be the case, as no one in Israel (at least no one with any authority) has announced the beginning of the Messianic Age. The Targums (Aramaic translations of the Old Testament) have more than 70 references to Messiah building a powerful picture of a Davidic king restoring Israel in all aspects. ), and how it heralds the Messianic kingdom in Israel. For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant,And as a root out of dry ground.He has no form or comeliness;And when we see Him,There isno beauty that we should desire Him. click the link in that email to complete your registration. Mathematically=10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000! And, as we noted earlier, Shlomo Yehudahs popularity and fame doesnt seem to extend beyond the particular stream of Orthodox Judaism to which he belongs. Weve been struggling with this for the last 3,000 years. ISRAEL Believes Their Messiah Has Come - We Know That the True Messiah Came Over 2000 Years Ago - So We Must Ask the Question -Is This the Man of Sin - ANTICHRIST? Rabbi Zissholtz then explained several recent statements made by Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the most prominent rabbis of this generation, concerning the Messiah. Isaiah also mentions the afflictions of beating, pulled beard, and spitting (50:6), as Messiahs ill treatment in obedience to Gods will. The Greek translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint (LXX). Starting with Isaiah 52:9, the prophet writes, Burst into songs of joy together, you ruins of Jerusalem, for the LORD has comforted his people, he has redeemed Jerusalem. Who has the Lord redeemed, Jerusalem. Jerusalem is not the redeemer,but the redeemed. Your email address will not be published. By refraining from lashon hara (literally evil speech, meaning gossip and slander) and by learning as much Torah as possible. Holy Cow! Misunderstanding by end-times prophecy-watchers leads many to believe that the tribulation is at hand. The University of Haifahas receiveda rare collection of ancient Christian maps of Jerusalem and Israel that date back to the 16th and 17th centuries. There is a verse written in the bible that goes like, Is this the man that made the earth tremble and Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So, lets just watch and see. Joel 3:2; No sin will be found in Israel. Senior IDF officer: Iran tried to drone strike two vessels in Arabian Sea last month. Obviously, Moshiach didnt come in 1948, but something else significant happened in that year. Rediscovering Israel's Messiah Show all authors. Visit and for more information. Found: Lennon and McCartneys comedy about the messiah, In BBC interview in which he insists it was John who split the Beatles, Paul says the long-lost play is quite a funny thing, called Pilchard, Trouble in paradise: GOD TV spat exposes tensions between Israel, evangelicals, Jewish state has long welcomed Christians political and financial support, but most Jews view any effort to convert them as deeply offensive, Messianic network GOD-TV launches Hebrew channel in Israel, sparking outrage, Communications minister calls to investigate oversight that granted channel 7-year license, vows not to allow missionary work on air, The Messiahs donkey of a thousand colors, One remarkable Talmudic description of Redemption looks a lot like the modern State of Israel. Donald Hauser, Your email address will not be published. When Israel was formed, certain laws were established as the foundation from which its democracy would grow and evolve. accessed 4th February 2021 Nothing. In Jewish liturgy, the State of Israel is referred to as reishit tzemichat geuulatenu (the first flowering of our redemption). 2. Whats another half a year or a year? We believe He fulfilled all the Messianic requirements of the Old Testament, proving He was the long-awaited Savior spoken of in biblical prophecy. Sign up to our free daily newsletter today to get all the most important stories directly to your inbox. 1. The Accidental Talmudist Podcast. Joshua Aaron), [VIDEO] ISRAEL IN CRISIS Terrorism, riots, and unrest. Once registered, youll receive our Daily Edition email for free. He was taken from prison and from judgment,And who will declare His generation?For He was cut off from the land of the living;For the transgressions of My people He was stricken. Design a site like this with, Jewish Passover Sacrifice Almost Fulfilled. Bible was made by 40 authors, in different timelines, by different people from all walks of life. Since King David is the middle position between Adam and Moshiach, doubling the year of his birth should tell us when to expect Moshiach. ISRAEL Believes Their Messiah Has Come We Know That the True Messiah Came Over 2000 Years Ago So We Must Ask the Question -Is This the Man of Sin ANTICHRIST? Why I believe Yeshua fulfills this prophecy. The Hebrew year 5782, when, according to this calculation, Moshiach should arrive, begins on September 6-7, 2021 less than a year from now. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. Again, if King David is the middle point between Adam and Moshiach and he became the King of Israel in the Hebrew year 2891, we double that year and we get 5782. Ive said it many time, I truly believe time is short. As the story spread among the broader Christian world, the Spanish transliteration of that name stuck, and numerous videos and articles were posted referring to the young rabbi as Jizkiyahu Ben David.. The rabbi then sources the Talmud revealing that in the end of the Jubilee year, the Messiah will re-emerge again on Yom Kippur 2022 which falls on October 4-5. For I alone know my fathers name. He actually did what He said neither the Jews nor the Romans was able to produce the dead body. ~ FIRM By refraining from. 2. Home Israeli Rabbi Reveals Date of Messiahs Arrival according to Kabbalah. This is not the time to go into despair. The appellant, Dov Sobol, has turned to the High Court before on theological matters, as well as to multiple lower courts. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah (Complete and Unabridged in One Volume, New Updated Edition). The miracles that took place in the desert will reoccur he notes. "The time of redemption has arrived!". Why pi=3.14 and not 666? He predicted His own death and resurrection He said it plainly to His disciples, who chickened out of the crucifixion, but later became heroes of faith!! Israel's Health Minister Yaakov Litzman belive that "The Messiah" will arrrive before Passover, that starts 8th of April. 1. 53:5), Yeshua was pierced as they hung him on the cross. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. In the year 2891, at the age of 37, David became the King of Israel, ruling over all 12 Tribes and the entirety of Israel. If Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Prophecy Up Close, National Conferences, Presentations, FOI Equip, Bridges, Encounter, Hesed & ORIGINS, Prophecy Up Close, National Conferences, Look Up Online Conferences, Contact, Social Media, Subscriptions, Apps. "Plant a seed today, save a soul tomorrow.". That is a very Greekish mindset brought by Jesuit schooling, and not by ancient Hebrew thinking. Jiziahu Ben David or prince Bin Salman are good candidates to be a Jewish messiah. As far back as the Garden of Eden, God promised a male descendant of Eve (and Adam) would defeat Satan (Genesis 3:15), which requires he possesses power and authority greater than Satan. You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. Rabbi Reuven Wolf: Who Is The Jewish Messiah and When Is He Coming? Bonus Analysis: Some say this guy is already the messiah, some say he is just a man, and some says he is Elijah who will anoint the messiah on Rosh Hashanah. This concept underlies the rather simple mathematical calculation he presented. And how does he recommend we prepare? And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up. On May 8, 2021 By Geri Ungurean In Uncategorized By JEREMY SHARON. Again, if King David is the middle point between Adam and Moshiach and he became the King of Israel in the Hebrew year 2891, we double that year and we get 5782. Who has the Lord redeemed, "Jerusalem.". 365.2, The real Messiah (since over 20 years) can be found here:, Your email address will not be published. 1. Israeli prayer and worship ministry, SOLU, is about to celebrate its first year anniversary. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Just days earlier they hailed Him as the Messiah; now they called for His crucifixion. Warning of a one world government ruling the world, the rabbi cautions that in the Hebrew calendar year Taf Shin Pey Aleph (September 2020-September 2021) from Tevet (January-February) until Elul (AugustSeptember) those will be the 9 months where the New World Order rules. Question: If Christianity was proven 100% and without a shadow of a doubt, would you be a Christian? First of all, this young rabbis name is not Jizkiyahu Ben David or Jiziahu or any other spelling being used out there. Our DNA sequence was designed by a creator. When I read Isaiah 53 to a Jewish colleague nearly two decades ago, he yelled at me. He was oppressed and He was afflicted,Yet He opened not His mouth;He was led as a lamb to the slaughter,And as a sheep before its shearers is silent,So He opened not His mouth. He was assigned a grave with the wicked. Why would someone allow himself to be killed for what they knew to be a lie? All the elders of Yisrael came to the king at Chevron, and King David made a pact with them in Chevron before Hashem. As for the clip of him at the Western Wall, this occurred at the annual event that begins the Counting of the Omer during the week of Passover. What counts is what you do to spread light into the world, to spread kindness and love and charity. Today, she lives with her husband, Michael, in Aqaba, Jordan. This song Baruch haba bshem Adonai refers to Jesus words on the Mount of Olives - that He would return when His people welcome From political scandal, weeks of protests, Iran's threats, and terrorism, Israel is in the middle of a crisis! Unlike other news outlets, we havent put up a paywall. Hes been doing this since he was a child, making him highly esteemed in certain Orthodox circles. Isaiahs prophecyis the clearest description that the Hebrew Scriptures offer concerning the identity of the Messiah. ~ Tuvia Pollack October 27, 2020. Endnotes #kehilanewsisrael #messianic #shabbat #verseoftheday, Hear from Chad Holland as he shares how increased prayer and repentance begins the process of revival. B. Isaiah 53:5 states, "But he was . Thank you for the insight. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. "On Yom Kippur, Moses brought the Torah down from Sinai. 4 S. H. Levey. King David occupies the exact middle position between Adam and the Messiah. To illustrate the religious fervor gripping much of Israel these days, the host of Punto Breslev showed the clip of Rabbi Shlomo Yehudah arriving at the Western Wall. If you share these values with us, please consider supporting our work by joining The ToI Community. Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great,And He shall divide the spoil with the strong,Because He poured out His soul unto death,And He was numbered with the transgressors,And He bore the sin of many,And made intercession for the transgressors. (Isaiah 53: 1-12). Jacob later prophesied: The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the rulers staff from between his feet, until tribute comes to him; and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples (49:10, ESV). A Closer Look: Messianic Expectations. the way in which the gospel of Jesus is intimately bound to the life and destiny of . Les is the Field Director for The Friends of Israel Australia, a ministry representative and office manager in Adelaide, Australia. proclaim the Good News that Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Were literally almost over. Israel365 News is the only media outlet reporting on it. The Qumran community who produced these scrolls also expected one of their leaders to be the Messiah. The divine presence will leave the diaspora and will come here to protect us the rabbi said. Do one act of kindness. NEVER. Jesus non-resistance contradicted their expectations of Messiah and convinced them that He was not the one promised in the Old Testament. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide controlled consent. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Sign up to our free daily newsletter today to get all the most important stories directly to your inbox. Israel365 News is the only media outlet reporting on it. He claimed Isaiah 53 was not referring to the Messiah, but to the Jewish people, as mentioned above. Under normal circumstances this was the way it should be. So now we have a request. The host of Punto Breslev later released an English-language video (which we wont link to since he also spent a great deal of time slandering Yeshua) in which he explained the misunderstanding and stressed that neither he nor any other rabbi was declaring Shlomo Yehudah Beeri to be the Messiah. Showing them this passage of Scripture isverypowerful! Teaching by Meno Kalisher from the Book of Revelation chapter 9. Rather, he advised, Were living in the most exciting time in the universe, moments before Moshiach is coming, so take advantage of that. my righteous servant will justify many, and He will bear their iniquities. Required fields are marked *. A Blog by Ed Stetzer (, accessed 4th Feb 2021. Israelis are told alongside a photo of the supposed Messiah. Thats why we started the Times of Israel ten years ago - to provide discerning readers like you with must-read coverage of Israel and the Jewish world. Leading rabbis testify, A neshama like his descends once in many generations. And now, we merit discovering a small portion from the childhood of a Torah giant who grew out of a generation in upheaval into a pure world of yearning and longing for Hash-m. From his youth he paved his way in acquiring the Torah in its complete entirety and spreading its light on ways of peace; becoming a magnet which draws and retrieves, and further irrigating the assembly who searches out Hash-m, those thirsty for water. #kehilanewsisrael #messianic #messianicnews, "it wasnt until the 20th century that the term West Bank appeared." For those with eyes who can see shall knoweth me. 'The Messiah should arrive anytime between September 2021-2022' Kabalist Rabbi Deduces "He has told you, O man, what is good, And what Hashem requires of you: Only to do justice And to love goodness, And to walk modestly with your God;" Micah 6: 8 (the israel bible) Rivkah Lambert Adler Biblical News November 17, 2020 3 min read , translated scepter as ruler and rulers staff as prince, which transferred the objects to the possessor, making them a person. Oops I placed the wrong link in my comment above: 30. For seven years, he ruled only over the Tribe of Judah from Chevron. Do you rely on The Times of Israel for accurate and insightful news on Israel and the Jewish world? My 3 Points Personal Analysis: 1. Who has believed our report?And to whom has the arm of theLordbeen revealed? Please help spread the good news, for we must work while it is day, for the night will come when no one can work. We are holding right before the end. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Issue published: February 1, 2021 Jennifer M. Rosner. Why Spanish-speaking Christians? The action you just performed triggered the security solution. I believe that we are seeing this clearly today. This Scripture always made me understand that Jesus did not just come for His people Israel but ultimately for the whole world: Get out of your country,From your familyAnd from your fathers house,To a land that I will show you. May its power penetrate all who drink in its words, with hope and salvation. was published on YouTube a few days ago and, at the time of this writing, has been viewed close to 27,000 times. This specific event as described in the bible signals the start of the end times. Theres a reason that theres so much chaos in the world and that is because God has abandoned all of the beauty and glory of the nations. Whats another half a year or a year? Ron is a sought-out conference speaker and shares passionately about the Jewish Roots of the New Testament and Gods broken heart for His ancient people Israel. 53:11). (Is. It takes just a few seconds. Menu. The Messiah: Who Was Israel Expecting? New Testament we believe philosophers and great man existed but not Jesus/Yeshua. (Israel) will be the place where all of the beauty and glory is found.. We say reports in quotation marks because this story appears nowhere in the Israeli media, not even in Orthodox Jewish news outlets that are almost as eager as their Christian counterparts to address this topic. Years ago, back in the days of dial-up internet andCompuServe, I was in an e-mail bulletin board debate with a Jewish man. Seems like the first horseman will be unleashed soon. Its time to say, Its our last push. These events as foretold by the bible are already being fulfilled in our generation. In this context the term is analogous to child prodigy, though its a little outdated since Shlomo Yehudah is no longer a child. The Dead Sea Scrolls provide an interesting interpretation of Isaiah 11:15, identifying the branch as Messiah, who destroys Israels enemies, the Romans, even killing their king. Ron and wife Elana make their home in Tel Aviv. Copy Link Copy Link Summary; BEWARE TALMUDIC PROPHECIES! Follow along the sowers ABC seeds of faith. Incorrect password. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. And among those who appeared in the above video clip, Shlomo Yehudah is greatly respected. appeared first on Bible Prophecy In The Daily Headlines. Our biases might be our most fatal mistake! This is the first time a Chasidic Jewish stream has been willing to admit the obviousIsaiah 53 describes the Jewish Messiah. This is where he got the label Yanuka thats also appearing in all the Christian videos and articles. by David Shishkoff. Its nonsense. In a recent interview, renowned Israeli Rabbi Daniel Asor warned of a globalist takeover happening as we speak. Alas, Israels top court chooses to forego said honor. 53:10-11). I will make you a great nation;I will bless youAnd make your name great;And you shall be a blessing. (literally evil speech, meaning gossip and slander) and by learning as much Torah as possible. This was followed by The Esau Effect in 2009, a primer about the war between Esau and Jacob in the end of days. He is despised and rejected by men,A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.And we hid, as it were,ourfaces from Him;He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. By clicking. Matthew 13:4-9 And I can never read Isaiah 53 without tears springing to my eyes, every time. Already a member? They did not accept His credentials as their Messiah, primarily because He did not fit in with their rules, especially concerning the Sabbath, and He threatened their position of power. Why do they still deny Him when so much points to the fact that He is the true Messiah? Israeli worship leader reaches out to the sons of Ishmael in latest project, Meet Shilo Ben Hod and the SOLU group:Worship, praise and prayer ministry to prepare the way for the Yeshuas return, Israelis Look for and Find Yeshua Online, YWAM leaders tour Israel with aim to bring back message for the next generation, Israel at a Crossroads: Laws that Cant be Changed & Laws that Shouldnt be Changed Part 1, The Importance of Godly Garments- Tetzaveh, Iconic Tower of David spire in Jerusalem is removed and repaired after fear of collapse, Israeli volunteers save earthquake victims in Turkey, Haifa University receives ancient Christian maps of Jerusalem and Israel, Gold bead from late antiquity discovered in City of David excavations, [VIDEO] Baruch Haba/Kadosh (feat. This has come about because of three prophecies by Rabbis concerning the coming of their messiah, although there are more. 4,925 views Share 1 0 followers 531 Brutus_Of_Goy Published on Apr 6, 2021 The head Rabbis are saying that they have crowned their Messiah, Ben David in private and will crown him soon in public. First, Anava addresses the common misunderstanding that its forbidden to estimate the time of the arrival of Moshiach. The only answer, He is risen!!! #kehilanewsisrael #messianic #messianicnews, "Adonai went ahead of them in a column of cloud during the daytime to lead them on their way, and at night in a column of fire to give them light; thus they could travel both by day and by night." Judas and the Black Messiah is a 2021 biographical crime drama film about the betrayal of Fred Hampton (played by Daniel Kaluuya), chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party in late-1960s Chicago, by William O'Neal (played by LaKeith Stanfield), an FBI informant. Some of the followers of the deceased former Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, believe he is the fulfillment of Isaiah 53; that he is the suffering servant and Messiah. Established in 1990, ONE FOR ISRAEL began as a Bible college and has since expanded to a multi-faceted ministry with the express goal of reaching Israelis with the Good News of Yeshua, training and equipping the Body of Messiah in Israel, and blessing our community with Yeshua's love. Keep in mind, Antichrist is a homosexual (possible, but not sure). Let's talk about the future shall we. Justices Salim Joubran, Yoram Danziger and Anat Beron rejected his petition then but not without reading it. What informed that rejection? Read More: The post Jewish Messiah Appears In Israel! Itll be something completely different. - We so desperately need you! He who hath wisdom calculate my birth unto thy realm. In Jewish liturgy, the State of Israel is referred to as, Now David the shepherd might have been born in 2854, but he didnt become. The general populace heralded Him as their Messiah as He entered Jerusalem (Matthew 21:111; Mark 11:111; John 12:1219), but this was short-lived. (Messiah) and how we should be preparing ourselves for it. Jewish expectations of the Messiah in the time of Jesus focused on the coming of a conquering king. Should not we to Passover and not Easther? 27:57-59). Truth is that there are around 25,000 copies of the New Testament writings to verify its reliability, which puts the record of other historical figures to dust! Perhaps you have Jewish friends for whom you are praying. And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. First, Anava addresses the common misunderstanding that its forbidden to estimate the time of the arrival of Moshiach. In Blogs by Les Crawford April 1, 2021 10 Comments T oday Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah of Israel. Prophecy from the Bible is revealing itself as we speak. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Years ago, back in the days of dial-up internet andCompuServe, I was in an e-mail bulletin board debate with a Jewish man. Zechariah prophesied of Israels response to the coming Messiah and identified Him as pierced, which again confirms His inevitable death (Zechariah 12:10). And the crowds that greeted him?